8 week Recomp Tren/11-oxo/Furaza



.25mgs, my mistake. If I get any prolactin gyno symptoms I'd up the dosage, but I haven't had any, yet. As they say, "prevention is better than cure".
Lesson learned!


Day 24: My shadow

Workout was so-so. I felt good. No issues there. My son wanted to kick it with me and workout. And nothing comes before my son. So he did some exercises with me and distracted me from doing even more, haha. But he was excited to lift and hangout and dammit I can't say no to that. Going to get a battery for my scale at home to find out where I'm currently at. I'm not a huge scale guy but it gives me a reference point and I feel I need to know right now. I'm looking slimmer but I'm not sure if that's an illusion because I'm just all over bigger right now. Making the skin a bit tighter. Happy with where I'm at. Still pushing. Got miles to go before I sleep . . .

Nips are about the same. No worse. Maybe a bit better. I took exemestane for the 3rd day. Not sure if I'll keep running it. If I do it will be an every other day thing. Caber is in the wings to try should I need to. A little nip sensitivity/puffiness isn't uncommon for ph users so I'm not freaking out and I'm not quitting. I'll finish this ****er come hell or high water. Also grabbed some letro, rolax, p5p and re-up'd N2guard and AD-3 PCT; enough to complete the cycle.


Bent Over Standing Rev Flys: 55 (4x15)
Palms in Pull Ups: 6 no assistance 4 foot on chair

Shrugs: 135x30, 225x20, 315x12, 355x10, 400x10

Arnolds: 55 (4x12)


Days 25 -28: Back from the dead/Memorial Addition

Friday - Sunday I didn't lift. Friday was busy and I decided to do Friday on Saturday. However, I got sick Saturday and Sunday and my body was weak and I just didn't feel good enough to lift. I did dose those days but I might have missed one or two. On that note, I reduced tren to 100mg since I'm pretty sure it's tren's prolactin sides ****ing with my nips. They haven't got worse. Seriously. Actually sensitivity has gone down. Once the issues popped I immediately (basically) started running pharm grade arimosin and I began using caber .5mg twice a week. I'm at the point where I'm deciding if I want to continue the tren at 100mg or if I want to complete the cycle with a different ph (like h-drol) but I'm not sure. I'm not sure what ph would be good to substitute yet if I go there or if tren at 100mg will eventually compound the prolactin issues it's already created. Like I said it's not as bad as it initially was but I don't want to be so bullish on this cycle that I do long term damage when I could easily sub a stronger, I'll be it methylated, ph. Any suggestions here would help me out!

I did do my rehab band work all days. My shoulder is hella tight again and needs heavily stretched. I had a couple refills on the anti-inflammatory my doc wrote me so I filled one and took a dose yesterday and today. Immediate help. I benched yesterday and still felt sluggish from whatever my body was fighting. Also when I started the pain in my shoulder didn't allow me to do 135 even 5 times. But I stretched like mad and didn't give up and by the end I did 2 sets of 135 reps of 10 very controlled and in form. It was a great pump honestly. Feel almost 100% today and I'm back in business. Also, I tried to pick up letro but the online pharm I ordered from had a ton of bad reviews so I canceled it. I'm currently looking for a place I can get it at a good deal. Finally, P5P should be here today.

Chest and Back:

Bench: 135x5, 135x5, 135x8, 135x10, 135x10
Push Ups: 35x4

Standing Reverse Fly: 55 (4x15)
Pull Ups: 4x6 (body weight) 4x4 (leg on chair)
BB Standing Bent Over Rows: 115x12, 125x12, 135 (2x8)
Deadlift: 225 (4x10)


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Great log, keep it up. My daughter was with me on Monday (Memorial Day) and I had legs to train. She loves coming to the gym and seeimg everything and every body. She constantly wants to talk and play. I had a great workout, but making her smile and laugh was more important, than going all hardcore.


Here's what I'm thinking - and please chime in if you have info that you feel is helpful

I considered dropping tren and adding a different ph due to prolactin sides. But instead I'm thinking of dropping Furaza and substituting OL's Epi. Since prolactin sides haven't increased and nip sensitivity has decreased, I'm thinking of just keeping tren dosed at 100mg; in combination with, dosing exemestane 25mg eod or every third day, .5mg caber twice a week, p5p at 150mg to 200mg (research suggests this is a good dose for minor existing prolactin issues), AD3 PCT with 800mg of L-dopa and Epistane at 45mg for the added anti-estro properties. I am still taking Arimacare Pro which has 200mg of Tudaca for liver and 200mg more L-dopa. Not sure if taking Epi would require more liver protection. Also I'm aware of rebound gyno with Epi but I'm pretty straight with pct controls.


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I found the sides at 120mgs ed too much, really poor sleep, etc. 90mgs works for me, but I am also running triumphalis (much prefer it to Epi) The One (D-plex) and GW-501512 ( really helps with cardio when taking Trendione). Recommend you check out Triumphalis.


I found the sides at 100mgs ed too much, really poor sleep, etc. 75mgs works for me, but I am also running triumphalis (much prefer it to Epi) The One (D-plex) and GW-501512 ( really helps with cardio when taking Trendione). Recommend you check out Triumphalis.
I actually just bought two bottles. I actually looked it running onstead of epi. I'm trying epi because of its anti-estro properties. Very interested in running triumph but I did find anything saying triumph does the same. But I will run it soon. Glad Ty o hear you like. Also i have gw for pct I think about running it on cycle next time. Thanks


New member
I actually just bought two bottles. I actually looked it running onstead of epi. I'm trying epi because of its anti-estro properties. Very interested in running triumph but I did find anything saying triumph does the same. But I will run it soon. Glad Ty o hear you like. Also i have gw for pct I think about running it on cycle next time. Thanks
Last time I ran Trendione I was short of breath when doing cardio, and GW has really helped and as it's non suppressive I will run it through PCT also. Re Epi, I appear to be one of the few Epi non responders, so Triumphalis is my obvious choice on a recomp. Watch out for the estrogen rebound from Epi, it catches some people out, but you sound pretty clued up, anyway.


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I found the sides at 120mgs ed too much, really poor sleep, etc. 90mgs works for me, but I am also running triumphalis (much prefer it to Epi) The One (D-plex) and GW-501512 ( really helps with cardio when taking Trendione). Recommend you check out Triumphalis.
Thats a killer stack bro and can't wait to see the results.


Day????? Who the Hell Knows? (Actually 35 - I think)

So I'm just going to pick up here. Haven't updated in a few days but life got stupid busy. I was able to lift and even hit a few personal bests (relative to lifting after my injuries and not all around personal bests.) My stack is a bit different so I'll update. I dropped Furaza and subbed Epi. I also up'd Trest a bit to help combat the added lethargy. Also I reduced my Tren dose. Everything seems to be working great together. Didn't know the estro affects a higher Trest dose would bring but I haven't noticed any. But I'm good if something should pop up but I'm also taking exemestane (trest) and caber (tren) weekly now for prevention reasons. So, I'm running

Tren - 100mg
Trest - 125mg
11x - 900mg
Epi - 60mg
Exemestane - 25mg every two days
Caber - .5mg Every third day
P5P - 200mg
Rehab (which I will drop at the end of the bottle - overkill)
Fish Oils

I think that's it. Body is responding well. I'm about the same weight (a little under) but I look so much bigger and fuller right now. I'm to the point people are getting that "Have you been working out?" itch. Even my wife is commenting on how good my body is looking. Just so we're clear that's good in relation to what I was. I still have a ways to go before I'm "good" in comparison with some of you freaks (haha).


Day 36: another one bites the dust.

With work and life this chaotic I did miss Tuesday's lift. So I did Tuesdays Legs and Abs and Wednesday's Arm workout together. I was on pump cloud 9. Forearms, Tri's, Bi's, Quads; all on swole yesterday. Getting fire hose veins. Veins in thighs, chest, shoulders and my arms in general. Also my lower back was a bit too swole. Had mild back pumps yesterday. Sleep has also been an issue but I'm not sure if it's a tren effect or just a life effect right now. Aggression and energy stays high. I do get short of breath a little easier. This may just be ph tren's version of "tren cough." But no complaints. Things still moving well.

Squats: 135x20, 155x20, 170x12, 185x10
Walking Lunge: 135 (4x8 each leg)
Jump Squat: To failure

Plank: 4x60 seconds
Sit ups: 4x35
Seat Core Twist with 25lb plate - Touching floor on each twist: 4x25

Close Grip Bench: 135x30, 155x20, 185 (2x12)
Military Push Ups: 4x25
Skull Crushers: 95 (4x12)

Standing DB Curls: 45 (4x10)
Standing BB Curls: 85 (4x10)
Reverse Grip Pull Ups Body Weight (3x10)


Day 37: The Trash Can Challenge

Yesterday was shoulders, back and traps which I did none of. Sucks being this sporadic with my workouts but my job and my life are turned up right now. It's an excuse I realize. I wish I was better at mornings. I can't get up or going even if I was on fire it seems. I'll make up for yesterday today. Promise. It also seems I'm in competition with my trash can to see who can fit more **** inside. I have been eating like a monster the past few days and I'm bloating a bit. Cleaned it up so I should be in stride by Monday. I have about 3 weeks left in this cycle before PCT and I'm already planing my next run, #junkie #strungout, haha. I have a bunch of **** to choose from but this cycle has shown me the need for a solid test base so I'm currently researching test based ph's. I'd like to find a list of them but that's not as easy as it sounds. For me at least. I'm loving trest so I may just grab the transdermal and run that with whatever I get into next. Also, there are some ph's out there I know very little about that I want some info on like P-mag. P-mag is just an example. I have no clue if I care to run it or others I'm less familiar with. I do know I'll do a bit more research this time. I felt really confident I knew what I was in for this run. Reading write ups will make you think tren has potential sides but it's much milder than others. Bull****. What you learn is basically 9 of 10 people with gyno issues got them from tren. Also I didn't realize that tren estro sides and trest estro sides are different and require different treatments and prevention methods. Maybe I didn't look hard enough because I didn't want to know. You find what you're looking for I guess. Luckily the sides haven't derailed me and I've got them handled but if I didn't have everyone here as a resource and the pocket book to be able to afford a solution and to get them here asap I really could have been ****ed. Whatever I do next I'm taking markam04's philosophy that prevention is better than a cure.


Day 40: Swole City Bitch

"You look Swole!" My wife to me as I came in from working out. Pump was biggie sized today. Took 1.5grams of taurine to help with the slight back pumps I've had the past couple training sessions. Might have something to do with it. Today was a random arm day. Wanted a lift before I did yoga and I won't hit arms again until Wednesday so what the hell. Had a few high carb - high fat meals so I had the energy and I needed to sweat. Side note; I'm thinking of grabbing another epi bottle and extending the run at least another two week if not four. I put trest and epi in later in the run. The added time will give me a full six to 8 week run with trest and epi. As it stands epi will only see 4 weeks and epi's real work isn't done until around week three. So I feel I'm missing my window with epi if I don't take the run longer.

Alt DB Curls: 35 (4x20)
Straight Bar Curls: 80 (3x15), 1x12
One Arm DB Preachers: 25 (4x20)

Standing Overhead Extension: 80 (4x20)
Military Push ups: 4x50
Dips: Body Weight 4x12


Day 41: Heavier

Seems the added eating last week put a a bit of muscle on. BF is still around 14% but I'm back up to 210. Muscle is dense and hard. Shoulders and traps are noticeably bigger. Still a bit bloated but the calories have eased the joints a bit as well. Not that they were bad but tense in connective tissues and that's gone. Diets much cleaner. I'm feeling better. Not as sluggish. Wasn't able to lift today. Still working actually. Busy day. Doing push ups and sit ups to keep the blood moving. Oh I should mention had BP tested today. Still in a normal range but still a bit out of whack for me. It was 128/71 which it's been around that since the begging of the run. I'm typically 120/78.


Day 43: The End is Nigh

Opened last 11x bottle today. That means I have 10 more days. I knew from the beginning 11x would run out a couple weeks sooner than the rest. Didn't care to spend the money to dose it this high for two more weeks. I'm wondering if I'll see a difference? Workout was short but effective today. Put a couple more pounds on the bar and did a couple more pull ups. After workout forearms and bi's had road map veins. Pump is insane. I have up'd my taurine to 1.5gs prior to workout but I'm not sure that can be the sole reason.

Chest and Back:

Bench: 135x20, 185x12, 195x10, 205x8, 225x5
Incline: 135 4x12
Push ups 4x50

Standing Bent Rev. Flys: 50 4x12
Palms in Pull Ups: Body Weight 4x8
Standing Bent BB Rows: 135 4x10


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Re Test base, Dermacrine is quite popular but very mild. A combination of Trest oral and transdermal would be my choice, funds permitting. I've just added Trest to my cycle pre workout, and now on two caps ed, and when I drop the 17-as methylated compounds (I tend to run these for a max of 5 weeks, and I will up the dosage to 3 caps ed with Trenevar and D-Plex. Trest is 7a methylated which is much less toxic than 17a methyls, and although D-plex is a 17a methyl it's still less toxic than Epi, Halodrol, etc. High dose Epi is pretty bad for your lipids, but I'm a non responder, anyway, but I wouldn't run it too long, if I was you.

Re P-Mag, I've run Mechabol which is Antaeus labs version of P-Mag, but better according to many. Really enjoyed running this and it's a good mass builder and has a great 'feel good factor' to it. Some water retention, but that makes it easier on the joints.


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Re Test base, Dermacrine is quite popular but very mild. A combination of Trest oral and transdermal would be my choice, funds permitting. I've just added Trest to my cycle pre workout, and now on two caps ed, and when I drop the 17-as methylated compounds (I tend to run these for a max of 5 weeks, and I will up the dosage to 3 caps ed with Trenevar and D-Plex. Trest is 7a methylated which is much less toxic than 17a methyls, and although D-plex is a 17a methyl it's still less toxic than Epi, Halodrol, etc. High dose Epi is pretty bad for your lipids, but I'm a non responder, anyway, but I wouldn't run it too long, if I was you.

Re P-Mag, I've run Mechabol which is Antaeus labs version of P-Mag, but better according to many. Really enjoyed running this and it's a good mass builder and has a great 'feel good factor' to it. Some water retention, but that makes it easier on the joints.
Tried to inbox you but not able to do so

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