6ish week cut cycle



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Between the Dehydrated feeling, light headachs and blury vision i was really assuming it was BP issues. As i took my bp i was already Telling myself that I'm going to have to drop back to trt and maybe bring epi down to a minium.

Today i have no headach at all. Bp was 117/71 and im looking for one of you guys to tell me to extend the cut 6 more weeks and throw a extra cc of test and necrobombs back in the picture😬
Yeah man, I for one, am all in on extending the cut and bringing in more test and necrobombs.
Wasn’t it Zoo that had those, man I miss a lot of those goodies he used to have.


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haha so funny, I'm a dude that has to shave his back and I admit to such a thing sheepishly, but have never done the legs.

My pullup game is strong right now💪, probably better or the same as when i was a teenager fighting 165/178. too bad my pull out game wasnt that good back then lol, these kids are driving me nutz!
irony: i have less shoulder issues in my day to day life now than historically, but pull-ups are hard on my shoulders. kipping pull-ups are dangerous on my shoulders, butterflies are all but a complete no go. If I were to ever attempt legit xfit again my first month would be 100% mobility focused.

and im looking for one of you guys to tell me to extend the cut 6 more weeks
what are you weighing in at? I mean, we're only in June. lots of summer left to build that bikini bridge


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haha so funny, I'm a dude that has to shave his back and I admit to such a thing sheepishly, but have never done the legs.

irony: i have less shoulder issues in my day to day life now than historically, but pull-ups are hard on my shoulders. kipping pull-ups are dangerous on my shoulders, butterflies are all but a complete no go. If I were to ever attempt legit xfit again my first month would be 100% mobility focused.

what are you weighing in at? I mean, we're only in June. lots of summer left to build that bikini bridge
I think was 193-195, i added the necrobombs for 10 days and went back up to 200-202 and after removing them im 193-195. I gotta go look through my notes Because my short term memory is terrible. Im lean enough to switch gears, but i dont completely want to switch gears. I'm running around like a maniac every day and it's really hot and I don't think i can maintain the appetite to bulk to any significant Degree. So i can keep cutting, or hold calories and increase my doses. Which is what i'm leaning towards doing.

on hand i still have 2 full bttls of epiandro, 2 vials test e, 2 eq, 2mast e, 5ml of a tren e/a mix, 1 trest ace inject , some necro bombs that are 15/15/30 msten/dmz/trest. 3 bttls rad 150 oral and a boatload of igf des, like 7 bttls


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T3, t4 and boatloads of serms and ai but im not really needing that stuff. I just started 150mcg t4 per day at my boys suggestion. But honestly, i dont fully understand t4. I just know I have a hard time with T3, clen and cramps so t4 was his suggestion and he said bump to 200-250 if i add hgh


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i still have 2 full bttls of epiandro
i still love epiandro but I feel like 1 week off and I can already see my hair getting thicker again. in my case, the off cycling of epi is almost more about that than anything else, lol. Increasing the dosage this last run was awesome.


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on hand i still have 2 full bttls of epiandro, 2 vials test e, 2 eq, 2mast e, 5ml of a tren e/a mix, 1 trest ace inject , some necro bombs that are 15/15/30 msten/dmz/trest. 3 bttls rad 150 oral and a boatload of igf des, like 7 bttls
You know rich people are rich at least partially because they don’t spend everything they have, right?


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Interesting workout yesterday

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I walked in the boxing gym and there were a couple young kids doing some really crappy squats and cleans so i rounded them up and we did squats, power cleans and farmers walks before i sent them off to the strength coach when he walked in. I had a 15min break bullshitting with him and then continued on my way.

By that point I didn't think it was a good idea to attempt Max rep pull ups after doing those lifts so i finished with a few things and il do my max pull ups with shoulders and triceps next workout


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So yesterday, I was supposed take a rest day or do back, Shoulders and triceps. Oops! I did a bunch Of rotator cuff stuff and some dead hangs and really tried to stretch my shoulder out.

Then I went for max reps with a neutral grip and got 26! I think If I had someone yelling at me I could have squeezed out a few more.

After that I hopped into a 45 minute boxing class and used that as my cardio and called it a wrap.

Training has been odd lately. Its been random but i keep checking old workouts and im progressing still on everything that dont hurt.

I do think a little more structure is waranted before i bump the doses.

My plan for the next step is 500 test/400mast/100tren.

The tren would be 6 weeks

Any thoughts? Il kerp on with the epiandro too


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Real talk….. would need a harem of women on deck at all times, I would never survive


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So yesterday, I was supposed take a rest day or do back, Shoulders and triceps. Oops! I did a bunch Of rotator cuff stuff and some dead hangs and really tried to stretch my shoulder out.

Then I went for max reps with a neutral grip and got 26! I think If I had someone yelling at me I could have squeezed out a few more.

After that I hopped into a 45 minute boxing class and used that as my cardio and called it a wrap.

Training has been odd lately. Its been random but i keep checking old workouts and im progressing still on everything that dont hurt.

I do think a little more structure is waranted before i bump the doses.

My plan for the next step is 500 test/400mast/100tren.

The tren would be 6 weeks

Any thoughts? Il kerp on with the epiandro too
That’s a great cycle for a cut, and really just enough Tren to reap benefits without increasing sides. Between your cycle, workouts, and your work in this heat, you should really get shredded into that sub 10% range.💪😎


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Real talk….. would need a harem of women on deck at all times, I would never survive
Instead il just be extra Irritated at my girl for npt putting out enough and il have some late night dates with palmala handerson😅


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Had some extra rest yesterday and today for kids school Ceremonies and graduation stuff.

Tomorrow's double sessions and a updated cycle and meal plan


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Started a new program today after taking a total of five days off. Three of those days were active recovery and two days were pretty much me doing nothing. I guess we could call this my deload and im going ham for the next few weeks. The other workout is weighted chins, power cleans, squats, rows, walking lunges or step ups and some biceps mixed in.

Oddly enough These are all exercises that don't bother my shoulders on both days. I been battling so many nagging aches and pains that I almost hate to put my workout up ahead of time for the fear that i'm gonna have to change it for an injury lol.

Today i pinned some extra test and mast and im gonna do a few weeks of 30mg rad 150.

400 test, 300mast per week
30mg rad per day
625(approximately) td epiandro.

My skin will not let me do 15 pumps a day but 7-8 is very managable.

Im gonna add more but i wanna start here and i may decide to start 100mg tren tomorrow as well but idk yet. Im pretty stressed out right now And adding even a small amount of trend might not be the best idea. For those of you who dont know, tren Doesn't really make me angry or agressive. But it does make me sad and Not really care about other people's feelings as much as I should. Doesn't mean that i'm rude or mean to them but I just kind of don't care when someone has a problem unless it's a serious problem unless it's a serious problem. Basically on tren I don't have time for people's whining nonsense, but i'm also sad for some reason. Lol


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Started a new program today after taking a total of five days off. Three of those days were active recovery and two days were pretty much me doing nothing. I guess we could call this my deload and im going ham for the next few weeks. The other workout is weighted chins, power cleans, squats, rows, walking lunges or step ups and some biceps mixed in.

Oddly enough These are all exercises that don't bother my shoulders on both days. I been battling so many nagging aches and pains that I almost hate to put my workout up ahead of time for the fear that i'm gonna have to change it for an injury lol.

Today i pinned some extra test and mast and im gonna do a few weeks of 30mg rad 150.

400 test, 300mast per week
30mg rad per day
625(approximately) td epiandro.

My skin will not let me do 15 pumps a day but 7-8 is very managable.

Im gonna add more but i wanna start here and i may decide to start 100mg tren tomorrow as well but idk yet. Im pretty stressed out right now And adding even a small amount of trend might not be the best idea. For those of you who dont know, tren Doesn't really make me angry or agressive. But it does make me sad and Not really care about other people's feelings as much as I should. Doesn't mean that i'm rude or mean to them but I just kind of don't care when someone has a problem unless it's a serious problem unless it's a serious problem. Basically on tren I don't have time for people's whining nonsense, but i'm also sad for some reason. Lol
Looks like a solid plan and cycle…..believe me I understand having to design a workout around shoulder issues, but the key is your not letting it stop you and you find a way to put in the work.

Happy Father’s Day


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If you have a suspicion something may bother something, like squats and your knees, you can put that at the end of the day - and don’t try to save yourself for it. So when you get to squats you are already worked hard, and then if the knee makes it intolerable you won’t feel as bad cutting it out.

Whenever I am in pain, I often let it ruin the rest of the workout. I just don’t try as hard & tend to kind of write it off instead of focusing on what I still can do. But if I can avoid pain, it’s easy to just do other things that feel fine. So the trick is to not get hurting early on for me.


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I do like RAD….always seems to make a good difference both cosmetic and performance-wise.


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Accountability- i went completely off the rails last night and after dinner i crammed down well over 4000cal in trash. Idk why i thought it was a good idea to take home leftovers and once i poped the dessert trays i ended up going to the store for more milk and bought oreos too😵💫😵💫😵💫holy fukballs, i woke up sick and sweating like i had a fuking hangover. This is why i laugh when i give ppl diet advice and They tell me that I don't understand what a eating disorder or binge eating issues are. Ya ok sista, my life is a eating disorder lol


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Accountability- i went completely off the rails last night and after dinner i crammed down well over 4000cal in trash. Idk why i thought it was a good idea to take home leftovers and once i poped the dessert trays i ended up going to the store for more milk and bought oreos too😵💫😵💫😵💫holy fukballs, i woke up sick and sweating like i had a fuking hangover. This is why i laugh when i give ppl diet advice and They tell me that I don't understand what a eating disorder or binge eating issues are. Ya ok sista, my life is a eating disorder lol
Better to be running out under the cover of darkness for milk than an 8ball and a handle of Morgans


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Plus it was Father’s Day so Fukkit. You weren’t the only one that went to town on food and woke up sweating. I ate1.25lb Wagu Delmonico, 4 Rule1 bars, and two 16oz of milk
Wife had gotten donuts and breakfast pizza for me as a surprise when I got home from training - had 2 chocolate angel crème Krispy Kreme and half a pizza over the afternoon around some swimming, before a big dinner of pork chops and such later - and cheese curds & ham before bed.

‘Twas a fine day indeed


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Plus it was Father’s Day so Fukkit. You weren’t the only one that went to town on food and woke up sweating. I ate1.25lb Wagu Delmonico, 4 Rule1 bars, and two 16oz of milk
Wife had gotten donuts and breakfast pizza for me as a surprise when I got home from training - had 2 chocolate angel crème Krispy Kreme and half a pizza over the afternoon around some swimming, before a big dinner of pork chops and such later - and cheese curds & ham before bed.

‘Twas a fine day indeed
We went with New York Strips, Loaded Baked Potatoes, Salad, and Brownies.😎


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Im super excited for todays workout.

Today i'm gonna find what my max reps for pull ups are with a extra 25 lbs on me.
5×5 power cleans (light 145lbs) im easing into these But for some reason they don't bother my shoulder at all, squats or pile squats, chest supported rows. Heavy bag and biceps at the end


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My skin will not let me do 15 pumps a day but 7-8 is very managable.
I used Steves epiandrolean when I was trying to megadose to get extra epi in me without trashing skin real estate. I really helped cross that barrier for me.

tren Doesn't really make me angry or agressive. But it does make me sad
funny thing is I never noticed that on epi until this last run since I ran about double my normal dose towards the end. I finally found that irritability and when I came off my mood went south fast for about 1 week. I popped a single epi capsule (300mg) 3 times (not 3 days in a row) to help me come back to normal, and it got me right real fast. I normally don't have to taper down after the epi runs but I definitely felt like my mood was trashed after coming off a much higher dose than normal.

Accountability- i went completely off the rails last night and after dinner i crammed down well over 4000cal in trash. Idk why i thought it was a good idea to take home leftovers and once i poped the dessert trays i ended up going to the store for more milk and bought oreos too😵💫😵💫😵💫holy fukballs, i woke up sick and sweating like i had a fuking hangover. This is why i laugh when i give ppl diet advice and They tell me that I don't understand what a eating disorder or binge eating issues are. Ya ok sista, my life is a eating disorder lol
When I'm running super lean like 10% or less BF and eating lean my body craves fats in a weird way. it's a subconscious thing. a stick of butter looks like a candy bar. I want to spread mayo or ranch or even at least avocado on everything.


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I used Steves epiandrolean when I was trying to megadose to get extra epi in me without trashing skin real estate. I really helped cross that barrier for me.

When I'm running super lean like 10% or less BF and eating lean my body craves fats in a weird way. it's a subconscious thing. a stick of butter looks like a candy bar. I want to spread mayo or ranch or even at least avocado on everything.
the epiandrolean was the idea but i ended up throwing the mast in so i think with the 600+ td and adding mast im hoping to get similar effects.

the fat thing is weird, ive never experienced that. I usually crave cookies instead lol. Well, i guess theres a lot of fat in 28.5 oreos lol


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I took the 155 clean and pressed it on to my shoulders for these step ups and they Or surprisingly harder than I thought they were going to be. I made it a pretty tall step and adding to that was the balancing act. Im gonna **** with those for a while.

By the time I got to the bicep stuff I was shot.

Overall feel good but i also felt tired quick from the cardio side.


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Yeah, 20 reps of 155 lbs step ups would kill my knees. I do alright in early reps, but step ups get my old knees too snap, crackle, and pop pretty quickly (old Arthur starts protesting).
View attachment 243204

And the ladies are starting to beef up there buds
That’s some mighty pretty ladies you got growing there. Looks like you’re gonna have a good football season harvest.😎


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155lb step ups at 20 reps would trash me too lol.
Yeah, 20 reps of 155 lbs step ups would kill my knees. I do alright in early reps, but step ups get my old knees too snap, crackle, and pop pretty quickly (old Arthur starts protesting).

That’s some mighty pretty ladies you got growing there. Looks like you’re gonna have a good football season harvest.😎
In my mind i thought they would be easy. I think im gonna lower the reps amd do more sets, they dont hurt my knees at all, But I bet as I'm getting tired and my balance is starting to go I may risk injuries that way so I probably shouldn't do higher reps.


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Yesterday was 40min cardio. Pretty high intensity for the most part.

Calories need to come down and protein needs to go up. Im getting to that stubborn lower ab fat now. It looks like a 6 pack and im lean but theres a solid inch of fat i wqnna get off my waist. I think im gonna go into a 2 week hardcore mini cut leading up to the 4th and then go into a maitnence/recomp phase And just try to tighten up.
While maintaining my body weight.


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Yesterday was 40min cardio. Pretty high intensity for the most part.

Calories need to come down and protein needs to go up. Im getting to that stubborn lower ab fat now. It looks like a 6 pack and im lean but theres a solid inch of fat i wqnna get off my waist. I think im gonna go into a 2 week hardcore mini cut leading up to the 4th and then go into a maitnence/recomp phase And just try to tighten up.
While maintaining my body weight.
That lower ab waist area is the most stubborn fat, and the last to go for me too.


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Ive not really Done many progress picks at all and I don't plan on doing a bunch unless someone wants me to. But this was after my friday night binge a little bloated,
and this was monday morning after the bloat.obviously better light on this but i needed a better pic without shadows.

Waist line is a little low sorry bout that, i want another 1-1.5 inches off my waist and then il move on to the next stage


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No gyno flare ups either so thats huge for me. I think I really need to run test with all dht compounds in the future. I know my doses have been low.
But i've had zero issues with anythin other then a rash. Hopefully going up to a gram wont change that. I took a big 3.5ml shot today thar was 375 test, 300 masr and 75 tren to kinda speed up the build up of hormones, il do another 3.5 sunday and then go back to daily smaller doses.

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