4AD+ Nanodrol Hunger/Stomach problems?


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Currently on a 4ad/nanodrol cycle. Seeing great progress and gains, awesome stack. As of recently however, I have started having serious stomach issues. Everytime I eat I start to get nauseated, and eating enough calories is insanely hard. about half my calories come from liquid, or else i wouldnt eat much at all. Anyone else experience something similar on a prohormone cycle or have some tips to help with it? I didn't know if it was stomach acid related, or possible from the methylation? Thanks


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Probably from the methylation. What’s your cycle layout and cycle support? I slightly remember my appetite diminishing on nanodrol as well, but it wasn’t anything major. It’s not uncommon with orals to do this as far as I know.


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Probably from the methylation. What’s your cycle layout and cycle support? I slightly remember my appetite diminishing on nanodrol as well, but it wasn’t anything major. It’s not uncommon with orals to do this as far as I know.
6 week cycle
-Andro test (4ad) 6caps(725mg?)/day
-Nanodrol 1/1/1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5
-Armicare pro full dose
-Generic multi
-Tudca 500mg in addition to what is in armicare
Armidex on hand if needed

Everything I can remember, at work ATM. If I forgot something I'll add it when I get home and I can check everything. I thought it was the methylation, googled liver stress and I have most of the symptoms. No yellow skin or eyes, but apparently nausea is a sign of liver stress. I'm going to get blood work as well next week. So nothing I should be worried about? Glad I'm not the only one haha


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1.5 is a pretty high dose for nanodrol, definitely the highest I’d run it. I think you’ll be fine, it’s nothing major from the sounds of it. My issue was that I was taking nsaids for a neck injury on top of a fair amount of preworkout which resulted in too much stomach acid, which gave me gastritis. I’d avoid nsaids on oral cycles and minimize usage of preworkout. But like I said, you’re probably fine.


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Nasuea sometimes gets me on orals.
I get used to eat
I take em with fatty food like oatmeal with peanut butter

Ginger helps me with nausea

If piss is clear I wouldn't trip

Have you taken arimicare before?


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1.5 is what?
1.5ml. Each ml is 15mg, but it’s nanoparticulated so apparently the bioavailability is increased by 50-60% making it more potent mg/mg in comparison to regular msten. So technically 1.5ml=22.5mg nanoparticulated msten which should be equivalent to around 33.75-36mg regular msten if I’m not not mistaken.

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