3rd cycle. Need critiquing, please.


New member

Goal: To be fucking awesome.

Getting things together for my 3rd cycle, and looking for input. The previous 2 where Test E/Anavar/GW/HCG, with a good PCT.
This 3rd one, im considering the following:

Weeks 1-15 Test E 250mg 2x
Weeks 2-7 Anavar 50mg ED
Weeks 10-15 Tren 100mg 2x
Weeks 1-End Asin 12.5mg EOD
Weekes 2-End HCG 250iu 2x

Nolva/clomid/letro/caber on hand.

Ill only be using the tren, and anavar for 6 weeks each, and put them at opposing ends of the cycle. My thinking is that Im comfortable with the test/var/asin/hcg, so if im going to take the risk of using tren, id rather it be near the end in case of any ridiculous sides.
I’d tweak it a bit:

  • Test E: weeks 1-6 500mg/week, weeks 7-13 250mg/week
  • Test P 70mg EOD weeks 14-15
  • Anavar: weeks 1-6 50mg/day
  • Tren E: 200mg/week weeks 2-13 OR Tren A: 50-60mg EOD weeks 7-14 (If you decide to go with Tren A, I’d pin 70mg of test E EOD instead of doing 250mg once per week or 125mg twice per week

I’ve noticed that high test + tren means problems, ah least for me.

6 weeks for Tren E is also too little, and 2x week for Tren A is not often enough.
I’d tweak it a bit:

  • Test E: weeks 1-6 500mg/week, weeks 7-13 250mg/week
  • Test P 70mg EOD weeks 14-15
  • Anavar: weeks 1-6 50mg/day
  • Tren E: 200mg/week weeks 2-13 OR Tren A: 50-60mg EOD weeks 7-14 (If you decide to go with Tren A, I’d pin 70mg of test E EOD instead of doing 250mg once per week or 125mg twice per week

I’ve noticed that high test + tren means problems, ah least for me.

6 weeks for Tren E is also too little, and 2x week for Tren A is not often enough.
So I just tested my "Test E", and it came out as Test P. Usually pin mon/thu, so i think i should still be ok. The tren is supposedly E, but who knows now. I got them both from SIXPEX.
I was WRONG. SIXPEX tested fine. I was just impatient, and didnt wait long enough fot the test to fully finish. I tested it against known/good test E from a reputable source, and it was the same. SIXPEX is good to go.
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So I just tested my "Test E", and it came out as Test P. Usually pin mon/thu, so i think i should still be ok. The tren is supposedly E, but who knows now. I got them both from SIXPEX.
If your test e came back as prop your screwed because you cant make prop much higher then 100mg/ml so your test e 250 is probably test p 100. I would never spend another penny with that source if i was you
If your test e came back as prop your screwed because you cant make prop much higher then 100mg/ml so your test e 250 is probably test p 100. I would never spend another penny with that source if i was you
If they can’t even get test right I wouldn’t even use another thing from them
Don’t use tren. I’d recommend using ment instead with an injectable sarm. Tren sucks and it makes your mind warped. I got better results on injectable yk11 10mg a day and ment 10mg a day than tren 300mg a week. I was benching 405 close grip on incline. Also I recommend spreading your injections out more frequently, every day or every workout day preferably.
I used Tren A for my first cycle in decades at age 49. Don't be afraid of it, just keep the dose low and judge the sides. I'm running it right now with Test P and Mast P and keeping the dose around 125 mg/wk.

In that first cycle, after a few weeks at around 200 mg/wk, Libido through the roof but I couldn't finish in the bedroom. I could jackhammer for over an hour, no finish. Basically needed to jerk it with sandpaper if I wanted to finish. After about 6 weeks, began losing boners. Caber helped with the prolactin sides, Inhibit P was not enough. Restored myself with Caber but I lost a 1-1.5 weeks of sex. In terms of getting towards "fucking awesome", it certainly does that. Use the short ester, start low, ramp up if needed.

Now, pinning EOD Tren A around 125 mg/wk. Very low sides. Libido through the roof for the first 4 weeks, back to slightly above normal now. I will drop it completely if I lose erections. At week 5 I did a lab test. E was at 41, Prolactin was normal. I used exemestane 12.5 mg 4x (total) by week 5, and none 5+ days before the lab test.

Age 50 now, not on TRT.
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I was WRONG. SIXPEX tested fine. I was just impatient, and didnt wait long enough fot the test to fully finish. I tested it against known/good test E from a reputable source, and it was the same. SIXPEX is good to go.

I was WRONG. SIXPEX tested fine. I was just impatient, and didnt wait long enough fot the test to fully finish. I tested it against known/good test E from a reputable source, and it was the same. SIXPEX is good to go.

So, your test(ing) showed that your Test E was really Test P .... But when you later Tested it again, and let the Test(ing) sit longer, it showed that it was really Test E, after all??

This is just weird, man.
What Test(ing) are you using?
So, your test(ing) showed that your Test E was really Test P .... But when you later Tested it again, and let the Test(ing) sit longer, it showed that it was really Test E, after all??

This is just weird, man.
What Test(ing) are you using?
Dont make no sense to me either
So, your test(ing) showed that your Test E was really Test P .... But when you later Tested it again, and let the Test(ing) sit longer, it showed that it was really Test E, after all??

This is just weird, man.
What Test(ing) are you using?
As soon as you mix it, it stays yellow for a bit. After a couple minutes it darkens. Test P stays yellow. The others darken to an amber, and then a slightly darker.

I used the RoidTest kit. I know it has a lot of mixed reviews, but its worked for me previously.