300mg per week Test-C only bulk (till bloods or halted progress say STOP.)12.5mg Mk6


  • Established
I've found the logs of others to be incredibly helpful for trouble-shooting/optimizing ones one's cycle so I though I'd keep a log on here as well for both myself and others to use as a reference.

(Stats and gear.) So for a quick-ish run down I'm (22 5'10, and 160 lbs at 15-16% body fat.) I have been on TRT for 9 months now and will be for the rest of my life. My natural levels with a healthy diet, lifestyle, and every test boosting supplement under the sun think Vitamin D, ZMA, etc were tested between 150-250ish 3 times over over a year or so. So after a long talk with my doctor and a brain scan to check for tumors I was put on 100mgs of Test-C to treat my hypo-gonadism and anemia.

(Rough plan and goals) The results from going on TRT were stellar I leaned out and packed on some muscle for the first time and now that I've got my form down and a decent but admittedly in-complete plan in place I've decided to "up my TRT dose to 300mg split twice weekly ;)" and do a long, slow and steady, bulk. I have no specific target except to pack on mass and do a mini cut every time my waist measurement/mirror indicates that I'm headed to 20% body fat. I love training and I just want to be able to do it more and actually recover. I will run bloods every 6 weeks (I live 2 miles from a Labcorp location!) and keep running the higher test until either my bloods get out of wack, or I stop progressing at a reasonable rate and go back to my base TRT for a few months.

(Training) I train full body strictly every other days 9 sets of chest and back, and 6 sets of legs and will taper up as recovery allows. I do chest, back, and then legs to let my upper body rest for about 10 minutes then rinse repeat and then finish with accessory work which I am tapering up as I get a feeling for recovery. So far seen great progress bench up 30 lbs in 2 weeks and all other lifts except front squats have been equally parabolic (thanks water bloat!).

(AI) For AI I originally planned on starting with aromasin at 6.25mg M,W,F but already figured out 10 days in that if I let the estrogen run a little higher the bloat and water really helps with the lifts and I don't mind the water belly and bitch tits all that much. So now I run it 6.25 E3D, on the days I do I piss out 3-4lbs of water by bed-time and get my flabs back.

(Diet) For diet I am less concerned with a little fat gain so I am starting with a 600 base caloric surplus, I add 400 on training days and add on any calories I burn doing cardio. I hit 200 grams of protein, 50% carbs, and the rest fat and will subtract any alcohol from equally from carbs and fat roughly when I do drink it.

(Supplementation) For supplements I take 25mg of ephedrine and 200mg of caffeine pre-workout and eat some salt if I don't have any bloat from crashed E levels. Also I plan on trying an intra-workout drink of warm juice to replenish muscle glycogen since I do long full body workouts. (It's warm to improve the rate of gastric emptying.) Also I take 12.5mg of Mk-677 before bed to improve sleep quality and recovery since I am a light sleeper and was worried it would hamper recovery rate furthermore I am curious to see if my bloods at 4-5 weeks out show any increase in GH and IGF-1. So far all the sides from the MK-677 have passed by day 5 except the hunger which is mild and I am able to control with higher fiber intake. I also plan on adding in fish oil for bloods lipids.

I will post some pictures and soon as I can figure out how to crop out my face and send them to my laptop to add on here, (later today hopefully.)


  • Established
Day 17 (Long bi-monthly update)

(Training)Have seen nice steady strength gains in the gym, noting over the top but I've certainty been progressing quicker than I was on my base 100mg TRT. My recovery has been excellent I've uped the leg work to 16 sets (Heavy on squats and leg press, lighter on leg curl and whatever the one for hamstrings is called.) Farmers walk has shown the biggest improvement along with seated rows, while bench and wide grip pull-ups have been showing the least. I am thinking or reading Jeff Caviler's (Athlean-ex) training program for training like an Athlete and incorporating more stability/flexibility training and heavy ab work on my off days to improve my training sessions and reduce the odds of injury. Furthermore I plan on taking yoga classes and plan on doing a 10-15 minute "intense" yoga as a pre-workout warm up. The pumps have been amazing and I feel like zeus walking around the gym by twenty minutes in lol.

(Nutrition) Am still eating at about a 800-1000 surplus with carbs at 50%, hitting a minimum of 200 grams of protein, and filling the rest with healthy fats. Recovery has been adequate on this surplus and have been creeping up the training volume and will continue to push it until I stall for 3 sessions then up the calories by 200 or so coming from 50/50 carbs and protein. Fat gain minimal/hard to discern so far.

(Supplements and AI) I've got my aromasin nailed down to 6.25 mg e3d, I typically starting getting puffy nipples at the end of day most days, more so on the day right before the dose and before the dose has kicked in on dosage day. The Mk-677 is still being dosed at 12.5 mg a day, the hunger has largely subsided although I could still eat quite a bit more than my natural appetite would normally encourage which considering I am running a 800-1000 calorie surplus mean the MK-677 is still clearly stimulating my appetite. Sleep has been amazing, I find I need about and hour less to feel fully rested and continue to have vivid dreams every night. No major water retention to report, I typically keep my potassium intake at 1.5x my sodium intake which seems to help. I still get a great sense of well being from the MK-677 and have been less stressed than I've ever been in my life in these last 2-3 weeks. I plan on experimenting with somatostatin inhibitors after I get my bloods drawn in the next two weeks based on reading the thread of another member of this forum whose's experimented with them and plans on getting blood-work to test their efficacy.

(Closing thoughts and side effects) I am so glad I decided to do this, I've had some of the best two to three weeks of my life. Being able to train more brings me great joy and the results are nice fat cherry on top. I am up 6lbs and look very full and the best I've looked in my life. I've been in a great mood the entire time and have become more polite and assertive at the same time, furthermore I've had very low stress and things that once seemed daunting now seem like nothing more than a daily task to knock out. No changes in sex drive to note. My acne as improved and has been the best it's ever been in years, I am still not sure why it's healed so much I actually started another thread to try to figure out why. (Improved T:E ratio, switching from once a week to twice a week injections, and lowered cortisol being proposed culprits.)

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