3 Inexpensive Supplements to Increase T (verified by clinical studies & labs)


I'm 40 y/o and my testosterone level at my last check was 880ng/dL (near the top end of the range). D3, Boron Citrate, and KSM-66 have kept my numbers at that of a healthy 18y/o despite my age. I put together a video outlining how I use these supplements, brands I recommend, and what to check with labs to remain objective.

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Here are a few lifestyle tips that can help with Testosterone levels.

Training: Don't overtrain, don't undertain, and make sure you're doing heavy compound lifts regularly. Every workout in my free program begins with a compound movement.
Diet: Cut the sugar and processed foods, and eat plenty of healthy fats. Alcohol can negatively impact testosterone so practice moderation.
Sleep: Get on a regular sleep schedule. I recommend 7-8 hours. If you can get to bed by 11PM or earlier even better!
Stress: Take steps to reduce stressors in your life, and make time to do activities which relieve stress. Also, if you're overweight or obese you're gonna have issues with your androgens. Reducing bodyfat and increasing muscle mass should be a priority if you're looking to optimize hormones.

*Disclaimer: I'm a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, not an MD. This is not medical advice. My opinions are based on clinical studies, personal experience, and shared experiences from friends and clients. Data > Feelings! GET LABS!!!
And Dr. Reza Naghii, the professor who has studied Boron for about more than 30 years (his studies proving increase of testosterone etc) used Bororganic Glycinate in many of his studies
And Dr. Reza Naghii, the professor who has studied Boron for about more than 30 years (his studies proving increase of testosterone etc) used Bororganic Glycinate in many of his studies
Oh ok I was simply curious. That makes sense.
I'm 40 y/o and my testosterone level at my last check was 880ng/dL (near the top end of the range). D3, Boron Citrate, and KSM-66 have kept my numbers at that of a healthy 18y/o despite my age. I put together a video outlining how I use these supplements, brands I recommend, and what to check with labs to remain objective.

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Here are a few lifestyle tips that can help with Testosterone levels.

Training: Don't overtrain, don't undertain, and make sure you're doing heavy compound lifts regularly. Every workout in my free program begins with a compound movement.
Diet: Cut the sugar and processed foods, and eat plenty of healthy fats. Alcohol can negatively impact testosterone so practice moderation.
Sleep: Get on a regular sleep schedule. I recommend 7-8 hours. If you can get to bed by 11PM or earlier even better!
Stress: Take steps to reduce stressors in your life, and make time to do activities which relieve stress. Also, if you're overweight or obese you're gonna have issues with your androgens. Reducing bodyfat and increasing muscle mass should be a priority if you're looking to optimize hormones.

*Disclaimer: I'm a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, not an MD. This is not medical advice. My opinions are based on clinical studies, personal experience, and shared experiences from friends and clients. Data > Feelings! GET LABS!!!
Great video, been taking boron already daily and was taking ksm-66 5 times a week preworkout (but only at 300mg). Ordered some D caps as well as some SNS KSM to use on my rest days.

Subscribed and hope to see more vids like this one. Thanks!
How much Boron do you guys suggest. I had good results both with 9mg and 6mg but was wondering if I can use these dosage without interruption or if it’s better to take lower dose for longer period of time and not cycle.
How much Boron do you guys suggest. I had good results both with 9mg and 6mg but was wondering if I can use these dosage without interruption or if it’s better to take lower dose for longer period of time and not cycle.

Dr.Reza suggestion:
12mg for 2 weeks then 6mg (some use for months, some even longer)
How much Boron do you guys suggest. I had good results both with 9mg and 6mg but was wondering if I can use these dosage without interruption or if it’s better to take lower dose for longer period of time and not cycle.
was just about to ask the same thing
Danes, I'm wondering what are your thoughts about adding in Bioprene to enhance absorption even further?

for Boron Citrate it may help, but for Boron from Albion's Bororganic Glycinate, it wouldt be necessary at all. It has amazing bioavailability and absorption.
What I recommend is Shilajit , Fulvic acid enriched.
It will really help (Boron Citrate)
I tried Swanson's Boron Complex at 12mg per day but I didn't feel much from it. I guess I should have taken a higher dose.
i think that one is different compound than the one hes talking about
The complex he took was Boron Citrate/a
Aspartare/Glycinate. I bet it was microdose of Glycinate. Thats why I recommend 12mg Glycinate version first 12 weeks then 6mg (for months)
The complex he took was Boron Citrate/a
Aspartare/Glycinate. I bet it was microdose of Glycinate. Thats why I recommend 12mg Glycinate version first 12 weeks then 6mg (for months)
going to try this, thank you!!! :)
The complex he took was Boron Citrate/a
Aspartare/Glycinate. I bet it was microdose of Glycinate. Thats why I recommend 12mg Glycinate version first 12 weeks then 6mg (for months)
up top somewhere you said take 12 mg for 2 weeks.....now you are saying 12 weeks?
Raisins also have a ton of boron in them. I think a serving has between 2-3mg.

I take 10mg boron for a few weeks and 3mg after that for a few more weeks and keep cycling between. I dont think there is any disadvantage to making boron a permanent part of your supplement routine.
Raisins also have a ton of boron in them. I think a serving has between 2-3mg.

I take 10mg boron for a few weeks and 3mg after that for a few more weeks and keep cycling between. I dont think there is any disadvantage to making boron a permanent part of your supplement routine.

isn't there a study that shows prolonged boron lead to reduced testosterone? I'm guessing that got debunked ?
isn't there a study that shows prolonged boron lead to reduced testosterone? I'm guessing that got debunked ?
Pretty sure that has been disproven but I cycle it anyway. At 3mg a day, that's what a lot of other countries has in their normal diets.

There are studies from Israel where the boron content of their soil is a lot higher than many other places including America and people get a decent amount in from fruits and veggies. They claim the reason osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are less common in Israel is because of the boron in the diet .

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Yeah boron is good to go. I don’t even give my sons a multivitamin but give them boron. I put it right up there with always makeong sure to use iodized salt. Boron, zinc, magnesium is the only daily supplements I stick to. Never taken vitamin d but I work outside.
Yeah boron is good to go. I don’t even give my sons a multivitamin but give them boron. I put it right up there with always makeong sure to use iodized salt. Boron, zinc, magnesium is the only daily supplements I stick to. Never taken vitamin d but I work outside.

Dr. Reza Naghii who ran studies on Boron for decades said its ultra effective for kidney stones, prostate health, androgens ++.
Its dirt cheap and even people on Anabolics should use it (Prostate health,making androgen receptors more sensitive ++)
Dr. Reza Naghii who ran studies on Boron for decades said its ultra effective for kidney stones, prostate health, androgens ++.
Its dirt cheap and even people on Anabolics should use it (Prostate health,making androgen receptors more sensitive ++)

just catching up on the thread .. i assume this is what you recommend danes ?
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yes, this is the one.
2 caps (12mg ) for 2 weeks the 1 cap (6mg) for months
will be getting... @Danes it is a true pleasure to have you and your knowledge/expertise back on this forum again!!! (y)
Doesn't Optimize-T have this type of boron @ 6mg per dose ?
a well as Shilajit , Fulvic acid enriched

Yes it does .. explains the great feedback
I bought 9 of the Swansons, lol

1 here .. taking with optimize-T ..so that gives total of 12mg as suggested above :)

the small lil capsules reminds me of kilosports trenadrol lol (1st batch)
She started it yesterday, 6mg 1x day. She started focus xt, bacopa and boron. Today she feels energy and good. I will continue to post based on mood, brain fog, memory, focus, libido.