2nd cycle finished and Results


New member
i recently finished my Cycle which was Test E 500 for 14 Weeks EQ 12 Weeks @400 and Dbol 4 weeks 50mg. I started the cycle at about 178 with about 12BF and I am now sitting at around 195lb. The cycle had a lot of trial and error and injuries but finished the cycle ok. The cycle ended May 20th and In Mid June I started 4 weeks of Osta.. I have to say Osta works miracle at 25mg per day but it was very suppressive.

I felt completely dead from waist down. So i had to stop that and stated a mini PCT, thing started to feel fine and I went for blood last week. I have the results and I would like to put it up here so you more advanced guys can tell me what you think, because i for some reason feel like the libido is not the same and strength is come and go.

Starting my next cycle in Sept which will include A bombs from Teragon for 5 weeks 50/50/100/100/50, T400 for 12 weeks @ 800mg/w and Tren Ace for 6 weeks at 75mg EOD but it is all dependant on how the blood look. The GP said everthing is great but i would like you guys opinion on it. Goal is this around keep diet in check eat like and animal everyday and get to about 220lbs.

Thank you for all your help. I have put a pic of the recent blood work


New member
Sorry couldnt get pic up. Free test was 109 pmol/l
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