1st Contest, plz help.


Workouts today went amazing. I killed my legs, I'm even more excited for when I get my new stack.


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Workouts today went amazing. I killed my legs, I'm even more excited for when I get my new stack.
What's your leg day look like?


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Who makes endurance?


Here was my daily log for yesterday 12/6.
Wake-Up: 3 Hgh up, 4 sample fat burner pills.
Meal 1: 8 egg whites, 2 whole. 1c oats. 1 green tea.
Meal 2: 8oz chicken breast, ~8oz yams.
Meal 3: 2tbs almond butter, 4 celery sticks.
Meal 4: 8oz tilapia, 1c quinoa.
Meal 5: 8oz chicken breast, ~8oz yams.
Meal 6: 8oz tilapia, 1c quinoa.

I lifted early in the day approximately 2hrs after meal 1. I lifted legs. Quads in the AM, Hamis in the PM right before work. 6hrs apart.
Leg Ext. 3x25 (Warm-up)
Squat 4x8-12
Front Squat 4x8-12
Hack Squat 4x8-12
Leg Press 4x8-12
Leg Ext. 4x8-12

Db Stiff Deadlifts 3x8-12
Lying Leg Curl 3x8-12
Seated Single Leg Curl 3x8-12
Hip Add. 3x12
Hip Abd. 3x12
Glute Machine 3x12
Standing Calves on Smith Machine 5x15-25
Seated Calve 5x15-15
Tibia Machine 5x15-25.

Legs were toasted, they felt great! Today was arms, ****ty day compared to yesterday. I shouldn't of lifted but had to be there for my partner/ friend. I usually wake up around 5:15 to get ready for the day, but wheneve I lift with my friend I get up at 4:30 so I can eat, and lift at 6. I overslept til 5:30 so I had no meals in me before the workout, No pre-workout either. But I had to prove to myself that even if i'm not ready or not I still must put an effort. Every set I wanted to give up but I thought to myself then, "If I quit now, what's the chance of me being disappointed and walking away from this prep." I thought hard, and dug deep for any aggression/ drive I had. I pushed through it, and completed the workout. My weights weren't what I had planned to do, I still used moderate weight about 75% of what I usually do and focused on the stretch and contraction of each exercise. One thing that kept me going was that If I cant bring it physically, I have to bring it mentally. I gotta put my mind to it. If I don't have both the physical or mental ability then I now I shouldn't lift. But Mentally I didn't wanna give up!

Today's Lift:
Close Grip Bench 4x8-12
Rope Pushdown 3x8-12
Rope Ext. 3x8-12
Reverse Pulldown 3x8-12

Ez Bar Curl 3x8-12
Hammer Curl 3x8-12
Machine Preacher 4x8-12
Incline Curls 3x8-12

Meals for today are same as yesterday.


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Here was my daily log for yesterday 12/6.
Wake-Up: 3 Hgh up, 4 sample fat burner pills.
Meal 1: 8 egg whites, 2 whole. 1c oats. 1 green tea.
Meal 2: 8oz chicken breast, ~8oz yams.
Meal 3: 2tbs almond butter, 4 celery sticks.
Meal 4: 8oz tilapia, 1c quinoa.
Meal 5: 8oz chicken breast, ~8oz yams.
Meal 6: 8oz tilapia, 1c quinoa.

I lifted early in the day approximately 2hrs after meal 1. I lifted legs. Quads in the AM, Hamis in the PM right before work. 6hrs apart.
Leg Ext. 3x25 (Warm-up)
Squat 4x8-12
Front Squat 4x8-12
Hack Squat 4x8-12
Leg Press 4x8-12
Leg Ext. 4x8-12

Db Stiff Deadlifts 3x8-12
Lying Leg Curl 3x8-12
Seated Single Leg Curl 3x8-12
Hip Add. 3x12
Hip Abd. 3x12
Glute Machine 3x12
Standing Calves on Smith Machine 5x15-25
Seated Calve 5x15-15
Tibia Machine 5x15-25.

Legs were toasted, they felt great! Today was arms, ****ty day compared to yesterday. I shouldn't of lifted but had to be there for my partner/ friend. I usually wake up around 5:15 to get ready for the day, but wheneve I lift with my friend I get up at 4:30 so I can eat, and lift at 6. I overslept til 5:30 so I had no meals in me before the workout, No pre-workout either. But I had to prove to myself that even if i'm not ready or not I still must put an effort. Every set I wanted to give up but I thought to myself then, "If I quit now, what's the chance of me being disappointed and walking away from this prep." I thought hard, and dug deep for any aggression/ drive I had. I pushed through it, and completed the workout. My weights weren't what I had planned to do, I still used moderate weight about 75% of what I usually do and focused on the stretch and contraction of each exercise. One thing that kept me going was that If I cant bring it physically, I have to bring it mentally. I gotta put my mind to it. If I don't have both the physical or mental ability then I now I shouldn't lift. But Mentally I didn't wanna give up!

Today's Lift:
Close Grip Bench 4x8-12
Rope Pushdown 3x8-12
Rope Ext. 3x8-12
Reverse Pulldown 3x8-12

Ez Bar Curl 3x8-12
Hammer Curl 3x8-12
Machine Preacher 4x8-12
Incline Curls 3x8-12

Meals for today are same as yesterday.
really well rounded leg day man, I like the program. I quit the leg extensions because of knee issues and added more volume to my squats and threw in sumo deadlifts for more quad work. You just can't get focus on the quads like you do with extensions though.


really well rounded leg day man, I like the program. I quit the leg extensions because of knee issues and added more volume to my squats and threw in sumo deadlifts for more quad work. You just can't get focus on the quads like you do with extensions though.
Thanks! Next week I'm thinking about adding in some drop sets. What did you do to knees that's holding you back from leg ext. ?


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Thanks! Next week I'm thinking about adding in some drop sets. What did you do to knees that's holding you back from leg ext. ?
I've got some arthritis and it gets aggravaed pretty bad by extensions.


Damn that sucks man! I wish you the best of luck trying to workout with that problem.


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I've got some arthritis and it gets aggravaed pretty bad by extensions.
Ouch. That's no fun. I have a good part of my miniscus gone and the part remaining "flips" on me from time to time and it feels pretty arthritic. I was doing legs twice a week and extensions were killing me too. Had to back off to once per week and really warm-up slow. It's effected the weight I handle on squats because the "flipping" seems worse on squats. Take care and good luck.


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Damn that sucks man! I wish you the best of luck trying to workout with that problem.
Ouch. That's no fun. I have a good part of my miniscus gone and the part remaining "flips" on me from time to time and it feels pretty arthritic. I was doing legs twice a week and extensions were killing me too. Had to back off to once per week and really warm-up slow. It's effected the weight I handle on squats because the "flipping" seems worse on squats. Take care and good luck.
Thanks guys. Really doesn't bother me with squats as long as I keep my knees stable laterally and keep the weight well behind my toes. If I lose form when going heavy I feel it for days and get kinda swollen.


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I basically feel the same way. If I drive through my heels and keep the weight off my toes/ball of foot I'm usually okay. However, just mentally thinking of using the ball of my foot and heel evenly shifts more emphasis to quads, which is what i need to focus on, but alas, I can't do that or I won't be squatting at all.


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I basically feel the same way. If I drive through my heels and keep the weight off my toes/ball of foot I'm usually okay. However, just mentally thinking of using the ball of my foot and heel evenly shifts more emphasis to quads, which is what i need to focus on, but alas, I can't do that or I won't be squatting at all.
the thing that made the biggest difference for me was going shoeless and lifting my toes up through the entire rep. makes it impossible to shift weight too far forward.


Have you guys ever tried those toe shoes? I've always wanted to get a pair for legs but I love my nikes!


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Have you guys ever tried those toe shoes? I've always wanted to get a pair for legs but I love my nikes!
I've thought about grabbing a pair but Idk, it freaks me out a little I guess. Lol.


It freaks me out thinking if I drop some weight on my foot I'll be in more pain wearing toe shoes than regular shoes. My mom got me these new bikes yesterday they're sick!


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It freaks me out thinking if I drop some weight on my foot I'll be in more pain wearing toe shoes than regular shoes. My mom got me these new bikes yesterday they're sick!
Lol, you drop any meaningful weight on your foot it won't matter what kind of shoes you're wearing. Lol


I've been lucky once! But then again it was 2 1/2 plate lol.


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I have a pair, I hate them, what size are you. They cost 90 bucks if I were to buy them, wore them once. They are vibrams. I wore them to walk around my neighborhood and couldn't stand the way they felt. A freind of mine (female) won a male and female pair at one of her crossfit competitions so she gave me the male pair.


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Haha. Make that a 25 and you're in trouble!
I ve had that happen with shoes, and it hurt. Probably would have lost a toe if it were Vibrams.

I had a kid I was training set a dumbell on a bench off ballance. When I walked up it fell perfect on my pinky toe. I lost the toe nail. it was bleed under he nail, nasty.


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I ve had that happen with shoes, and it hurt. Probably would have lost a toe if it were Vibrams.

I had a kid I was training set a dumbell on a bench off ballance. When I walked up it fell perfect on my pinky toe. I lost the toe nail. it was bleed under he nail, nasty.
Yikes! Luckily I haven't dropped a plate yet!


Here's my recent pics, taken today right after I woke up. I decided to lower carb intake starting today, I was eating nothing b sweet potatoes and yams past few days for carbs. I felt I was eating to much, so I cut them from 200g-100g. I plan to start Keto soon in the next 2 weeks. Here's how it's coming along:

Let me know on what I should work on more. I have my opinions, but I'd like to hear from you guys.


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Here's my recent pics, taken today right after I woke up. I decided to lower carb intake starting today, I was eating nothing b sweet potatoes and yams past few days for carbs. I felt I was eating to much, so I cut them from 200g-100g. I plan to start Keto soon in the next 2 weeks. Here's how it's coming along:
<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71582"/><img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71583"/><img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71584"/><img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71585"/><img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71586"/><img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71587"/><img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71588"/><img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71589"/><img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71590"/><img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71591"/>

Let me know on what I should work on more. I have my opinions, but I'd like to hear from you guys.
Back is looking sick and you've developed nice quad separation. Good job!


Thanks Bro! Any advice on Hami's? I feel like I'm lagging there.


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Thanks Bro! Any advice on Hami's? I feel like I'm lagging there.
Those are tough for most I think but you're looking proportionate that's most important


My daily log for Dec. 10: Today went pretty great! I woke up ate my first meal and took my new bought Orange Triad. I watched some motivational vids before I lifted, and I was pretty pumped for the most part. Today I did Legs. I split them again doing Quads/ Calves in AM, and Hamis/ Abs in the PM. I was planning to do 15min H.I.T. After my 2nd session, but just warming up walking before I tried to run I was cramping in my quads. I Figured it was fine to just do cardio tomorrow after my workout. I got my Endurance BCAA's from Formutech nutrition just after I got home from my 1st lifting session. I took some white flood prior to lifting quads and I was straight gone. My mind was focused on one thing...Train Hard, Don't Give Up! I busted my butt during quads. I finished the workout by killing my calves as well. After the workout I took a post workout I made out of Creatine Monohydrate, Aminos, Glutamine, and a different BCAA product. I Went to work after and felt great. I got off around 5:30, and left work for the gym once more. I hit my hamis hard, I had good contractions and stretches throughout the 2nd session. After I took ENDURANCE, OMG WOW. It beats the hell out of my other BCAA supp. It tasted delicious! Watermelon was the flavor. Instantly I was feeling better than when I started. So far Day 1 of Endurance was a good run. Now I'm just waiting til I get my other product from Formutech, and I will log about it on this thread. I'm feeling better and better everyday, I'm confident, I'm going to be shredded this contest, and I'm going to win! I'm going all in for the win and I'm pushing my limits to the max!

Here's my lifts for today:
Warm-up Leg Ext. 2x25
Squat: 5x8-12
Front Squat: 5x8-12
Hack Squat: 5x8-12
Leg Press: 5x8-12
Leg Ext: 5x8-12
Standing Calf on Smith Machine: 5x25
Seated Calf: 5x25
Tibia Machine: 5x25

DB Stiff Dead: 4x8-12
Lying Leg Curls: 4x8-12
Seated Single Leg Curls: 4x8-12
Glute Kicker: 4x8-12
Hip Add. 4x8-12
Hip Abd. 4x8-12

Ab Circuit:
Decline Leg Lifts
Decline Crunches
Decline Rev Crunches
Broom Twists 25 reps

I Did 2 circuit going to failure for each exercise.

1: 8 egg whites/ 2 whole, 1 c oats, 1 green tea.
2: 8oz beef tenderloin, 1 c brown rice, salad.
3: 8oz tilapia, 1 c brown rice, salad.
4: 8oz chicken, 1 c brown rice, salad.
5: 8oz chicken, 1 c brown rice, salad.
6: 2tbs almond butter, 1 c coconut milk.

Until tomorrow...CHEST!


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My daily log for Dec. 10: Today went pretty great! I woke up ate my first meal and took my new bought Orange Triad. I watched some motivational vids before I lifted, and I was pretty pumped for the most part. Today I did Legs. I split them again doing Quads/ Calves in AM, and Hamis/ Abs in the PM. I was planning to do 15min H.I.T. After my 2nd session, but just warming up walking before I tried to run I was cramping in my quads. I Figured it was fine to just do cardio tomorrow after my workout. I got my Endurance BCAA's from Formutech nutrition just after I got home from my 1st lifting session. I took some white flood prior to lifting quads and I was straight gone. My mind was focused on one thing...Train Hard, Don't Give Up! I busted my butt during quads. I finished the workout by killing my calves as well. After the workout I took a post workout I made out of Creatine Monohydrate, Aminos, Glutamine, and a different BCAA product. I Went to work after and felt great. I got off around 5:30, and left work for the gym once more. I hit my hamis hard, I had good contractions and stretches throughout the 2nd session. After I took ENDURANCE, OMG WOW. It beats the hell out of my other BCAA supp. It tasted delicious! Watermelon was the flavor. Instantly I was feeling better than when I started. So far Day 1 of Endurance was a good run. Now I'm just waiting til I get my other product from Formutech, and I will log about it on this thread. I'm feeling better and better everyday, I'm confident, I'm going to be shredded this contest, and I'm going to win! I'm going all in for the win and I'm pushing my limits to the max!

Here's my lifts for today:
Warm-up Leg Ext. 2x25
Squat: 5x8-12
Front Squat: 5x8-12
Hack Squat: 5x8-12
Leg Press: 5x8-12
Leg Ext: 5x8-12
Standing Calf on Smith Machine: 5x25
Seated Calf: 5x25
Tibia Machine: 5x25

DB Stiff Dead: 4x8-12
Lying Leg Curls: 4x8-12
Seated Single Leg Curls: 4x8-12
Glute Kicker: 4x8-12
Hip Add. 4x8-12
Hip Abd. 4x8-12

Ab Circuit:
Decline Leg Lifts
Decline Crunches
Decline Rev Crunches
Broom Twists 25 reps

I Did 2 circuit going to failure for each exercise.

1: 8 egg whites/ 2 whole, 1 c oats, 1 green tea.
2: 8oz beef tenderloin, 1 c brown rice, salad.
3: 8oz tilapia, 1 c brown rice, salad.
4: 8oz chicken, 1 c brown rice, salad.
5: 8oz chicken, 1 c brown rice, salad.
6: 2tbs almond butter, 1 c coconut milk.

Until tomorrow...CHEST!
Again, great update. That's a sick leg day!


It's crazy! But I love it! These updates are coming everyday, Progress pics will be every 2 weeks. I stopped checking my weight, I'm just going by look now, If that makes sense?


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It's crazy! But I love it! These updates are coming everyday, Progress pics will be every 2 weeks. I stopped checking my weight, I'm just going by look now, If that makes sense?
That's all that matters! Weight is just a number man, its arbitrary


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^ agreed. The heaviest man in the competition doesn't get the higher placing.


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^ agreed. The heaviest man in the competition doesn't get the higher placing.
Well, not always at least. Size obviously counts but proportion, preparation and posing are HUGE


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Well your judged on size, symmetry, conditioning and posing and believe it or not color. That's how it is in the IFPA pro ranks that I know.


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Well your judged on size, symmetry, conditioning and posing and believe it or not color. That's how it is in the IFPA pro ranks that I know.
Lol I forgot color. Bring on the bronzer!!


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Mud, just use mud. Cheap and plentiful


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Killing it! How long are your breaks between sets typically?


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I would suggest you start planning your posing routine if you have not already. Focus on the following:
1. Your legs, make sure you highlight them and find the poses that show them off the most. They are you strength and should be displayed as such.
2. Be honest and pick you weakest(relatively) bodyparts and hit those shots the least. No point displaying your least developed parts more than needed.
3. Practice, practice, practice, after 20 mins of posing you would be surprised how hard it is to hold your stomach in when you are gasping for air.
4. Now your routine forwards and backwards. Practicing in front of a mirror is ok at first but there will not be one at the show so eventually you want to videotape your practice to make sure you are hitting the shots right. This is something that you never think of but I know I am used to flexing in a mirror and when I close my eyes and do say a FDB and then open my eyes I am not hitting the pose as well as I do when I can see it and make adjustments on the fly. Basically get used to posing blind.
5. You will need to be tanner than you think. Darker the better.
6. Bring multiple copies of your posing music in case the machine eats it, you loose one or and asteroid hits your first copy. Also if they require tapes(not sure if anyone still uses these) makes sure they are cued up.

Good luck.


Killing it! How long are your breaks between sets typically?
My Rest periods are about 30-60secs, on heavy compound lifts I go no more than 90secs. Sometimes 2mins if necessary.


I would suggest you start planning your posing routine if you have not already. Focus on the following:
1. Your legs, make sure you highlight them and find the poses that show them off the most. They are you strength and should be displayed as such.
2. Be honest and pick you weakest(relatively) bodyparts and hit those shots the least. No point displaying your least developed parts more than needed.
3. Practice, practice, practice, after 20 mins of posing you would be surprised how hard it is to hold your stomach in when you are gasping for air.
4. Now your routine forwards and backwards. Practicing in front of a mirror is ok at first but there will not be one at the show so eventually you want to videotape your practice to make sure you are hitting the shots right. This is something that you never think of but I know I am used to flexing in a mirror and when I close my eyes and do say a FDB and then open my eyes I am not hitting the pose as well as I do when I can see it and make adjustments on the fly. Basically get used to posing blind.
5. You will need to be tanner than you think. Darker the better.
6. Bring multiple copies of your posing music in case the machine eats it, you loose one or and asteroid hits your first copy. Also if they require tapes(not sure if anyone still uses these) makes sure they are cued up.

Good luck.
Thanks man! I've been working on my mandatory's mostly right now just making sure I hit those right. In my pics you can see I'm trying, I know I need improvement but like you said practice, practice, practice! As for my routine I have my song picked out, and a plan for it just need to run it through and practice that. How often would you suggest to practice? Also what is a good tanning product for my skin color? I look white in my pics, but i'm more like a light brown tone.


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Well I would be tanning at least twice a week if it were me. As far as competition tan products I have no experience with them, try to talk to guys who have competed many times.


Well I would be tanning at least twice a week if it were me. As far as competition tan products I have no experience with them, try to talk to guys who have competed many times.
I could tan twice a week my complex has free tanning! I'll look around for some tanning products.


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Ya read reviews and perhaps test them on a small area of skin weeks in advance to get an idea of what they make your skin look like.


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I recommend Jan Tana Competition color. In fact, I'd get the kit with an extra bottle or 2 of the moisturizer and exfoliant. Follow directions to the "T". I try to tan prior it helps my skin. I get very dark and when I do Jan Tana I always 2-3 coats Friday (Jan Tana dries faster than pro tan) and another Saturday. BE DARK! I usually have VERY VERY good color. In fact, I usually hit up a salon near my house and they spray me with 2-3 coats when I can get there on Thursday. Then Friday I only have to do 1 coat and Saturday I touch up, but if I can't get there, I do 3-4 coats of Jan Tana.


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Jan Tana is good, but most important is the person applying it. I like to get professionally sprayed its worth the money to have a good spray.

I too tan befre a show, I will get you the name of the lotion I use, it has a bronzer. Keep your skin moist it helps the spray tan.


My Daily Log for Dec. 11: Todays lift was hardcore! CHEST! I woke up at 4AM to get ready for the big day. I woke up ate brealfast then watched and read some motivational quotes, and youtube vids. I was using some mental exercise to get myself in the game prior to lifting. I was pumped before going, I just wanted to go in do work and handle business. First off I walked into the locker room and was zoning. I took my White Flood and was ready to roll! I warmed up on the treadmill for 5min to get my focus at its max. I then started the lift and from start to finish it was nothing but hardwork, dedication, commitment, and heart! I trained with my partner Nick who is pushing me to my limit everytime we lift. We both did great! I felt great after the workout. I took my post workout and waited an hour before my next meal. During work I was sipping on ENDURANCE BCAA's once again I can't say anything negative about this product, It's awesome. It kept me alive during work that's for sure.
Lift for today:
Incline Smith Machine Press: 5x8-12
Superset Incline Flyes/ Incline DB 4x8-12
Flat DB Press 4x8-12
Decline Hammer Press 4x8-12
Low Crossover 4x8-12
High Crossover 4x8-12

1: 8 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1 c oats, 1 green tea.
2: 8oz tilapia, 1 c rice.
3: 2Tbs almond butter, 1 c coco milk.
4: 8oz chicken breast, 1 c rice.
5: 8oz tilapia, 100g yams.
6: 8oz chicken breast, 100g sweet potatoes.

Train Insane Or Remain The Same!
Back tomorrow!

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