12 Week Run - PrimeXT/AnabolicXT/M-Test



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Hi Guys,

Will be starting this tomorrow. 12 week run, mainly on a cut as I've picked up quite a lot of unwanted holiday fat (worth it). Will be having about 500 calories under maintenance, so looking to cut a few Kg's while maintaining/gaining strength.

Have already been on Prime for around 8 weeks now & I can say the product is fantastic. Around the 3 week mark I noticed an insane amount of strength overnight & continue to get stronger session by session.

M-Test, have been on since the start of the year without stopping, in my opinion the best natural test booster to take year round. Many benefits & very affordable.

I have not tried AnabolicXT yet, but very excited to give this a go as feedback has been incredible.

Dosing will be:

PrimeXT - 9 caps a day (have never gone to 9 as 6 caps has treated me very well, but playing around with dosing to see if 9 yields a greater benefit)
AnabolicXT - 6 caps a day
M-Test - 6 caps a day

Supporting supplements : MCC, Superswole, CissusXT & Joint SupportXT & Orange Triad + Greens Multi-Vit & Max Strength Fish Oil

Training split will be:

Back & Bi's + 30mins Cardio
Chest & Tri's + 30mins Cardio
Legs & Bi's + 30mins Cardio
Shoulders & Tri's + 30mins Cardio

2 days on 1 day off.

Starting Weight fasted this AM was 82kg. Estimated bodyfat is probably around 18%. Will continue to cut until abs are visible and then reassess. My two twin girls will be arriving at the start of October, which is roughly 12 weeks away. So will most likely be out of action for a couple of weeks after that but will continue to log if I get the chance.

Have also included my current physique after 1 week off training & lots of sun. Will use this as a bench mark for comparison photos


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I think you’ll really like AXT, I’m finishing up bottle one of my Prime XT deciding if I’ll do AXT or AE with it next month and/or bump up from 6 caps.

Looking forward to how this treats you for 12 weeks.


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Hi Guys,

Will be starting this tomorrow. 12 week run, mainly on a cut as I've picked up quite a lot of unwanted holiday fat (worth it). Will be having about 500 calories under maintenance, so looking to cut a few Kg's while maintaining/gaining strength.

Have already been on Prime for around 8 weeks now & I can say the product is fantastic. Around the 3 week mark I noticed an insane amount of strength overnight & continue to get stronger session by session.

M-Test, have been on since the start of the year without stopping, in my opinion the best natural test booster to take year round. Many benefits & very affordable.

I have not tried AnabolicXT yet, but very excited to give this a go as feedback has been incredible.

Dosing will be:

PrimeXT - 9 caps a day (have never gone to 9 as 6 caps has treated me very well, but playing around with dosing to see if 9 yields a greater benefit)
AnabolicXT - 6 caps a day
M-Test - 6 caps a day

Supporting supplements : MCC, Superswole, CissusXT & Joint SupportXT & Orange Triad + Greens Multi-Vit & Max Strength Fish Oil

Training split will be:

Back & Bi's + 30mins Cardio
Chest & Tri's + 30mins Cardio
Legs & Bi's + 30mins Cardio
Shoulders & Tri's + 30mins Cardio

2 days on 1 day off.

Starting Weight fasted this AM was 82kg. Estimated bodyfat is probably around 18%. Will continue to cut until abs are visible and then reassess. My two twin girls will be arriving at the start of October, which is roughly 12 weeks away. So will most likely be out of action for a couple of weeks after that but will continue to log if I get the chance.

Have also included my current physique after 1 week off training & lots of sun. Will use this as a bench mark for comparison photos
Following along and congratulations on the twin girls!


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I think you’ll really like AXT, I’m finishing up bottle one of my Prime XT deciding if I’ll do AXT or AE with it next month and/or bump up from 6 caps.

Looking forward to how this treats you for 12 weeks.
It's going to be a great combo thats for sure, very much excited to get after this stack. If I can maintain peak strength while cutting its going to be insane.


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Will be working out first thing in the AM. Was going to be training fasted but I think its best to have some Banana+Dates PWO and then have 50g of protein post workout and just sit on that until lunch.

Would you guys still be taking Waxy-Maize post workout, or avoid it on a cut? I figure your body still wants protein+carbs straight after working out, regardless of bulking/cutting


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Will be working out first thing in the AM. Was going to be training fasted but I think its best to have some Banana+Dates PWO and then have 50g of protein post workout and just sit on that until lunch.

Would you guys still be taking Waxy-Maize post workout, or avoid it on a cut? I figure your body still wants protein+carbs straight after working out, regardless of bulking/cutting
Anyone I’ve seen do a Keto or low carb w success still had carbs post workout. I saw Rich Piana vids doing it that way. I know your not on 2 grams of gear and synthol but glucose plus protein post workout is a WIN
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If you are having some pre it probably doesn't matter too much. I prefer to keep carbs around my training and take them from other meals in the day if I can. Usually I have some pre+intra then a shake of just protein as I finish training then a full meal once I am home.


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Congratulations on the upcoming twins.

I think you're really going to like this stack.

I love Anabolic XT - its probably my favorite natural anabolic.


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In on this for sure!


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Back & Bi's Day 1:

Workout time : 52mins
Cardio : 0mins

Couldn't do cardio today as I had a scan at the hospital for the twins. Weights aren't my maxes today, nor will they be this week, after 10 days off gym I don't want to go back to pulling what I was previously & injure myself, just going to get some benchmark numbers then grow off them. Will be pushing very hard come week 2 though, attempting to PB everything consistently.

I've gone ahead & ordered some FL7-OXO to add to this run for the cut, think it will provide some subtle fat loss which will be handy. Should be here in a few days.

Nothing to report on the session as its day 1, I imagine I'll start seeing the effects of AXT after a couple of weeks.

Pump from Superswole is CRAZY though combined with some pink Himalayan salt for preworkout. I don't know if its just my bottle but the smell of the bottle/capsules is that of...how do I put it, man milk :ROFLMAO:



This looks like an amazing stack. I am planning something similar, but haven't yet gotten the motivation to implement it. My mind just isn't quite in it yet. I am still working out hard and am dedicated, but not quite ready for the commitment that this kind of stack requires. Good on you!


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This looks like an amazing stack. I am planning something similar, but haven't yet gotten the motivation to implement it. My mind just isn't quite in it yet. I am still working out hard and am dedicated, but not quite ready for the commitment that this kind of stack requires. Good on you!
From what I've read based on user feedback, and why AXT appeals to me so much, is that apparently you gain a large amount of motivation with your training while you're taking it. I often have days where I don't really want to go to the gym, but force myself. I'm looking forward to the feeling of always wanting to go to the gym consistently, like when I was in my 20's!


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That looks like a great workout. 18 sets in 52 min, you must have been really moving!!!
I struggle to manage my time well at the moment as I have so much going on, so I dont really have time to relax in the gym unfortunately. I aim for 1minute sets then 60-90 seconds rest then go again until my workout is done. I try to not use my phone at all when in the gym other than to record my set's in my workout app.


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From what I've read based on user feedback, and why AXT appeals to me so much, is that apparently you gain a large amount of motivation with your training while you're taking it. I often have days where I don't really want to go to the gym, but force myself. I'm looking forward to the feeling of always wanting to go to the gym consistently, like when I was in my 20's!
I agree. The older I get the less I get a warm and fuzzy feeling to workout. I lift at home so plenty of distractions. I drink my pre workout on the way home from work so when I get home I’m already “in gear” so to speak


From what I've read based on user feedback, and why AXT appeals to me so much, is that apparently you gain a large amount of motivation with your training while you're taking it. I often have days where I don't really want to go to the gym, but force myself. I'm looking forward to the feeling of always wanting to go to the gym consistently, like when I was in my 20's!
Oh Yes, I ran Anabolic XT and it does indeed provide motivation. It was the best natty anabolic I have ever used. I am just concerned about missing too many training days this summer. I will definitely do a nice run in the fall/winter.


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I struggle to manage my time well at the moment as I have so much going on, so I dont really have time to relax in the gym unfortunately. I aim for 1minute sets then 60-90 seconds rest then go again until my workout is done. I try to not use my phone at all when in the gym other than to record my set's in my workout app.
I can't touch my phone at all when I'm working out if I want to stick to my routine - which is about 60 seconds rest between sets usually.

It's funny bc I still write my workouts and sets/reps in a notebook to avoid even touching my phone.


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@sns8778 regarding the FL7-OXO, is there any reason to not dose it at 4 pumps a day off the bat?


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@sns8778 regarding the FL7-OXO, is there any reason to not dose it at 4 pumps a day off the bat?
No, there isn't. You can start off at 4 ml per day.

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