10 Week Lean Bulk Cycle- Epi & Tren



New member
Whats up guys! Fairly new here, but long time reader of the site. Figured I would become active now that I am about to run a beast of a cycle and add some mass to this frame. I not much of a big writer but I am going to try and at least log every week or two, see how that goes (im usually the guy that disappears halfway through the log)

Little about me....24 years old, have done an 8 week tren cycle and a 4 week dmz cycle in the past. Never ran Epi though. I have been reverse dieting for a month now and have my calories back up to a respectable level after a long cut (lost a lot of muscle too). Been running PHAT for 2-3 months now and most likely going to switch it up for the cycle...Been looking into FST-7 style training but not sure yet, so if you guys have any suggestions hit me.

171 lbs.
10-12% bf (caliper and by pictures)
Measurements to come before start of cycle

Right now calories are around 2700-2800 which is high for me consider how low I was. Still trying to decide how high I am going to push them throughout the cycle. I may hover around 3000 or go balls deep and try to pack on a ton of muscle. Maintenance is around 2500-2600 so we shall see.

So for the cycle.....

10 Week Epi and Tren Blast
Tren: 80/80/100/100/100/100/120/120/120/120
Epi: 40/40/40/40/40/40/0/0/0/0
Dermacrine: 3/3/3/4/4/4/4/4/4/4
Inhibit P: 1 cap a day throughout
Ar1macare Pro: 4 caps a day throughout
Mutis, Fish Oil, Taurine throughout

Im only running one cap Inhibit due to arimicare having p5p in it..let me know what you guys think about that. Also I've never run a1macare pro before so let me know how that dosing looks, as I still have to order it. And hopefully I didn't miss anything else! Hoping to start this a week from this Monday. Can you guys tell I like tren? :)


New member
Any help on the arimicare dosing? Never used it before so want to make sure I order enough. And another set of eyes would be nice to make sure I'm not missing anything before I start this in a week.
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