1 day of Halotestin for a competition/test?


Jan 5, 2023
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Hey guys, hope everyone is well.

I have an opportunity to advance my career in the field I am in by transferring to another ''group'' I'll say. The problem is, since beginning the process to try out for this, I was confronted by the fact that most, if not all of these guys are using steroids and openly talking about it, specifically for the pass/fail timed physical test, it includes pull ups (naturally I am averaging about 28 untimed) sit ups, currently averaging 100-105 in under two minutes, about the same number for push ups in favor for them, sometimes reaching 110 in under 2 min. It will also include an additional open ocean 2 mile swim and a 4 mile run which I am averaging at about 27 minutes, I would like to make that a better time for the day of this test, now that I know I am competing against guys with a pretty decent advantage.

I have about 30 pills of 10mg halotestin, legitimate lab tested good source stuff. I don't have to worry about PED testing.

How would you use it? Is it a good idea? I want something for an edge on the day, like everyone else, but I don't want to continue anabolics after.
I would not take it. I think a stimulant might work better in this case and they leave the body fast. You can use your imagination they all work similarly. Even a shot or 3 of test no ester would be better.
30mg of halo probably an hour before testing is gonna give you a boost for sure... Not gonna make you superman or anything though so don't expect to do anything crazy on it.

If you'll pass everything without it though, I see no reason to use it. You'll just hype up expectations on yourself and then what will you do next time? More halo lol and then hey you're suddenly on gear like the rest of em
Thank you, I appreciate the input. I suppose I’m only considering halo so much is because it’s all I have and I had it tested. I want to have a chance if everyone has an edge over me, obviously that only makes things fair.

Does anyone have an idea of dosage before a run or competition?

I’ll be honest, im going to use something regardless based off of the fact that I would crumble if I knew I didn’t pass because I was natural when I knew everyone else was juiced up. Life isn’t fair, but I can do something about it. So what do you think? 10-30mg of halo and hour or two before my test?

I don’t want to use long esters, the only injectable compounds I would consider would be acetate or phenyl prop, something that leaves the system quickly. I’ve considered injectable superdrol, oral var, oral sd, but I’m just wondering if anybody has experience with this or a better idea.

I ran just 300mg of EQ in the past and it made me want to run and never stop. Incredible stamina, I suspect from the increased RBC. I suppose I’m looking something like that but orally so it won’t suppress my natural T production for too long. I am talking about a 2 hour test in one day, so I don’t want something that will suppress when I don’t have to, if that makes sense. Obviously I mean suppression as serious suppression as the likes of what a 16-20 week cycle of certain compounds can do.

I need a boost to be competitive against already steroid users for just one day. Any way I can do that with an oral like halo?

The equipoise made my stamina insane. I’m talking about 5 mile runs when I forget to slow down, it’s Superman stamina in a syringe for me, but I don’t want to suppress my natural T production so harshly.

Would an oral like halo be the best choose or something else? I’m willing to get whatever I need, it’s only a day after all.
Halo might help mentally, but you should test it in training. A few random doses of Halo will NOT shut you down. This will let you see if it seems helpful and the dose you prefer.

Most steroids will be a terrible idea, because they will increase muscle pumping that will work against those very high rep timed sets. Halo won’t give you that, so that’s why it’s on the table. But steroids are the wrong play for acute performance enhancement here IMHO.

You really must look at PeakO2 & Beta Alanine supplementation. Do not assume because they are legal that they won’t help - these will be easy guaranteed performance increases.

I would also look at GW/Cardarine. GW is going to give you that EQ like endurance acutely shortly after taking it. The main drawback I see is depending upon how long the testing lasts, it might only cover the first few hours, unless you will have access to somewhere to hide it to retrieve another dose before the swim/running.

Modafinil/Adrafanil could be an energizing/wakefulness aid depending on how long the testing is. Just helps avoiding feeling sleepy/tired and can improve mood. 15 hour half-life, something instead of caffeine that will last the day.
Hey guys, hope everyone is well.

I have an opportunity to advance my career in the field I am in by transferring to another ''group'' I'll say. The problem is, since beginning the process to try out for this, I was confronted by the fact that most, if not all of these guys are using steroids and openly talking about it, specifically for the pass/fail timed physical test, it includes pull ups (naturally I am averaging about 28 untimed) sit ups, currently averaging 100-105 in under two minutes, about the same number for push ups in favor for them, sometimes reaching 110 in under 2 min. It will also include an additional open ocean 2 mile swim and a 4 mile run which I am averaging at about 27 minutes, I would like to make that a better time for the day of this test, now that I know I am competing against guys with a pretty decent advantage.

I have about 30 pills of 10mg halotestin, legitimate lab tested good source stuff. I don't have to worry about PED testing.

How would you use it? Is it a good idea? I want something for an edge on the day, like everyone else, but I don't want to continue anabolics after.

If you need stamina, Triton from Apex-Alchemy (I'm a Rep, and Happy user) is the Best thing I've personally used for it (seriously).
It saved my Bacon (and helped make me a LOT of it a couple of days ago .... Once Again), on a VERY HEAVY, Hard physical job (my most difficult of the year, so far).
I've used most Steroids (including ones you were referring to .... As well as Cardarine), and Triton is No joke, even though it is legal.

There is Lots of positive feedback on it, on this board.

All of our products are currently BOGO FREE through Monday at 11:59pm ET.

If you ever have any questions, please feel free to send me a message.

If you need stamina, Triton from Apex-Alchemy (I'm a Rep, and Happy user) is the Best thing I've personally used for it (seriously).
It saved my Bacon (and helped make me a LOT of it a couple of days ago .... Once Again), on a VERY HEAVY, Hard physical job (my most difficult of the year, so far).
I've used most Steroids (including ones you were referring to .... As well as Cardarine), and Triton is No joke, even though it is legal.

There is Lots of positive feedback on it, on this board.

All of our products are currently BOGO FREE through Monday at 11:59pm ET.

If you ever have any questions, please feel free to send me a message.

Halo might help mentally, but you should test it in training. A few random doses of Halo will NOT shut you down. This will let you see if it seems helpful and the dose you prefer.

Most steroids will be a terrible idea, because they will increase muscle pumping that will work against those very high rep timed sets. Halo won’t give you that, so that’s why it’s on the table. But steroids are the wrong play for acute performance enhancement here IMHO.

You really must look at PeakO2 & Beta Alanine supplementation. Do not assume because they are legal that they won’t help - these will be easy guaranteed performance increases.

I would also look at GW/Cardarine. GW is going to give you that EQ like endurance acutely shortly after taking it. The main drawback I see is depending upon how long the testing lasts, it might only cover the first few hours, unless you will have access to somewhere to hide it to retrieve another dose before the swim/running.

Modafinil/Adrafanil could be an energizing/wakefulness aid depending on how long the testing is. Just helps avoiding feeling sleepy/tired and can improve mood. 15 hour half-life, something instead of caffeine that will last the day.
Thank you guys, I’m looking into what you proposed, things not as harsh as halo and legal that will fit the bill are even better. I’ll do some digging.
Cardarine as suggested above, not steroids

Cardarine will help you smoke these tests

good luck
Did some research and decided to do a little trial run today of halo. I took 10mg of it to time it along with its peak blood concentration and the start/middle of the test. I did everything I will be doing for that day, but in practice obviously.

My pull ups were easier but interestingly enough, it did not help me as much as the time I ran Turinabol in this same way as a short/pre workout dose. My run time was around my normal average during the 4 mile, swimming felt good but not much better than normal. My push ups and sit up numbers remained the same.

I am now on the look for a good source for cardarine and how I’d like to take it, (pills are going to be easier to hide and take) and I am considering the idea of waiting a few days and trying 60mg or so of turinabol and see if it will have that same acute effect. I am also considering using both cardarine and one of these compounds on the day of testing. I also will say that halo had a really profound mental effect that made me feel like the hulk. As you guys have said though, it looks like cardarine will be involved no matter what. Thanks again and I’m posting this to help the next guy that might have the same question or in a similar situation.
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Did some research and decided to do a little trial run today of halo. I took 10mg of it to time it along with its peak blood concentration and the start/middle of the test. I did everything I will be doing for that day, but in practice obviously.

My pull ups were easier but interestingly enough, it did not help me as much as the time I ran Turinabol in this same way as a short/pre workout dose. My run time was around my normal average during the 4 mile, swimming felt good but not much better than normal. My push ups and sit up numbers remained the same.

I am now on the look for a good source for cardarine and how I’d like to take it, (pills are going to be easier to hide and take) and I am considering the idea of waiting a few days and trying 60mg or so of turinabol and see if it will have that same acute effect. I am also considering using both cardarine and one of these compounds on the day of testing. I also will say that halo had a really profound mental effect that made me feel like the hulk. As you guys have said though, it looks like cardarine will be involved no matter what. Thanks again and I’m posting this to help the next guy that might have the same question or in a similar situation.
You're not going to be able to get cardarine in a pill atleast not real card. Any research Chem thar comes in a pill is suspect. The way companies get away with selling them as research chemicals is because they're in some sort of solution because remember You're running an "experiment on your test animal". Also I didn't even think about tbol over halo. Dave Crossland always talks about tbol is actually very underrated when it comes to athletics. I would look into that and cardarine
If EQ is something you like why not get oral Bold Ace? Cardarine is another one that could be good for cardio, just be aware of the potential sides.

I don’t think it’s anything out there that will give you what you want in just 1 dose, most things that work will be needed to be taken for at least a week or 2 but whatever you do decide to use make you sure tested it in training more than once so you know it will work.

I would probably look into stimulants instead of steroids, Adderall is a favorite of mine but it’s important that you used it in training before so you know what dose you need.

I heard about athletes (“back in the day”) doing coke before competitions with great results but idk, I never used it so I can’t recommend it but that seems to be something that can give you a sense of being “super human” in 1 dose 😉
I would probably look into stimulants instead of steroids, Adderall is a favorite of mine but it’s important that you used it in training before so you know what dose you need.

I was thinking about posting this here. I'll give you a couple of my own personal opinions:

1) I would not bother with AAS for what you're looking for. For the most part, I find the impact minimal on endurance, and many compounds can actually counterproductive and reduced your stamina. Having said that, I agree that of all the ones I've tried, tbol would probably fit the bill best as I feel great on it. But I have not tried halo so take it for what it's worth.

2) A stimulant like Adderall you will notice. I find it to be very strong and substantially enhanced energy and focus. But like BBiceps said, you must try it first to understand how it affects you and how to properly pace your physical activity while on it. I think Adderall can certainly be a huge benefit in sports, even above many other PEDs.

3) I've never tried Cardarine but everyone says it's great for cardio/ endurance, so that could be a good fit too.
You're not going to be able to get cardarine in a pill atleast not real card. Any research Chem thar comes in a pill is suspect. The way companies get away with selling them as research chemicals is because they're in some sort of solution because remember You're running an "experiment on your test animal". Also I didn't even think about tbol over halo. Dave Crossland always talks about tbol is actually very underrated when it comes to athletics. I would look into that and cardarine
bs you can def get real cardarine in capsules
Thank you..I'm assuming op here would have to go through a rc site

MA Supps, the company Smont represents, has GW in pill form. They have liquid on the Research site, but pills of it on the supplement site. Little pricier obviously, but very convenient.
MA Supps, the company Smont represents, has GW in pill form. They have liquid on the Research site, but pills of it on the supplement site. Little pricier obviously, but very convenient.
That's actually good to know as I'll be needing some soon and pills are the only letting more convenient than injectable. Now injectable cardarine sounds legit. Anyone know who has that pm me please!
That's actually good to know as I'll be needing some soon and pills are the only letting more convenient than injectable. Now injectable cardarine sounds legit. Anyone know who has that pm me please!

I think I’ve seen it combined with SR as an injectable, but GW doesn’t really have any need for injection the way SR does, so I would never waste time pinning GW solo.
I think I’ve seen it combined with SR as an injectable, but GW doesn’t really have any need for injection the way SR does, so I would never waste time pinning GW solo.
I wish they made a carnatine/ cardarine mix as an injectable. I re watched an old vigorous Steve video on cardarine and Sr and forgot that cardarine eventually stops working unless you add carnatine to it. So if you had that mix along with hellos you'd have an extremely effective fat burning stack
I wish they made a carnatine/ cardarine mix as an injectable. I re watched an old vigorous Steve video on cardarine and Sr and forgot that cardarine eventually stops working unless you add carnatine to it. So if you had that mix along with hellos you'd have an extremely effective fat burning stack

Or you could be like me and just take a drop of Clen, pop your GW & Alpha Yohimbine, and pin your carnitine IM then get on the exercise bike for fasted cardio. It is not more convenient to combine them, because then you are always stuck with the same bozo ratio, and taking something orally takes next to zero time.

The longest part is the injections. Carnitine IM and HGH subq take much longer than the orals.
MA Supps, the company Smont represents, has GW in pill form. They have liquid on the Research site, but pills of it on the supplement site. Little pricier obviously, but very convenient.

you beat me to it. I can’t think of anything useful to post cuz Hyde always covers it 😁

I got a bunch of the MA supps MK677 somatozine that I’m using… might get some of their cardarine too
you beat me to it. I can’t think of anything useful to post cuz Hyde always covers it 😁

I got a bunch of the MA supps MK677 somatozine that I’m using… might get some of their cardarine too
Yea I gotta get some cardsrine and more bac water for my gh
You're not going to be able to get cardarine in a pill atleast not real card. Any research Chem thar comes in a pill is suspect. The way companies get away with selling them as research chemicals is because they're in some sort of solution because remember You're running an "experiment on your test animal". Also I didn't even think about tbol over halo. Dave Crossland always talks about tbol is actually very underrated when it comes to athletics. I would look into that and cardarine
You can get carderine in pill form