Search results

  1. To those with anxiety, what helped me out

  2. Best Prohormone for Muscle Growth

    calculators are bs to be honest. id track your cals and moving weight average for a couple weeks to get a more accurate idea of your tdee
  3. Best Prohormone for Muscle Growth

    also, what youre listing as your diet doesn't help at all unless you take into account your macros, the surplus you're running, and if you're actually weighing everything out. saying "steak" could be the difference of 200-1000+ calories. id suggest looking up IIFYM just to get a general...
  4. Best Prohormone for Muscle Growth

    to be honest, you seem like you just lack general knowledge in this whole area based off what you're saying. why don't you ask questions about your training or nutrition considering you said 2lbs of steak and some rice and veggies everyday which means absolutely nothing.... you also want to gain...
  5. Pre and Post workout carbs, how many gram?

    meal timing is irrelevant to body composition and neither is a specific macro. you just wanna hit your macro minimums for most optimal results. I train fasted yet I eat 500-600 grams of carbs a day. I just feel better that way, yet I'm still full of glycogen due to overall intake. its...
  6. Random BS

    this is why you do IIFYM and not some fallacy "bro diet"
  7. Lgd-4033

    you sure you've done good amount of research? lgd doesn't aromatize. have you ever taken any exogenous compounds before? whats your lifting experience? hows your training and nutrition? why are you starting a bulk at 15% body fat...?
  8. Deload Nutrition Question

    why else would you do it....?

    lolllllll JUNK
  10. C4 and irregular heart beats

    yeah...its called caffeine...
  11. Cycle idea

    sounds like a stupid plan to me tbh... whats your reasoning for this "cycle" layout???
  12. Cialis Dosage

    dont take 5 of them... one pill is fine. I take 20-30 mgs pre workout and most companies dose it at 20mgs. doctors sometimes go as low as 5mgs for ED issues
  13. DMZ, LGD Stack, need help/ advice.

    why not run the dmz in the last 4 weeks...???
  14. Stagnation on cycle

    I find it very hard to believe you're not gaining weight eating 5000+ cals. I think you're eating less than you assume. considering what you posted as your diet and you said youre eating 150 grams of fat a day.....I call BS. you have zero fat source in there except for some cashews...honestly...
  15. How fast will my Liver enzymes go up?

    let me check my internal blood panel senses.....oh wait that doesn't exist. get your bloods done, were not psychic and everyone responds different. are you taking cycle support and all the right accessory items to minimize side effects in this area? you need to do bloods regardless to check
  16. Top inflammation inhibitor?

    inflammation is the body natural response to stress/ injury . why would you inhibit that with something that doesn't heal/ treat the pain but only mask it, if not make it worse by lessening the body's natural response? inflammation is usually a good thing.
  17. Cure for panic attacks

    I hit up my girl Mary Jane....she helps a lot
  18. Who the **** started the trend of posting about cheat meals constantly?

    lol live right by mama and papas pizzeria. I've been trying to find a team to take on the challenge!
  19. Who the **** started the trend of posting about cheat meals constantly?

    bro I think you're missing me and The Solutions point.....
  20. Who the **** started the trend of posting about cheat meals constantly?

    my thoughts? why do you care? its a forum where people can post whatever they want and "cheat meals"/ food tend to be popular. why don't you go write this in your diary... I'm sorry to come off as an as*, but based off your past posts, it actually seems like YOU are the one with the eating...