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  1. Killler

    L-dopa users report

    I`ve been taking Mucuna Dopa for 5 days now,for libido boost. 2-3 caps a day,so that`s 120-180mg l-dopa a day,with meals. I haven`t felt absolutely anything from it. I read that dopa is powerful stuff.
  2. Killler

    How to like a post?

    This is kinda embarrassing....:o But I can`t figure out how to like posts!
  3. Killler

    Osta supression question?

    Anyone know why Osta suppresses total T but doesn`t seem to suppress LH and FSH?
  4. Killler

    Androfactory Bulk-Up once a day?

    Could someone who know explain a little bit about how the once-a-day administration minimizes shutdown? I mean I get the general picture but would like to know more if possible. Thanks guys.
  5. Killler

    Androfactory Bulk-Up once a day?

    Could someone who know explain a little bit about how the once-a-day administration minimizes shutdown? I mean I get the general picture but would like to know more if possible. Thanks guys.
  6. Killler

    How do so many of you get TRT?

    I find it impossible for me! I am 29! I have low test,both total(300 ng/dl)) and free(3 pg/ml) all my life! I have been to two endos-the second one being a progressive endo-prescribes hormones readily. Neither of them would give me TRT. The first one said she didn`t know much about...
  7. Killler

    How is Erase for leaning out?

    I am on a 4 week break from lifting due to an uneasy feeling in my shoulder that just won`t go away. Sucks. I think I twinged something when I was dumbbell rowing 220. Anyway,I have a few weeks more left and possibly I might even extend it a week or so or whatever necessary. I have...
  8. Killler

    Fadogia seems to be kicking in,but could it be causing anxiety?

    So,I`m on day 10,and it seems like some crazy libido is kicking in. I will not contribute this to the Fadogia yet,I want to see if it could be a coincidence. For the last few days though,I have been having very strong anxiety. I easily slip into anxiety anyways,I`m prone to that,and I have...
  9. Killler

    On day 4 of Fadogia Agrestis (T-Force)....

    My cycle of Fadogia Agrestis(T-Force) --- with blood work! ...and absolutely no effect. How long before it kicks in? Should I call it quits?
  10. Killler

    Thank you SNS Nutrition! You rule!!!

    I just got word that I`ve been sent a bottle of Inhibit P to log! I was asking some questions a few days ago about this product,and mw1 from SNS offered to send me a bottle,if I was willing to log it solo. Unfortunately,I am in Europe,and I didn`t think this was going to actually...
  11. Killler

    Thank you SNS Nutrition! You rule!!!

    I just got word that I`ve been sent a bottle of Inhibit P to log! I was asking some questions a few days ago about this product,and mw1 from SNS offered to send me a bottle,if I was willing to log it solo. Unfortunately,I am in Europe,and I didn`t think this was going to actually...
  12. Killler

    Anatropin any good?

    I found some cheap Anatropin,around 18 bucks. I wasn`t really planning on trying Anacyclus before,but maybe at this low price....
  13. Killler

    SNS Inhibit-P question

    I was thinking of getting something to try and shorten the refractory period. After having sex or jerking off,I regularly have no particular interest for at least 3 days. This pisses me off. Inhibit P looks like a good option as it combines both of the prolactin-inhibiting herbs. I`ve done...
  14. Killler

    How long until test E clears out?

    I want to do a light test E cycle,not too long either. How long after the last injection the is it totally out of your blood? I want to do bloods at the point when the exogenous test has totally left but before starting PCT. To see am I and how much shutdown at all.
  15. Killler

    My sexual stack has arrived....

    Will it work.... I have used LJ100 with great results,and this is my second bottle of SNS Bulbine(also works very good).... I want to see if T-Force will give extra kick. Hoping it could do some good in the gym too. Am a little hesitant to try mucuna yet,but I`ll pop it from now and...
  16. Killler

    Has anyone used Glucophage (metformin) and creatine too ?

    Has anyone used Glucophage (metformin) ? I was prescribed Glucophage for my insulin resistance. It`s suppose to help lose weight by inhibiting glucose uptake in the small intestine,and also help lose abdominal fat by increasining insulin sensitivity of cells,and thus lowering after-meal...
  17. Killler

    Has anyone used Glucophage (metformin) ?

    I was prescribed Glucophage for my insulin resistance. It`s suppose to help lose weight by inhibiting glucose uptake in the small intestine,and also help lose abdominal fat by increasining insulin sensitivity of cells,and thus lowering after-meal insulin levels. So far I`ve been using it for a...
  18. Killler

    RIP Nasser

    It appears he has died of kidney failure at 47,but it`s not entirely clear ATM. Does anyone know more?
  19. Killler

    Nasser is dead

    It appears he has died of kidney failure at 47,but it`s not entirely clear ATM.
  20. Killler

    Did you feel like you needed PCT after 4-DHEA products? (Bulk-Up)

    Why should Alpha Bulk,Bulk-Up or similar product not require the standard Clomid PCT? Have any of you that have used them felt shut-down after a cycle of this?