Recent content by Loki

  1. HEAT/Amp combo

    Yeah, I personally recommend taking two days off for every one day on, and using L-tyrosine (3-5g/day) on your off days. I also find for some reason choline & aniracetam seems to 'tweak' the AMP/HEAT effect and make it even stronger, which make have something to do with the evodiamine...
  2. Absolved or Lipoderm?

    Yeah, I agree with Par. If it's "jiggly" fat, go with Lipoderm (+ Capsaicin & Clenbuterol if you really want to go all out and maximize the waist-reduction as rapidly as possible); if it's more of a distended gut definitely go with Gel#3 & 7-OXO (or Ab-Solved, same thing).
  3. Gel #3

  4. sesathin and CLA

    not necessarily synergy, but they would be mildly additive. Assuming CLA actually antagonizes PPARgamma more than it agonizes it (which it seems to, if only slightly), you would definitely benefit from using Sesathin at the same time to clear/oxidize those excess blood nutrients.

    If you don't get a call or an email by Friday night, let me know (in this thread).
  6. Scottyo's SesaLean Thread

    What all do you put in there for seasoning? That sounds pretty good--I shall have to try this.
  7. Gel #3

    Buy the liquid SesaThin (which would be just lecithin, sesamin/episesamin, and water) and the Matrix-ABS gel. Then, you would simply measure out 5-10ml of the liquid and mix it into the Gel #3.
  8. Mind & Muscle, Issue #33 -- Available Now

    Table of Contents: Dedication to Karl Hoffman aka Nandi The Obligation of Self-Improvement by Zack Proser Contrarian Endocrinology Revisited: Estrogen for Men? by Karl Hoffman The Language of Cells Part VI by Wen Zhang Adipose Reduction and Bodyfat Setpoint by JD Haltigan Kratom: Nature’s...
  9. SesaLean Review

    Check your mirror log on; 1/4 the Sesathin of a Sesathin bottle; $19.99 retail price at most discount online stores. Good log--keep it up.
  10. SesaLean Feeback

    Solid. Keep it coming.
  11. Sesathin and insulin sensitivity

    1. n=3 is weaker than SesaThin at increasing insulin sensitivity. Together they are synergistic in doing such. 2. It is not that cut and dry a causal dynamic to say increased insulin sensitivity = more SHBG = less free test. It is so much more a matter of degree and various other...
  12. Sesathin and insulin sensitivity

    Yes, Sesathin increases insulin sensitivity--moreso than n=3 fatty acids even. It means less insulin is produced in response to a given glucose feeding and less is required for peripheral positive nutrient uptake.
  13. SesaLean Testers Needed

    When we deem the masses ready, it's on. Soon enough.
  14. lipoderm and cap

    These are good words to heed.
  15. SesaLean Testers Needed

    JonesersRX7, Giantz11, solarize, SilverSurfer: send an email to me ([email protected]) with your mailing info, and your username and the name of the board(s) you're going to be posting feedback on.