Recent content by CelticMonster

  1. CelticMonster

    First Cycle, What to Use and What is Currently Available

    Thank you Sir, I will look at this.
  2. CelticMonster

    First Cycle, What to Use and What is Currently Available

    How's it going everyone, I need some advice on a cycle I want to run. To start, I'm 5'6", about 165 lbs. and 12% body fat. Been bodybuilding for the last 5-6 years and have maintained a solid diet and workout plan. However, I have hit a plateau and am not happy with where I'm at both physically...
  3. CelticMonster

    First Cycle Suggestions, Recommendations and Dosages

    Ha well you're right about that. Gives me something to think about.
  4. CelticMonster

    First Cycle Suggestions, Recommendations and Dosages

    Thank you for the info. It's difficult trying to find a good beginner cycle when there's pratically nothing left on the market.
  5. CelticMonster

    First Cycle Suggestions, Recommendations and Dosages

    If I were to do a cycle from AMS (either 4-AD, 1-andro, or both stacked), what should I realistically expect? I know 10 pounds is a lot to ask for, but that's also just inexperience with these products talking. In a way, something lighter like an AMS cycle might be a good start to see how things...
  6. CelticMonster

    First Cycle Suggestions, Recommendations and Dosages

    How's it going everyone, I need some advice on a cycle I want to run. To start, I'm 5'6", about 165 lbs. and 12% body fat. Been bodybuilding for the last 5-6 years and have maintained a solid diet and workout plan. However, I have hit a plateau and am not happy with where I'm at both physically...
  7. CelticMonster

    Shelf Life of Compounds

    Is there such a thing? The reason why I ask is because I am highly considering taking a cycle of DMZ when I return from training, but I am not scheduled to return until 12/12/2014 and I leave on the 25th of this month. Should I buy now and store the products or wait until I come back to purchase...
  8. CelticMonster

    Evaluate My Potential Cycle

    One last question in regards to PCT SERMs. Nolvadex seems to be the preferred one but I also hear things about Clomid. From the research that I have done, I have found some conflicting info. What I have found is that Nolvadex (tamoxifen) is more so used as an anti-estrogen/ testosterone booster...
  9. CelticMonster

    Evaluate My Potential Cycle

    Thanks again for all the help everyone, I'm looking forward to running this when I return.
  10. CelticMonster

    Evaluate My Potential Cycle

    Thank you Tagger
  11. CelticMonster

    Evaluate My Potential Cycle

    Thank you again everyone for your help. Rhadam, my diet and training program are on par, so I should be good to go when I start. As for the cycle assist, you'd recommend CEL over Olympus Labs? Also as eager as I am to start my cycle, unfortunately I have to wait 4 months until I get back from...
  12. CelticMonster

    Evaluate My Potential Cycle

    Thanks for the information you two
  13. CelticMonster

    Evaluate My Potential Cycle

    First time PH cycle that was recommended to me by another member here. It will be a single PH cycle based on Olympus Labs' Dymethazi9e. Personal info.: 22 years old, 5'6", 155 lbs., 5 years gym/ bodybuilding experience. Cycle info.: * Olympus Labs Dymethazi9e: 40mg/40/40/40 (4 week cycle, 20mg...
  14. CelticMonster

    Olympus Labs Stenabol Perfect Cycle and First Timer PH Q's

    I knew to take the supp guys' information as a grain of salt, and I am glad I asked for opinions here first because it seems like I could have made a stupid decision. I actually found a decent website with definitions on various compounds between our replies, but I am still finding difficulty...
  15. CelticMonster

    Olympus Labs Stenabol Perfect Cycle and First Timer PH Q's

    Thank you for the information. I started with Stenabol because that is what was recommended to me by a few guys at various supplement stores as a starter. With me being new, I don't know if the suggestion was good or not, that's why I am here. As for the DMZ, I know very little about it although...