6ish week cut cycle



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No gyno flare ups either so thats huge for me. I think I really need to run test with all dht compounds in the future. I know my doses have been low.
But i've had zero issues with anythin other then a rash. Hopefully going up to a gram wont change that. I took a big 3.5ml shot today thar was 375 test, 300 masr and 75 tren to kinda speed up the build up of hormones, il do another 3.5 sunday and then go back to daily smaller doses.
Yeah there’s no visible gyno now at all in those pics; seems to be treating you great.

You holding off on the RAD for now? You have plenty going with the frontload, just wondering.


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I took 30mg rad one day but thats it. Im not sure what to do yet. Maybe i just wait till the next phase after the cut. Im already adding 100 tren and 400mg mast so is there any benifit to 30mg rad at this time? Maybe a little but i think it wold be better to wait. Tren is gonna be super short, 4-5weeks cus i only got a half bttl and im not gonna do any more then that so Maybe when I pull that out.I swap the rad 150 in


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Ive not really Done many progress picks at all and I don't plan on doing a bunch unless someone wants me to. But this was after my friday night binge a little bloated, View attachment 243242and this was monday morning after the bloat.obviously better light on this but i needed a better pic without shadows.View attachment 243243
Waist line is a little low sorry bout that, i want another 1-1.5 inches off my waist and then il move on to the next stage
Upper abs are showing good, especially in that top picture from the side. And really the little bit on the lower abs and waist should peel off pretty quickly with Mast and Tren on board.


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Upper abs are showing good, especially in that top picture from the side. And really the little bit on the lower abs and waist should peel off pretty quickly with Mast and Tren on board.
Thats what im hoping, a quick calorie drop by about 500, pull out carbs on rest days and just do a little more cardio. The tren and mast should make everything look tighter and they will take care of the rest


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Yesterday was 40min cardio. Pretty high intensity for the most part.

Calories need to come down and protein needs to go up. Im getting to that stubborn lower ab fat now. It looks like a 6 pack and im lean but theres a solid inch of fat i wqnna get off my waist. I think im gonna go into a 2 week hardcore mini cut leading up to the 4th and then go into a maitnence/recomp phase And just try to tighten up.
While maintaining my body weight.
Your lower ab fat is pretty much my goal at the end of a cut, LOL. Only saying this to put it into perspective vs majority of the population and even some of us here on AM. Keep up the good work in here brother!


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Your lower ab fat is pretty much my goal at the end of a cut, LOL. Only saying this to put it into perspective vs majority of the population and even some of us here on AM. Keep up the good work in here brother!
Im very happy with how i look. But i end most cuts about how i am now and this is great for normal life and the beach but not for my end goal. I also think guys get in these cycles (i have too) where say you bulk to 215 and then for the summer cut to 190 and you dont really make much progress year to year. Some years i had multiple bulks and cuts That appeared to go well, But if I end the bulk in the same place as my previous bulk, Or I end my cut in the same place as my previous cut, then I've made no progress. In just going back and forth. So i want to get leaner at higher bodyweights and bulk to leaner 220's so im not just repeating what i did last year.

my weight actually hasnt gone down in the past 2ish weeks but i was getting a tiny bit leaner. Now i want to shread off some more Till I get to a point where it's almost uncomfortable to maintain and thats where i wanna start my next bulk


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Id like to hit 8-9% eventually at 200lbs, right now i can be 8-9% probably at 188-190 if i do the work. Then this winter i can push up to 225-230 without getting fat


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Im very happy with how i look. But i end most cuts about how i am now and this is great for normal life and the beach but not for my end goal. I also think guys get in these cycles (i have too) where say you bulk to 215 and then for the summer cut to 190 and you dont really make much progress year to year. Some years i had multiple bulks and cuts That appeared to go well, But if I end the bulk in the same place as my previous bulk, Or I end my cut in the same place as my previous cut, then I've made no progress. In just going back and forth. So i want to get leaner at higher bodyweights and bulk to leaner 220's so im not just repeating what i did last year.

my weight actually hasnt gone down in the past 2ish weeks but i was getting a tiny bit leaner. Now i want to shread off some more Till I get to a point where it's almost uncomfortable to maintain and thats where i wanna start my next bulk
Yeah, sadly I know I get into that cycle of bulk/cut/bulk/cut and generally have stayed at the same weight. Luckily lately I've been focused on strength so hopefully most of that sticks around. But I see your point.


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Yeah, sadly I know I get into that cycle of bulk/cut/bulk/cut and generally have stayed at the same weight. Luckily lately I've been focused on strength so hopefully most of that sticks around. But I see your point.
I e been dedicated to my bulk since October 🤪


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Yeah, sadly I know I get into that cycle of bulk/cut/bulk/cut and generally have stayed at the same weight. Luckily lately I've been focused on strength so hopefully most of that sticks around. But I see your point.
When you’ve been at it for a long time or have a long training history you are only going to add so much over a year, no big issue going back and forth between similar weights as long as you are slightly leaner each time at these weights and/or making progress in other meaningful ways (strength, endurance, etc.).


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Yeah, sadly I know I get into that cycle of bulk/cut/bulk/cut and generally have stayed at the same weight. Luckily lately I've been focused on strength so hopefully most of that sticks around. But I see your point.
I think to break that cycle you gotta push to a new level of something and maintain it. I havnt been sub 10% in years, i Occasionally might hit single digits buthat would have been the very tail end of a cut And it definitely wasn't maintained. And once you get somewhere new with your body its easier to get back there.

I think we all know it but we never want to do it, but if we wanna get big and lean we gotta get lean first. Were not gonna recomp from 20% to 10%
When you’ve been at it for a long time or have a long training history you are only going to add so much over a year, no big issue going back and forth between similar weights as long as you are slightly leaner each time at these weights and/or making progress in other meaningful ways (strength, endurance, etc.).
Oh definately, but i do think theres definately a benifit in Achieving and maintaining a new level of leanness or a new level of size with leness And kind of creating like a new homeostasis for yourself. I think a lot of ppl Get stuck in this loop where they bulk to 25% and cut to 15-18% and thats where i dont see much Physique progress, I definitely do see a lot of strength Progress made by staying in those ranges though. I just know for myself and some ppl i help that The leaner you get on a cut.And the leaner you maintain, the better progress you get out of a bulk. Plus if i start my bulk at 15% bf im gonna be fat in 6 weeks. If i start at 8% i could probably bulk for 16-20 weeks before im carrying more fat then id like. Plus im on steroids, i dont wanna take steroids to be 15% at 200lbs and look average. I want my steroids to make me look like I'm on steroids.


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Ya I guess that just comes down to different takes on how to do things. I’ve definitely pushed to a leaner point before to try and get to new levels and try to hold that, but the further away from that set point for people the harder it’s going to be to hold or make any real progress and chipping away to get there is going to be more productive most of the time.

Maybe it’s an enhanced versus non-enhanced thing because most successful non-enhanced individuals reach a point where they understand progress is going to be slow and you have to develop a series of other markers to measure progress beyond just straight weight gain. Spending considerably longer times with much slower rates (over long periods of the year) without just putting on a ton of weight/fat isn’t that unusual. Sometimes just comes down to accepting what actually needs to be done for progress.


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Ya I guess that just comes down to different takes on how to do things. I’ve definitely pushed to a leaner point before to try and get to new levels and try to hold that, but the further away from that set point for people the harder it’s going to be to hold or make any real progress and chipping away to get there is going to be more productive most of the time.

Maybe it’s an enhanced versus non-enhanced thing because most successful non-enhanced individuals reach a point where they understand progress is going to be slow and you have to develop a series of other markers to measure progress beyond just straight weight gain. Spending considerably longer times with much slower rates (over long periods of the year) without just putting on a ton of weight/fat isn’t that unusual. Sometimes just comes down to accepting what actually needs to be done for progress.
Yes the enhanced part definately makes a difference. Id say your points on natty progress are spot on tho. I made almost all my strength and visual progress as a teen in my first year. Id actually say that my first bulk as a 17 year old natty was just as impressive as my firsr cycle at 25. But after that phase, the mirror did not change much any more. I was adding 5lbs a week to every lift for the first 2-3months, then it was 5lbs a month and after about a year it was time to rethink things and set more realistic goals like adding a rep, or a drop set/superset or picking new exercises to get stronger at. At that point is Where I went down the rabbit hole of buying every single supplement in MD ads thinking it's going to make me look like a body builder in the magazine. All the standard stuff that the kids fell for back then.

When im off cycle now my results are still natty. I have a off cycle set point i go back to where im 185-195 and very fit looking but my shoulders deflate, arms smaller and my veins look normal lol.

When im done running cycles thats where i hope to stay


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Ya I guess that just comes down to different takes on how to do things. I’ve definitely pushed to a leaner point before to try and get to new levels and try to hold that, but the further away from that set point for people the harder it’s going to be to hold or make any real progress and chipping away to get there is going to be more productive most of the time.

Maybe it’s an enhanced versus non-enhanced thing because most successful non-enhanced individuals reach a point where they understand progress is going to be slow and you have to develop a series of other markers to measure progress beyond just straight weight gain. Spending considerably longer times with much slower rates (over long periods of the year) without just putting on a ton of weight/fat isn’t that unusual. Sometimes just comes down to accepting what actually needs to be done for progress.

This is why natural bodybuilding is kind of a meme. It’s not something most outside people can relate to the value in, the amount of effort & consistency that typically adds up to changes most others wouldn’t find appreciable.

Natural training = process oriented
Enhanced training = results oriented


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Squeezed a quick one in this morning. Played around with some light pressing and Well I know my shoulder is NOT gtg, but it feels good lately and i made sure to stay light enough not to aggravate it.

Screenshot_20240622_103525_Notepad Free.jpg

Later today il do my cardio and maybe do a little extra volume for chest since I havnt been pushing much work on chest or shoulders lately. Tomorrow shoulders, arms, and if its not raining im going for a hike or a swim. Its like 90 and gross out so anything Outside right now has me drenched and sweat, even working on the garden is cardio right now lol.

I didnt write out a Detailed diet plan, Or I should say adjustments to my plan but I have made some big changes for the weeks following. Its a bit agressive compared to my normal cal drops but it will be short lived.

Before i lay that out, anyone try these? I may have mentioned this before but holy **** these taste 100% like regular fairlife chocolate milk. I cpuld easily Drink half a case a day.

Yesterday i had a 6oz chicken breast with water and a coffee with cream, post workout i had a shake from above picture.

Lunch break at work got fucked so i had a coffee and a metrex bar

6 oz chicken breast with water

It was my sons 16th bday And we went for thai food, but i was good. I had Something off their keto friendly list witj beef, brocoli and beansprouts and 1 spicy tuna roll.

Before bed i had 1 cup Rice crispies with another one of those rtd shakes.

Typical days will be

Rtd shake and coffee

Grilled Chicken wrap and water with aminos ( It's really just for flavoring)

Some greek yogurt and fruit

Rtd shake

Meat and vegetables

If i feel the need for a snack i bought 2 tasty flavors of protein bars that will save the day

I know this is very opposite of howvi normally do with Very few shakes or bars, but it's for convenience.And they're all low calories and high and protein. Hopefully are not crapping.My brains out all week lol.

Again, this is only 2 weeks tops


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Theres Definitely better ways to map out my meal plan right now.But convenience is important for me at this time and I have very little time to prep with work being crazy.

2 meat meals
1 yogurt meal
2 shakes
1 protein bar

Amd a little carbs here and there


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Theres Definitely better ways to map out my meal plan right now.But convenience is important for me at this time and I have very little time to prep with work being crazy.

2 meat meals
1 yogurt meal
2 shakes
1 protein bar

Amd a little carbs here and there
On days im not busy il have meat and some vegies instead of the bar or replace a shake with meat n veg


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Yes, I always keep those Fairlife RTDs in the cabinet. They need no refrigeration and actually taste sweeter at room temp, so you can toss them on a bag when you’re on the road but not fasting and combine with fruit/granola bars/nuts/trail mix to round out macros. For under $2, you get enough protein to handle the meal, and the calories are similar to whey/g of protein. So you can save calories for the other food you may need to consume on the road.


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Yes, I always keep those Fairlife RTDs in the cabinet. They need no refrigeration and actually taste sweeter at room temp, so you can toss them on a bag when you’re on the road but not fasting and combine with fruit/granola bars/nuts/trail mix to round out macros. For under $2, you get enough protein to handle the meal, and the calories are similar to whey/g of protein. So you can save calories for the other food you may need to consume on the road.


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Squeezed a quick one in this morning. Played around with some light pressing and Well I know my shoulder is NOT gtg, but it feels good lately and i made sure to stay light enough not to aggravate it.

View attachment 243276
Later today il do my cardio and maybe do a little extra volume for chest since I havnt been pushing much work on chest or shoulders lately. Tomorrow shoulders, arms, and if its not raining im going for a hike or a swim. Its like 90 and gross out so anything Outside right now has me drenched and sweat, even working on the garden is cardio right now lol.

I didnt write out a Detailed diet plan, Or I should say adjustments to my plan but I have made some big changes for the weeks following. Its a bit agressive compared to my normal cal drops but it will be short lived.

Before i lay that out, anyone try these? I may have mentioned this before but holy **** these taste 100% like regular fairlife chocolate milk. I cpuld easily Drink half a case a day. View attachment 243278View attachment 243277

Yesterday i had a 6oz chicken breast with water and a coffee with cream, post workout i had a shake from above picture.

Lunch break at work got fucked so i had a coffee and a metrex bar

6 oz chicken breast with water

It was my sons 16th bday And we went for thai food, but i was good. I had Something off their keto friendly list witj beef, brocoli and beansprouts and 1 spicy tuna roll.

Before bed i had 1 cup Rice crispies with another one of those rtd shakes.

Typical days will be

Rtd shake and coffee

Grilled Chicken wrap and water with aminos ( It's really just for flavoring)

Some greek yogurt and fruit

Rtd shake

Meat and vegetables

If i feel the need for a snack i bought 2 tasty flavors of protein bars that will save the day

I know this is very opposite of howvi normally do with Very few shakes or bars, but it's for convenience.And they're all low calories and high and protein. Hopefully are not crapping.My brains out all week lol.

Again, this is only 2 weeks tops
Yeah, those Fairlife RTDs are really good, and my go too as well…..oh and happy birthday to your son…hey, he’s ready for his license, now the fun begins.😎


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Im like 3 days into some diet changes and im seeing a difference. Was noticable within 24hrs honestly. Im Really just saying this for myself as a note for when i look back to see what were significant points in my cut


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Theres Definitely better ways to map out my meal plan right now.But convenience is important for me at this time and I have very little time to prep with work being crazy.

2 meat meals
1 yogurt meal
2 shakes
1 protein bar

Amd a little carbs here and there
Happy birthday to your son!

What kind of bars do you go for that are lower cal, but still high protein? Most I see these days have at least 230-290 cals, very high fat protein, and lately less protein than I'd like...


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Happy birthday to your son!

What kind of bars do you go for that are lower cal, but still high protein? Most I see these days have at least 230-290 cals, very high fat protein, and lately less protein than I'd like...
Id consider those 200-300 ones low calorie bars. The bars i mainly use are 410 calories with 32 gm protein Which it's a meal replacement and 410 Calories is an extremely low calorie meal. A metrex bar and a fairlife gives me 560 cal and 62gm of protein


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Basically my entire meal plan right now revolves arpund getting 250-300gm of protein @2500-2800 cals. The reason for the range is because not every day is the same. I less on off days and more on training days and it balances out to about these numbers.

I am having a little heartburn and upset stomach in the mornings but the rest ofvthe day im fine. Il give it a few days to see If it's a fluke And if it's not I'll just switch out some of the processed stuff for chicken breasts and fruit, i may even go high protein "keto" for a few days at the end


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Wont be many updates for the next 7-10 days till I'm ready to make assessments. Or ready for your assesments I should say. I'm shooting for 4 weeks with the tren in and then a beefed up cruise of 250 test 200 mast😱.

I'm thinking by the 4th everything should be nice and tight for a maintenance phase


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So I lied, I got a update lol. After cardio I took a few pics and sent them to my boy, he said if I was doing a show he'd start me on a 16-20week prep from where I'm at now. He said if I'm gonna continue to cut and wanna hold strong in the single digits for a while do 8 more weeks or if I only wanna go 4 more I need to do like more mast and 300-450 tren, or keep tren around 150 and add winni.
I'm not doing all that so were going 8 weeks. I'm gonna deplete best I can over the weekend till Tuesday and carb up for 2 days and send him more pics, il post those here too.

On that topic of depletion and carbs, I went hypo yesterday, real hypo, not the nonsense most ppl say they felt nauseous or tired. I was post workout and felt sick and tired, drank a big chocolate milk and felt better. Shower and run errands, Then I sit down in my uncle's restaurant and it's nice and cool the a c's going and I just start sweating bullet, First my face, Then my chest, That my arms and I started getting woozy. I corrected the situation with some soda nd a coffee wisdom sugar. I had noticed a few days before that after my workouts I felt like that and I've been eating very minimal carbs during the day and loading them all up at night and I'm gonna have to spread it out better. That may make carb depletion sketchy. I mentioned it to my boy last night but he hasn't responded on that.

Any who, I just did 30min hiit cardio and a giant set - db curl/side laterals/db crushers :
3 sets of 12's and 15's, so sets were 36 to 45 total reps per giant set.

Looks like 8 weeks to go. His alternative to all that was just to start bulking now and cut again but it's too hot for me to cram food this time of year.


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Question for the crowd, what happened to mikey? Cant remember the screen name, mikeyren? It doesn't come up


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Question for the crowd, what happened to mikey? Cant remember the screen name, mikeyren? It doesn't come up
Last time he was on was March-ish. I wanna say the 3rd or 23rd… I know it had a 3 in it. Been crickets since


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Last time he was on was March-ish. I wanna say the 3rd or 23rd… I know it had a 3 in it. Been crickets since
I was way off on this. It was late Jan. Thanks to @akboom87 for spelling his user. I thought it was Mikeyr…….something.


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What's everyone's plans for the 4th
We’re going to the local 4th celebration near the college here. They have some Rock cover bands that start playing at 2:00 and go all the way until they start the fireworks at about 9:30. All kinds of vendors and things for the grandkids to do. Only thing is I’ll probably gain 5 pounds with all the good food they have there.😎


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Fireworks at brother-in-laws house. His buddy that we refer to as “Boom Boom Pete” has a pyrotechnic license and puts on a hell of a show
That sounds cool. Normally fireworks dont do much for me but occasionally I see some good ones that I like. I bet that guy has some serious ****!


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Squeezed a quick one in this morning. Played around with some light pressing and Well I know my shoulder is NOT gtg, but it feels good lately and i made sure to stay light enough not to aggravate it.

View attachment 243276
Later today il do my cardio and maybe do a little extra volume for chest since I havnt been pushing much work on chest or shoulders lately. Tomorrow shoulders, arms, and if its not raining im going for a hike or a swim. Its like 90 and gross out so anything Outside right now has me drenched and sweat, even working on the garden is cardio right now lol.

I didnt write out a Detailed diet plan, Or I should say adjustments to my plan but I have made some big changes for the weeks following. Its a bit agressive compared to my normal cal drops but it will be short lived.

Before i lay that out, anyone try these? I may have mentioned this before but holy **** these taste 100% like regular fairlife chocolate milk. I cpuld easily Drink half a case a day. View attachment 243278View attachment 243277

Yesterday i had a 6oz chicken breast with water and a coffee with cream, post workout i had a shake from above picture.

Lunch break at work got fucked so i had a coffee and a metrex bar

6 oz chicken breast with water

It was my sons 16th bday And we went for thai food, but i was good. I had Something off their keto friendly list witj beef, brocoli and beansprouts and 1 spicy tuna roll.

Before bed i had 1 cup Rice crispies with another one of those rtd shakes.

Typical days will be

Rtd shake and coffee

Grilled Chicken wrap and water with aminos ( It's really just for flavoring)

Some greek yogurt and fruit

Rtd shake

Meat and vegetables

If i feel the need for a snack i bought 2 tasty flavors of protein bars that will save the day

I know this is very opposite of howvi normally do with Very few shakes or bars, but it's for convenience.And they're all low calories and high and protein. Hopefully are not crapping.My brains out all week lol.

Again, this is only 2 weeks tops
Those Fairlife protein shakes are awesome. My wife picked up some at Sam’s Club a few weeks ago. Those didn’t last long between the two of us.


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That sounds cool. Normally fireworks dont do much for me but occasionally I see some good ones that I like. I bet that guy has some serious ****!
He has pre-dug holes w pvc inserts for the diff size mortars. “BOOM BOOM Pete” lives on a lake so when he hosts and sets them off he does it from a laptop and sets the off from a swimming platform/dock he has in the water. It’s pretty loud and colorful display. Psilocybin anyone?


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Last night I started pulling carbs back, I cut them by 1/3 yesterday but I did finish the day with greek yogurt and 1/2 banana. That was my "dessert" after 10oz steak, 4oz ground beef and 2 chicken hotdogs, and a small cucumber with salt.

Lunch was a grilled chicken salad with onion, peppers and tomatoes.

Anyways. I got 10lbs of london broil on sale with a extra online coupon my girl had $2.99/lb final price.

Anyone got a good way to tenderizer a London broil? I know a great asian style one but it limits how I can cook it. If it's tough Il just slice it thin but I'm looking for any tips outside of marinade. And once you got something specific to add to a marinade maybe? Looking to do something new with it


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Last night I started pulling carbs back, I cut them by 1/3 yesterday but I did finish the day with greek yogurt and 1/2 banana. That was my "dessert" after 10oz steak, 4oz ground beef and 2 chicken hotdogs, and a small cucumber with salt.

Lunch was a grilled chicken salad with onion, peppers and tomatoes.

Anyways. I got 10lbs of london broil on sale with a extra online coupon my girl had $2.99/lb final price.

Anyone got a good way to tenderizer a London broil? I know a great asian style one but it limits how I can cook it. If it's tough Il just slice it thin but I'm looking for any tips outside of marinade. And once you got something specific to add to a marinade maybe? Looking to do something new with it
How are the chicken hot dogs?

Any marinade w vinegar w break down the fibers on the LB. To your point cutting it thin AND at a 45 degree angle actually helps a lot. By nature it’s just a tougher cut but for under $3 a pound you can’t beat it!!!


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How are the chicken hot dogs?

Any marinade w vinegar w break down the fibers on the LB. To your point cutting it thin AND at a 45 degree angle actually helps a lot. By nature it’s just a tougher cut but for under $3 a pound you can’t beat it!!!
Ya lol, I have 2 different ways I make it where it comes out really tender but it's a lot of work and you're limited to the style of food you can make to go with it so I wanna make it so the kids can eat too. And the slicing style is super important!

Cornstarch and rice vinegar is a good combo to tenderize, I forgot about that one. After you pat it dry and do your regular marinade or seasoning and cook it.

Il look up some other viniger recipes. My buddy puts his pork in a oj brine before he slow cooks it. I dont think that's gonna fly with beef tho


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We always use a couple 2tbs of apple cider vinegar when marinating chicken breast before we grill it.


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For some reason I took rad 150 the other day and did It multiple days in a row and I'm sitting here thinking..... i decided not to use rad yet, why the fluck did I start taking it the other day. I keep putting the epi on in the morning and taking a rad dose. I'm do god damn busy running around 20hrs a day I cant remember what I'm doing with this cycle lol


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For some reason I took rad 150 the other day and did It multiple days in a row and I'm sitting here thinking..... i decided not to use rad yet, why the fluck did I start taking it the other day. I keep putting the epi on in the morning and taking a rad dose. I'm do god damn busy running around 20hrs a day I cant remember what I'm doing with this cycle lol
Where can I put all these gains? 🤪

on a serious note, do you take entire dose of rad in a.m. or break it into 2 doses. I had read of a longer half-life so curious if splitting doses is needed…


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Where can I put all these gains? 🤪

on a serious note, do you take entire dose of rad in a.m. or break it into 2 doses. I had read of a longer half-life so curious if splitting doses is needed…
1x day, honestly I dose all orals usually 1x day regardless of half life and never had a issue. The only stuff that would worry me is the oral trest needing some stability. But rad is going back in the box. I think I'm so use to going to the cabinet to take my morning supps I was forgetting I'm not using rad, it's not gonna do much with what I'm taking anyways

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