Can somatozine help my shoulder recovery? Let's find out (a sponsored log)



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It's Friday night. Watch a little porn rub one off and off to bed. I should be asleep in 5 min.


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Damn it i missed Studhorse rubbing one out!!!!

Did some rehab on my trip with bands tied to tree. Didn't do any non bands exercises as I was lazy and it would have been a PITA.

Did a **** ton on riding!! And some free climbing. Usually am sore as hell but I barely even sore. I do think this is helping my recovery time for sure.

Here some pics


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Nice pics. must admit I'm gelly since you are having a great time and I'm stuck in the office.

you didn't miss much! lol

I would love to see the look of someone walking buy while you have bands hooked up to a tree! lol


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Nice pics. must admit I'm gelly since you are having a great time and I'm stuck in the office.

you didn't miss much! lol

I would love to see the look of someone walking buy while you have bands hooked up to a tree! lol
Haha that's not even close to the weirdest thing you see. You see the craziest sh!t around here camping, some insane redneck engineering.(I'm guilty of this.) Plus there isn't another soul for 1/2mile from my camp spot.


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Sleep is interesting. Some days Ill wake up feeling like a million bucks waking up at 500. Other days and can't drag myself out at 730 no matter what, its a struggle.


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Sleep is interesting. Some days Ill wake up feeling like a million bucks waking up at 500. Other days and can't drag myself out at 730 no matter what, its a struggle.
good times, bad times you know I've had my share...i'm like that without using anything.


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Normally I struggle falling asleep but CAN'T sleep in if I wanted.
Same experience made. Sleep was either cut short to 5 hours -or insomnia.
Then, after awhile bloat sets in, yeah! :)


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Same experience made. Sleep was either cut short to 5 hours -or insomnia.
Then, after awhile bloat sets in, yeah! :)
sounds like a good time, lol.


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Sleep is definitely taking a hit. Not sure why. Although recovery day to day has improved. Everyday aches and pains are non existent now.

Shoulder feels SLIGHTLY better(like it's slightly more lubed up) other than that not noticing much, here. But that's more than I can say for any else I've take. Seriously!!

Got a few decent size cuts when I was rock climbing when camping they are all already gonna like nothing has happened. No scar tissue.

Couple weird things.

Hunger has decreased, like a lot!!??!! Not sure what's up with this.

Holding less water and peeing alot more, I have actually lost a few pounds. Diet has not changed at all. Wondering if I haven't been consuming enough magnesium as if I wasn't that would explain this.

Also my uhm, loads have increased volume. Really confused about this


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Sleep is definitely taking a hit. Not sure why. Although recovery day to day has improved. Everyday aches and pains are non existent now.

Shoulder feels SLIGHTLY better(like it's slightly more lubed up) other than that not noticing much, here. But that's more than I can say for any else I've take. Seriously!!

Got a few decent size cuts when I was rock climbing when camping they are all already gonna like nothing has happened. No scar tissue.

Couple weird things.

Hunger has decreased, like a lot!!??!! Not sure what's up with this.

Holding less water and peeing alot more, I have actually lost a few pounds. Diet has not changed at all. Wondering if I haven't been consuming enough magnesium as if I wasn't that would explain this.

Also my uhm, loads have increased volume. Really confused about this
don't happy!!!


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Mike Arnold got any ideas why hunger has gone down, increased load volume and the diuretic effect that's this is having?


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Mike Arnold got any ideas why hunger has gone down, increased load volume and the diuretic effect that's this is having?
That is really weird. It should be the other way around. Maybe it works in females differently...


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That is really weird. It should be the other way around. Maybe it works in females differently...
That's what I was thinking as well. I'm not sure what's going on. I do like the it though

Mike Arnold

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Sleep is definitely taking a hit. Not sure why.
I know what is going on. You are experiencing lethargy. A certain percentage of MK users experience this side effect shortly after they begin using the product, but the good news is that it does go away. It takes a few weeks, though. Most guys use MK long-term and the growth benefits are so impressive that waiting a few weeks usually isn't too big of a deal. However, among those who do experience this side effect, a small percentage experience it pretty intensely. This can happen with injectable GH as well. Hopefully you are not one of those guys.

Although recovery day to day has improved. Everyday aches and pains are non existent now.
Good to hear.

Shoulder feels SLIGHTLY better(like it's slightly more lubed up) other than that not noticing much, here. But that's more than I can say for any else I've take. Seriously!!
unfortunately, being that you're not training, you aren't going to be able to experience its primary effects--size and strength gains. After all, it is a PED designed to help build lean mass, but that won't happen if the training stimulus isn't there. It's the same with steroids. We all know that even 300 mg of test per week works great for muscle growth in a first-time user, but if we gave that same 300 mg to a guy who doesn't train, he isn't going to notice any of its primary benefits. He may notice its secondary effects like increased sex drive, etc...but its primary effects (muscle growth) will be absent.

Honestly, because of this I nearly decided against having you log the product, but I decided to send you a bottle anyway, even though I knew an "injury recovery" log wouldn't do much to boost sales...simply because most people don't buy supps for that reason, especially here. The main reason I sent it to you is because I have been injured multiple times myself and hate seeing others in the same situation. I wanted you to get better. I usually send out one free bottle per month to a board member--to someone who either can't afford the product, really needs it for some reason, or someone that I think "deserves" it for whatever reason. You were my monthly "Good Samaritan" act...LOL. Anyway don't feel bad about not being able to say much about its primary effects. Just get well.

Got a few decent size cuts when I was rock climbing when camping they are all already gonna like nothing has happened. No scar tissue.
That's just its recovery effect. .

Couple weird things.

Hunger has decreased, like a lot!!??!! Not sure what's up with this.
I don't think it has anything to do with the product directly, but maybe indirectly. Allow me to explain. First of all, while the large majority of people who use MK report a dramatic increase in hunger (as you can see on this board and elsewhere), not everyone experiences this side effect. This is due to some individuals having naturally high levels of circulating ghrelin. MK-677 is a ghrelin mimetic...and ghrelin is the body's primary hunger hormone, so when people take a ghrelin mimetic like MK, GHRP-6, etc, they usually get pretty hungry...unless they already have naturally high circulating levels of ghrelin. It seems about 1/10 people don't experience this side effect--probably less than that. On top of that, the lethargy could be contributing to this effect by suppressing your appetite.

Holding less water and peeing alot more, I have actually lost a few pounds. Diet has not changed at all. Wondering if I haven't been consuming enough magnesium as if I wasn't that would explain this.

Also my uhm, loads have increased volume. Really confused about this

No idea. Never heard anyone say that before. LOL.


Mike Arnold

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Mike Arnold got any ideas why hunger has gone down, increased load volume and the diuretic effect that's this is having?
I explained the hunger effect in the prior post, but MK doesn't have a diuretic effect, nor does it increase load volume. I think there is something else going on there, buddy. :)


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Mike Arnold got any ideas why hunger has gone down, increased load volume and the diuretic effect that's this is having?
It is said that higher growth hormone levels increase the efficiency of androgenic hormones, so the increased load volume makes sense. I usually get more horny on MK, but don't happen to recall a change in my load volume one way or another.

The decrease in bloat/diuretic effect and decreased hunger surely is bizarre!


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I explained the hunger effect in the prior post, but MK doesn't have a diuretic effect, nor does it increase load volume. I think there is something else going on there, buddy. :)
Haha no worries I'm glad you chimed in. Also am very grateful for you sending me this product, even though you know you would see an increase in sells. Honestly that means a ton, and that is insanely awesome. Shows what kinda character you have and I will be buying something from you just because of this!! No joke if nothing else but to support a good guy. I will probably get vicaine.

Also would like to say I am working out but it is barely anything, as I'm very limited atm. I'm hoping that I can get back at fully by the end of this log.(this was my Gail before I got to log this). If the progress I'm making right now is a sign of anything I will achieve this goal. My goal is to get back to my old maxes in 6 months.

Man I miss being the strongest and biggest guy in the gym. It's hurting my ego right now I know it petty but I can't help it.

Mike Arnold

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It is said that higher growth hormone levels increase the efficiency of androgenic hormones, so the increased load volume makes sense.
You are least partially correct. Growth hormone can improve sperm count and increase semen volume under certain conditions, but this has only been witnessed in GH-deficient men or men with normogonadotropic infertility. However, it generally takes months to notice these effects, as sperm requires 2.5-3 months to reach full maturity prior to being released during ejaculation, while prostate fluid (despite being produced more rapidly) only makes up about 25-30% of ejaculate volume. I genuinely doubt his experience has anything to do with the MK. It has never been reported before, either clinically or anecdotally, .and I doubt he is GH-deficient or suffers from normogonadotropic infertility...but sometimes people do and don't know.

I usually get more horny on MK, but don't happen to recall a change in my load volume one way or another.

The decrease in bloat/diuretic effect and decreased hunger surely is bizarre!

Mike Arnold

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Haha no worries I'm glad you chimed in. Also am very grateful for you sending me this product, even though you know you would see an increase in sells. Honestly that means a ton, and that is insanely awesome. Shows what kinda character you have and I will be buying something from you just because of this!! No joke if nothing else but to support a good guy. I will probably get vicaine.

Also would like to say I am working out but it is barely anything, as I'm very limited atm. I'm hoping that I can get back at fully by the end of this log.(this was my Gail before I got to log this). If the progress I'm making right now is a sign of anything I will achieve this goal. My goal is to get back to my old maxes in 6 months.

Man I miss being the strongest and biggest guy in the gym. It's hurting my ego right now I know it petty but I can't help it.
If you've gone through this before, you know how quickly lost size and strength returns when you go back to the gym, especially when you have everything dialed in just right. You'll be there before you know it.


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I read a ton of mk logs on a handful of boards today. I'd say half had sleep disturbance and half had imoroved sleep.

I'd also like to add that magnesium causes sleep disturbance for a small group of people as well.

Finally, Mike the feedback of your mk is pretty darn positive, even on boards where you don't seem to have a presence. I don't think you need to mention sales. Your mk has consistent feedback whereas many of the RC mk feedback is inconsistent batch to batch.


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Hey sorry I've been super busy. Sleep improved slightly, I've gone up a band for my in shoulder rehab(fastest I've progressed so far) other than things are about the same thus far. Got any questions please ask


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Hey sorry I've been super busy. Sleep improved slightly, I've gone up a band for my in shoulder rehab(fastest I've progressed so far) other than things are about the same thus far. Got any questions please ask
I have a question:

If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, why are there locks on the doors?


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I have a question:

If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, why are there locks on the doors?
Well can't tell you about 711 but I worked for a 24/7 business and we had lock on the doors so the if it was windy we could lock one side that way the wind wouldn't keep it open or on Christmas(and a few others) we did close for a few hours


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I have a question:

If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, why are there locks on the doors?
Because 7-11s are usually in (not the best) neighborhoods and if there is a civil uprising or mobs, they can lock the doors to secure the merchandise from being easily taken. :D


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Well can't tell you about 711 but I worked for a 24/7 business and we had lock on the doors so the if it was windy we could lock one side that way the wind wouldn't keep it open or on Christmas(and a few others) we did close for a few hours
Ah, thank you! Now I can sleep again.

One more question:

If a Jew gets bitten by a Vampire -and he becomes a Jewish Vampire, can you kill him with a cross?


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Ah, thank you! Now I can sleep again.

One more question:

If a Jew gets bitten by a Vampire -and he becomes a Jewish Vampire, can you kill him with a cross?
Yes, because he immediately converts to being a Christianity because vampires cannot be particularly kosher only... :p


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Ah, thank you! Now I can sleep again.

One more question:

If a Jew gets bitten by a Vampire -and he becomes a Jewish Vampire, can you kill him with a cross?
According to the Bible is it possible for a gay black Jew to make it to heaven?


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Ah, thank you! Now I can sleep again.

One more question:

If a Jew gets bitten by a Vampire -and he becomes a Jewish Vampire, can you kill him with a cross?
You're not going to post another Hitler meme are you?


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Whats wrong with German. Loved it there. Spent 3 years in Hohenfels, right outside Parsburg
Nothing just making fun of hairygrandpa. As he lived in Germany and posted a hilter meme. Just some dicking around. Nothing against the people or country(well beside hairygrandpa) it's a hellava beautiful place.


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Nothing just making fun of hairygrandpa. As he lived in Germany and posted a hilter meme. Just some dicking around. Nothing against the people or country(well beside hairygrandpa) it's a hellava beautiful place.
I know. I loved it. Told the wife had I never met her, I would be living there today


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Nothing just making fun of hairygrandpa. As he lived in Germany and posted a hilter meme. Just some dicking around. Nothing against the people or country(well beside hairygrandpa) it's a hellava beautiful place.
I know. I loved it. Told the wife had I never met her, I would be living there today
It got even better since the immigrants came!
What I love most about Germany is, when every morning the muezzin calls to pray from the minaret, right before the women groping starts....


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It got even better!
What I love most about Germany is, when every morning the muezzin calls to pray from the minaret, right before the women groping starts....
I missed that, but after a few strassbeire there was definetly groping done on the bohnhoff. Lol. Specially when Nurnberg plays Regensberg in football


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BloodRayne: The Third Reich (2011)
Pssshh you and your knowledge get some brain damage and become dumb like the rest of us. Ignorance is bliss, unless you are aware of your ingorance then it's just a pain in the ass. So don't get hit in the head to soft but not too hard either gotta find the perfect balance were you become dumb but not dead


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Also guys wtf is going on did am loosen up on it's cussing rules? As I can say bitch and ass again but still not ****


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Also guys wtf is going on did am loosen up on it's cussing rules? As I can say bitch and ass again but still not ****
Probably not gonna push it. I like coming on here and kinda wanna stick around.


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Also guys wtf is going on did am loosen up on it's cussing rules? As I can say bitch and ass again but still not ****
Good point, gonna try some of my favorites:


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