1,4 Andro Log


I don't think taking a stimulate or caffeine of any kind while on a PH would be a good idea, will increase BP even more. I would just push through it, or up the dosage of the compound thats acting as a test base. Sometimes it stinks but cycles have to be cut short if can't push through it. I had to end a cycle 2 weeks early once because i couldn't take it anymore.


Dude I'm having bad lethargy. 3 days in a row now. What's a good stim to take?
I try to stay away from it but if I absolutely have to, coffee is my friend. I have to drink a lot more than I normally do to fight the lethargy though.


End of day 21
So i'm a little frustrated to say the least. I had chest and tri's today and a lot of my lifts went down about 5 lbs and my bench went down 10 lbs like come on...?? I had a little to drink over the weekend and didn't eat as much as i'd like but I didn't expect to lose a decent amount of size and 10 lbs on my bench?
Also I ran out of all the IML 1 4 andro and now I moved to the primeval labs 1 4 andro and so far i'm a little worried. It's about 2-3 days in since the change and I feel like the 300mg of the primeval labs is weaker than the IML 300mg. It feels like I don't feel the 1 4 andro in me as strong as it was a couple days ago and feel almost normal again like I never even took the 1 4 andro. I even thought i was taking a placebo pill at one point. Could this be a factor to my weakness on bench today? Does my body have to adjust to the new brand? Should I up my dosage to 400mg? Any advice and insight would be much appreciated and why this could be.


On a good note all my lethargy seems to have disappeared for the most part after starting epi-andro which is great.


End of day 21
So i'm a little frustrated to say the least. I had chest and tri's today and a lot of my lifts went down about 5 lbs and my bench went down 10 lbs like come on...?? I had a little to drink over the weekend and didn't eat as much as i'd like but I didn't expect to lose a decent amount of size and 10 lbs on my bench?
Also I ran out of all the IML 1 4 andro and now I moved to the primeval labs 1 4 andro and so far i'm a little worried. It's about 2-3 days in since the change and I feel like the 300mg of the primeval labs is weaker than the IML 300mg. It feels like I don't feel the 1 4 andro in me as strong as it was a couple days ago and feel almost normal again like I never even took the 1 4 andro. I even thought i was taking a placebo pill at one point. Could this be a factor to my weakness on bench today? Does my body have to adjust to the new brand? Should I up my dosage to 400mg? Any advice and insight would be much appreciated and why this could be.
I've seen some pretty good reviews/logs on primeval andros. As far as what I've read it doesn't seem to be underdosed or anything.


New member
I try to stay away from it but if I absolutely have to, coffee is my friend. I have to drink a lot more than I normally do to fight the lethargy though.
Fair enough. I don't like to drink coffee during a cycle but to each their own. I'm gonna avoid a stim like the other guy said and rely on the caffeine from my PWO and my multis help a lot with my energy. Sorry for jacking your thread man, thanks for the log ☺


I've seen some pretty good reviews/logs on primeval andros. As far as what I've read it doesn't seem to be underdosed or anything.
Yeah I take back everything I said. I just took my first dose today without epi andro and I can feel it pretty good. I think taking the epi-andro at the same time as I did with the 1 4 affected what I felt. Stuff is legit!!


Fair enough. I don't like to drink coffee during a cycle but to each their own. I'm gonna avoid a stim like the other guy said and rely on the caffeine from my PWO and my multis help a lot with my energy. Sorry for jacking your thread man, thanks for the log ☺
No worries brotha all is good and thanks! Hopefully that lethargy will subside soon for ya. Best of luck on your cycle.


Day 22
Did back and bi's today. Had a pretty good workout with good energy throughout. My PR for deadlift keeps rising every week and hit 345 for reps today. Usually after each deadlift set i'm winded a bit but the deadlifts did not phase me at all today. Strength has also went up a little bit.
Recovery time is DEFINITELY up, my muscles barely feel sore after chest and tri's yesterday.
Kept feeling this tingling feeling down there multiple times throughout the day, assuming it's nothing out of the norm though? Been feeling it throughout the cycle but weirdly more recently. I'm thinking it could be the epi andro.
Appetite is starting to go up a lot! Starting to feel like I can eat everything in sight.


Day 22
Did back and bi's today. Had a pretty good workout with good energy throughout. My PR for deadlift keeps rising every week and hit 345 for reps today. Usually after each deadlift set i'm winded a bit but the deadlifts did not phase me at all today. Strength has also went up a little bit.
Recovery time is DEFINITELY up, my muscles barely feel sore after chest and tri's yesterday.
Kept feeling this tingling feeling down there multiple times throughout the day, assuming it's nothing out of the norm though? Been feeling it throughout the cycle but weirdly more recently. I'm thinking it could be the epi andro.
Appetite is starting to go up a lot! Starting to feel like I can eat everything in sight.
I know it's still early, but any change in weight yet?


Definitely gained some muscle mass, vascularity, and i'm up 6 lbs. from when I started.
Must be nice. I'm just a few days behind you in my cycle and I'm bloated and pissef off all the time. I hope it gets better.


Must be nice. I'm just a few days behind you in my cycle and I'm bloated and pissef off all the time. I hope it gets better.
Man that doesn't sound like fun. What's your dosing like?. For me my cheeks are a little bloated as well. Also, it's weird for me because I can bounce between stages of feeling like superman, being normal, easily irritated at small stuff, anti social, and dead tired.


Day 23
Strength continues to go up and recovery time seems to be just about a day or two max now.
Starting to spread out my doses more evenly throughout the day instead of taking my doses within a couple hours of each other, so I can let it build in my system better with the half lives, so hopefully that will help the process.
I'm finding that my 200mg pre workout doses of 1 4 andro can either make me feel like superman, or really lethargic with brain fog. Been a hit or miss.
Starting to really feel the lethargy kickin my ass as I don't really want to do anything but workout and sleep and have to really push myself to even do school work.
Primeval labs is treating me good, except that I have noticed it does irritate my stomach a little bit temporarily which the IML did not do.


Starting to get back pumps and pumps in any muscle that's being used like crazy. Definitely look way bigger in the gym now.
Did some delts today and the pump hurt really bad after my 3rd and 4th set but it was a good pain.
Muscles are really starting to harden up and get full and i'm definitely starting to get more cut.
On a side note my joints are definitely starting to feel more dry from the epi andro adding in and my knees can hurt sometimes when I walk and especially when I Squat. I take fish oil but I should probably take more?
I also notice i'm more confident but at the same time I'm more prone to random anxiety attacks and i sweat really easily anywhere like my hands, feet, etc.


Just started week 5
Back pumps are becoming more noticeable but nothing bad at all.
Strength continues to rise at a slow steady space and now my muscles are definitely more cut, bigger as it is increasingly harder to put on my shirts, and a lot more harder from the epi andro.
Also lost a little bit of fat as well as my abs are more defined.
Raised my 1 4 andro dose to 400mg each the last two days and now will be moving up to 450 then 500 then eventually 550 and maybe 600 depending on the sides.
Excited to kill it this week.


Just started week 5
Back pumps are becoming more noticeable but nothing bad at all.
Strength continues to rise at a slow steady space and now my muscles are definitely more cut, bigger as it is increasingly harder to put on my shirts, and a lot more harder from the epi andro.
Also lost a little bit of fat as well as my abs are more defined.
Raised my 1 4 andro dose to 400mg each the last two days and now will be moving up to 450 then 500 then eventually 550 and maybe 600 depending on the sides.
Excited to kill it this week.
Looking forward to seeing how this treats you!


Active member
Nice man, I'm noticing the sleeves on my work shirts are getting tighter at the same time as my abs getting more defined. Pretty cool


Active member
Any advice from anyone as far as blood pressure supplements, mine has been pretty high. Don't feel too bad but don't really want to go another month with super high BP. Grape seed, coq10?


Any advice from anyone as far as blood pressure supplements, mine has been pretty high. Don't feel too bad but don't really want to go another month with super high BP. Grape seed, coq10?
How high is "high"? Are you taking any cycle support


Active member
Full dose of arimacare pro. Most recent time I checked it it was like 159/80 something.


Any advice from anyone as far as blood pressure supplements, mine has been pretty high. Don't feel too bad but don't really want to go another month with super high BP. Grape seed, coq10?
I'm curious too. My bp has been higher once I raised the dose to 400 and it feels like at times my heart like drops lower sort for a second? Like a heavy feeling. And then other times throughout the day I have to take deep breaths randomly.
I have cycle support but don't want to run it because I'm worried saw palmetto will weaken the epi andro.


Full dose of arimacare pro. Most recent time I checked it it was like 159/80 something.
Yikes. Have you been checking it entire cycle since the beginning? What was it at the start of your cycle and about how long into the cycle did it really shoot up


Active member
Yikes. Have you been checking it entire cycle since the beginning? What was it at the start of your cycle and about how long into the cycle did it really shoot up
Just started checking it recently when I got a BP monitor, not sure when it shot up. My BP is always good (when not on cycle) usually 120/60 something or better


Damn bro pushing those 1/4 doses high!!

That's a good ass feeling when the shirts start fitting tighter, what's your weight gain at now?


Damn bro pushing those 1/4 doses high!!

That's a good ass feeling when the shirts start fitting tighter, what's your weight gain at now?
Yessir ended up with an extra bottle so got to make the most of it!
I haven't checked my weight recently but i'll update tomorrow with my weight!
I'm gonna assume around 171 or 172 though which is about 7-8 lbs up from what I started.
Hoping to gain at least an extra 5 in the span of 3 weeks before my cycle ends but we'll see!


Back and bi's yesterday. Hit deadlift for 345 5,4,3 which is 30 lbs up from what I started. Frustratingly all my other lifts besides core lifts have gone only a little up or have stayed pretty stagnant. TBH 5 weeks in and I thought I was getting good gains but I'm still waiting for the results that I've been hearing about. Am I expecting too much?
After my deadlifting yesterday I felt pretty fatigued and just wanted to go home early, and today I don't feel much motivated to go to the gym. Is CNS fatigue even possible on cycle, or am I just experiencing lethargy does anyone know.
Also I might have to cut my dose back down to 400mg each as with the 450 I feel like I have to constantly take deep breaths, like I'm really out of shape. Will try adding some cardio in to help. Definitely not a comfortable feeling.


Back and bi's yesterday. Hit deadlift for 345 5,4,3 which is 30 lbs up from what I started. Frustratingly all my other lifts besides core lifts have gone only a little up or have stayed pretty stagnant. TBH 5 weeks in and I thought I was getting good gains but I'm still waiting for the results that I've been hearing about. Am I expecting too much?
After my deadlifting yesterday I felt pretty fatigued and just wanted to go home early, and today I don't feel much motivated to go to the gym. Is CNS fatigue even possible on cycle, or am I just experiencing lethargy does anyone know.
Also I might have to cut my dose back down to 400mg each as with the 450 I feel like I have to constantly take deep breaths, like I'm really out of shape. Will try adding some cardio in to help. Definitely not a comfortable feeling.
What is your BP?


Active member
I'm at 440 for the 1 and 4 and not experiencing any breathing issues, but obviously every one is different. My BP has been pretty high but I just added some coq10 and I'm going to up my fish oil and try to get more cardio in.


Unfortunately I don't know my BP because I don't have anything to measure it with, but it feels like i'm not getting in enough air sometimes and I have to constantly take deep breaths. I think it's definitely high BP because I would get the same feeling but worse after a night out of drinking and Viagra and Viagra is known to raise BP.

Yeah I think I'm just more prone to any type of heart problem as it runs in the family a bit. I'll try adding in more fish oil and if anything I'll also add my cycle support whether or not it interferes with my EPI ANDRO.


Active member
Kind of off topic but I had thought viagra was originally for lowering BP?


Kind of off topic but I had thought viagra was originally for lowering BP?
Yeah you're right on that. Makes me curious why it could make it hard to breathe sometimes, my best guess must be the increased blood flow.


Had a killer leg and shoulders yesterday. Moved up to 240 squats and BLASTED through my sets and felt like I could do a couple extra reps. Strength also went up in all the other lifts as well. Shoulders also got stronger too but nothing special. Pumps are also great, back pumps are becoming more real as It can be pretty irritating to sit down in a chair for a while and I just constantly want to stretch.
Going to be doing chest and tris today and going to take some c4 and 500mg epi andro pre workout. READY TO SLAY SOME WEIGHTS!!


The Epi Andro is kicking in full effect now and I love it.
Aggression is definitely starting to hit me and my mood is improved along with killer pumps.
Lethargy has disappeared for the most part and I feel great overall.
Libido is still somewhat down but it's liveable.
On a good note I think my body got used to the 1 4 andro dosage and now my BP feels fine.
Will try upping the dosage to 450 again and see how it feels with my BP.


It appears there are a lot of us running the same cycle I'm just starting the third week and already see gains db rows are up 20lbs


Active member
Yeah I just finished week 4 and if things continue I'll be pretty happy with the results


End of week 5, going into week 6
Size, vascularity, and strength have all increased since starting.
Currently at 171 which is about 7 lbs up from what I started.
Aggression continues to rise from the epi andro. Don't know how much of a good thing it is though because i'm starting to wanna blow up and get violent at anything that makes me normally mad lol.


Here are some progress pics from a few days ago. Definitely leaned out a bit and gained some mass!



Active member
Yeah dude, I wanna **** people up over some minor ****, definitely feeling way more aggressive.


Active member
What's your height and weight dude? Did you post any before pics?


Yeah man it's bad especially when driving.. if someone honks I just want to get out the car and **** the other person up.. lol.
Definitely also getting hairier and growing hair in new places like my shoulders.
I'm 5'10 at 171 currently


Active member
Interesting about the hair, I've never really had any body hair and I don't think I'm getting any more. My complexion has been surprisingly clear also for the amount of 4 I'm taking but I'm also on 12.5 mg of mk so that might be why

Twisted Redne

New member
Howdy y'all

I'm new here and getting ready to start 1/2 Andro and could use any tips. Not sure if this is the right place to ask or not so bare with my multiple personalities.


I'm 49, old fat and ugly, September 19th is my most hated day of the year due to 2 AB surgeries to remove cancer lined intestine both 2015 and 16.
I went from 6 pack to keg and since I don't drink it's not getting smaller. I eat organic only which is a lot of Venison, i.e..treerat, rabbit, deer, elk, beaver, etc.. and grow all my own veggies. I eat my Flintstones and gummy worm vitamins everyday and I'm house broke.

I'm going to run my 1st cycle with 1 Andro for 3 weeks at 300 mg daily to cut the keg down and end with 4 Andro for 3 weeks at 300 mg. So any tips on a cycle like that would be grateful or if I need to strap a depends on to catch the money I just spent on it.


Active member
I would probably start a new thread bud. But off the top of my head, 3 weeks is too short, I would run the 1 and 4 for 8 weeks. I'm on my 5th week and just starting to see real benefits


Strength continues to rise. Setting PRs for all lifts. Hit 245 on squats today and dumbbell shoulder press is going up continuously. Moving onto 65s next week for the first time ever.
Haven't been able to get all the macros I would like but I'm still gaining progress.
Haven't been able to sleep much the last couple days because school but it hasn't affected my lifts.
On a side note I'm at 600mg each of 1 4 andro and 750mg of epi andro so we'll see how this goes!


Active member
Damn, 600?i thought I was high with 440mg. But if you have prior experience it's probably not super high.

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