I need a supplement to help me cope right now


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3 grams. I'll take before bed. I hope I can sleep after.


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Ok so my mom just died and I would like to take something to help. Feeling just to sad and out of it, from grief. I like the ashwaganda but I feel after a few days, it makes me too tired. I'm having a hard time talking to my fiends and family. Also does ashwaganda lower cortisol or just balance it or whatever? Within a month I've had 2 pets die and now my mother died, so I'm just in need of something. Not gonna do anti depressants.
Sorry for your loss, I hope, and know that you will recover from these difficult times.

Powder city.c om or hardrhino are websites you want to go. Wait until labor day for sales.

1) Mucuna puriens or tyrosine
2) 5htp
3) buy yourself something that may motivate you to hit the gym, because GYM is a MUST (eg: agmatine sulfate increases NO and there's even some research "claiming" to help with depression)
4) good friends and family for support
5) GABA and or phenibut (can't take phenibut everyday) for good sleep
6) marijuana (max 2-3x per week)
7) stay focused on goals you want to accomplish in life to keep your mind busy.

Good luck my friend. Be patient. Even anti depressants like SSRI take 2-3 weeks to kick in.


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I would honestly have to recommend against taking anything mind / emotion altering to get through this time. At least any mood altering drug or "supplement". Giving yourself a crutch to lean on when you have the ability to stand on your own is going to weaken you not make you stronger. Things that seem to take the edge off the world for you are not really doing so. They are taking away your edge. You can make it through this time, but don't turn to drugs or a supplement. Your emotions have to be dealt with and worked through. Dealing with them only becomes harder the longer you put off going through the emotions.

You are not clinically or medically depressed, you are mourning. You are sad and feeling the pain of loss. That is not the same thing as clinical depression triggered by a chemical imbalance. That is the mourning process and things you not only should feel but need to in order to heal completely.

The best way to get away from sorrow is activity and happiness. Watch comedies, go have fun, see friends even when you don't feel like it. Allow yourself to smile and don't force guilt on yourself for having a good time. You Mother would want you to keep on smiling and having a joyful life. So do it for her if you can't for yourself.
And take into account what he's saying. You're in a normal part of grief. Do things that you love. Hang out with people that truly enjoy your company. Your mother would want to be happy, enjoy your life, and work hard as f**k to accomplish any goals that you set out for yourself. Do that, and I'm sure she will be very proud of you.


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Sorry for your loss, I hope, and know that you will recover from these difficult times.

Powder city.c om or hardrhino are websites you want to go. Wait until labor day for sales.

1) Mucuna puriens or tyrosine
2) 5htp
3) buy yourself something that may motivate you to hit the gym, because GYM is a MUST (eg: agmatine sulfate increases NO and there's even some research "claiming" to help with depression)
4) good friends and family for support
5) GABA and or phenibut (can't take phenibut everyday) for good sleep
6) marijuana (max 2-3x per week)
7) stay focused on goals you want to accomplish in life to keep your mind busy.

Good luck my friend. Be patient. Even anti depressants like SSRI take 2-3 weeks to kick in.
Love powder city. I take tyrosine everyday. Tried the mucana prureins, didn't like it for some reason. Don't remember why. 5htp caused weight gain, in me. Common or women from 5htp. What exactly should I feel mood wise from red maca, do you think? I know it is normal to grieve. It's really devastating to lose a parent. It's really hard to not, think about it. Some stuff I found out after she died thru her things, make it harder also. I found a picture with her teeth missing, I'm sure they were knocked out. And other things.


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Love powder city. I take tyrosine everyday. Tried the mucana prureins, didn't like it for some reason. Don't remember why. 5htp caused weight gain, in me. Common or women from 5htp. What exactly should I feel mood wise from red maca, do you think? I know it is normal to grieve. It's really devastating to lose a parent. It's really hard to not, think about it. Some stuff I found out after she died thru her things, make it harder also. I found a picture with her teeth missing, I'm sure they were knocked out. And other things.
From what I've quickly read, it will not be of any benefit to you, considering you already take tyrosine and have tried Mucuna prureins. Those 2 help with maintaining dopamine levels, And 5htp helps with maintaining good serotonin levels. Those two neurotransmitters regulate good mood and a sense of well being among many other things. If you couldnt achieve that via taking those supplements (even if it was just a placebo effect), then red maca wouldn't make a difference either.

Eat right, sleep right, and hitting the gym hard will help with a good sense of well being and nothing will beat that. Take your multivitamins and make sure you get out and get some sun (or you'll get vitamin D deficiency and or seasonal mood disorder).

One of the best things you can do is find a support system. Surround yourself with good people, and possibly even people who know exactly what you are going through. As others have mentioned as well, continue to do the things that make you happy. It's also okay to grieve as it is very healthy and will help you recover from the loss.

God bless


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Today I don't feel bad or anything. I've noticed sometimes the timing of new supplements have a more negative reaction. I was thinking of trying mucana prureins again. I think because I take a lot if tyrosine already it must have made me tired or something. When do you guys take mucana prureins?


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Yesterday my back was killing me from squats and my back pain I have, and the way I took the red maca. I broke my back before, so my back hurts all the time. I have pinched nerves in my back. I did a ct scan and mri and many other tests.


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Can you reiterate the whole back was killing you story. I'm confused. What are you saying about the way you took the maca?


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I skipped the red maca and by back was feeling my normal pain. I took the red maca with the my usual 10 vitamins before bed. The whole next day my back was burning and hurting bad. When I took during the day I didn't get back pain, but it was making me sluggish thru my workout. Not to say red maca is not a good product but the back pain was too much, both days I took before bed. Honestly my ass was looking flatter, since I started too. But I've been doing squats everyday and was seeing a result until I started it. I do love the way it tastes but I can't get into anything when my back hurts like fhaf. I also take a lot of supplements so maybe my combo was


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This may be a better question for your doctor. Short term therapy with a benzo like klonopin can do great for situations like that. This is not a time to experiment and play around, go with what is proven.

I had to use klonopin when my first pet passed because I didn't no how to cope.

Don't over abuse it and don't take it for to long and you won't have to worry about any of the addicting properties.


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I skipped the red maca and by back was feeling my normal pain. I took the red maca with the my usual 10 vitamins before bed. The whole next day my back was burning and hurting bad. When I took during the day I didn't get back pain, but it was making me sluggish thru my workout. Not to say red maca is not a good product but the back pain was too much, both days I took before bed. Honestly my ass was looking flatter, since I started too. But I've been doing squats everyday and was seeing a result until I started it. I do love the way it tastes but I can't get into anything when my back hurts like fhaf. I also take a lot of supplements so maybe my combo was
The red maca is definitely not what's causing the back pain. There's no mechanism that it attributes to that could possibly cause that. Understand red maca is loaded with vitamins and minerals and electrolytes and trace minerals already so there is no need to take your other "10 vitamins". Also red maca would not make your ass flatter. If anything it would help your body store it's adipocytes there through hormonal balancing therefore making it larger. I really believe what you're experiencing is extremely odd and requires further evaluation. Have you further upped the dosage of red maca to the recommend nine grams?


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I'm not saying it is a bad product. Yes the red maca was making my ass flatter. It's very hard to get a bubble butt for a women, when working out. I see it looks better since I dropped it. Men don't have to deal with that. I don't know many women that work out that have a bubble butt, fat goes away from that area when working out. Never went above 3 grams, maybe I will try again later. Losing pets, the pain never goes away. Just recently lost 2 of my cats, before my mother died. So I'm not having a easy time with it.


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I'll try it again before bed with 6 grams this time.i I wish i had some soy ice cream for a smoothie with it. I will try furthest again from all my supplements before bed.


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No complaints to report taking it furthest away from everything. Felt like I was dragging when I first woke up, but I'm sure increasing and starting it again, it was to be expected and that wore off shortly.


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I must say I am relieved to finally find something to help mood that does put a fee pounds on me. Many things I've tried in the past either made me gain weight, feel like crap or both. Even when I put in capsules it didn't. It does seem to me when you mess with serotonin and dopamine supplements it has always caused tiredness or a lazy feeling. Thanks again.


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So you're satisfied with the red maca? No back pain and what not?


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I dropped it down to 3 grams instead of 6. My back is burning pain again. I sure hope that goes away. I used to have that all the time, but it went away.


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This is what I have in my back. The first pic is upside down. I put it up, when the doctor was out of the room.


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What happens is most of my supplements I take for my back, before bed. It must be inferring with it. If it didn't relax me, I would take during the day. I've noticed it's harder to wake up. It's not a bad product, I am thankful for the recommendation and other ones too. A lot of supplements have caused more back pain for me. Sucks.


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As soon as I stop the red maca the burning pain, goes away.


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Are you taking maca on a empty stomach or with food? I've been taking with food. On my paper I just found it said empty stomach. I thought it was to be taken with food. I do know when I take this my poop smells really bad, lol.


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This may be a better question for your doctor. Short term therapy with a benzo like klonopin can do great for situations like that. This is not a time to experiment and play around, go with what is proven.

I had to use klonopin when my first pet passed because I didn't no how to cope.

Don't over abuse it and don't take it for to long and you won't have to worry about any of the addicting properties.
Yeah you know I was going to suggest that but sometimes for some people it can make you feel more depressed after a short while. Varies.
Yesterday my back was killing me from squats and my back pain I have, and the way I took the red maca. I broke my back before, so my back hurts all the time. I have pinched nerves in my back. I did a ct scan and mri and many other tests.


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I'm thinking about trying ldpa again. I found my thread and noticed I didn't like it. I take a lot if tyrosine daily. Does anyone take ldpa and tyrosine? Is there a interraction?


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I also remember taking l dopa after getting my heart broken. From I remember I liked it but I think it made me have a bad temper with my ex, but at that time I think he had it coming. Maybe I should try that again also.


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Things that effect mood:

Vitamin D levels - could be low from stress, diet, etc.... Take with fatty meals. Since you do not know if you are deficient with out a blood test do NOT megadose.

Folic Acid - Again stress can deplete these. Look and see what the best bio available folic acid supplement is and try that.

I can see avoiding AD. In your case you are not just having the blues. You have had some major life events that would F anyone up.

See a therapist. Talking to someone about this stuff does wonders. I understand your aversion to AD. I would recommend seeing a Dr. and telling them that you do not want SSRI's or SNRI's. You can lie to them and say you did not respond well to them and ask them to recommend something off label - which will have less side effects and a more subtle effect on your mood- unlike the blunting effect from the classes of meds I just listed. You will have the most luck finding a Dr.( an MD not a therpist who prescibed drugs) to do this that did their residency at a large teaching hospital.

Other wise try the vitamin D and the folate ( which my PDoc had me on BEFORE he would treat me). Anything else listed is most likely a nootropic which could very well make things worse.

Keep moving, find stuff to do. I am at my worse when I am sitting, alone with my thoughts. Lift, run, find something you used to love to do as a kid and revisit it ( I play Mike Tysons Punch out sometime - still cant beat Mike but Bald Bull 2 is my B1tch now.....)

Hope things get better.


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What did you like about the ldopa
I think it got my mind off it. I can't remember what it said but l dopa on the bottle. Could not find the same one after I went to the store. I had all my levels checked in my blood tests. Not sure about vitamin d level, I do have that but never taken it. Mucana prureins I didn't like, I remember.


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My doctor makes me do tests all the time. Had my thyroid test, diabetes test, liver test, kidney test, WBC, magnesium, etc. Everything was good.


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I think it could and has been a dopamine issue. I don't what to try. I know I think I only true mucana pruriens one time. Probably didn't take it right or something. Does vitamin d boost dopamine also?


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Very lazy after d3. I'm having a really hard time getting motivated except with the gym. It's not something I want to forget just wish it was in the back of my mind, and not the front.


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Anyone know about dopa mucana 15% by now? It's at a store by me, I can't return it once I open it. I cannot stand stores like that! Does Gnc carry l dopa?


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Alright I think I'm going to try this red maca instead again on a empty stomach. I do notice it was blocking my painkillers for my back. I hope I don't feel that burning feeling in my back, I sometimes get. Grief always makes my body hurt more. Sorry but I'm not having a easy time with this.


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Mental health is just as important as physical health. Don't be negligent and refuse to seek help. Psychiatric meds are prescribed for a reason. And your insurance should cover it for the most part.


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This is what I was saying at the beginning of this thread. You are going to jump from one thing to the next and nothing will help and you aren't really dealing with the issue. Spinning your wheels will leave you more frustrated. Finding someone to talk to WILL help. Agmatine, again, is mild but will relieve anxiety and help a little.


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Looking OTC supplements with AD effects is a slippery slope. Substances only provide temporary escape.

The idea of paying someone to talk to about your problems is a tough pill to swallow. But it ****ing works and it works better than kicking the can down the road and avoiding reality.

Not trying to call you or knock you for it. I did it and trust me you won't like/be proud where it leads you.


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I don't feel like I want to take anti depressants. Had many friends taking them and I would rather feel sad, than nothing at all. Had a girlfriend that had 2 mini strokes from Zoloft. I just feel anti depressants are toxic, so I'm looking for something natural that will take my mind of it. The last time I saw her, I had to kick her out of my house because she said she was going to stab me with a knife.


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I don't feel like I want to take anti depressants. Had many friends taking them and I would rather feel sad, than nothing at all. Had a girlfriend that had 2 mini strokes from Zoloft. I just feel anti depressants are toxic, so I'm looking for something natural that will take my mind of it. The last time I saw her, I had to kick her out of my house because she said she was going to stab me with a knife.
You are comparing yourself using antidepressants to someone who probably has some serious issues that you aren't aware of. Natural does NOT equal healthy or safe. Nothing is more natural than death itself. There are plenty of poisons in nature. You are saying you would rather take something that may activate multiple pathways, shotgun approach, because it is natural vs. Something that has been designed with a purpose to activate a specific pathway.

I am also not saying you should go to a doctor and get drugged up. I am suggesting you find a pro to talk to, who will listen to you. Because it sounds like you are dealing with some hard issues that anyone could use a help getting a handle on. No shame. Never forget your worth.

This isn't about taking a drug or chemical to feel better. It is about seeing a new perspective on things that are bothering you. The reason everything is in the front of your thoughts and not in the background is because you are smart and your brain is doing its job ...trying to fit things into your perspective of the world. The problem is, we all have a limited perspective. We only know what we know. Talking to someone who can get us to step just 1 foot to the right and see a new angle can be a huge help.

I know you hurt and you don't want to hear this and may think I don't understand and I am being a jerk. But I DO understand some of what you are going through. I've been there and I wish I had someone strong to talk to ....someone who could have pushed me in a new direction.

I tried taking almost everything I could think of. Sometimes I would find something and have a couple of good days and convince myself, yeah this is the stuff! And a week later I was looking for something else. It kept going through cycles and never got better and I was adding frustration to all of it and making myself feel like I was crazy, even though I wasn't, which made me even more afraid to talk to someone, thinking I wouldn't like what they told me.

I hope this helps, sincerely, and I want to see this thread start to turn and see you saying you are getting better.


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You are comparing yourself using antidepressants to someone who probably has some serious issues that you aren't aware of. Natural does NOT equal healthy or safe. Nothing is more natural than death itself. There are plenty of poisons in nature. You are saying you would rather take something that may activate multiple pathways, shotgun approach, because it is natural vs. Something that has been designed with a purpose to activate a specific pathway.

I am also not saying you should go to a doctor and get drugged up. I am suggesting you find a pro to talk to, who will listen to you. Because it sounds like you are dealing with some hard issues that anyone could use a help getting a handle on. No shame. Never forget your worth.

This isn't about taking a drug or chemical to feel better. It is about seeing a new perspective on things that are bothering you. The reason everything is in the front of your thoughts and not in the background is because you are smart and your brain is doing its job ...trying to fit things into your perspective of the world. The problem is, we all have a limited perspective. We only know what we know. Talking to someone who can get us to step just 1 foot to the right and see a new angle can be a huge help.

I know you hurt and you don't want to hear this and may think I don't understand and I am being a jerk. But I DO understand some of what you are going through. I've been there and I wish I had someone strong to talk to ....someone who could have pushed me in a new direction.

I tried taking almost everything I could think of. Sometimes I would find something and have a couple of good days and convince myself, yeah this is the stuff! And a week later I was looking for something else. It kept going through cycles and never got better and I was adding frustration to all of it and making myself feel like I was crazy, even though I wasn't, which made me even more afraid to talk to someone, thinking I wouldn't like what they told me.

I hope this helps, sincerely, and I want to see this thread start to turn and see you saying you are getting better.
^ Sound advice. Going and talking to someone is a great first step. You can unload some of the stress and anxiety before seeing a Dr. to evaluate you and prescribe drugs.

A therapist can recommend Drs. in the area which is WAY better than trying to pick one blindly on the net. If traditional antidepressants are not something you want to pursue, there are LOTS of off label products Drs. are prescribing for depression that do not have the side effects and the mood blunting effects you seem to be worried about. I was worried about that as well. When I met with my Dr for the first time I told him so, and he made a treatment plan that did not include them.

Sometimes we get stuck in feedback loops and keep repeating the same things over and over again. Drs and therapists can help quickly break us out of our self destructive behaviors and stop the negative self talk that limits our ability to change. For me it was the quickest way to free myself from my own worst enemy (me). You had some pretty good advice in the thread already, i just thought I would add a dash of my experience in as well. I hope you are doing better.


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^ Sound advice. Going and talking to someone is a great first step. You can unload some of the stress and anxiety before seeing a Dr. to evaluate you and prescribe drugs.

A therapist can recommend Drs. in the area which is WAY better than trying to pick one blindly on the net. If traditional antidepressants are not something you want to pursue, there are LOTS of off label products Drs. are prescribing for depression that do not have the side effects and the mood blunting effects you seem to be worried about. I was worried about that as well. When I met with my Dr for the first time I told him so, and he made a treatment plan that did not include them.

Sometimes we get stuck in feedback loops and keep repeating the same things over and over again. Drs and therapists can help quickly break us out of our self destructive behaviors and stop the negative self talk that limits our ability to change. For me it was the quickest way to free myself from my own worst enemy (me). You had some pretty good advice in the thread already, i just thought I would add a dash of my experience in as well. I hope you are doing better.
Going to your PCP and getting a referral to one your insurance will cover is easier.


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Sucks I let my insurance go 3 months ago. I was paying 1,000 a month just for me. I was surprised by my thyroid number. was very low but in the normal range. Guggle for sure works for your thyroid. Also I've been eating very low carb for about 13 years and eating maybe too clean. I think it also affects my mood. Something I've been dealing with for a long time but I do like trying new things, supplement wise.


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Well I tried the red maca before the gym. Again no rush during my workout. Felt really down in the dumps since. So I tried dlpa stacked with my aminos before bed, out of curiosity. So far so so good, since I woke up.

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