HRT+Olympus Labs+ Letrone+OTHERS!


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After only 4 weeks on clomid 25mg eod (one week was 12.5 eod) I have gone from 220 total test to 734! Unfortunately they didn put shbg Bc my doctor is a dork. Estradiol is a cool 38, it only went up 4 points from initial labs. I think adding in the letrone (which is certainly not NEEDED) will drop this number down and really tighten up the gains. I will continue to run the clomid at this level for another 4 weeks with the letrone as a nice mini cycle, then taper off- of course monitoring any sides and effects in general.


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Well hell yea brother!

Got that T up nice and high, LH is up to a good level too. Get that estradiol down just a bit and that is a nice favorable T:E ratio I'd say. Any chance of including free T as well on your next labs?


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Well hell yea brother!

Got that T up nice and high, LH is up to a good level too. Get that estradiol down just a bit and that is a nice favorable T:E ratio I'd say. Any chance of including free T as well on your next labs?
I'm asked for prolactin and free test but he didn't include. I'm gonna be much more forceful in my asking at next draw lol


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Your numbers look awesome! Idk about all that other stuff above though lol.
Thanks! It's just a cbc.. Everything normal there except slightly low red blood cell.

I had an alarming result on another test done last week tho by my GP... Serum b12 was 400 points higher than normal range. The implications of such a result are NOT good.

Thus I did a lot of digging into possible causes aside from the baddd ones i uncovered. I found that eating high amounts of seaweed and cause increases. I have been using a seaweed seasoning almost daily in what I would not call low amounts. Especially while I was cutting... I've ceased use now immediately an will have to retest it... If it's still elevated, the potential causes could be life threatening so I'm hoping it's just a scare..


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Thanks! It's just a cbc.. Everything normal there except slightly low red blood cell.

I had an alarming result on another test done last week tho by my GP... Serum b12 was 400 points higher than normal range. The implications of such a result are NOT good.

Thus I did a lot of digging into possible causes aside from the baddd ones i uncovered. I found that eating high amounts of seaweed and cause increases. I have been using a seaweed seasoning almost daily in what I would not call low amounts. Especially while I was cutting... I've ceased use now immediately an will have to retest it... If it's still elevated, the potential causes could be life threatening so I'm hoping it's just a scare..
Well if your were using a lot of it then the correlation is probable. I think its seems like a legitimate correlation but do what you can lower or level your b12 just in case.


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Also, my liver enzymes are slightly elevated... Should I pick up some TUDCA? I just got NAC today


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The NAC should work just fine for you. Have your LFTs ever came back elevated on previous bloods?


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The NAC should work just fine for you. Have your LFTs ever came back elevated on previous bloods?
So just stick with NAC and not add TUDCA now? I AM on clomid.. Wondering if that's affecting it. And yes, they've been in this range for about a year actually never higher tho IIRC


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So just stick with NAC and not add TUDCA now? I AM on clomid.. Wondering if that's affecting it. And yes, they've been in this range for about a year actually never higher tho IIRC
Tudca primarily keeps Bilrubin in healthy range. NAC keeps ALT/AST in range.
If bile is not backing up and your Bilrubin levels are normal, you may not need Tudca.


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Exactly^ TUDCA is best utilized during methylated PH cycles to keep bilirubin down and keep the bile flowing. NAC works well for getting those LFTs down.


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Taking NAC 1500mg daily.. 3 doses of 500 spread out fairly well


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Those forearms are lookin pumped man. So have tour test levels evened out well? When are you planning on coming off of everything? Sorry if i missed out


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Those forearms are lookin pumped man. So have tour test levels evened out well? When are you planning on coming off of everything? Sorry if i missed out
You sure missed out yesterday! Test is up to 734 estrogen is at 38. LH and FSH both high range of normal. I'm feeling pretty damn great.... I'm adding in letrone on Thursday and running 1 cap for 60 days while coasting at 25mg eod on clomid for another 4 weeks. I'll taper down the clomid beginning August 1. I should be up around 950-1000 total T while keeping estro where it is and even hopefully lowering it with the letrone....

I will also add in Ghar1ne at some point in September and then Cardar1ne two weeks after that.


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First pic is tonight. Second pic was right before I started the clomid. I will take pics with the first angle from now on, but u can see I am not as tight right now... Also I am bigger now CLEARLY. So now the test becomes losing the water and fat buildup from
The elevated estrogen levels. I hope this log will
Show great improvement with the letrone. I am also going to be holding calories where they are and implementing a cheat day soon, I think. Or just upping them and not cheating. BUT the start pic was at 1650 cals a day... At 1950 now.

It's really just the chest that is always a problem area for me with elevated estro levels

And I think the camera messes with the image and distorts things to one side.. My stomach does NOT look crooked in the mirror or as the timer is going off on the picture!


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Awesome man. Im excited to see how the letrone works for ya. Im buying a bottle tomorrow. Keep up the great log


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looking good in here Chedda... can't wait to see how Letrone treats you :)


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I know I'm so anxious to pop the first cap! But I didn't want to end it ONE day before Halloween in fear of some epic meltdown before a Halloween party LMAO. So I decided to hold off the start date so my last capsule will be Halloween.. Then if there is any estro rebound it'll be the time of year the rest of the general population gets super fat and lazy am I the only one who thinks this way?

First cap tomorrow! It's on the nightstand ready to go


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No you are definitely not the only one who over thinks their supplement regimens on this forum.


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Home made chocolate peanut butter protein loaf stuffed with PB2 and sugar free jam.


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Very interesting log, thanks for doing it


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First dose of letrone this morning and my gyno is gone. Kidding. Looking forward to this!


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Thinking I need to try and up calories.. Been averaging 1900 for about 2-3 weeks now. Starting to feel flat and not having as much awesome workouts RE pump and contraction.

Could also just implement a cheat day. I don't want to come out of ketosis long term just yet. Need to assess and address this somehow


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Just weighed myself before my HIIT session. I've put on 8 pounds since the beginning of August, I would estimate no more than 1% body fat. Definitely water weight, but I can easily say I've added muscle as well. I'm sitting at 158. I am fasted, no food


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Great log cause of blood tests.

I took my 1st cap of Rebirth today and will add in few days Letrone and have Viron so I'll have similar stack (SERM + AI + tongkat) as what you have just not so strong one (plus you have few other supps like Anabeta).

I read one reply in one thread that you'd try Rebirth but I see now you went for Clomid.

Do you think on maybe try last 4 weeks Rebirth instead of going full time of your log just with Clomid?

Was surprised to see in your last blood test that estrogen raised by just 4 points when I think none of product you take should be the reason estrogen hasn't jumped when testosterone levels jumped so much - since you haven't started with Letrone before this last blood test.

Or maybe arimistane in Ol el1minate caused cortisol to drop causing estrogen to be in check.


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How will you dose Letrone? I'm noticing a weaker libido at 3 caps with rebirth but may up it to 4 caps for fun and get another bottle.
100% sure your estrogen is too low man.
Even at one cap some guys were experiencing joint pain and other low estro sides. Joint issues do not happen for everyone but when estro drops low libido hit basically everyone. Drop the dose man!


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I missed this thread somehow! Very interesting.


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Great log cause of blood tests.

I took my 1st cap of Rebirth today and will add in few days Letrone and have Viron so I'll have similar stack (SERM + AI + tongkat) as what you have just not so strong one (plus you have few other supps like Anabeta).

I read one reply in one thread that you'd try Rebirth but I see now you went for Clomid.

Do you think on maybe try last 4 weeks Rebirth instead of going full time of your log just with Clomid?

Was surprised to see in your last blood test that estrogen raised by just 4 points when I think none of product you take should be the reason estrogen hasn't jumped when testosterone levels jumped so much - since you haven't started with Letrone before this last blood test.

Or maybe arimistane in Ol el1minate caused cortisol to drop causing estrogen to be in check.
I may try rebirth in the future if I can't get my hands on clomid from my DR. For now just going to stay on course


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100% sure your estrogen is too low man.
Even at one cap some guys were experiencing joint pain and other low estro sides. Joint issues do not happen for everyone but when estro drops low libido hit basically everyone. Drop the dose man!
Lol I did, next time I'll be only doing one cap if not on anything wet. I notice my libido weakened even when I dropped it at 2 caps.


Thanks for taking the time to catch up! The real
Fun is just getting started!
I'm glad the Clomid is treating you well. I tried Clomid last year and absolutely loved it! Curious as to how much you paid for blood work? I ended up stopping due to the high prices of the blood work.

FWIW, last year I went from Total T:373 Free T:83.6 E2:18 drawn 4/22 at baseline. Took Clomid 25mg EOD and on 6/17 Total T:986 Free T:207.1 E2:57. Then was 25mg Clomid and .8mg Anastrazole Mon/Thurs and on 8/12 Total T:1519 Free T:253.7 E2:20.. I continued that dose through October last year but never got final bloods due to cost. I want to get bloods done again in the future but trying to find best option financially.

Anyway, don't wanna hijack your thread, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Clomid, and sub your quest. Good luck man!


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Jeez!! Test 1519 and e2 20???? Bet u was a lean mean machine!!!


Jeez!! Test 1519 and e2 20???? Bet u was a lean mean machine!!!
Lol it was honestly the best I've ever felt in my life. Slept well, responded to exercise better, libido was always up, diet was good but even going on vacation and eating/drinking everything I could get my hands on, didn't impact my appearance at all. I responded extremely well to Clomid and I would highly suggest trying it if you're experiencing low T lol.

Edit: I should note that the end of that, starting 7/1 was during a time I was abstaining from all supplements including protein. I dabbled with W30 or Whole30, if any of you are familiar with Paleo.


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Where did you get anastrozole and how long were you on clomid? I know you outlined it but sometimes iM ADD and can't do the math

And to answer your question, I'm getting blood thru insurance fully covered.. So that's why I'm able to so frequently and the clomid is doctor prescribed..... He won't prescribe more tho not my numbers are up. I only have like 20 tablets left but that's 40 days eod = a fair amount of time at full dosage and I don't plan on staying at 25 eod for more than another 4 weeks. My buddy as has some adex I might grab from him if the letrone doesn't pan out after blood work. But I would love to have e2 sub 30 with test 800-1000


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On a side note-- experiencing some mild testicular tenderness. Not sure if it's related to an old nerve injury when I did experience similar pain, or related to anything with the clomid...?


Where did you get anastrozole and how long were you on clomid? I know you outlined it but sometimes iM ADD and can't do the math

And to answer your question, I'm getting blood thru insurance fully covered.. So that's why I'm able to so frequently and the clomid is doctor prescribed..... He won't prescribe more tho not my numbers are up. I only have like 20 tablets left but that's 40 days eod = a fair amount of time at full dosage and I don't plan on staying at 25 eod for more than another 4 weeks. My buddy as has some adex I might grab from him if the letrone doesn't pan out after blood work. But I would love to have e2 sub 30 with test 800-1000
I got it doctor prescribed but blood work wasn't covered by insurance so it was like $450-$600 out of pocket each time. I ran Clomid solo 6 weeks but E2 jumped to 57, then ran Clomid/Anastrazole for 6 weeks and it went through the roof. I had a refill at that point and ran that through but never went back due to financial reasons. So in-all, 18 weeks Clomid, with 12 of those including .8mg Anastrazole. My doc actually prescribed the combo in one convenient pill.


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I got it doctor prescribed but blood work wasn't covered by insurance so it was like $450-$600 out of pocket each time. I ran Clomid solo 6 weeks but E2 jumped to 57, then ran Clomid/Anastrazole for 6 weeks and it went through the roof. I had a refill at that point and ran that through but never went back due to financial reasons. So in-all, 18 weeks Clomid, with 12 of those including .8mg Anastrazole. My doc actually prescribed the combo in one convenient pill.
Interesting. Thanks


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I got it doctor prescribed but blood work wasn't covered by insurance so it was like $450-$600 out of pocket each time. I ran Clomid solo 6 weeks but E2 jumped to 57, then ran Clomid/Anastrazole for 6 weeks and it went through the roof. I had a refill at that point and ran that through but never went back due to financial reasons. So in-all, 18 weeks Clomid, with 12 of those including .8mg Anastrazole. My doc actually prescribed the combo in one convenient pill.
What side effects did you experience when just takign Clomid and later when you added Anastrazole?

And how were your liver enzymes, BUN, lipids value being changed while on them (if you got bloodwork for them too)?


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I have to say I am disappointed in libido, or lack there of, and also body comp despite being in 700 total t and climbing, with e2 moderately in check at 38... I would have thought with numbers like that that both body comp and/or libido would see some improvement.


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Nice post Dasheesh. I really sppreciate when posters go out of their way to take blood tests and share. For me nothing is more powerful and insightful!


What side effects did you experience when just takign Clomid and later when you added Anastrazole?

And how were your liver enzymes, BUN, lipids value being changed while on them (if you got bloodwork for them too)?
When I was just on Clomid and my E2 shot up, I got frequent hot flashes and itchy skin, night sweats, and sensitive nipples. However, I responded to Anastrazole well and those side effects all subsided after a week it was implemented. I honestly didn't experience any side effects.

Unfortunately the doctor was only monitoring total T, free T, and E2.. I think she ordered up a full panel for 6 weeks after my August bloods (which would've been 12 weeks on Clomid/Anastrazole), but I never went back because of cost. So I'm not sure about those numbers.


I have to say I am disappointed in libido, or lack there of, and also body comp despite being in 700 total t and climbing, with e2 moderately in check at 38... I would have thought with numbers like that that both body comp and/or libido would see some improvement.
Do you feel lethargic? Curious if you've ever gotten your thyroid checked? When I reached the 8-900 total T, is when I really started to feel good. Improved sleep and energy, high libido, easier workouts despite heavier weight, as well as a nice recomp effect the final 8-10 weeks or so.

Hopefully it's just your body adjusting and you'll see improvement shortly.

Have you added in the Letrone? I ordered some just to have on hand but is something I'm curious about.
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