Douchebags at the gym...



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It wasn't at the gym but I just accidentally threw dog poop on a bum lol!!!!


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I'm sitting in Muay Thai arguing with the guys about squatting and leg pressing. They swear that the difficulty levels are the same and if they had back support while squatting, they can squat just as much as pressing. ?? :face palm: After a few minutes, I just shut up because it was not worth arguing...

Don't tell me that leg pressing 1000 and squatting 225 is the same thing!!! ??


I'm sitting in Muay Thai arguing with the guys about squatting and leg pressing. They swear that the difficulty levels are the same and if they had back support while squatting, they can squat just as much as pressing. ���� :face palm: After a few minutes, I just shut up because it was not worth arguing...

Don't tell me that leg pressing 1000 and squatting 225 is the same thing!!! ����

My gym got rid of the leg press just because everyone used it with a bunch of weight then eould try and squat the same. we had kids bottoming out on squat dropping the bars with 400+ pounds. Good way to trash a bunch of bars.


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I'm sitting in Muay Thai arguing with the guys about squatting and leg pressing. They swear that the difficulty levels are the same and if they had back support while squatting, they can squat just as much as pressing. ���� :face palm: After a few minutes, I just shut up because it was not worth arguing...

Don't tell me that leg pressing 1000 and squatting 225 is the same thing!!! ����
Actually it's more that the fitness industry has over popularized the squat. Truth is there are some people who just don't squat well due to the structural development of their body. If you ask most people why the squat is so superior to the leg press they rarely ever have an answer. Although I do hear the "it releases GH and testosterone" comment often which is absolute bull****. It releases negligible amounts that have no effect whatsoever on hypertrophy or fat burning. Others say they squat because it makes the upper body grow. This is also false. Squatting works the legs just like other leg exercises work the legs. It's leg work not upper body work and it's really not that complicated. If a person is seeing results on the leg press and continually failing on the squat I don't see a reason to force yourself to squat when it's not doing much for you. Now if we're talking about the Bulgarian split squat I believe that exercise is immensely better than leg press, back squats and any other leg exercises but for completely different reasons


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I'm sitting in Muay Thai arguing with the guys about squatting and leg pressing. They swear that the difficulty levels are the same and if they had back support while squatting, they can squat just as much as pressing. ?? :face palm: After a few minutes, I just shut up because it was not worth arguing...

Don't tell me that leg pressing 1000 and squatting 225 is the same thing!!! ??
Tell them to load up 1000 on the hack squat. That has back support.

Better yet, don't.


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Actually it's more that the fitness industry has over popularized the squat. Truth is there are some people who just don't squat well due to the structural development of their body. If you ask most people why the squat is so superior to the leg press they rarely ever have an answer. Although I do hear the "it releases GH and testosterone" comment often which is absolute bull****. It releases negligible amounts that have no effect whatsoever on hypertrophy or fat burning. Others say they squat because it makes the upper body grow. This is also false. Squatting works the legs just like other leg exercises work the legs. It's leg work not upper body work and it's really not that complicated. If a person is seeing results on the leg press and continually failing on the squat I don't see a reason to force yourself to squat when it's not doing much for you. Now if we're talking about the Bulgarian split squat I believe that exercise is immensely better than leg press, back squats and any other leg exercises but for completely different reasons
I don't squat well because I have one leg that is an inch shorter than the other. This has shifted my hips and spine over the course of my life and heavy squats really stress how out of alignment I am. That said, I still squat at least twice a week. When I use the leg press I have to stagger my foot position so that I get equal pressure. If I don't, my right leg (the longer of the two) does all of the work.


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Actually it's more that the fitness industry has over popularized the squat. Truth is there are some people who just don't squat well due to the structural development of their body. If you ask most people why the squat is so superior to the leg press they rarely ever have an answer. Although I do hear the "it releases GH and testosterone" comment often which is absolute bull****. It releases negligible amounts that have no effect whatsoever on hypertrophy or fat burning. Others say they squat because it makes the upper body grow. This is also false. Squatting works the legs just like other leg exercises work the legs. It's leg work not upper body work and it's really not that complicated. If a person is seeing results on the leg press and continually failing on the squat I don't see a reason to force yourself to squat when it's not doing much for you. Now if we're talking about the Bulgarian split squat I believe that exercise is immensely better than leg press, back squats and any other leg exercises but for completely different reasons
Thanks for your opinion. Let me aren't good at squats?


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Actually it's more that the fitness industry has over popularized the squat. Truth is there are some people who just don't squat well due to the structural development of their body. If you ask most people why the squat is so superior to the leg press they rarely ever have an answer. Although I do hear the "it releases GH and testosterone" comment often which is absolute bull****. It releases negligible amounts that have no effect whatsoever on hypertrophy or fat burning. Others say they squat because it makes the upper body grow. This is also false. Squatting works the legs just like other leg exercises work the legs. It's leg work not upper body work and it's really not that complicated. If a person is seeing results on the leg press and continually failing on the squat I don't see a reason to force yourself to squat when it's not doing much for you. Now if we're talking about the Bulgarian split squat I believe that exercise is immensely better than leg press, back squats and any other leg exercises but for completely different reasons
The squat is a very efficient lift for most of the body. I properly done squat will tax the core, lats, and the whole lower body outside of the calves. The leg press just has a much shorter learning curve. But it doesn't hit the glutes or quads as well as the squat. The squat is a hip dominant movement thus it hit the glutes, origin and insertion of the quards, and the origin of the hamstrings. Leg press is a knee dominant movement so it doesn't hit those areas as well as the squat but it does tax the insertion of the quads well. You are right some people arnt build well to squat but that can easily be overcome by changes in shoes, stance width, and foot angels. So the leg press will not get you the same results as the squat.


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I went in the morning today, I usually go Saturday afternoon. Damn there are so many morning goers that do not rerack their weights or even put anything back where it should go. Way more than the afternoon crowd.


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I would not say douchebags but I do not understand why folks cannot clean up after themselves and leave plates on the floor instead of the stands which are only a few feet away and there are several spaced by the benches. Same with just leaving DBs lying around instead of walking at most, 20', to the rack.
Abe Lincoln

Abe Lincoln

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Best thread. So far my new gym has been heaven and haven't had to deal with any douches. Maybe some gay guys or girls glaring you down, but no douches. Unless.. Maybe I haven't found any douches because I have become the gym's douche bum bum bummmmm lol srs will keep this thread update with what I find :eek:


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Invest is some flippin' sneakers . . . two words - Payless Shoesource
I train in whatever I want and my gym doesn't care. Once again.... Stop worrying about what people wear or don't wear to the gym.


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I went in the morning today, I usually go Saturday afternoon. Damn there are so many morning goers that do not rerack their weights or even put anything back where it should go. Way more than the afternoon crowd.
I go at 0400, and everyone there at that time racks their weights. However, the weights are still all on the bars from the night crew. I don't think the time has much to do with this douchebaggery. Some people are just inconsiderate.

I saw a girl get on the hammer strength Pulldown the other day and it had 45's when she got there. After she was done she put 45's back on and walked away. I think she's been trained that some equipment must have a standard weight already on them or something.

Invest is some flippin' sneakers . . . two words - Payless Shoesource
I used to wear flip flops, but now I wear crocs if I know I'm doing completely upper movements.


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Watched a kid nearly die today. He was struggling with 4 plates on the leg press and managed to get one half rep with 6 plates. He then proceeded to put 6 plates on the bar in the squat rack and tell his friends that today he was lifting light. Good thing for the safeties because that bar almost killed him.


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There's been this kid at my gym who is a very close resemblance to MGK the rapper.he's very lengthy, tatted to hell, not very muscular & extremely full of him self.
Yesterday he was in the gym doing DB press with 60's.
Once 3 girls (who were barely 15) came around he decided to up the weight to 90's.
It took every ounce of him to just get them up once to then proceed to hit a quarter rep and violently throw the weights to the sides of him.

He's now referred to as "quarter rep"


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I used to wear flip flops, but now I wear crocs if I know I'm doing completely upper movements.
Oh bro... Crocs? You are better than that lol.


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Oh bro... Crocs? You are better than that lol.
They are super comfy and its easy to throw those off and put on my chucks for sq/dl.


Doubt Arnold, Lee, Dorian or Jay ever wore crocs (or flip flops) to workout


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arnold trained a lot barefoot


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Doubt Arnold, Lee, Dorian or Jay ever wore crocs (or flip flops) to workout
Not sure why this is relevant to anything. They probably never threw hissy fits about shoes on the interwebs either.


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In all actuality it can give the police a reason to put a target on your back. Related to theft,arson, drug crimes and w/e. Giving them a reason to do so is dumb.

Those who admit to using within the United states are at an especially high risk. Other countries have different laws.
The same target gets put there anyway.

Federations supply drugs's not talked about for a reason.
So if some dude randomly asks you if you're natural and you say no there's a target on your back? That's a load of **** and you know it. Ppl have no problem telling EVERYBODY about the recreational drugs they use but with hormones it's a no go. Admit to using coke and you're fine but admit to not being natty and the Feds are gonna black book you? Lolol. Well then if that's the case why do ppl post their cycles on here. You think you're anonymous because you have a screen name that doesn't say your real name? Lol if the Feds want to find out who you are they will. So admitting use in here isn't much different than admitting in real life if we're talking legal semantics


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Lol, I told a guy at the gym that he was looking good and that I can tell he's put on a lot of mass. His first response, "oh, I'm not natural anymore", then he starts telling me about his cycle. We were just talking about it while people were passing by. I don't think it's as taboo as people make it out to be anymore...


So if some dude randomly asks you if you're natural and you say no there's a target on your back? That's a load of **** and you know it. Ppl have no problem telling EVERYBODY about the recreational drugs they use but with hormones it's a no go. Admit to using coke and you're fine but admit to not being natty and the Feds are gonna black book you? Lolol. Well then if that's the case why do ppl post their cycles on here. You think you're anonymous because you have a screen name that doesn't say your real name? Lol if the Feds want to find out who you are they will. So admitting use in here isn't much different than admitting in real life if we're talking legal semantics
First and foremost....the cyber crime divisions are being flooded right now. Realistically....drugs are not the first priority.

Cops (local) that hear you talking at a gym (or other agencies ) are more interested in large drug bust due to the money it brings them.

They figure...this guy has controlled substances....we can get him and his dealer.

Cyber bust are much harder due to legal disclaimers,grey areas of the law,proxys,the tor network, ect ect.

Look at how long the pirate bay or kim dot Com was in business.

Plus...the way most buy steroids or needles or ect online is ( through legit sources ) through money gram, western union and wire transfers to a person or a completely legit business( that happens to sell steroids ) and accepting money through these methods is completely legal.

And...given 2 facts it's very hard to get business records from these online sellers.

1. They can refuse to give it to the police because most of them are in a country or region where they don't have to consider us law.

2. Reading your email or an email to you from that company can be considered illegally obtained records which can get the officer in trouble and/or throw the case if it gets that far.
This is exactly how my...ex fiance ...ordered heroin online (lab tested when she got busted. Yes legit) and didn't get caught for a year (maybe longer...I found out and about 2 months later we broke up after trying to get her off of it)

This is in the case of someone living in the us anyway.

Same thing as ..stolen wallet vs stolen PayPal account. They are more likely to pursue the stolen wallet because they can intimate or socially engineer people if they can meet them in person.

Take your own risk however. road is coming back and they are going to be selling uranium for bitcoin will probably be up for a couple years again

P.s. this was typed in a rush so..sorry if it sounds janky.


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So this guy that likes to stand too close was at the gym again yesterday. While in the locker room, he runs over to the toilet and begins to explode. Freakin' locker room reaked! A while later, he makes it into the gym and still freaked. When he came over to try to lift by me 45 minutes later, he still smelled like he had dropped a load in his shorts -- a diarrheal load.


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In the past two months, gas went from 1.99/gallon to 2.73 currently.


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Rant part 1.
I'm trying to be nice and allow my friends to train with me. I'm not use to the crying and the whining, and I just want to say stfu! I also hate having to strip the bar after each of my set so they can lift. Ahhhh, I'm not made for having a gym partner!

Rant part 2.
Although my guy friend was nice enough to help me strip the weights off the bar. His stripping etiquette was all wrong. Instead of waiting for me to strip it off together, he went ahead and stripped everything off his side first. The guys next to us and I even told him that he couldn't do that or the weights were going to flip the bar and hurt someone. His response: I don't give a *%#*!!!! ??


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Rant part 1.
I'm trying to be nice and allow my friends to train with me. I'm not use to the crying and the whining, and I just want to say stfu! I also hate having to strip the bar after each of my set so they can lift. Ahhhh, I'm not made for having a gym partner!

Rant part 2.
Although my guy friend was nice enough to help me strip the weights off the bar. His stripping etiquette was all wrong. Instead of waiting for me to strip it off together, he went ahead and stripped everything off his side first. The guys next to us and I even told him that he couldn't do that or the weights were going to flip the bar and hurt someone. His response: I don't give a *%#*!!!! ����
Well, if your offline for a few days, we know it was due to a concussion from the bar tipping over and hitting you in the head!


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Well, if your offline for a few days, we know it was due to a concussion from the bar tipping over and hitting you in the head!
Haha, yes, or someone pissed me off. ?


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Rant part 1.
I'm trying to be nice and allow my friends to train with me. I'm not use to the crying and the whining, and I just want to say stfu! I also hate having to strip the bar after each of my set so they can lift. Ahhhh, I'm not made for having a gym partner!

Rant part 2.
Although my guy friend was nice enough to help me strip the weights off the bar. His stripping etiquette was all wrong. Instead of waiting for me to strip it off together, he went ahead and stripped everything off his side first. The guys next to us and I even told him that he couldn't do that or the weights were going to flip the bar and hurt someone. His response: I don't give a *%#*!!!!
I'm with you, I can't lift with other people...but I will say that having a cardio partner helps the time go by a lot quicker and makes the 30-40 mins a lot more bearable


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Rant part 1.
I'm trying to be nice and allow my friends to train with me. I'm not use to the crying and the whining, and I just want to say stfu! I also hate having to strip the bar after each of my set so they can lift. Ahhhh, I'm not made for having a gym partner!

Rant part 2.
Although my guy friend was nice enough to help me strip the weights off the bar. His stripping etiquette was all wrong. Instead of waiting for me to strip it off together, he went ahead and stripped everything off his side first. The guys next to us and I even told him that he couldn't do that or the weights were going to flip the bar and hurt someone. His response: I don't give a *%#*!!!! ??
Ive always wondered how much weight it would take to flip the bar. Ive never actually seen it happen. Everytime I unload a barbell I always take each weight of each side before taking off more...but maybe when the gym is empty one morning...


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Ive always wondered how much weight it would take to flip the bar. Ive never actually seen it happen. Everytime I unload a barbell I always take each weight of each side before taking off more...but maybe when the gym is empty one morning...
I think 2 plates. That's what was on the bar when it flipped over and almost killed me a few years ago.


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Ive always wondered how much weight it would take to flip the bar. Ive never actually seen it happen. Everytime I unload a barbell I always take each weight of each side before taking off more...but maybe when the gym is empty one morning...
I've unloaded two 45 plates while having the other two on the other side still. I wouldn't do anything more that that.


I watched a guy tear his bicep shoulder shrugging 405. His kid unload the bar to leave he took 3 plates off one side then took the last plate off and it flipped launched the bar pretty good. So 4 plates on one side will do it if you wanted to try.


I think 2 plates. That's what was on the bar when it flipped over and almost killed me a few years ago.
Ive had 3 on each side on the flat bench and taken all off of onside and had nothing happen. I always figured it would be anymore than that.


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Rant part 1.
I'm trying to be nice and allow my friends to train with me. I'm not use to the crying and the whining, and I just want to say stfu! I also hate having to strip the bar after each of my set so they can lift. Ahhhh, I'm not made for having a gym partner!

Rant part 2.
Although my guy friend was nice enough to help me strip the weights off the bar. His stripping etiquette was all wrong. Instead of waiting for me to strip it off together, he went ahead and stripped everything off his side first. The guys next to us and I even told him that he couldn't do that or the weights were going to flip the bar and hurt someone. His response: I don't give a *%#*!!!! ??
Slide your weight to the end of the bar, and when you see he's unloaded his whole side, let yours go when his chin is still above the bar. He won't do it again when he gets jacked in the face with the bar.


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A kid i know's snapchat story


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^ looks like he has toe thumbs


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