what is left with this ban.


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Looks like all the dhea type are still good and it also looks like they can not be added in the future. Lg sciences has a write up on it


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For real! Not finding celtic products anywhere
x2...can someone PM me a link to these Celtic products...pretty please :)
Everything is moving over to our sister site. I don't know when, but everything will be there minus the explicitly banned compounds. Trestoderm is already there.


Everything is moving over to our sister site. I don't know when, but everything will be there minus the explicitly banned compounds. Trestoderm is already there.
Thanks for the info...I will keep a look out for it.


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While I will admit that some doctors are terrible many are wonderful individuals who do their best to help their patients. I have been with the same doctor for about a year and every time I have had an issue we have always tried non drug options first. Had back issues, no meds but got physical therapy and it worked wonders.

Of course like any industry there are lousy doctors who either don't care or are in the profession for the wrong reasons. Show me one profession on earth that does not have lousy individuals involved with it...........I'll wait..............

I am sorry that you have never met good doctors that advocate and heal their patients they are out there. Much like bad experiences with police it is easy to make sweeping statements about doctors based off bad experiences.


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While I will admit that some doctors are terrible many are wonderful individuals who do their best to help their patients. I have been with the same doctor for about a year and every time I have had an issue we have always tried non drug options first. Had back issues, no meds but got physical therapy and it worked wonders.

Of course like any industry there are lousy doctors who either don't care or are in the profession for the wrong reasons. Show me one profession on earth that does not have lousy individuals involved with it...........I'll wait..............

I am sorry that you have never met good doctors that advocate and heal their patients they are out there. Much like bad experiences with police it is easy to make sweeping statements about doctors based off bad experiences.
I've finally met one good one who actually will text me to check on me after treatment (phys therapy) and spends time talking rather than rushing me in and out) it costs him money bc he can only see so many people in a day. This is the first time in my ten year history of seeing various doctors regularly that I have ever felt like someone truly cared. I'd like to drop it now tho totally off topic. My fault for derailing / ranting.


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Don't even care

You should, ever step foot in a level 1 trauma center? Are you aware of how many lives that these people that you continually talk so poorly about have saved? Go into any hospital and you'll be surrounded by surgeons, doctors, anesthesiologists, PA's, NP's, nurses, firefighters, medics, EMT's and so on that have collectively saved more lives than you've been to the gym.

Lives saved, families held together, children sent home with their family's, mother's and father's returning home to their children.

Your continued down talking of genuine heroes grows very tiresome. The 5, 10, 15 or 20 doctors that you've come in contact with do not represent the entire medical community. Stop disrespecting these people and making assertions that you know very little about.


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You should, ever step foot in a level 1 trauma center? Are you aware of how many lives that these people that you continually talk so poorly about have saved? Go into any hospital and you'll be surrounded by surgeons, doctors, anesthesiologists, PA's, NP's, nurses, firefighters, medics, EMT's and so on that have collectively saved more lives than you've been to the gym.

Lives saved, families held together, children sent home with their family's, mother's and father's returning home to their children.

Your continued down talking of genuine heroes grows very tiresome. The 5, 10, 15 or 20 doctors that you've come in contact with do not represent the entire medical community. Stop disrespecting these people and making assertions that you know very little about.
I don't recall ever mentioning trauma or ER doctors. I'm talking about the ones who sit in their cushy offices and are dinosaurs with outdated information and don't give people with real issues the time of day bc it would require them to actually THINK. Id be pretty dumb to say that ER doctors don't help people. I was saved by an ER doctor and ICU team. Big difference between them and what/who I am referencing. But thanks for your continued input.


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Hi yes, I would like to chime in on the whole, medical professional conundrum...
I'm currently in school to become a CFRN(in flight nurse,the one in the helicopter)
While I do agree some doctors grow to be corrupt, the vast majority are good to go. I know many that have the same passion as me. We work with trauma,children,elderly, and adults. New stories everyday. We have sacrificed so much to be able to help a stranger see their family,keep a leg,or pass in comfort.were not all bad, at least not here in the Midwest

To ched: glad you found a good doc, just please do not group us all together, I honestly believe there are more good than bad, with the bad dwindling.


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Hi yes, I would like to chime in on the whole, medical professional conundrum...
I'm currently in school to become a CFRN(in flight nurse,the one in the helicopter)
While I do agree some doctors grow to be corrupt, the vast majority are good to go. I know many that have the same passion as me. We work with trauma,children,elderly, and adults. New stories everyday. We have sacrificed so much to be able to help a stranger see their family,keep a leg,or pass in comfort.were not all bad, at least not here in the Midwest

To ched: glad you found a good doc, just please do not group us all together, I honestly believe there are more good than bad, with the bad dwindling.
That's fine. I wish u luck and meant no disrespect and shouldn't have made blanket statements. I'm unsubbing the thread now to avoid any further derailment


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Well that escalated quickly...


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"Professional" should be use loosely. They're just pushers for big pharma. They give prescription band aids. They are not healers. When push comes to shove doctors don't heal you, they only prescribe RX to Inflate their paychecks and keep u coming back. After all, it IS a business.
Doesn't matter how you or I want to look at it, simply one is legal and prescribed while the other is obtained illegally. We can all argue whether doctors help or not, a good argument, but we cannot argue the legality. That is what the guys post was about.


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ordered 2. Thanks, man.

How do you guys recommend running this? I'm on TRT.

Used it before with application day before and day after shot...do 2 shots per week.
One pump per day should be sufficent, you might have to go up to 2 per day but everyone is different.


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Looks like all the dhea type are still good and it also looks like they can not be added in the future. Lg sciences has a write up on it
Can you link that?


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Everything is moving over to our sister site. I don't know when, but everything will be there minus the explicitly banned compounds. Trestoderm is already there.
You using that stuff you look jacked


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Hi yes, I would like to chime in on the whole, medical professional conundrum...
I'm currently in school to become a CFRN(in flight nurse,the one in the helicopter)
While I do agree some doctors grow to be corrupt, the vast majority are good to go. I know many that have the same passion as me. We work with trauma,children,elderly, and adults. New stories everyday. We have sacrificed so much to be able to help a stranger see their family,keep a leg,or pass in comfort.were not all bad, at least not here in the Midwest

To ched: glad you found a good doc, just please do not group us all together, I honestly believe there are more good than bad, with the bad dwindling.
You're a nurse


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The TD trest is more expensive than the injectable. Makes me want to buy some needles.


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I was going to go with dermatrest
Unfortunately, our hormones are off the market brother. Look into whatever company you can to track them down. BBG is and has always been a solid cat and for that reason I would recommend picking up whatever they still have going on.



mod edit: asking for substances that are illegal will get you banned.


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Celtic Labs products are now up on the sister site... On sale.


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Unfortunately, our hormones are off the market brother. Look into whatever company you can to track them down. BBG is and has always been a solid cat and for that reason I would recommend picking up whatever they still have going on.
Thanks bud, I appreciate it


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Unfortunately, our hormones are off the market brother. Look into whatever company you can to track them down. BBG is and has always been a solid cat and for that reason I would recommend picking up whatever they still have going on.
Damn, How come you guys got rid of it? I thought it was still legal? I'm sure if it is others will be coming out with it anyhow.


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Damn, How come you guys got rid of it? I thought it was still legal? I'm sure if it is others will be coming out with it anyhow.
To cut their losses because ALL of this stuff apart from (probably) the dheas, are going to be banned eventually and probably relatively soon.


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To cut their losses because ALL of this stuff apart from (probably) the dheas, are going to be banned eventually and probably relatively soon.
You don't think they will end up getting the dhea's to?


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You don't think they will end up getting the dhea's to?
Depends. Probably not as quick as everything else though, because everything else are basically active compounds in and of themselves, not actual PH (no conversion for the most part). The dheas are at least compounds naturally found in the body, DMZ and Alpha 1 are blatantly not something found naturally anywhere, lol.


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You don't think they will end up getting the dhea's to?
DHEAs are already covered.

DHEA is legal to sell in the United States as a dietary supplement. It is currently grandfathered in as an "Old Dietary Ingredient" being on sale prior to 1994. DHEA is specifically exempted from the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 and 2004[34] It is banned from use in athletic competition.


New member
So there is nothing that is decent that is still left? Was hoping to get some Epi for my first cycle, I knew about the ban but didnt realize it would get signed so quick.


New member
So there is nothing that is decent that is still left? Was hoping to get some Epi for my first cycle, I knew about the ban but didnt realize it would get signed so quick.
1,4, andro and a few others are still left and much safer and cost a lot more, but they do work.


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1,4, andro and a few others are still left and much safer and cost a lot more, but they do work.
Yup. Effen expensive though. You'll need to double the bottles for a decent run. If not 2.5 x it. At least this is the case for 1-dhea/andro.


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This is why the law is a good thing high school kids will not be able to afford a cycle and of something that can mess them up


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This is why the law is a good thing high school kids will not be able to afford a cycle and of something that can mess them up
Sorry but this law is complete crap and this is possibly one of the worst defenses of it that I've seen. On the list of all the kinds of stupid things that high school kids are likely to do pro hormones are probably very near the bottom of the list. I'm 51 years old, I don't need the government to tell me what I should or shouldn't be able to take nor should my options be restricted by or limited because of what some idiot high school kid "might" do. Quite frankly the average high school football player who wants to get big will just go right to AAS anyway. I stocked up on more product that I will likely ever get to use just on principle.


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DHEAs are already covered.
BigBlackGuy I have a quick Question regarding M1T-0 there is conflicting info on the site regarding mg per serving. In the nomenclature it says 15mg but in the write up it says 5mg per serving. In reading the logs it seems like a starter dose is 10mg a middle 30mg and a high range of 50-60 MG. I just want to be sure that my tests are done accurately.
Thank you.


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BigBlackGuy I have a quick Question regarding M1T-0 there is conflicting info on the site regarding mg per serving. In the nomenclature it says 15mg but in the write up it says 5mg per serving. In reading the logs it seems like a starter dose is 10mg a middle 30mg and a high range of 50-60 MG. I just want to be sure that my tests are done accurately.
Thank you.
It is definitely 5mg per serving. Thanks for noticing that. I'd suggest 20mg for starting research and 30mg when you're ready to bump it up.


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Sorry but this law is complete crap and this is possibly one of the worst defenses of it that I've seen. On the list of all the kinds of stupid things that high school kids are likely to do pro hormones are probably very near the bottom of the list. I'm 51 years old, I don't need the government to tell me what I should or shouldn't be able to take nor should my options be restricted by or limited because of what some idiot high school kid "might" do. Quite frankly the average high school football player who wants to get big will just go right to AAS anyway. I stocked up on more product that I will likely ever get to use just on principle.
There was a 14 year old who posted over at phf asking for a cycle recommendation. Yes a 14 year old!. So like it or not, these idiot kids surely contributed to this bill. The point is most of these kids don't want to put in the hard work required to make significant gains in the gym. They want to take some pill or potion and think it's going to give them instant results. I'm sure some kids use or have access to "real gear" but that takes some kind of work and would require thinking. I do agree about the law being complete crap though.


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It is definitely 5mg per serving. Thanks for noticing that. I'd suggest 20mg for starting research and 30mg when you're ready to bump it up.
Fantastic thank you brother. I hope the sale is still up when I get some more cash flow. Also what’s up with the 25 dollar shopping?


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I have no idea why it's showing $25 shipping. I've tried to find out why but no answer yet. It's usually just 10 flat rate shipping


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Sorry but this law is complete crap and this is possibly one of the worst defenses of it that I've seen. On the list of all the kinds of stupid things that high school kids are likely to do pro hormones are probably very near the bottom of the list. I'm 51 years old, I don't need the government to tell me what I should or shouldn't be able to take nor should my options be restricted by or limited because of what some idiot high school kid "might" do. Quite frankly the average high school football player who wants to get big will just go right to AAS anyway. I stocked up on more product that I will likely ever get to use just on principle.
Wait, you mean that methylated halo wasn't already an AAS? Oh come on.

Here's the reality, these are indeed unclassified drugs (well, they are obviously now technically classified). These can also be idiotically misused and people have been doing that with most of the adverse effects being reported by grown arse men at hospitals and what not (the ones which have been documented at least, sure there are many cases where the patient does not inform the doctor of what they were really doing).

Idiots are amongst us and the biggest idiots are actually adults. The negative to all this is that it makes access harder for us and thus a choice we've had previously being taken away. The positive to all of this is that this makes access harder so you reduce the negative impacts there will be with idiots abusing this chit. It is absolutely asinine to go rambling on about how this is 110% negative and it's our choice to put whatever we want in our bodies. If that away the case, let's make adderal and klonopin and oxy and ambien OTC then. When people start abusing it and end up with social problems, just go "oh, those are just idiots." Mind you, these are drugs which are already being abused by many.

Point is, let's be real here, there's far more idiots in the world in regards to these things then there are responsible ones.

For goodness sakes, you're implying that these now banned compounds are not AAS based on your preconceived notion that unless you pin it, it's not AAS. You're also not alone in thinking that, but that right there in and of itself only demonstrates why it's not a good idea to have these unclassified steroids be available OTC. There's no damn difference between pinning and taking these pills apart from the fact that the oral are actually far harsher on your body than pinning in many cases.


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Wait, you mean that methylated halo wasn't already an AAS? Oh come on.

Here's the reality, these are indeed unclassified drugs (well, they are obviously now technically classified). These can also be idiotically misused and people have been doing that with most of the adverse effects being reported by grown arse men at hospitals and what not (the ones which have been documented at least, sure there are many cases where the patient does not inform the doctor of what they were really doing).

Idiots are amongst us and the biggest idiots are actually adults. The negative to all this is that it makes access harder for us and thus a choice we've had previously being taken away. The positive to all of this is that this makes access harder so you reduce the negative impacts there will be with idiots abusing this chit. It is absolutely asinine to go rambling on about how this is 110% negative and it's our choice to put whatever we want in our bodies. If that away the case, let's make adderal and klonopin and oxy and ambien OTC then. When people start abusing it and end up with social problems, just go "oh, those are just idiots." Mind you, these are drugs which are already being abused by many.

Point is, let's be real here, there's far more idiots in the world in regards to these things then there are responsible ones.
I would argue this point with the legality of Robitussin. This over the counter is legal yet it can produce a very noticeable high it can be addictive and can cause serious liver problems yet it is legal. I feel like the government is doing this not for the kids but for the simple fact that these substances have a been vilified and when you have a poor approval rating what do you do? You go back to your roots and champion a cause like getting rid of steroids because the pollute our beloved professional sports. Second by having these be legal the are allowing us to be strong and powerful. They are allowing us to legal be alpha and an oppressive government does not want that. They want submissive dumb servants who pay their taxes and keep their heads down. There are idiots amongst us but they are not the ones the government is worried about.


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I would argue this point with the legality of Robitussin. This over the counter is legal yet it can produce a very noticeable high it can be addictive and can cause serious liver problems yet it is legal. I feel like the government is doing this not for the kids but for the simple fact that these substances have a been vilified and when you have a poor approval rating what do you do? You go back to your roots and champion a cause like getting rid of steroids because the pollute our beloved professional sports. Second by having these be legal the are allowing us to be strong and powerful. They are allowing us to legal be alpha and an oppressive government does not want that. They want submissive dumb servants who pay their taxes and keep their heads down. There are idiots amongst us but they are not the ones the government is worried about.
How do you compare it to cough medicine? To actually do harm, even a bottle would be questionable
in its ability to cause much serious harm.

Now, you may wish to compare it to Tylenol or what not, that I can see a pretty good argument for but if you look at adverse cases with Tylenol, not many are that serious relative to how much of it is used by modern society.

Can one say the same about most of these orals? Eff no. Might not kill you per se but if adverse reactions happen, the impact is far longer is duration than the adverse effects reported for these OTC medications.

Should I also mention how due to people talking about these unclassified steroids which have essentially no real dosing or safety data behind them are being dosed by people based on what they read on message boards? Let's also be realistic here, MAJORITY have no idea how these things are affecting their health markers because they never bother to check. How the heck do you know that these things are as relatively benign as cough medicine? You drink a bottle of cough medicine, you're most likely to be ok the next day with perhaps a hangover. So no, not comparable.


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Sure one days usage of Robitussin would leave you hung over but what about if you used it every day for 4-6 weeks? Thats where I am drawing my comparison because the side effects can be sever and this is not illegal. http://www.cesar.umd.edu/cesar/drugs/dxm.asp
While true most people do not do an appropriate amount of research before they start to throw stuff into their bodies. But also true is the amount of stupid people who dont cycle correctly and after a prolonged period of time are back to some what normal.
The point I am trying to make is that there are plenty of things out there that are abused and misused that arnt illegal yet our government, “under the guise of public safety” , demes these substances not OK for public consumption. There is something deeper to this than protecting the children and the stupid people.

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