Bland Cholestasis....


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Now before I get bent over and reemed let me start by saying this is odd to me. The substance was epistane, lean bulking cycle at 40 mg a day. Got to week 5 and a halfish and the symptoms started, thought it was the flu stopped all medication after those first 2 days. Went out and bout himalaya liver detox, SAMe and medium chain triglicerides. This tuesday will be two weeks having stopped the medication.

Another mistake I made was trying to continue with my PCT after i thought I was starting to feel better. Started going to the gym again after the first week stopping because i noticed an improvement, between the DAA and the pre workout something made it start up again. I'm only taking the SAMe right now as everything I've read says this may help and the medium chain trigs so i can have some energy. Skin isn't yellow or eyes and piss is clearing a tiny but again. I'm hoping this is something I can avoid going to the hospital and telling them "hey i used a steroid" I'm still on my families health insurance just would hate to have anything said to them in the waiting room...

To say the least this has completely scared me away from oral steroids. I thought I had it all planned out and I didn't. Please let this be a note to anyone who decided to **** with this ****. It is very real and can happen.


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So you stopped PCT early over yellow pee? You left alot of info out.

And your PCT was just DAA??


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1.your PCT was crap. haven't seen a doctor, your self diagnosing.
3.go to a freaking doctor.


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What is this 2006? Yeah, you will get reaming for being an idiot.

No matter what hormonal substance you ingest, always have a SERM. And for harsher cycles, two SERMs! Preferably clomiphene and tamoxifene.

Fck the stigma of taking a steroid, go to the ER and ask for the endocrinologist on call.


New member
Had Nolva at 40 mg a day and DAA acid as a post cycle therapy. And bland cholestasis because of the symptoms. Can't keep food down unless small amounts. Fatigued with diarrhea and nausea. Everything I have read had pointed to one thing, bland cholestasis.


Had Nolva at 40 mg a day and DAA acid as a post cycle therapy. And bland cholestasis because of the symptoms. Can't keep food down unless small amounts. Fatigued with diarrhea and nausea. Everything I have read had pointed to one thing, bland cholestasis.
Dude jus see a doc


This here is why Web MD should be stopped. I have countless patients coming in with the diagnosis of diseases and illnesses and they tell me that web me narrowed it down to this disease, I look at them and say damn well you have a good doc continue the care from the internet web md and go home. Could be test flu, we are in mist of flu season, there's other illness that have the same symtoms.

Had Nolva at 40 mg a day and DAA acid as a post cycle therapy. And bland cholestasis because of the symptoms. Can't keep food down unless small amounts. Fatigued with diarrhea and nausea. Everything I have read had pointed to one thing, bland cholestasis.


New member
I was taking an anabolic. Which is the leading cause of bland cholestasis. Ive already accepted the fact my weight will drop. 230 prob will drop down to 180s. I called the family sports medicine doc left a message to call me bak and get me in asap. Clammy skin, vomiting "funky smell" and ****ting mucky water. All signs of steroidinduced cholestasis. My bad for seeing the clear symptoms and making an educated guess based of the drug i knew i was taking and an illness that is a listed side of methylated compounds


New member
Lol no. I've dropped to 175 before duh to opiate addiction so I know exactly how scrawny i can get, even then I made majority of my friends look like children. The epi added I want to say a good 15 lbs. Was eating like a horse. I only used it as soon as I started plateauing at around 210


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You got a cold on epi, that makes sense since you're immune system takes a hit on any steroid. I got sick on my Hdrol cycle but it was only for a day and I chugged along. Your PCT is lacking in most areas. The symptoms you got were from liver stress, not hungry, flu like symptoms, it happened to me. I PCTd and everything came back. That is the designer steroid life. Switch to Test is you want nearly 0 side effects (when controlled) cycling. Also you realize you MUST abuse the compound before that can happen right? A healthy person, running only 40 mg of epi for 5 weeks should NOT get cholestasis unless there is also an underlying cause. DId you have any previous medical issues? Were you drinking enough water?

Id like to add, the nolva is just as/more toxic than the designer you were taking lol. Did you read up on that before diving into the world of steroids?


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Yes I read that, hence why I never started the Nolvadex. I still have it sitting in my medicine cabinet, un opened. There was a period of 3 days where I had taken, and believe me I do see this as pretty much a huge step in the direction of the position im in now, but headache, what do most people take for a headache... aspirin. Dumb move I know. A week or 2 after this is when the symptoms started. I was under the assumption I was healthy and ready for a cycle of a steroid that is consider less liver toxic than many others on the market. We've all heard the saying about assumptions though and I do feel like an ass at this point.

Edit and I did make a call to a dr, sports medicine guy, handles all my family's blood work and the test rep therapy ma is on.


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Yes I read that, hence why I never started the Nolvadex. I still have it sitting in my medicine cabinet, un opened. There was a period of 3 days where I had taken, and believe me I do see this as pretty much a huge step in the direction of the position im in now, but headache, what do most people take for a headache... aspirin. Dumb move I know. A week or 2 after this is when the symptoms started. I was under the assumption I was healthy and ready for a cycle of a steroid that is consider less liver toxic than many others on the market. We've all heard the saying about assumptions though and I do feel like an ass at this point.

Edit and I did make a call to a dr, sports medicine guy, handles all my family's blood work and the test rep therapy ma is on.
well thats good, just go to a doc. And no, any methylated designer is not "easy" on the body. Most of the deisngers (that are banned as of last week) were pretty friggin' toxic if you ask me. Might as well pop anadrol/dbol with test if you want to talkabout risk and reward :O.


i have taken aspirin on cycle before. i never had anything bad happen. i think you're just a hypochondriac. steroids are probably not for you if you have that much anxiety over taking them.


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Yeah everything I have read says after stopping the steroid it reverses on its own. Which if this is true, then I am thankful for. Actually quite embarrassing for me considering the field of work I want to go into. I want to train athletes, and this would be a stupid stupid ****ing mistake for one of my clients to ever make. I'm just pretty much stopping all supps even protein and drinking mad water and taking SAMe at 1200mg a day. Hopefully I'll be able to atleast keep people in the future from making this mistake too.


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i have taken aspirin on cycle before. i never had anything bad happen. i think you're just a hypochondriac. steroids are probably not for you if you have that much anxiety over taking them.
What?. Seriously?. Did you even read the thread. He clearly has a medical problem.


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Waking up at 3am projectile vomiting and doing 360's on the toilet in colds sweats. Total hypochondriac...


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Yeah everything I have read says after stopping the steroid it reverses on its own. Which if this is true, then I am thankful for. Actually quite embarrassing for me considering the field of work I want to go into. I want to train athletes, and this would be a stupid stupid ****ing mistake for one of my clients to ever make. I'm just pretty much stopping all supps even protein and drinking mad water and taking SAMe at 1200mg a day. Hopefully I'll be able to atleast keep people in the future from making this mistake too.
well, that mistake (like many with steroids) are individualistic. They are dependent on the person. I'm just curious to see what your doc says, post back when you go see him and find out what's going on .

Also, there is a stomach virus going around, are you sure you didn't have that? My buddy had the same sh1t two weeks ago. He sent me a snapchat of him projectile vomiting though so thatwas cool lol


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well, that mistake (like many with steroids) are individualistic. They are dependent on the person. I'm just curious to see what your doc says, post back when you go see him and find out what's going on .
$50 says he won't.

I hate these threads. I really do.


Waking up at 3am projectile vomiting and doing 360's on the toilet in colds sweats. Total hypochondriac...

that sounds like the flu, not cholestasis. did you have tea-colored urine, severe stomach pain and pain around your liver, yellowing of the eyes or skin, pale-colored stools?


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pale stool yes, amber piss yes, not pain but upper abdomen feels bloated, kinda like if someone inserted a balloon and was putting pressure on it. just no yellowing of the eyes or skin


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Atleast I came in here admitting my stupidity, brian is just on some next level ****. I'm calling as soon as I wake up tomorrow if they dont call first to get a spot.


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Atleast I came in here admitting my stupidity, brian is just on some next level ****. I'm calling as soon as I wake up tomorrow if they dont call first to get a spot.
This is dumb. If you have health insurance, just go to the ER.


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pale stool yes, amber piss yes, not pain but upper abdomen feels bloated, kinda like if someone inserted a balloon and was putting pressure on it. just no yellowing of the eyes or skin
Stomach virus brotha. Do you get extra pressure in the upper abdomen right before vomiting or having loose stool? Or have a more pronounced bloated affect? Pretty common with stomach viruses. If you had yellowing of the eyes/skin I would run to the doc pretty fawking quickly lol. Hydrate with electrolytes youll be fine.


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Am I right to assume that there is that patient dr confidentiality **** now a days still right?


Am I right to assume that there is that patient dr confidentiality **** now a days still right?

nope. you're gonna have to wear a red "S" on your shirt forever, branding you as a steroid user. sorry bro


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It's more of that "your a dumb****, how did my balls produce you" talk from the father I'd wish to avoid since I am on his health insurance with the rest of the family


can't you make up some other excuse as to why you have to see the doctor?


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It's more of that "your a dumb****, how did my balls produce you" talk from the father I'd wish to avoid since I am on his health insurance with the rest of the family
That's the least of your worries if you really have drug induced cholostasis.


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It's more of that "your a dumb****, how did my balls produce you" talk from the father I'd wish to avoid since I am on his health insurance with the rest of the family
Then, please, please, please sit on this. Darwin has a concept called relative fitness. We don't need your alleles in our gene pool. We're trying to fcking help because you asked for help.

There's a reason why PHs labels say that you must 21 and over. It's because its assumed that by that age you have the wherewithal to think like an adult. Obviously you don't and instead are afraid of some societal scarlet letter. Grow the fck up, go to a doctor, and next time you decide to alter your DNA temporarily (because that's what steroids do-look it up) do some fcking research.

I can't believe I just wasted whatever I energy I had writing that.


New member
I'm going to suck it up and go. Also if it really took that much energy to type out a friggin paragraph then wow. wow.

I will go to the Dr however, even though everything I've read in this last 2 weeks (amazing how much reading you can do when paranoid and bed ridden) has said for bland cholestasis they pretty much tell you "stop being dumb, stop the steroid use" and they send you home.


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I'm going to suck it up and go. Also if it really took that much energy to type out a friggin paragraph then wow. wow.

I will go to the Dr however, even though everything I've read in this last 2 weeks (amazing how much reading you can do when paranoid and bed ridden) has said for bland cholestasis they pretty much tell you "stop being dumb, stop the steroid use" and they send you home.
1) Stop reading on the internet. If anything you'll produce psychosomatic symptoms
2) Show some respect. We don't get paid to be here (well some of us do -but not to deal with crap like **** and that's not the point), so if someone is taking the time to help you at least show some fcking gratitude
3) If you're privileged enough to have health insurance and want to dabble in steroids, always get pre-bloodwork.
4) I really doubt you're old enough to have taken this DS in the first place


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I was respectful, until I was disrespected. 23, so yeah according to the bottle I am old enough. And that's not to say I deserve respect, what I did is not really a mistake I can respect myself. But learn to talk to people. When you talk down to people it makes you come off as having some sort of superiority complex.


i pm'd you with my non-medical professional advice.


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OP what brand of Epistane were you using? Have you had any itchy skin? Apparently that's an early symptom of cholestasis...


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Brand was Havoc. Not really itchy. Clammy yeah. Just odd feeling


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I'm taking Epi2A3A and started ex inhibiting some liver stress symptoms yesterday. Gotten better after 24 hours so maybe it was just a bug. Still Disconcerting though.

Starting to wonder how "mild" this compound really is. After reading your story i am re-considering my designer steroid choice


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No designer methylated compounds are "mild" on the side effects. Just because its OTC pill form doesnt mean it wont hurt you.


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No designer methylated compounds are "mild" on the side effects. Just because its OTC pill form doesnt mean it wont hurt you.
I know, Epi just has a reputation for having less sides compared to, say, SD or Msten. Wish I had a source for the real stuff, may just go to the doc and ask for a scrip of test lol


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Honestly after this experience, real gear from a licensed doc is the only way id ever go. In hind sight being a DIY endo is just as sketchy as back ally abortions... Never again


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I know, Epi just has a reputation for having less sides compared to, say, SD or Msten. Wish I had a source for the real stuff, may just go to the doc and ask for a scrip of test lol
Its pretty easy to find lol


New member
Lol no. I've dropped to 175 before duh to opiate addiction so I know exactly how scrawny i can get, even then I made majority of my friends look like children. The epi added I want to say a good 15 lbs. Was eating like a horse. I only used it as soon as I started plateauing at around 210
Did anyone else see this post? He had a prior opiate addiction. I'm sure opiates aren't good for the liver? But I could be wrong and maybe they don't touch the liver... lol


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Yeah I'm making a list of literally everything I have ever injected aside from the harmless recreational **** like bud or shrooms. Def will let them know that yes I did have a past addiction to prescription pain killers and eventually heroin. Also I'm sure the prescription for kiddy adderal from ages 7-13 may have played a role in liver health too. Like I said I've got a list to start making for the doc.
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