Follidrone Formeron Mass550 PermaSwole - Hardgainer Log


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Oh for sure! Like you, you play rugby and need all the explosiveness, and athleticism you can get! But for a straight BB they could care less how they performed in sports!
I will add that I think they help with posture and stance as well. When I spar, I have guys that outweigh me quite a bit and they can't push me around because my core and stance is very solid. This also correlates to just walking around and having a solid posterior chain keeping your chest out and back straight- which is better for you.

Sorry man, I am not trying to beat this to death, I just want to emphasize how much squats help us.


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holy late but hi. fukkin epic stack.


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holy late but hi. fukkin epic stack.
Hey bud! Did you find out how youre going to dose prolactrone? Think ima stick to 1 before bed, as I take vitamin b6 in the morning and I think it nullifies the effects of prolactrone


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Hey bud! Did you find out how youre going to dose prolactrone? Think ima stick to 1 before bed, as I take vitamin b6 in the morning and I think it nullifies the effects of prolactrone
Did not get an answer yet but, that would probably be your best bet. dose it as far away from any b-vitamins as possible and after doing a little research on my own ive come to the conclusion that before bed on an empty stomach is probably how I will be dosing it :D


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New workout Plan is going to be as follows :

Monday – Day A
Tuesday – Day B
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – Day A
Friday – Day B
Saturday – Day C

Day A

Bench Press 5x5
Military Press 5x5
Close Grip Bench 5x5
Deadlift 5x5
Wide Grip Pullups 5x5
Dips 5x5

Day B

Squat 5x5
Leg Press 5x5
Ez bar curl 3 x 10 Alternating grips
Reverse Curl 4 x 10
Super set calves 3 x 15
Hamstring curcler 3 x 10
Quad Extension 3 x 10

Day C

Palm in pullups 3x10
Ab Roller 3x10
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Press ups 3x30
Dips 3 x 10
Good Mornings 3x10
Front/Side laateral raises 3x20, 3x10
Pullovers 3x10

Cardio will be done 20mins after workouts on all training days, low intensity cardio.

This routine, inspired by Brundel and T-Nation, is to help me bulk and get strong like a mofo!

you should give layne's PHAT a try man. it works great for natty's cutting, can do your own version of it to, what im on in my log right now haha


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Wow, that was pretty damn painful. Felt awesome doing it.

Everything is eccentric, 4 seconds on the way down, 1 second on the way up, apart from deadlifts, just standard pulls

Bench Press

176 x 5
176 x 5
176 x 5
176 x 5
176 x 5

Standing BB Military Press

88 x 5
88 x 5
88 x 5
88 x 5
88 x 5

Close Grip Bench

155 x 5
155 x 5
155 x 5
155 x 5
155 x 5


220 x 5
220 x 5
220 x 5
220 x 5
220 x 5

Wide Grip Pullups

0 x 5
0 x 5
0 x 5
0 x 5
0 x 5

Had to leave after that but wanted to squeeze dips in, but will add them tomorrow. Needless to say im going to be very sore tomorrow!


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I honestly use all rep ranges. Ive do feel that legs have to literally be beaten and trained quite intensely to see real girth growth over time. Age old ? is how many reps, sets, and honestly it will come down to how often you do them. I like constantly switching around and making sure Im not undereating as leg days can take quite the toll and leave you burnout early on the recovery train.

Me personally constantly switch between ranges unless looking to bulk up. I love constantly changing the ranges and tempo. Not the most ideal and its def. not for everyone, but It allows me to constantly keep others engaged and working and I have not hit a plateau with it yet. Really have to try and find out for yourself in the long run.


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Yep, I am pretty much the same way and it is why I like to hit big muscle groups twice a week. Then I can get in lifting heavy which I love and higher volume to balance it out if I want. Legs are one where I go in and just go by how I am feeling that day and I've been known to stay in the 3 rep range (squats) for days to weeks and then just get tired of it and start working volume.


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Well I'm sore pretty much everywhere.

Started taking 1 scoop of alphamine every morning, feel so so good, its awesome!



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Goals for end of the year.

Bench 275 x 1
Deadlift 441 x 1
Squat 242 x 1
Military Press 165 x 1
Reach weight of 177 with decent BF %


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Have quite a lot of stomach distress this morning. Might be the fact I had 80g of oats with 500ml of milk, or it might be the ABE, going to try breakfast with water instead of milk tomorrow, see if that helps


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So so sore today, yesterday made sure every part of my body is in agony, in conjunction with Monday. Feels good though :)

Everything apart from squats was eccentric lifting


165 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5
165 x 5

Leg Press

300 x 5
300 x 5
300 x 5
300 x 5
300 x 5

Sitting Calf Raise

253 x 15
253 x 15
253 x 15

Standing Calf Raise with raised board, supersetted with sitting calf raises

0 x 15
0 x 15
0 x 15

EZ Bar Close Grip

61 x 10
61 x 10

EZ Bar Wide Grip

61 x 10
61 x 10

EZ Bar Reverse Curls

40 x 10
40 x 10
40 x 10

Hamstring curls

121 x 8
121 x 8
121 x 8

Quad Extensions

144 x 10
144 x 10
144 x 10

Finished off with 15mins cycling, which was agony given the state of my legs!


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Not sure Im liking the added stuff in the XFA, I can feel the same effects as when I took fish oil solo, I find it really effects me negatively. So just going to stick with Xfactor and put the XFA out of reach. There goes a waste of $50, annoying as I ordered XF, not XFA, and they sent me the wrong one


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Not sure Im liking the added stuff in the XFA, I can feel the same effects as when I took fish oil solo, I find it really effects me negatively. So just going to stick with Xfactor and put the XFA out of reach. There goes a waste of $50, annoying as I ordered XF, not XFA, and they sent me the wrong one
What types of side effects do you see with fish oils?


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What types of side effects do you see with fish oils?
lethargy, lack of libido.

It seems as soon as I enter anything new to my intake it seems to have negative effects. Will try keep it up with normal XF but if things dont improve ill drop everything and just stick with follidrone, lets hope its not that though


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Decided im just going to run supps back to back and not all at once, had really bad stomach ache today

SO just going to run follidrone/viron for another 8 weeks


  • RockStar
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Decided im just going to run supps back to back and not all at once, had really bad stomach ache today SO just going to run follidrone/viron for another 8 weeks
Not good! Feel better!


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To be honest I think I was being a bit greedy in thinking I could take 3 anabolics at the same time, my body obviously isn't going to like that. Just gotta put in the hard work and the results will come along slowly but surely :).

In 8 weeks I'm off to barcelona for 10 days anyway, so when I get back I'll probs run Xgels solo :). And then maybe anabeta elite solo after that.

I say solo, but will definitely keep follidrone apparent throughout!


  • RockStar
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Thanks! To be honest I think I was being a bit greedy in thinking I could take 3 anabolics at the same time, my body obviously isn't going to like that. Just gotta put in the hard work and the results will come along slowly but surely :). In 8 weeks I'm off to barcelona for 10 days anyway, so when I get back I'll probs run Xgels solo :). And then maybe anabeta elite solo after that. I say solo, but will definitely keep follidrone apparent throughout!
Remember it's a journey, not a sprint! Take your time, you'll reach your goals!


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Supps for following 8 weeks-

Viron x 2
Follidrone x 2
Goji Berries x 2
Opti Men x 3
ZMA x 3


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lethargy, lack of libido.

It seems as soon as I enter anything new to my intake it seems to have negative effects. Will try keep it up with normal XF but if things dont improve ill drop everything and just stick with follidrone, lets hope its not that though
Believe me I know what you mean. Wish I had your mentality I tend to be stubborn but I'm getting better at listening to my body


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Believe me I know what you mean. Wish I had your mentality I tend to be stubborn but I'm getting better at listening to my body
Yeah man, ive been a stubborn moron on several occasions when taking supps in the last 2 years, but last night when XGels/ABE had clearly made my hormones inside all messy I just decided enough is enough. Its not worth getting massive and sick results for 8 weeks if you dont feel great inside, feel tired al the time, lack of sex drive and your gf is mad, so f that. Everything was great when it was just follidrone/viron so im just reverting to that :)


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Sorry, forgot to post this weekend re my sessions. Everything except DL's and squats are done eccentricly

Friday - Day A Volume

Bench Press

144 x 10
144 x 10
144 x 10
144 x 10

BB Military Press (Standing)

66 x 10
66 x 10
66 x 10
66 x 10

Close grip bench

121 x 10
121 x 10
121 x 10
121 x 10


176 x 10
176 x 10
Stopped here because i was getting angry because my form wasnt great, everytime I seem to lower myself to grab the bar, the top of my back arch's over, must just be poor flexibility but really not happy with my DL form what so ever

Wide Grip Pullups

0 x 8
0 x 8
0 x 8


0 x 10
0 x 10
0 x 10
0 x 10

Day B Volume


133 x 10
133 x 10
133 x 10
133 x 10

Leg Press

232 x 10
232 x 10
232 x 10
232 x 10

Seated calf raises

253 x 15
253 x 15
253 x 15

Standing Calf Raises

0 x 15
0 x 15
0 x 15

Hamstring Curler

100 x 10
100 x 10
100 x 10

Quad Extension

143 x 10
143 x 10
143 x 10

EZ bar close grip

61 x 10
61 x 10

EZ bar wide grip

61 x 10
61 x 10

EZ bar reverse grip

40 x 10
40 x 10
40 x 10

Felt pretty ill this weekend, think its just been accumulating, so havent eaten too too much ,but will try get back on it.

Still very happy I made the decision to run Follidrone solo in the end, dont want to mess my hormones too much


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Day A Yesterday, only had my gf to spot me so didn't push it too too heavy, as didnt want to rely on her having to deadlift the bar off me if I failed on bench etc

All eccentric movements except deadlifts

Bench Press

182 x 5
182 x 5
182 x 5
182 x 4
155 x 5

Military Press - Definitely should of gone heavier on this, not sure why I didn't, felt very easy. Will make sure I go up by 11lbs next time.

88 x 5
88 x 5
88 x 5
88 x 5
88 x 5

Close Grip Bench

160 x 5
160 x 5
160 x 5
160 x 5
160 x 5

Deadlifts - Last time I did deadlifts I moaned about how my form sucked. Spent today trying to fix it. I get into position fine but when I lift I kind of hunch my back, so spent the time focusing on keeping the tension in my lower back, which meant I didnt arch my back. Form definitely improved but massively need to sort out my terrible flexibility to perfect deadlifting properly

220 x 5
177 x 5
177 x 5
177 x 5
200 x 5

Wide Grip Pullups

11 x 5
11 x 5
11 x 5
11 x 5
11 x 5


11 x 15
11 x 10

My gf did the whole circuit with me which i am very impressed with the girl, props to her :). She started deadlifting last week at 88 5x5 and this week already managed to do 4 sets of 132 which is insane.


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Day B Yesterday


171 x 5
171 x 5
171 x 5
171 x 5
171 x 5

Quad Extensions

154 x 10
154 x 10
154 x 10

EZ bar Close Grip

66 x 10
66 x 10

EZ bar Wide Grip

66 x 10
66 x 10

EZ bar Reverse Curls

44 x 10
44 x 10
44 x 10

Leg Press

298 x 5
298 x 5
298 x 5
276 x 5
276 x 10

Seated Calf Raises

253 x 15
253 x 15
253 x 15

Standing Calf Raises

0 x 15
0 x 15
0 x 15

Going to sub out EZ bar curls close/wide grips for neutral pull ups & chin ups, EZ bar seems pretty aggrovating to my elbows.

Going to do Day A & Day b volume on fri/sat, then take a week off the gym. I haven't had a week off lifting weights completely in a long long time, could be why my white blood cell count seems a little low


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Great sessions you've been having!
Are you on PES insider? they are offering everyone 6 tubs of 55 servings for only $275 - thats pretty damn cheap. Ive been paying $50 a tub for the 27 servings PES so its saving me a fortune

Thank you re the sessions! Always feeling lethargy in the day though, so think my body is telling me its time to have a rest. Going to make sure I eat like a champ, do some low intensity cardio and get ready to kill the weeks after :)


  • RockStar
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Are you on PES insider? they are offering everyone 6 tubs of 55 servings for only $275 - thats pretty damn cheap. Ive been paying $50 a tub for the 27 servings PES so its saving me a fortune Thank you re the sessions! Always feeling lethargy in the day though, so think my body is telling me its time to have a rest. Going to make sure I eat like a champ, do some low intensity cardio and get ready to kill the weeks after :)
That's a whole lotta protein! I'm not an insider and I wouldn't know what to do it all that. Yes, it's def time to rest up so you can grow! :)


  • RockStar
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Ever use Rhodiola, Josh? It is great for energy and recovery and seems you may benefit from it. I've used it for years, but I am a HUGE adaptogen supporter.


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Ever use Rhodiola, Josh? It is great for energy and recovery and seems you may benefit from it. I've used it for years, but I am a HUGE adaptogen supporter.
Funny you said that!

I just bought a lot of herbs, which ill be cycling weekly, and rhodiola is one of them :)

Natures Answer Rhodiola Root Extract Liquid 30ml - Monday
Now Foods 50mg Zinc Picolinate Capsules - Pack of 120 Capsules Every Morning
Now Foods Liquid Vitamin D3 Drops (60ml 400iu per 4 drops) Every Morning
Maca Reproductive Health 500mg 250 Capsules Tuesday
Swanson Royal Jelly (1,000mg, 100 Softgels) Wednesday
Swanson Superior Herbs Shilajit Extract 400mg, 60 Vegetarian Capsules Thursday
Herb Pharm Ashwagandha Extract, 1 Oz Sunday
Optimum Nutrition ZMA Every Night
Black Lion Research Viron Mondays, Thursdays
Follidrone Training Days
Opti-Men Every Morning
Goji Berries Tuesdays


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Also bought some liquid magnesium to put under my feet before bed


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Weight has gone from 160 to 170 since I started, pretty damn happy about that!


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Weight has gone from 160 to 170 since I started, pretty damn happy about that!
Thats not bad at all! Any circumference measurements to go with it?


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Had 4 days out the gym and feel much much better.

Going to start again tomorrow :)


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so how did your week off from folli and lifting go bud? Ive been starting to feel a little worn down and am wondering if my body is needing a little deload week.


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so how did your week off from folli and lifting go bud? Ive been starting to feel a little worn down and am wondering if my body is needing a little deload week.
I only took 4 days off, but didnt go near the gym at all, feel MUCH better. if you feel worn down, I suggest skipping the deload, and just taking a few days off yourself. I'm in a debate myself whether to go back or not as 4 days isnt a week, but I do feel way more revitalised, so I may make it to the gym today :)

Libido back really high without any supps or anything to help it. Just a rest from the gym. Seem overtraining really destroys libido


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Im only going to be doing weights 4 times a week now as opposed to 5, really think that extra rest day is going to help me keep on top of things, think the reason ive had low libido/lethargy for a while is due to over training

Day A 5x5
Day B 5x5
Day A 4x10
Day B 4x10


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Josh, unless you are training 3-4hrs a day 7 days a week then you aren't "over training". And I say this because something else is causing your issues. Could be diet, thyroid issues, or any number of other things. You probably need to see a doc and have some bloodwork done.


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Josh, unless you are training 3-4hrs a day 7 days a week then you aren't "over training". And I say this because something else is causing your issues. Could be diet, thyroid issues, or any number of other things. You probably need to see a doc and have some bloodwork done.
I had blood work done mate. my White blood cell count was low, and thats from over training. I hadn't had any time off the gym for months and months. Taken 4 days off the gym and I feel like a completely new person. Had lethargy every day etc couldnt work out why as I was getting adaquete sleep and diet was decent


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I had blood work done mate. my White blood cell count was low, and thats from over training. I hadn't had any time off the gym for months and months. Taken 4 days off the gym and I feel like a completely new person. Had lethargy every day etc couldnt work out why as I was getting adaquete sleep and diet was decent
Wasn't trying to be confrontational just giving you my opinion. Several things can cause the low White blood cell count. At your age overtraining would be the last item I would think of unless you do hard labor work for a living. On the extreme end Leukemia could and would cause you to feel lethargic and have no libido. I'm just saying I'd get it checked out more thoroughly.


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Wasn't trying to be confrontational just giving you my opinion. Several things can cause the low White blood cell count. At your age overtraining would be the last item I would think of unless you do hard labor work for a living. On the extreme end Leukemia could and would cause you to feel lethargic and have no libido. I'm just saying I'd get it checked out more thoroughly.
for sure man, no confrontation expressed on my behalf :) . I actually think working inside, in an office all day, causes lethargy tbh, I would much rather be active physically in my day to day life.

unfortunately any more tests costs a lot of $. the doctor said id get it for free if any of my results were abnormal, but they weren't


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Starting gym again today. Going to go Tues/Wed/Fri/Sat

Going to give Amino IV & Permaswole a bash today


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Did Day A on Tuesday, didn't gym yesterday due to a family issue, going back to gym today.

Slept pretty awfully on the Tuesday, not sure if its permaswole or not, but definitely couldnt sleep, so going to drop it. might try it on the weekends though :)

All Eccentric

Bench Press

220 x 1
220 x 1 (barely, knocked the bar back into the holders as I wasn't far enough down the bench so spotter had to help me re-align
182 x 5
182 x 5
182 x 4
155 x 5
155 x 5

Military Press

94 x 5
94 x 5
94 x 5
94 x 5


232 x 5 (form sucked again)
177 x 5
177 x 5
177 x 5

Haven't been lowering the weight because its heavy. just not happy with my form. Decided I'm going to drop deadlifts from my Day A routine, and on the Saturdays when its core day, Do deadlifts there when I'm fresh and not knackered from doing other exercises, and can really focus on sorting my form out.

Wide Grip Pullups

11 x 5
11 x 5
11 x 5
11 x 10

Completely forgot I was supposed to do close grip bench before deads, so super setted them with dips to end the session

132 x 5
0 x 5
132 x 5
0 x 5
132 x 5
0 x 5
132 x 5
0 x 5

Finished off with 10 mins HIIT on the xtrainer, need to do more in the future but gf wanted to leave gym and I was pretty knackered


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hey where did you find a recipe for making brownies with select protein?

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