Tren Ace, Test Prop, D'Bol stack

jay saiah

jay saiah

New member
Hey guys I'm just after a little bit of advice
I am 174cm and weigh 66kg

Ive just purchased tren ace, test prop and dianabols for an eight week cycle

I have run test e on it's own before and I had no problem so I'm looking at going a little more hardcore with this being my second cycle..

I'm just after some information so I can set up a 8 week plan for my cycle, how much tren and test do I inject each time if I'm injecting every 3 days ?
I am also running dbol 50mg per day for the first 4 weeks only.

Is there anything else I need to take during my actual 8 week cycle, or do I just need nova and clomid for a pct. I was also thinking of taking d-aspantyc acid with my pct..

Thoughts please as this is my first time stacking these 3 together.


Well-known member
There's a lot of research I see u didn't but I'm not gonna flame u. Do u have an AI to run on cycle like arimidex or Aromasin? How about a prolactin inhibitor like caber or prami? U can't use nolva for pct with a 19nor like tren, stay with clomid only. Test prop and tren ace shouldn't b pinned every 3 days, your have unstable blood levels that would probly lead to more side effects. U need to pin EOD but preferably ED, that's at least what I'd do. Go low on the test, tren will do all the work as far as gains. I'd go with 150-200mg of test and 350mg of tren.


Active member
Dr.Stri8ed gave you some solid advice. Dose the aromasin at 12.5 ED. And dose the prami at .25mg ED before bed
jay saiah

jay saiah

New member
Dr.Stri8ed gave you some solid advice. Dose the aromasin at 12.5 ED. And dose the prami at .25mg ED before bed
Aromasin 12.5 each day, and prami each day. For the entire 8 weeks ?

And Dr.Str8ed does EOD mean end of day ? How often should I inject ? Thank you guys for your advice


Well-known member
Aromasin 12.5 each day, and prami each day. For the entire 8 weeks ?

And Dr.Str8ed does EOD mean end of day ? How often should I inject ? Thank you guys for your advice
Yeah 12.5mg of Aromasin ED and .25mg of prami each day. Don't dose the prami wrong cuz if do you'll b puking your guts very fast. Yeah EOD means every other day, that's how often u should inject. But I'd pin everyday.
Zac Speed

Zac Speed

I've pinned tren ace EOD with no noticeable issues.

If you have a hard time pinning that often, look into maybe a supertren blend.

Dr. Stri8ed has you on the right track.


Well-known member
I've pinned tren ace EOD with no noticeable issues.

If you have a hard time pinning that often, look into maybe a supertren blend.

Dr. Stri8ed has you on the right track.
Yeah for the sake of not being a pin cushion lol, EOD is what I'd do too if I didn't get sides.
jay saiah

jay saiah

New member
Yeah for the sake of not being a pin cushion lol, EOD is what I'd do too if I didn't get sides.
Sorry just curious, what is the purpose of using Aromasin and prami ? Like what exactly will each do or prevent


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Especially with 2 compounds that aromatize quite often and then the Tren.


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You're 5'8.5" and 145lbs. You need to eat. Put the steroids away.


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Dude.. I think we all could eat more. lol

It seems like that's all I do is eat..
I totally agree. The difference is, you're (according to your stats) nearly 90 lbs heavier than he is and roughly 2" taller. If he doesn't learn how to eat and gain, there's nothing the magic juice is going to do to help him. Everything he'll gain on cycle will be lost when he goes back to eating like a bird.
Zac Speed

Zac Speed

True DAT..

I started following Gerard Dente's Macrobolic Equation (45,35,20) ten years ago and have never looked back.
jay saiah

jay saiah

New member
I totally agree. The difference is, you're (according to your stats) nearly 90 lbs heavier than he is and roughly 2" taller. If he doesn't learn how to eat and gain, there's nothing the magic juice is going to do to help him. Everything he'll gain on cycle will be lost when he goes back to eating like a bird.
I have a fast metabolism. I eat 6-7 meals a day and don't put on weight. I'm hoping the magic juice will help me make gains as it's not working naturally.


Well-known member
I have a fast metabolism. I eat 6-7 meals a day and don't put on weight. I'm hoping the magic juice will help me make gains as it's not working naturally.
Then eat more. My brother is 5'6" and weighed 175 before he ever touched anabolics. Ate like a horse to get there. Same as I had to do
jay saiah

jay saiah

New member
Yeah 12.5mg of Aromasin ED and .25mg of prami each day. Don't dose the prami wrong cuz if do you'll b puking your guts very fast. Yeah EOD means every other day, that's how often u should inject. But I'd pin everyday.
Okay so pretty much
Tren ace 150mg EOD weeks 1-8
Tes prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-8
DBOL 30mg ED weeks 1-4
Aromasin 12.5 mg ED weeks 1-8
Prami 0.25mg ED weeks 1-8

CLOMID - not sure on dosage yet
Pure D-aspantyc acid - 1 scoop a day


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I have a fast metabolism. I eat 6-7 meals a day and don't put on weight. I'm hoping the magic juice will help me make gains as it's not working naturally.
6-7 meals? How many calories? What does your macro breakdown look like?
jay saiah

jay saiah

New member
Then eat more. My brother is 5'6" and weighed 175 before he ever touched anabolics. Ate like a horse to get there. Same as I had to do

Btw. I don't want to put on fat then jump on gear and have to do a mission of cardio to shred

I think it's better for me to jump on the cycle as I am. That way I'm bulking lean muscle no fat.
jay saiah

jay saiah

New member
6-7 meals? How many calories? What does your macro breakdown look like?
Average day
4:30am Weet bix with two bananas,
6am - three egg whites, one egg yellow, orange juice
8am - protein shake
9am - 2 cans of tuna and an apple
12pm - pasta, with a small chicken salad
3pm - two bananas
3pm - protein shake
5pm - pre-workout then gym
7pm - protein shake
8pm - dinner whatever is cooked, usually meat or pasta or chicken.


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Btw. I don't want to put on fat then jump on gear and have to do a mission of cardio to shred
I think it's better for me to jump on the cycle as I am. That way I'm bulking lean muscle no fat.
1. You are lacking in the research department. A bulk requires a caloric surplus. What is your maintenance caloric intake? To execute a lean bulk, whether on gear or not, this is a must know. Furthermore, executing a lean bulk is not an easy task. If you think you're going to bulk and not add fat, you're probably in for a surprise.
2. Have you ever run a cycle?
3. How old are you?
4. How toxic is 50mg dbol a day and what are you doing to protect you organs?
5. Do you know sterile technique?
jay saiah

jay saiah

New member
1. You are lacking in the research department. A bulk requires a caloric surplus. What is your maintenance caloric intake? To execute a lean bulk, whether on gear or not, this is a must know. Furthermore, executing a lean bulk is not an easy task. If you think you're going to bulk and not add fat, you're probably in for a surprise. 2. Have you ever run a cycle? 3. How old are you? 4. How toxic is 50mg dbol a day and what are you doing to protect you organs? 5. Do you know sterile technique?
Okay so I'll eat more calories. I've bulked with no fat at all when I was running test E on it's own. Put on 6kg in 10 weeks keeping 4kg of it after pct.
I am 21, and I'm running 30mg dbol not 50
I'm taking aramison and prami, also I will be taking liver guard. I will not be injecting my sister is a nurse she will be doing the injects for me


Well-known member
Average day
4:30am Weet bix with two bananas,
6am - three egg whites, one egg yellow, orange juice
8am - protein shake
9am - 2 cans of tuna and an apple
12pm - pasta, with a small chicken salad
3pm - two bananas
3pm - protein shake
5pm - pre-workout then gym
7pm - protein shake
8pm - dinner whatever is cooked, usually meat or pasta or chicken.
I eat 6 eggs and 3 egg whites for breakfast with cheese. And one protein shake per day. I never go more than 2. Whole food with a combination of carbs, fats and protein will grow you more than anything. You have no food between 3 and 7 pm. That would make me starve. Have food closer to your workout, and shake and food right quick afterwords. Like drink shake, and in 15-30 minutes pig out on your big meal with lots of protein and some carbs and definitely fats. If your metabolism is fast like mine you have to completely trash yourself with food. And on cycle you'll add 2000 more calories also if you have such a metabolism. My few thoughts
Zac Speed

Zac Speed

Average day
4:30am Weet bix with two bananas,
6am - three egg whites, one egg yellow, orange juice
8am - protein shake
9am - 2 cans of tuna and an apple
12pm - pasta, with a small chicken salad
3pm - two bananas
3pm - protein shake
5pm - pre-workout then gym
7pm - protein shake
8pm - dinner whatever is cooked, usually meat or pasta or chicken.
Get on amazon and get the book "Macrobolic Nutrion" by Gerade Dente. Read it, know it.. Live it

Kurt angle gave me this book back in 06 when I spotted him at the Gold's I worked at. It opened up the whole diet/nutritional world for me.

You definitely are not eating enough. And whole foods are sooo much better than shakes. Doesn't mean shakes aren't handy!


Well-known member
I agree with all these guys. Your nutrition is severely lacking. We're the same and almost the same height and I'm sitting at 210-212 still with abs. I eat my ass off bro, I can't stop eating. U can do it but u have to calculate your macros. I'd hit at least 4000 calories everyday.
jay saiah

jay saiah

New member
I agree with all these guys. Your nutrition is severely lacking. We're the same and almost the same height and I'm sitting at 210-212 still with abs. I eat my ass off bro, I can't stop eating. U can do it but u have to calculate your macros. I'd hit at least 4000 calories everyday.
Okay one last question man
Do I also run the prami and aromasin during my whole cycle and keep running it in my pct with clomid and Pure dapsantyc acid. Or just during cycle only.

And would my pct be 4 weeks ?


Well-known member
So you were 60 kgs when you did your first cycle?...

It sounds like you need beef and ice cream more than you need tren and dbol.


Well-known member
First off bro paratroop in on point, so it everyone else for that matter re diet. Do yourself a favor, download myfitnesspal weigh and measure your food and start tracking your calories. Your diets lacking in many ways and tracking calories will give you an idea of how much your actually eating, proper ratios etc etc etc.
get your diet in check first before you start or you'll be disappointed with the results.


New member
You say your eating 6-7 meals a day but seriously they must be sh!t meals.
As others have said a bulk requires a calorie surplus, You may or may not add much fat if you bulk correctly and slowly.
You also stated you want to jump on a cycle with just building lean muscle, dude at 140lbs you more than likely have no muscle mass.
3x shakes a day aswell is abit much IMO, replace 1-2 shakes with whole foods/meals. I USED to take 3-4-5 shakes a day and switched them for Chicken breast,Tuna etc and the results are far more better. Research bro.


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Okay so pretty much
Tren ace 150mg EOD weeks 1-8
Tes prop 100mg EOD weeks 1-8
DBOL 30mg ED weeks 1-4
Aromasin 12.5 mg ED weeks 1-8
Prami 0.25mg ED weeks 1-8

CLOMID - not sure on dosage yet
Pure D-aspantyc acid - 1 scoop a day
100mg eod is fine for the tren. Sec. To much prop imo. I would go with like 25 mg eod, Or you can go to a 2-1 ratio of tren to test. But 400 mg is about 200mg to much. Plus as everyone else has pointed out way to many damn shakes. This is my biggest pet peeve. Guys are always asking me. "Dude what kind of protein do you take" its called beef, chicken, fish,nuts, etc. Forget the shakes. Eat. I use to be 140 lbs at 6 foot. I had to eat and eat then eat some more to gain. Eat dirty eat everything. That is how you grow. All the aas in the world wont help u if you can't eat. Specially when u get off and are in pct .....say by by to 8 weeks of gains.


Well-known member
Go to Chipotle everyday if you have energy to and get a burrito with steak and chicken double meat. Around 80grams or protein and 90 grams of carbs good stuff. Half your protein for the day basically right there.
Zac Speed

Zac Speed

Go to Chipotle everyday if you have energy to and get a burrito with steak and chicken double meat. Around 80grams or protein and 90 grams of carbs good stuff. Half your protein for the day basically right there.
One of the only Fast Foods I'll consider..


Well-known member
One of the only Fast Foods I'll consider..
Yeah I happened to be in town over lunch and that's what I did. That place is awesome for on cycle or off. It's awesome for a compound like Trest that makes you so hungry lol. I get to the end of a burrito that size and I'm pretty much full.
Zac Speed

Zac Speed

Ive never done double steak/chicken on one burrito... Kinda wanna try that now! My wife already looks at me like I'm a fat **** when I get double


Well-known member
Ive never done double steak/chicken on one burrito... Kinda wanna try that now! My wife already looks at me like I'm a fat **** when I get double
Lol yeah man its worth the price and smarter than getting chips. The steak gives you a bit if ARA and creatine so it's another level of pump and feel goodness! Plus it's right beside gnc so I got a VPX Bang energy drink to drink on top of my food. BCAAs, creatine, caffeine. Pretty flipping nice combination between that and food. I think I grew 2 lbs lol


Well-known member
Ive never done double steak/chicken on one burrito... Kinda wanna try that now! My wife already looks at me like I'm a fat **** when I get double
To clarify they call it double meat. Actually getting one full serving of steak and one full serving of chicken. So might not be a lot more of any more, protein than what you are talking about. But I like the mix better than just chicken for the anabolic pump!


Well-known member
I'm still gonna try a double double..haha
Yeah I want to also. I'll tell you what else is yummy postworkout or any time actually. It's a 4 by 4 cheeseburger (4 patties) from In-N-Out and a double double cheeseburger (2 patties) all in one meal.


New member
Y'all notice he only gained 13 pounds on his first cycle and he is that small. Seriously just eat man. You are wasting juice


Well-known member
Y'all r making me horny with all this food talk.
Zac Speed

Zac Speed

Alright now I'm getting doughnuts in the morning... Thanks guys.


Well-known member
I'm finishing off two quarter pounders with cheese and a medium fry. I feel guiltless

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