Jim: Performance is King Log.



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Did a little maxing on the big 3 today, wasn't really planned but my lifting partner wanted to see where we were at before going to the field.

DL: worked to a 1RM of 330 (PR)
BP: worked to a 1RM of 215
BS: worked to a 1RM of 345 (PR)

Then I went to my actual gym and did-

Trap Bar Deadlift:
275x7, 295x7, 315x10

Good morning:
135x10, 155x10, 185x10

Called it a day and am eating now.

Lost my mechanics when I went for 225, my elbows flared out at the bottom and I couldn't push it through. The 215 was easy but I guess I just haven't practiced the motion enough to keep my form at 95+% 1RM.

Also, I'm no longer jumping (thank God).


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Going shopping later today, need to get real food for my house again.

Back in the gym tomorrow.

Also, I have to write a 3000 word essay because our new guy doesn't know how to stay up for 30 minutes on guard.
Ended up going to the gym tonight lol. Couldn't wait.

Pre: 1.5 Prodigy (hit me hard today)

I was dragging before going so I jumped straight into 1.5, it did the trick.

Front Squat: 4x10
135x10, 155x10, 185x10, 205x9

SG RDL: 4x10
95x10, 135x9, 165x10 (S), 205x10 (S)

Split squat: 2x15
100x15, 100x15

Took it a little easy today, rest was longer and the gym booted me before I could do the Complex.


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Didn't end up going shopping today, had to go into work because of some idiots getting a DUI last night.

Hit the gym for the workout that is generally scheduled for Thursday, didn't do the complex again. I'm doing shortened workouts for these two days so that I can work myself back into the routine, which will begin again at week 2 (again) on Monday.

Pre: 1 Cap Paragon, 1.5 Prodigy

Upper HT 2 09MAR13

OHP- 4x10
75x10, 85x10, 95x10, 115x8--105x2

Pull-ups- 4x10
BWx10, x9, x9.5, x8.5

a1. Chinese Rows: 2x15 // 55x15x2
a2. 1/2 kneel OHP: 2x12 // 45x12x2

Felt like I was about to vomit at the end, my conditioning is so poor right now. My strength is actually holding strong from where I was before this JOAX, which is awesome. Had a really good pump today and my vascularity was good, looking a little thicker in the chest but still not thick enough. I have a bird chest, very disproportionate in comparison to my shoulders (noticeable when in a shirt, less noticeable shirtless, or so it would seem).

Might do some sprinting tomorrow along with a little SMR.
Piston Honda

Piston Honda

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Keep on truckin' muddertrucker


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This is yesterday's update:

11MAR13 Upper HT 1

Pre: 1 Scoop Prodigy

Incline Bench: 4x10
125x10, 135x10, 145x10, 155x10 (+3 from last week)

CS Rear Delt Row: 4x10
25x10, 30x10, 35x10, 40x10 (+5lbs)

a1. WG Cable Rows: 2x15 // 100x15, 110x15
a2. DB Bench w/ Bridge: 2x12 // 70x12, 75x9.5

Face Pulls- 3x12 // 110x12, 120x12, 130x12
Lying Tri Ext- 3x12 // 25x12x3
Ext. Shoulder Rot. - 3x12 // 10x12, 20x12x2
Standing Cable Crunch- 3x12 // 120x12, 130x12 (started with the SB crunch and I couldn't figure them out)

Had a good workout, but for the first major time in this log I did not react well to something. I don't know if this is because my breakfast was slightly smaller or because my workout was more intense (it didn't feel like it honestly). When I was done working out I felt really weak, I was shakey, and had a bit of a chill. This started maybe five minutes afterwards and went on for just shy of an hour. I was having a hard time putting down food but that is all that was able to help. Strange because this is less caffeine than I have used for most workouts during this log, not sure what it was about really. Felt like my dad described insulin reactions, which is strange.

Did not work out today. Will make it up tomorrow if possible. I'm jumping tomorrow and I don't like to workout before a jump (bad juju), lets hope I don't fall to my death tomorrow :biglaugh: :yikes:


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Been kinda quiet in here with all of the rep searches going on :lol:

Got home from work, passed out on the couch; in uniform. No workout, besides the 8 mile ruck march we did for PT. (which blew, in case you were wondering). My knee kind of popped out of place (or something) during the ruck, I popped it back when we finished. It's been bugging me on and off ever since.

Friday: Upper HT 2 15MAR13
Pre-Workout: 1 Scoop Prodigy

95x10x2, 105x10, 115x7

Pull-ups- 4x10

a1. Chinese Row- 2x15 // 55x15, 70x15 (PR)
a2. 1/2 Kneel OHP- 2x12 // 45x12, 50x12


Scapula Dips: 3x12 // +45x12, +70x12, +90x12
BB Curl: 3x12 // 70x12 (EZ bar), 60x12, 60x11
DB Ext. Rot: 3x12 // 10x12x3
Turkish Get up: 3x3 // N/A (no, knee felt bad)

I had a headache before starting this, had it all day. Popped an Ibuprofen and headed out. Didn't have any issues afterwards. Overall was a pretty productive day, had a prett good pump, vascularity is steadily improving and weight is climbing (was 165.8 upon waking). Good workout.

Saturday: Lower HT 2 16MAR13

Front Squat: 4x10
135x10, 165x10, 195x10, 225x10 (PR)

SG RDL: 4x10
135x10, 155x10, 185x10, 205x10

a1. Split Squat: 2x15 // 100x15, 120x15 (PR)
a2. Ham Curl on SB: 2x12 // BWx12x2 (gave them a go this time, had a little pain in the knee but nothing too severe)


Pull-Through: 3x12 // 90x12, 120x12, 150x12
Side Bridge w/ ABD: 3x12 // BWx12x3
Wall March: 3x12 // BWx12x3
Prone March: 3x12 // BWx12x3

Was strong today, hit some PR's and had some smooth lifts. Focus was good, pump was painful on some of the higher rep stuff. Got a little light headed at the end of a couple of the front squat sets. Not much knee pain, nothing severe. Will work on my SMR and that should help a little. Haven't had any issues with the shaking and feeling ill recently. I have been making sure to eat a good meal before going, I think that has helped.

Will be headed to the gym to help coach and practice some hang cleans tomorrow. Nothing high volume or particularly taxing planned, just to work on technique.


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Lookin good man. I've been implementing them into my assistance work.


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Late but in! Solid front squats man.


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**** split squats. More like fall on my face squats.

I just moved onto an Air Force base. Though they don't take my BAH..I'm surrounded by dumbasses. Just saw an army ranger dude next door, briefly thought of you in a non homo way.


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**** split squats. More like fall on my face squats.

I just moved onto an Air Force base. Though they don't take my BAH..I'm surrounded by dumbasses. Just saw an army ranger dude next door, briefly thought of you in a non homo way.
Lol as if I were a ranger. Which post?


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Hanscom AFB in MA. I'm at a SAR unit about 45min away and my wife works about 30. We found out they do market housing and charge flat rate so we did it up. I didn't know AF called everyone higher ranking "sir", even enlisted.


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Hanscom AFB in MA. I'm at a SAR unit about 45min away and my wife works about 30. We found out they do market housing and charge flat rate so we did it up. I didn't know AF called everyone higher ranking "sir", even enlisted.
They do? That's dumb lol.

I didn't notice that when I was shooting the **** with all the AF guys at ABN School. I guess I was doing it wrong all that time :laugh:


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thought I'd rub it in your face that my CO prefers indoor soccer opposed to all hands runs


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Did actually get some work in today.

Pre: 1 cap Paragon, 1 scoop Prodigy

Worked up to 154# hang clean.

Hit 176 but it was ugly so I don't count it

Followed by 2 40M weighted seal walks (which I don't recommend anyone do)

Wasn't the best session but I wasn't too disappointed. My hang cleans need practice to be more fluid, something I'll have to work on.


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Haven't posted my last few in this log. Will not be posting Monday/Wednesday (just don't wanna retype it), but had a good couple of workouts. Hit PR's in Incline Bench, DB Press, TBar Deads, and Chest Supported RD Row.

This is my update for the latter half of the week, been fighting off some sickness. Seems as if I am beginning to get better.

Starting to feel a little better, although that could be for a variety of reasons. Will know if I am any better tomorrow when I go to the gym!

Gonna put the updates for the last 3 days, I've posted but haven't gotten on the CPU to put any numbers, only finished one of the last 3 workouts.

21MAR13 Upper HT 2

OHP- 3x10
95x10, 105x10, 115x9.5

Pull-Up- 3x10
BWx10, x9.5, x8

a1. Chinese Row- 4x12 // 55x12, 60x12, N/A, N/A
a2. 1/2 kneel OHP- 4x10 // 40x10, 45x10, N/A, N/A

This is where I ended it, as per my last update.

22MAR13 Lower HT 2

Felt really weak at the beginning of this. Wasn't originally going to do anything but ended up doing the main movements.

Front Squat- 3x10
155x10, 175x10, 205x5

SG RDL- 3x10
155x10, 185x10, 215x10

Ended here. Felt terrible, but not coughing as much.

23MAR13 Speed Work

Single Leg Seated Box Jump- 3x3/leg (halfway between knee and hip)
Kneeling Get Up+Bound- 4x2x3steps
Depth Jumps- 3x3 (chest height)
Tall Fall Sprint- 5x20M (winded me a little more than they should have)
Flying 20's- 5x20 (same effect)
Sled Tow- 2x15M // 1x90#, 1x180#


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Monday 25MAR13

PreWorkout: 1 Scoop Prodigy, 1 cap Paragon

Intra: 1 Scoop Gatorade, 2 Scoop MBCAA

Incline Bench: 1xF
175x6.5 (Piss Poor, first time my training partner has beaten me on Incline Bench *See Notes* )

CS RD Row: 1xF
55x14 (PR)

a1. WG Cable Row: 2x10 // 130x10, 140x10
a2. DB Press w/ Bridge: 2x8 // 80x8, 85x7 (PR, although ROM was a little shorter than I wanted, about the ROM I would have with BB though.)


Face Pulls: 3x12 // 110x12, 120x12, 140x12
Lying Tri Ext: 3x12 // 25x12x2, 35x10 (PR)
Ext. Shoulder Rot.: 3x12 // 10x12, 20x12x2
Cable Crunch: 3x12 // 110x12, 130x12, 150x7 +2 (PR)

This workout was killer, we were moving through the exercises and the weights felt light. The only thing to mention is my piss poor Incline Bench performance. Looking at the numbers it would lead you to believe I had an off day with it, but it was actually a much better set than most. I had a much tighter arch, and was bringing it lower (which takes a lot of strain off of my shoulders), my shoulders are my stronger pressing muscle (or so it would seem). So changing my technique so drastically (hand grip, tuck, and arch) affected my numbers. Although, it was a very productive session, I will take away a lot from this change, and hopefully see some good improvement with my Flat Bench numbers.

Will be going for 345 (or more even) tomorrow for TBar Deadlift, will try for another video, might push for 15 Reps with it if possible!

Seeing a lot of vascularity up and down my arms, extremely noticeable when doing the shoulder rotations (mostly because I am right in front of a mirror). Definitely enjoying this aspect of Paragon/Prodigy. This is my last week of this training wave, and possibly of the log (I'm running low), so we'll see how I did when we compare the numbers here pretty soon!


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Having some congestion or something today. It's like my right ear is clogged, and it's fairly painful. Can't really hear out of it either.

May just be allergies, I'm gonna take some Zyrtec tomorrow and see what that does. Anyone have any ideas?

Had a great workout today. Will edit this with the video link after I post it.

Monday 25Mar13

Pre: 1 Scoop Prodigy, 1 cap Paragon

Intra: 1 Scoop Gatorade Powder, 2 Scoop MBCAA

TBar DL: 1xF
345x14 (Strap) (PR)

Good Morning: 1xF

a1. DB RDL: 2x10 // 35x10x2
a2. RFE Split Squat: 2x8 // 80x8, 90x8

BB Bridge: 3x12 // 135x12, 155x12, 185x12 (hold at the top)
Prone March: 3x15 // BWx12x3 (thought it was sets of 12, until I wrote them down at the end....)
Monster Walk: 3x12 // N/A (No Bands)
SB Roll Out: 3x12 // BWx12x2, BWx10

Supplement Notes:
Enjoying Prodigy at 1 scoop, I feel better with it dropped back to 1 than I did at 1.5. I think 1.5 is past the point of diminishing returns (stimulant wise) for me with this product. Good pick me up, can't say it's improving pump (no measuring stick) but I can say that my morning PT sessions (CF) don't give me as much pump as my later sessions with the Prodigy.

Training Notes: Had a little soreness in my middle back. Which is a good sign that my arch was extreme (within reason obviously) during my session yesterday. The TBar Deads felt good, although I feel as if I could have done more. I didn't grab my back of chalk today so I had to use the straps that were in my car, even with them I was starting to lose the weight towards the end of the set (was just holding the straps with my fingers lol). Also, had a little bit more burn in the quads than I normally get from the deads, I'm thinking this has to do with my PT this morning (something like 250 air squats, it was dumb CF bs). Either way that is a solid rep PR for TBar deads. I probably could have handled more weight on the GMs as well, but I wanted to make sure I got that full stretch at the bottom. They also seem to be improving my arch for BP as I do them (I have some pretty good lumbar mobility) and keeping that tight arch (to where it actually cramps in my middle back during higher rep sets) has definitely made a difference.


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Went in today at 1300 and my right ear is infected, both were pretty clogged up but the TM in my right is black (it's supposed to be milky white). They didn't give me any antibiotics or anything, said it isn't that bad YET. Got some Motrin (surprise, surprise).

Passed out after dinner yesterday and didn't post the workout. Had to get up ridiculously early for a ruck this morning so I just went to sleep. Also, weighed in after my workout (only because my friend did because we're both trying to gain) and was sitting at 170 flat; which is good news.

Upper HT 2 27MAR13

Pre: 1 Scoop Prodigy, 1 Cap Paragon

Intra: 1 Scoop Gatorade, 2 scoop MBCAA

Strict OHP- 135x7 (Rep PR) This actually was my 1RM in like January so that is some good progress

Pull-Ups- BWx12 (I did Barbara the day before, which was 100 pullups so I will take 12)

a1. Chinese Rows- 2x10 // 65x10, 80x10
a2. 1/2 Kneel OHP- 2x8 // 50x8, 60x8 (This might be a PR)


Scapula Dips: 3x12 // +45x12, +90x12, +135x10 (these were rough)
BB Curl: 3x15 // 50x15, 60x15, 70x11
DB Ext. Rot.: 3x12 // 10x12, 12x12, 15x12
Get-Ups: 3x3 // N/A (These have been bugging my knee recently)

This one went by fast, it was a really good workout. Had some good PR's, it felt strong.

Lower HT 2 28MAR13

Did a 9.75 Mile Ruck March this morning, we did it in 2h10m. It was fast, lots of ruck running, which is terrible. It always kills my knee, it's been bugging me a lot since we started with EIB trainup and the longer rucks (mostly when we do the running, I do fine at a fast walk). My gooch is chafed from it as well, it's not very comfortable.

Front Squat: 1xF


a1. Split Squat: 2x10 // 110x10, 130x10 (PR)
a2. Ham Curl on SB: 2x8 // BWx8x2


Pull Through: 3x12 // 120x12, 140x12, 150x12 (Whole stack, will have to find another pulley to do these on, they were easy)
Side Bridge w/ ABD: 3x15 // BWx8x3 (cut volume on these because of the ruck this morning)
Wall March: 3x12 // BWx6x3 (same as above)
Prome March: 3x12 // BWx6x3 (same)

This one went well too, good focus and strength (all things considered). I can't hear out of either ear right now, they cleaned them at the aid station so my good ear still feels like it's full of water or something. Besides that I don't really have much to add at this point.


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Nice pull dude. Stayed tight the whole time.
Thanks brother.

I just rewatched it because of the comment and watching me do it made me tired.

That was like getting stomped in the **** repeatedly lol.

I love the Trap Bar DLs though, they just feel good.


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You could tell you we're feeling it around rep 10 lol
Doing breathers at the lockout, not a good look :biglaugh:

I was going for 15 but 14 was a monster and I didn't want to risk losing my form for 1 more rep.


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Speed Loading: 2APR13

Pre: 1 Scoop Prodigy, 1 Cap Paragon

Intra: 1 scoop Gatorade, 2 scoop MBCAA

Complex 1: (3x )
Concentric Box Jumps: x5 // Nipple Heightx5x3
Band Assist Hip Flexor Stretch: x5/leg // Heavyx5x3
Med Ball Side Throw: x8/side // 12lbx8x3
BR Hip Bridge (Ended up doing BB): x6 // 155x6x3

DE -1" Box Squat: 6x3@180 (Have a couple of sets on video)
DE Box Squat 1 - YouTube
DE Box Squat 2 - YouTube

Reactive DB RFE Split Squat: 3x3@35
Speed DB Rom DL: 60#x15sec, 7% fatigue (basically do AMAP in 15 seconds, continue to do sets until you can't do that number in 16.3 sec or less)
My first set of these I got 10, but noticed as I did more my speed improved, so added a couple on top of that and finished it) 5 total sets

Complex 2 (3x)
1 Arm KB Swing: x8/side // 44#x8x3
Prone Bridge March: x6/side // BWx6x3
KB Front Carry: x25Mx2 // 88#x25x3
Mod. 1 Leg Squat: x8/leg // BWx8x3 (holding band for stability)
Standing BR Anti-rotation: x10x2 sec/side // MDx10x3


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Got in today, the workout took about 1.5 hours. We were moving fast between the three of us, it was like being stomped repeatedly in the wiener.

Pre: 1 Scoop Prodigy, 1 Cap Paragon

Intra: 1 Scoop Gatorade, 2 Scoop MBCAA

SP Load OHP: 03APR13

Complex 1 (3x)

1 Arm Vertical MB Throw: x5/arm // 12#x5x3
Band Assist 3 way Hammie Stretch: x1x3sec/direction
Med Ball Slam: x8 // 25#x8x3 (first one caught me in the chin on the way back up, lol)
Bird Dogs: x4/limb // BWx4x3

DE OHP- 6x3@95# (approx. 2-3 second eccentric with AFAP turnaround, I'm slow on these)
Reactive Pull-ups: 3x3@BW (see notes)
Standing 1 Arm DB OHP: 35#x15 sec@7% fatigue // total sets: 11 x 16reps (see notes)

Complex 2 (3x)
Croc Rows for Speed: x12 // 60x12, 70x12, 90x12
Dynamic Side Bridge: x12 // BWx12x3
Farmers Walk: x25Mx4 (100M total per set) // 80x100Mx3 (see notes)
Hammer Curls: x10 // 25x10x3
BB Roll Out: x10 // 88#x10, x4, x10 (see notes)

Training Notes: Figured I better explain the reactive exercises and the 7% fatigue (which I think I touched on last update). The reactive exercises are performed as follows, start at top of motion (top of bar for Pull-Ups, top for SS, etc.), lower yourself a few inches and hold for 3-5 seconds, completely relax and drop to the bottom. Before hitting the bottom catch yourself and violently change directions as fast as humanly possible. For the timed sets at 7% fatigue the first set is done for 15 seconds doing as many as possible (for me 16 reps in 15 sec with 35# DB), rest 2 minutes between sets. Continue doing new sets until you can no longer perform that number of reps in 16.3 seconds or less (7% fatigue). For the farmers walks, it is written as 25Mx4; this means to walk 25M and turn around 4x for a total of 100M. I did this with no resets in during the set. The second set of rollouts were extremely painful, not in a good way. My core was cramping painfully and I wasn't sure I would be able to do anymore, tried it again for the 3rd set anyway and it went away (kind of). Hurts like hell whenever I cough, but totally worth it.

Supplement Notes: Focus was good, attacked the weights today. Can't say strength was up because it is my first week doing SP loading, but I did hit some pretty good numbers on a few exercises today. We were moving literally as fast as we could from set to set. My OHP was slow (not really slow, but you know what I mean). The power is there for most exercises but OHP is not my forte lol.

Pretty sure I am going to be sore tomorrow. The shoulders were feeling it on the single arm presses, we shall see tomorrow morning!

Went in earlier today for DE DL and accessory.

The workout took a little too long because Seth had to keep urinating. (Like 3 different times, he's a little guy with a little bladder...)

Pre: 1 Scoop Prodigy

Intra: 1 Scoop Gatorade

SP Load DL 05APR2013

Complex 1 (3x)
BR Dynamic Pull Through: x6 // Heavyx6x2, ExtraHeavyx6
BR Hip Flexor Stretch: x5/leg // MDx5x3 (increasing tension each set)
Keg Style OH Med Ball Throw: x5 // 30x5x3 (these are tons of fun)
1 Leg Calf Drop: x5/leg // 70x5, 80x5, 90x5

DE Deadlift: 6x3@180
Reactive BB Bridge: 3x3 // 88x3, 110x3, 120x3
Concentric Only GM: 4x5 // 88x5, 110x5, 132x5, 176x5 (Goal is 1 second or less)

Complex 2 (3x)
BR Hip Ext: x10 // MDx10x2, Heavyx10
Prone Bridge KB Switch: x8 // 18#x8x3
Turkish Get Up: x3 // 44#x3x3
BR Monster Walks: 12 forward, 12 back // Minix24x3 (double wrapped)

The workout went well, got video of most of the sets of DL. I feel that my speed was good (granted this is week 1), hopefully I can keep that speed as the weight increases the next few weeks. Not much to add besides that.


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06APR2013 SP LD Bench

Complex 1 (3x)
Kneel. Med ball Chest Pass- x6 // 20#x6x3
Depressed Scap. Band Pulldown- x8 // MDx8, HYx8x2
Overhead Med Ball Throw- x6 // 6#x6x3 (a little uncomfortable on the infraspinatus)
T-Spine Ext.--Lat Stretch- x5 // BWx5x3

DE Bench Press- 6x3@115# (3 different grips)

Reactive Supine Row- 4x5 // BWx5x4
Inc. (ended up doing flat because of equipment) DB Bench- 65#x15sec@7%fat. // 13x6

Complex 2 (3x)
Concentric Pull UP- x6 // BWx6x3
Swiss Ball Pike- x8 // BWx8x3
Mod. Face Pulls- x10 // MDx10x3
Prone Bridge w/ Hyper: x5/leg // BWx5x3
Lying Tri Ext.: x10 // 25#x10x3

Notes: Good focus, worked up a hell of a sweat. Completely smoked myself with these complexes. Worked on my grips for the Bench, trying to figure out what is the most comfortable for me, had a little bit of RC pain before starting. Open to any suggestions from you guys, my Bench is easily my weakest lift (max is somewhere around 220-225).
07APR2013 Lateral Speed

Lateral Push- 2x20M/direction
Curtsey Lunge Lateral- 3x3/leg
Lateral Crossover Drill- 4/direction
Side Bridge Ground Start- 3x10M/direction
Crossover Step Sprint- 3x10M/direction

08APR2013 Back Squat SP Load

Complex 1 (3x)

Box Jumps- x5 // RC(rib cage)x5x2, N(nipple)xF, RCx5
BA Hip Flex. Stretch- x5/leg // MDx5x3
MB Side Throw- x8/side // 12#x8x3 (mild RC pain)
BR Hip Bridge- x6 // EHx10x2 (whoops), EH+Hx6

DE Box Squat- 6x2@205#

Reactive DB RFE Split Squat: 4x3@40#
Speed DB Rom. DL: 90#x20sec@7% fat. // 15x8

Complex 2 (3x)
1 Arm KB Swing: x10/side // 44#x10x3
Prone Bridge March: x6/leg // BWx6x3
KB Front Carry: x30Mx2 // 88#x60Mx3

Mod. 1 Leg Squat: x10/leg // BWx10x3 (holding band)
Standing BR anti-rot: x10x2sec/side // MDx10x2secx3


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Pre: 2x Jack3d Micro (1 LL, 1 BR)

Complex 1
1 Arm OH MB Throw: x5 // 6#x5x3
BA Ham. Stretch: x1x3sec/direction // MDx1x3
MB Slam: x8 // 30#x8x3
Bird dogs: x4/limb // BWx4x3

DE OHP- 6x2@96#
Reactive Pull Up- 4x3@+10#
Stand. 1 Arm OHP- 45x20sec@7%fat. // 45x16, 35x16

Complex 2 (3x)
Croc Rows: x12 // 75x12, 85x12, 75x12
Dynamic Side Bridge: x12 // BWx12x3
Farmers Walk: x25Mx4 // 80#x100Mx3
Hammer curl: x8 // 30#x8x3
BB Roll Out: x10 // 88#x12x3

Tweaked my RC again (same spot as before). Couldn't do the 1 arm presses because of it, it was a problem from the beginning. Have been icing/heating it since I left, will keep an eye on it for now.


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I've been having a shoulder issue since my competition. Definetly sucks. Bengay..capsaicin..emu cream..NSAIDS.


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I've been having a shoulder issue since my competition. Definetly sucks. Bengay..capsaicin..emu cream..NSAIDS.
Meh, NSAIDS are for women.

I strained it a few months back, it would seem that its happened again (or is happening). Have some bengay (army issue muscle rub rather, got it when I had that static line injury). Might end up using it...might not.


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Meh, NSAIDS are for women.

I strained it a few months back, it would seem that its happened again (or is happening). Have some bengay (army issue muscle rub rather, got it when I had that static line injury). Might end up using it...might not.
I will use them sparingly.

Btw, awesome workouts. Takes me a minute to follow bc the complexes and all the how involved all aspects are, but it is very interesting stuff.

Sean...new avi is boss


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I will use them sparingly.

Btw, awesome workouts. Takes me a minute to follow bc the complexes and all the how involved all aspects are, but it is very interesting stuff.

Sean...new avi is boss
I just don't like to cover pain because then I'm doing damage to my body and don't know it.

Any questions on particular exercises and I can link a video for them. I have to YouTube some of them when I start a new month sometimes....

That's a picture of me (fact).


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I just don't like to cover pain because then I'm doing damage to my body and don't know it.

Any questions on particular exercises and I can link a video for them. I have to YouTube some of them when I start a new month sometimes....

That's a picture of me (fact).
Completely understand and is why I will not use chronically.

If I get some specifics I'll ask, I will try to look some up when on a PC and not my phone.

Lmao :)


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10APR13 Speed work

Pre: 3/4 Scoop PES Enhanced

Intra: Gatorade

Reverse Split Squat Depth Stick: 3x2/leg // 3x3/ leg (whoops, I should read better before I get started lol)
1/2 Kneeling Broad Jump: 3x3/leg (had some sharp pain on the outside of my knee today when landing these)
Wall Drill: 3x4cycles/leg
1/2 Kneel Ground Start: 3x10M/leg
Speed Ladder: 3x20M, 2x30M, 1x40M (did these as a race, ended off 5 for 6, lost the 3rd 20M to Seth)


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meant to get some video of me running all fast and ****. But, forgot about it. It was a nice day out in Bragg today, hot as hell but I prefer to run in the heat. Makes me feel like a boss.


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Psh, you are boss. How is enhanced? I just ordered some yesterday.


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Psh, you are boss. How is enhanced? I just ordered some yesterday.
I put the powder under my tongue and it is chalky.

My focus and intensity were good, no real strange feelings from it.

Might try it again tomorrow for DLs.

2x Jack3d micro last night at around 6 kept me up most of the night, it was retarded.


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I love logs w/ videos: IN!

If I ask a dumb question let me know. I'm still somewhat a noob.


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I put the powder under my tongue and it is chalky.

My focus and intensity were good, no real strange feelings from it.

Might try it again tomorrow for DLs.

2x Jack3d micro last night at around 6 kept me up most of the night, it was retarded.
Yeah I've been going through micro samples which are double dosed. Wasn't bad.


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Slow to the party but consider me in


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Ideally I'd like to use it during a training plan with higher volume (hypertrophy work)
Agreed. Looking forward to any focus/energy from Enhanced. It's all I really want in a prewo
Piston Honda

Piston Honda

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Meh, NSAIDS are for women.

I strained it a few months back, it would seem that its happened again (or is happening). Have some bengay (army issue muscle rub rather, got it when I had that static line injury). Might end up using it...might not.
Sleeper stretches. Very good for my shoulders since my PT introduced them.
Piston Honda

Piston Honda

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Agreed. Looking forward to any focus/energy from Enhanced. It's all I really want in a prewo
Focus/energy eh? I know of a product that seems to be delivering plenty of both!


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Slow to the party but consider me in
Well ****, there goes the neighborhood.....
Agreed. Looking forward to any focus/energy from Enhanced. It's all I really want in a prewo
I love a good pump though.

Sleeper stretches. Very good for my shoulders since my PT introduced them.
Will YouTube that.
Focus/energy eh? I know of a product that seems to be delivering plenty of both!
Hmmm, first day as a rep already pushing product in other people's logs.

That's a big nono Mr. Chevy.

The only time thats OK is when you give the OP free product with no strings attached. Fact.

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