Kbayne Begins The Cutting Phase



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March 18, 2013

Woke up this morning feeling good. I didn't go out for St. Patty's or anything which is surprising to me haha. Me and a friend just chilled at his house and watched all about the NCAA tourney coming up. Here is a link I started if anyone wants to get in on it:


Just a fun thread to see what everyone thinks, if anyone in here even is paying attention haha.

AM Supplements:
ECA + GT + AT2

Dosed these and then started to move my stuff out of my house. Had to move out because of roommate issues but I feel way better now.

While doing this I consumed my 10 grams of BCAA + 2.5 grams of Creatine. Moving my things out was pretty much a cardio session for me so that was nice :D.

After this I consumed another 10 grams of BCAA and waited about 1.5 hours and then broke my fast with my pre-workout meal.

Took my Na-R-ALA + Agmatine + ALCAR + Cissus pre-meal.

Supplements Pre-workout:
1.5 scoop Enhanced
1 cap Erase
1 cap V-1
2 caps ABE
2 grams BA
1 gram ALCAR

Weight Session:
- Hit back today super sets on everything. Really got a great workout in. Enhanced + ALCAR is something I would recommend everyone trying at some point and time. Focus was insane today. Hit some deadlifts with pull-ups to start the workout and I was in the "zone". I usually do not go very high for reps on DL's but today I felt very good and hit some nice numbers for some nice reps.
- My last set though, I felt like I was going to pass out from pulling the last few reps. I got them completed though and just leaned up against the rack and took some deep breaths to catch my breath. Jumped up on the pull-up bar and completed my 10 reps.
- Felt strong today throughout the whole workout. No strength decrease even as I increased weight and decreased rest period time.

Took my AT2 pre-cardio again. Body temperature was even higher then most times. I am doing 15-20 minutes of HIIT either on the bike or stair master and loving it with the AT2. I know most people do not like/ cannot consume yohimbine at any point and time, but AT2 does not give any of the negative effects of yohimbine. The Rauwolscine HCl (alpha-yohimbine) is really nice and smooth. No jitters, shakes, etc like that.

Supplement Notes:
- Leaning out very nicely right now. Muscle definition is becoming very prominent. The ABE is starting to kick in for sure. It has only been a week and I can tell differences from before starting. I have ran ABE before and I am very familiar with how it reacts for me personally.
- Midsection is really starting to slim down. Abs are starting to pop out more and I haven't even been performing any ab exercises.
- Strength is increasing week by week on just about every exercise.
- Still somewhat sore from last week.
- Vascularity is starting to show more and more. I was going to get a pic today in the gym but didn't get to, mainly because I forgot haha. But I was looking for what new veins were pooping and I had a few showing that haven't been there in a while.
- ECA + AT2 is an excellent fat burning combo. I feel much leaner and look leaner. I really am thinking about going Alphamine + EC stack after I finish this log. I feel I can handle 1 scoop Alphamine + 25mg E.

- I have one more protein + fat meal today to go but I should hit about 3000 calories for the day.

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Sorry about the roommate stuff...that kind of stuff can be rough.

Alpha-Y + ABE shredded me up last summer. Glad that Alpha-Y doesn't mess me up...like the stuff a lot. :)


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Sorry about the roommate stuff...that kind of stuff can be rough.

Alpha-Y + ABE shredded me up last summer. Glad that Alpha-Y doesn't mess me up...like the stuff a lot. :)
Thanks man. Ya I can only live with a few people. I like things clean and nice. Glad to be out though.

Ya I am really liking the Alpha-Y. Only taking in 2 caps a day. Was thinking about bumping my AM dose to 2 caps then 1 cap later in the day.


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March 19, 2013

Been sleeping in this week because it is Spring Break here at UW. So that has been nice. Been staying up much later then usual also but still getting my much needed sleep :D.

I went to Wal-Mart to get more Bronkaid yesterday, they were all out. So I got Primatene instead.

Supps in the AM:

ECA + AT2 + Green Tea

Really am starting to notice this kicking in much faster then it has been. My energy starts to kick in about 15 minutes after dosing and I am wide awake and ready to get up for the day. Even though I have nothing to do really haha. One thing that I do have to do that starts tomorrow, is the NCAA Tournament. I gotta keep my eye on all the scores lol.

Been breaking my fast around 12:30-1:00 and hitting the gym around 2:30-3:00.

Gym Session:
- Hit arms today. Super setting arms is very intense and almost painful for me. Throw Enhanced into the mix and wow.
- Had some nice vascularity going on today. More then usual.
- I really enjoy super setting on arm day because I get more of a pump throughout the whole workout. I like throwing in different variations also. I try to hit different heads of the biceps and triceps. The second part of the super set is lighter though obviously, but this isn't a bad thing because I get more of a contraction at the top of the motion, which sometimes hurts haha.

Took my ECA + AT2 about 15 minutes pre-cardio. I am noticing that I am starting to sweat much faster then usual. Also am noticing my body temperature rise much quicker. Only doing about 15 minutes of HIIT but this is just enough for me by how my body is reacting.

Supplement Notes (New)
- Commenting on new things that I am noticing. I do not want to keep repeating myself about the same thing over and over.
- Getting to the gym and warming up before every session. I get in a few warm up exercises for the muscle group that I am doing that day. Once I do this I take my long sleeve/hoodie off and am noticing some very noticable body composition changes in the mirror.
- Seeing more muscle definition in every area.
- Vascularity is starting to become more and more prominent in just about every area. Got some new veins branching off in the biceps :D
- I feel and look much leaner every day. I really don't know how to explain it but it is a very nice feeling.
- Focus and energy are both starting to get better. I am getting in the gym every day and getting out in a reasonable time. Rest periods are being kept to about 30 seconds which is nice to keep everything intense.

Weight was at about ~203 today. So the pounds have been coming off at a nice pace. Nothing too crazy or too slow. I am very satisfied with how it is going. Still need/want to drop some more BF%. Once I do this, I will start to incorporate abs into my workouts.

I am getting a majority of my calories from red meats lately. Calories are still hitting about ~3000 range every day.

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Sorry for the lack of updates fellas. Been waiting to get some different results and have some new things to note.

March 25, 2013

I started to get in some morning cardio again. Dosed my ECA + AT2 + Green Tea ~20 minutes prior to fasted cardio.

I have been fasting a little longer then usual and cutting my feeding window to about 7 hours lately. Usually breaking my fast about 2:00 on Monday and Wednesdays. I have class from 10:00-11:00 and have been working out fasted also. Tuesday and Thursday I have been breaking it around 2:00 also but this is my pre-workout meal. I have class until 4:00 and hit the gym after. I really do enjoy getting at least one meal in before working out mainly because working out fasted isn't really for me.

So when I first started the ECA stack, I was using Bronkaid. Nothing bad to report such as upset stomach or nausea or anything like that. When I went to get more Bronkaid, they didn't have any boxes left. They did however have Primatene, so I puchased that. From the very first dose, about 30-45 minutes after dosing, I start to get a bit of an upset stomach and a bit of nausea for about 10 minutes. Nothing too intense but it does get a bit uncomfortable. Once the feeling subsides I am good to go though. Also this only happens in the morning dose if I dose the ECA and don't move around. If I dose and start moving around such as going to class or going to do fasted morning cardio, the side effects don't occur.

I am really leaning out nicely from the ECA + AT2 combo though. Waist is shrinking more noticeably as the days go on. The appetite suppression from ECA is also nice. I will say that the appetite suppression from Alphamine was more present though and noticeable.

I have been taking my second dose of ECA with my Enhanced pre-workout. Mainly doing this just to get some extra fat burning in during my weight session. I am dosing the second dose of AT2 15 minutes prior to post weight session cardio. Still getting a nice body temp increase with some more noticeable sweating.

Libido is sky high right now with the ABE + Erase combo. Also getting some nice body comp changes taking place that were not happening before ABE. This is why for me personally ABE is my favorite body composition supplement. Really kicks in right away and changes are noticeable almost instantly. Muscles are looking and feeling much harder. I have a more round look happening also. Been having some people come up to me telling me they notice I am looking bigger but more cut. Vascularity is becoming more prominent in all areas also.

Strength is really starting to increase more and more. I am able to lift more weight for a longer period of time without feeling a decrease in strength. Endurance is also increasing quite nicely. Keeping my rest periods to about 30 seconds or below.

Calories on the day are being consumed from 3 meals with a vast majority coming from post workout. I have been ending my fast about 7-8 pm.

Current weight is about 204. BF% levels are starting to decrease more and more but still got some more work to do.

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Haha, guess who ran out of Alphamine and has been using AT2 again?

It is like we run simultaneous cycles. Either we are telepathically connected or you stalk my Facebook page...


Well-known member
Haha, guess who ran out of Alphamine and has been using AT2 again?

It is like we run simultaneous cycles. Either we are telepathically connected or you stalk my Facebook page...
Run out of Alphamine? I don't understand. I now keep enough for a small town in my garage.


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Haha, guess who ran out of Alphamine and has been using AT2 again?

It is like we run simultaneous cycles. Either we are telepathically connected or you stalk my Facebook page...
I thought you were the same person?? ;)

Nice update man and I agree with the sentiments on ABE. Love the stuff.


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Run out of Alphamine? I don't understand. I now keep enough for a small town in my garage.
Typical shipping duration often leaves me without product for a couple of weeks.

Luckily I have enough for six months of continuous usage so I should be good to go! :D


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Haha, guess who ran out of Alphamine and has been using AT2 again?

It is like we run simultaneous cycles. Either we are telepathically connected or you stalk my Facebook page...
I don't feel sorry for you :p. Considering I don't have Facebook anymore (only Twitter), we must be telepathically connected haha.

Run out of Alphamine? I don't understand. I now keep enough for a small town in my garage.
That is every Alphamine addicts dream!!!

I thought you were the same person?? ;)

Nice update man and I agree with the sentiments on ABE. Love the stuff.
We switch places every once and a while. Seen the movie Faceoff :D

Thanks bro. ABE is the sh!t.

Typical shipping duration often leaves me without product for a couple of weeks.

Luckily I have enough for six months of continuous usage so I should be good to go! :D
You and BP just like to let everyone know just how much you guys have huh :D. Let a brother in on some of that, share the wealth haha.


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March 26, 2013

First and foremost, I just realized how white I am haha. I was looking in the mirror and I need some sun, if it would ever come out!!!!

So yesterday, I hit some power arms. Really tried to focus on more of the negative part of the movement simply because I don't really like doing low reps for arms but I am noticing some gains by doing so. For the first time I tried the Kettle Ball Tricep Extensions (breezy recommendation) and they were excellent. It didn't take much at all to get used to the motion or control the weight. Really gave me a good stretch and I could feel more of a burn doing these rather then doing DB tricep extensions (laying down).

For cardio, I have started to incorporate the Jacobs Latter. I have done it before but never really did it much. This is really a great cardio method. I go for 5 minutes at a time with 30 seconds as fast as I can followed by 30 seconds slow. Only takes about 2 cycles of this and I am spent.

I didn't notice any nausea or upset stomach after dosing ECA on an empty stomach yesterday morning. Been dosing ECA 3x a day: morning, pre-workout, and later in the day prior to a meal (empty stomach). I have been noticing some nice smooth energy. Not getting a cracked out feeling as I know others have noted.

March 27, 2013

The last two nights I have been falling asleep around 12-1 and waking up around 4am and start rolling around until about 5:30-6:00. Not exactly sure why. I think it is because it is starting to warm up a bit around here, so this means, the fan needs to come back out and be right on me at night.

Woke up around 9am this morning and dosed my ECA + AT2 + Green Tea. Waited about 10 minutes and took my 10 grams of BCAA and headed off to my morning class. No upset stomach or anything once again. I really think if I just sit around after I dose it and don't move, then this is when the upset stomach takes place. Got back from class and cleaned up a bit then dosed another 10 grams of BCAA. Waited about 15 minutes and dosed my Enhanced + V-1 + ABE + Erase and headed to the gym. My gym is about 3 minutes from where I am so its a quite walk there.

Worked out today fasted. Had a really good session. I didn't notice any strength or endurance decrease. I actually finished my workout faster then I usually do. Kept the rest periods to a minimum. Got up 120lb DB on inclines for 6 reps after completing 3 prior sets so I was impressed with that.

I could somewhat feel my bicep tendonitis flare up a bit but nothing too intense.

Dosed my AT2 about 15 minutes prior to the Stair Master. Hit this for 15 minutes set on 100 steps per minute. Got a huge sweat going on with a nice body temp increase. I was going to add another 10 minutes of the bike or something but what I got from the Stair Master was a nice cardio session.

I have been on V-1 for about 6 weeks now, and since I have added ABE, I have noticed some strength increases and I am in a calorie deficit. V-1 has provided me with some nice strength increases also but I am just noting that strength continues to rise and it is becoming more noticeable. The hunger increases I notice from ABE usually are being leveled off with the EC stack I do believe so that is nice. Libido is still going stronger then ever.

Been mixed .75 scoop of FP and BR flavor of Enhanced and loving the combo. Tastes awesome, plus its like I have 3 different flavors of Enhanced :D. Really has me focusing more and more in the gym. I find myself noticing things I had not noticed before prior to Enhanced coming out. Vascularity is really taking place in the forearm area. They pop out more and look thicker which is a nice look. Still waiting on more vascularity to start popping in the upper arms, but that will come in time with lower body fat.

Weighed myself today at about ~201 so weight is still coming off.

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Good to hear your vascularity is improving.

Having a tan definitely helps the appearance lol. It was something I never intended to do then I did it for a photo shoot and now I do it all the time lol. It makes a huge difference to your appearance... as well as how feminine others view you. Worthy trade off.


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Nice update bud. Good to see you liked kettlebell extensions. I'm a big fan of the stretch and burn they provide as well :thumbsup:


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I wonder if I was the only person who overlooked kbayne doing the "kettle ball" variation?


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I wonder if I was the only person who overlooked kbayne doing the "kettle ball" variation?
I noticed and decided to indirectly correct him with my previous post :)


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I noticed and decided to indirectly correct him with my previous post :)
Subtle, I like it.

I shall keep this in my arsenal and use this technique in future.


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Good to hear your vascularity is improving.

Having a tan definitely helps the appearance lol. It was something I never intended to do then I did it for a photo shoot and now I do it all the time lol. It makes a huge difference to your appearance... as well as how feminine others view you. Worthy trade off.
Ya I think I may have to start hitting the tanning bed :p


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Nice update bud. Good to see you liked kettlebell extensions. I'm a big fan of the stretch and burn they provide as well :thumbsup:
Ya ill be doing these more often. Thanks for the hook up breezy.


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Good catch on the kettlebell wording haha. I would have never caught myself and pry would of kept saying kettle ball.


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March 28, 2013

What's up fellas?

So today I planned on waking up early and hitting the gym in the morning that way I could get my workout out of the way and be ready to watch the Sweet Sixteen. But that didn't happen. It would have happened if I had some Alphamine to wake up to though haha.

Anyhow, I woke up around 9 and headed off to class as I sipped on some BCAA. Woke up to some nice weather finally so that was awesome. First day I have been able to wear shorts outside all year. Had class till about 12:15 and then headed home to take my Enhanced and other goodies. Hit the gym around 12:50 until about 2:15. Got in a nice shoulder session with some HIIT on the treadmill. Was kind of in a hurry because I still had one more class at 2:45 but it all worked out.

Shoulder session went awesome today. Body temperature was noticeably higher then previous days. Started sweating almost instantly. I tried some Horizontal Presses for the first time (breezy thank you again haha). These were much more difficult then I thought they would be. I got in 3 sets for 6 reps using 15's. Really took a lot of focus to get this exercise down but I could definitely feel it in the shoulders. I put a 25lb plate under the bench to give it a little rise.

Hit some HIIT on the treadmill for 10 minutes. I was literally sweating hardcore by minute 3 and my hear was racing. I set the incline to 15% and started walking at a speed of 3.5. Then I jumped the speed up to 7.0 and sprinted for 30 seconds, then stepped to the side off of the track and set the speed back to 3.0 and walked for about 45 seconds. Did this for 10 minutes and I was drenched in sweat and called that good for cardio.

One thing that I am noticing from Primatene that I did not notice from Bronkaid is that I am hacking up some nasty mucus. At first when this started I didn't think much of it. Then I looked at the box and what do I see, "helps loosen phlegm (mucus)". This has continued to happen throughout the day since the beginning of the week and probably going back to last weekend. It not anything that would make me discontinue it but just something to note on.

Broke my fast around 2:45 today right before class. Only had a PBJ sandwich and 60 gram protein shake but once I got back home I cooked some fish and green beans and ate some pistachios with it. Plan on getting in one more meal today a little later on. Should be a pretty big meal.

Looked into some tanning places today haha. Will probably hit that up soon to get this ghost looking body some color :D

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What's up kbayne? :)

You're welcome haha. Horizontal press with 15lbs is quite impressive man; I'm not sure I'd be able to handle it. 8lbs for 8 slow and controlled reps does the trick for me. I'll have to try them with a slight incline.


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Ya I think I'd like them better with a lighter weight and a few more reps, but I could for sure feel them :D. Its really hard to explain the feeling when performing them. As I was taking my rest period in between sets I thought about laying face up instead of face down and doing them that way to see how that would feel. What do you think?


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Face up sounds interesting. I just tried the movement without any weight, while hanging off the end of my bed, and I'm not sure what to think lol. I'll give it a try soon and let you know how it goes.


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I did the same haha. It sounds interesting and I'm intrigued to try it myself.


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April 1, 2013

So has anyone been April Fooled yet? NutraPlanet's April Fools was pretty funny I thought.

Didn't update the past two days mainly because it was Easter Weekend and my gym was closed Saturday and Sunday.

So my log is about to come to an end. I think I have about 6-8 days left of V-1 + ABE + Erase. I will be doing a final review on the following:
Erase Pro

So today I hit some back which was fasted and threw in a few new exercises. Started out with some DL's and hit about 3 sets of those and then I remembered I wanted to try Snatch Grip DL's, so I hit some of these towards the end of my back session. And for seated cable rows, I used three foam blocks that were about the height of a DB. I have been wanting to try these for a while now.

Snatch Grip DL's were a nice change. They really hit my lower back more so then DL's. I was pretty exhausted by the time I got to these but got up to 275 for 10 reps for 3 sets. They really took much more out of me then I expected. We will see how sore I am in the days to come.

So I really enjoy hitting some Seated Cable Rows for higher reps (13-15). With the added foam blocks, it took a lot more concentration on the weight mainly because you had to position your body to where it was stable. I couldn't go as heavy with my body being elevated like it was. I could really feel these more hitting the middle part of my lats. The ROM wasn't near as much from regular SCR's but the contraction on the lats felt amazing. Really had to push myself to get 13-15 reps using 150lbs.

Overall I had a great workout with a very nice back pump to go along with it. I do believe that my body is still getting used to fasted training. With that though, I am not losing any strength to this point and I actually feel as if I am lifting heavier weights with less rest periods. I have been increasing my cardio time length also. Today I got about 20 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill, which was pretty painful. I got through it though but was drenched from head to toe.

Weight is still coming off nicely. I would like to see more BF come off but that will come with time. Todays weight post workout and cardio was ~203.

Broke my fast today eating:
1 cup of oats with 2 tbsp PB + 1 tbsp Honey + 1 scoop Chocolate Whey
3 chicken breast smothered in some homemade chili
1 cup of green beans

I was starving by the time my fast break came around and got a nice solid meal in :D. Still have some more meals to get in and I will be going to Wally World in a bit to pick some things up. Going to try and make some Homemade Ice Cream tonight. We shall see how that goes.

So last night, I needed one more meal with some protein and fats so I created something haha:

1 scoop Chocolate Whey
1 scoop Fudge Brownie Whey
1 whole egg
2 tbsp PB
1 tbsp Honey
Added water for thickness

Put this in the freezer for about 1.5 hours and it came out like a Cake Frosting. I should of got a picture but it looked so good I demolished it :lmao:

Been getting about ~2900 calories in with main CHO coming post workout. Still been doing my 3 low CHO day followed by a high CHO day.

Overall everything is going good and school is just about finished so that will be a relief :arms:


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Yeah, that email was pretty funny :D

Snatch grip deads are fun. If you like those, you should give Reeves Deads a shot (if your arms are long enough). There are a few variations that I've been enjoying lately.

Good luck with the ice cream brotha. Look forward to hearing how it goes.


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Yeah, that email was pretty funny :D

Snatch grip deads are fun. If you like those, you should give Reeves Deads a shot (if your arms are long enough). There are a few variations that I've been enjoying lately.

Good luck with the ice cream brotha. Look forward to hearing how it goes.
Ya I thought about the Reeves DLs also. I will have to give em a try next time. Ill watch your video for example again.

I am about to attempt the following:
Ice Cream

Using exactly what you did and following your instructions haha. Ill post up some pictures after. Here we go :D


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April 2, 2013

Woke up this morning feeling kind of tired. I had a horrible scary a$$ dream last night. Like I can't even explain it. I woke up from the nightmare and literally couldn't go back to bed for about an hour. Got up and dosed my ECA + Green Tea + AT2 along with 10 grams BCAA about 10 minutes later. I had some homework to go over before one of my classes so I was doing that right when I woke up.

Had another workout fasted today. Today was arm day and hit the gym around 12:50ish. The pump from todays workout was insane. Haven't had one like this in quite some time. For the majority, all exercises were all high rep (13-15 range). Focused more on the negative portion of the movement also. Focus and energy are still very intense during my workouts. Spotted a few new veins trying to say hello today during my arm session :D. Getting in the gym and getting out in a very reasonable time, along with getting my cardio session done. For cardio today, I did some HIIT on the bike for 20 minutes. One thing that I haven't started to incorporate yet into my workout is abs. They are very visible right now just by shedding some BF and weight and now I am at a BF% to where I believe I will start to get a few days of ab workouts in. Haven't had a sore core in a while :33: Well see how it goes haha.

Broke my fast around 2:45 today. Had class at this time so I just made a post workout shake consisting of water, whey, and oats. I was pretty tired during class, but the good thing is we just watched a video all class period (about passed out a few times). After class I came back home and cooked up some homemade taco soup which was bomb by the way:

1 pound 93/7 meat
1 packet taco seasoning
1 can pinto beans
1 can corn
1 bottle salsa
Added a good amount of cheddar cheese to it

Really came out tasting awesome. After this though, I was still pretty hungry, so what did I do? Made some ice cream for the first time using the zip lock bags. I have a picture on my phone that I will upload. It came out tasting pretty good but the consistency and thickness wasn't what I wanted. I will have to shake the bag a little longer and break the ice cubes up into smaller pieces. The ones I used were pretty big and I don't think the smaller zip lock bag was completely surrounded by the salt and ice. But I was impressed and will give it another go tomorrow. I did however make some Chocolate Fat Free Sugar Free Cheesecake last night that came out way bomb :D. Used exactly what breezy did in his Protean log with all the yummy looking things he made. Going to be trying that cake sometime also. I have a few recipes of my own that I will give a try. Used to make things like this all the time. Don't really know why I stopped :shrug:

With the weather changing and everything, my skin is starting to dry out. This is normal for me because every time the season changes my skin dries out. And now that the weather is starting to get nicer (even though it snowed today here and there) I will be able to get some cardio sessions in outside and get this ghost looking body a baseline tan.

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As you can see, it was a little runny but still very delicious. I'll work on my preparation some more :).

For protein I used:
.75 scoop Chocolate
.75 scoop Fudge Brownie


This cheesecake chocolate flavor was amazing. I just finished the rest of it off a bit ago.


As you can see, it was a little runny but still very delicious. I'll work on my preparation some more :).

For protein I used:
.75 scoop Chocolate
.75 scoop Fudge Brownie

This cheesecake chocolate flavor was amazing. I just finished the rest of it off a bit ago.
Bowl of chili lol

Interested to try some of this out also
Bet the taste was there though :)


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Bowl of chili lol

Interested to try some of this out also
Bet the taste was there though :)
Kind of looks like it lol. No I added some small chuncks of some protein bars in there to give it a little crunch.


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Shoot, looks like I just missed the part, bummer


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The ice cream doesn't look that great, but I'm sure it was delicious :D. Yeah, you probably just needed to shake it a little longer. I usually flip the bag around and try to get the little bag surrounded by ice, but it should work either way. Another 3mins or so and it would've been looking good :thumbsup:


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Don't know what your exact recipe was but I'm thinking a good way to thicken would be to add some Greek Yogurt possibly?

I'm a fan of super thick though. I add xantham gum to my shakes and I made my ice-cream with no liquid just yogurt and pro powder chilled until ice cream consistency.


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Subbed for before and after photos. :D


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The ice cream doesn't look that great, but I'm sure it was delicious :D. Yeah, you probably just needed to shake it a little longer. I usually flip the bag around and try to get the little bag surrounded by ice, but it should work either way. Another 3mins or so and it would've been looking good :thumbsup:
Ya it for sure isn't anywhere near breezy ice cream status haha. Ill for sure leave it in and flip it some more next time.

BTW, it was still very delicious haha


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Don't know what your exact recipe was but I'm thinking a good way to thicken would be to add some Greek Yogurt possibly?

I'm a fan of super thick though. I add xantham gum to my shakes and I made my ice-cream with no liquid just yogurt and pro powder chilled until ice cream consistency.
Ya I added some Greek yogurt, I am planning on adding more next time. I'm going to mess around with the ingredients some more and see what I come up with.


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Subbed for before and after photos. :D
Don't worry... ill have some up for the final review :)

What do I get in return haha


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Okay so the picture doesn't really show how awesome the texture and consistency was but it is:

Fudge Brownie White Chocolate Jello

Except this time I put all the ingredients:

1.5 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 scoops fudge brownie protein
12 oz plain Greek yogurt
1 box of FF SF white chocolate jello
(Thanks breezy :))

in a shaker and shook it up to get it really thick. Poured in the bowl and let it sit in the fridge from 30-40 minutes. Stuff is f-in deliciously delicious haha. I have already ate it all :)

Other plate:

3 whole eggs + 4 whites + Ham + ketchup (I love eggs)



Okay so the picture doesn't really show how awesome the texture and consistency was but it is:

Fudge Brownie White Chocolate Jello

Except this time I put all the ingredients:

1.5 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 scoops fudge brownie protein
12 oz plain Greek yogurt
1 box of FF SF white chocolate jello
(Thanks breezy :))

in a shaker and shook it up to get it really thick. Poured in the bowl and let it sit in the fridge from 30-40 minutes. Stuff is f-in deliciously delicious haha. I have already ate it all :)

Other plate:

3 whole eggs + 4 whites + Ham + ketchup (I love eggs)
Can beat eggs

Bomb ass combo


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Can beat eggs

Bomb ass combo
I go through eggs more then anyone I know. Every time someone comes over and looks in my fridge, the first thing they say is "want some fridge with those eggs" haha. I buy 2 12 dozen things of eggs every time I go to the store.


I go through eggs more then anyone I know. Every time someone comes over and looks in my fridge, the first thing they say is "want some fridge with those eggs" haha. I buy 2 12 dozen things of eggs every time I go to the store.
I pay costcos electric bill with the amount of money I spend on eggs alone haha


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Food looks delicious brotha. I don't think I've made protein pudding since that thread lol. You've inspired me to bring it back :cool:


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You inspired me to make it :). There is quite a selection of FF SF Jello to choose from Wally World haha.


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April 3-4, 2013

Hit some Chest yesterday and some Shoulders today.

The pump from yesterdays Chest workout was almost too painful :11: By the completion of my second exercise, my Chest was on fire. I really have been focusing on slowing down the movement on the eccentric portion. This really has made a big difference and I have only been incorporating doing this for about a week now. Every body part is sore as of now (back, arms, and chest). I did some more DB flat bench twist presses. These may be my new favorite chest exercise now. They really hit the chest and allow for a full contraction.

Shoulders today were intense. I was in a hurry so all of my rest periods were about 20 seconds. I busted out shoulders in about 35-40 minutes. Yo breezy, I tried those Horizontal Presses but face up. They work haha. You can go heavier with these though. For example I used 20lbs for 12 reps and got a good burn. At first they were a little tricky because my arms were bouncing around everywhere trying to control the weight but once I got the movement down, I was good to go. I still believe face down Horizontal Presses may be more beneficial but I would give em a try if you haven't yet. Interested in what you think about them.

So I was in class today and I wanted to take some picture of vascularity today. For some reason my attachment for pictures isn't working so I will do it on my phone after I submit this. The pictures really don't do the justice, and I am not just saying that. First, the camera isn't that great (phone) and second I am whiter then Casper the Friendly Ghost, and third I couldn't get the picture how I wanted to really show just how much the veins were popping.

First Picture:
- Took immediately as I took Enhanced


Second Picture:
- Took about 10 minutes post Enhanced consumption


Third Picture:
- Took about 17 minutes post Enhanced


Fourth Picture:
- Took about 25 minutes post Enhanced


Did some HIIT on the treadmill:
- 15% incline with speed at 8.5 sprinting for 15 seconds followed by speed at 2.5 with about a minute or a little longer rest. 15 minutes of this and called it good.

- Libido has leveled off some what but still is higher then usual.
- Strength continues to increase bit by bit :)
- Looking and feeling sharper day by day.
- Tried on some old pants that were pretty tight (well actually very tight) before I started this log and cutting. They slid on with no problem and I even used a belt haha.

Horribly Tasting Combo:
- 1500mg Cissus
- 1 gram ALCAR


Workout Link:

So I have no idea why the HUGE picture is at the very bottom and my "Manage Attachment" thing won't show pictures so I can delete it, so there will just be a huge picture haha.




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The suspense is killing me. In4nudes. ;)


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lol at the pic of the Cissus and ALCAR on a spoon. That had to have been rough. :(

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