Bluntphunk's intimidate + reversitol v2 8 week log


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Sorry I've gone the last few days got slammed with over time! I ran intimidate with Claritin and didn't have any issues. Probable was due to the allergies.

The crazy dreams only lasted the first 3-4 weeks for me then stopped.
I ran mine with zyrtec.. no issues to report.



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Slept well last night. No epic dreams to report. Today I did feel a little better but not quite 100%, but my shoulders are super sore today :) definitely not something I'm used to. Gonna relish it! For the most of the day I felt a bit irriatable, but nothing I couldn't control. See I can't stand people who won't, can't or don't listen or just plane wait for their turn to talk. It's a conversation people, just like a two way street. Im not sure how many times I had to replete the same information to a person before they actually get it. For example; a person walks in with an item we don't deal in (I work at a pawn shop), so I let them know they should try this spisific business by name and give the street it's on and the nearest cross street and inform the person that the business is on the corner of those two streets, and very easy directions on how to get there. All they have to do is pull over and park. It seems that 80% of the people first ask where it is, then ask the name again. Then what do they ask for? Oh you guesses it, the location again, followed by a request for directions as to how to get there. Mind you the place is six blocks away! I just have to shake my head and walk away sometimes.
So it was low carb and cardio day. Really feel like I needed it as it did help open my lungs up.
30 min hiit


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Anytime bro, anything we can do, please let us know! We are all here to help :).

Thanks again guys. I can tell that not only do you guys have a passion for the products and the company you work for, but also truly care. I'm posting in another forum the same log (specifically based on the workout that I"m doing) and I haven't heard a peep from a single person.


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Thanks again guys. I can tell that not only do you guys have a passion for the products and the company you work for, but also truly care. I'm posting in another forum the same log (specifically based on the workout that I"m doing) and I haven't heard a peep from a single person.
Thanks for the kind words man! If you are on the same forum enough you'll make friends and they'll follow your logs. I think only 1 person followed my first log lol


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Woke up 6/28 feeling a little better than the previous day but it quickly devolved into feeling shat-tastic. I went to the doc in the afternoon. The good news is that I didn't have strep throat or bronchitis, but I did have a nasty virus. This was only exasperated by the high pollen count here and the clouds of perfume that people wear into my place of business. A little side note, if I can smell you from 10-15 feet your wearing way too much. All you need is one maybe two sprays in the air and then just walk through it. A person should only be ale to smell your fragrance when close enough foe ou to feel their breath o your neck.*
Went to the gym and I gave it my all despite feeling like poo. The interesting thing is mm and focus were really strong today, but my strength was way down. I focused and used proper form as much as possible. Whe I look at the numbers it seems like I just phoned it in.

*Chest and tri June 28


Incline dumbbell press 3-4 x 8-12
45:10/ 45:10/ 45:10

Incline dumbbell flye 3 x 8-12
35:10/ 35:10/ 35:10

Flat Hammer or dumbbell press 3 x 8-12
Db press 40:12 / 40: 12 / 40:11

Pec deck or cable crossover 7 x 8-12
17.5:12/ 22.5:12 / 22.5: 12/ 17.5:12 / 17.5:12 / 17.5:12/ 17.5:12


Close-grip bench press 3-4 x 8-12
All benches in use *used hammer strength press machine
35 a side 12 / 10 /10*

Weighted or machine dip 3 x 8-12
Cybex 8:8 / 8:10 / 8:9

Overhead cable extension 7 x 8-12
Cybex multi station machine
3:12/ 4:12 / 4:12 / 4:12 / 4:12 /4:11/ 4:12


New member
Was feeling better through the day but left the gym due to a lack of strength
What are your strategies for when you're sick? Sill hit the gym? What about diet if ya take a few days off?
Back traps an bi June 29


Neutral-grip chin-ups 3 x failure

Wide-grip pulldowns 3 x 8-12
120:10/ 110:10/ 110:10

Barbell row 3 x 8-12
95:10 / 95: 12/ 95: 10

Hammer Strength row 3 x8-12
60:12/ 60:12 / 60:12

Machine or cable pullover 7 x 8-15
45 a side: 15 / *15 / 15 / 12 /10 / 10 / 10


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Was feeling better through the day but left the gym due to a lack of strength
What are your strategies for when you're sick? Sill hit the gym? What about diet if ya take a few days off?
Back traps an bi June 29


Neutral-grip chin-ups 3 x failure

Wide-grip pulldowns 3 x 8-12
120:10/ 110:10/ 110:10

Barbell row 3 x 8-12
95:10 / 95: 12/ 95: 10

Hammer Strength row 3 x8-12
60:12/ 60:12 / 60:12

Machine or cable pullover 7 x 8-15
45 a side: 15 / *15 / 15 / 12 /10 / 10 / 10
I'm a strict believer in that if I cant give it 110%, I don't go. I train where i ever set i do, is harder than the last.. if i am 10% off, i wont be going harder than last.



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So I had to take some time off the gym to get better. The past few days, I have been sleeping as much as possible and taking it easy. I have been taking the intimidate and rev2 through tHe break. I did reevaluate my workout and streamlined it to prevent overtraining.....which is part of my issue. My body weight was going down but the body fat was staying at the same place. Thus the reevaluation
Woke up this morning feeling pretty damn amazing then about a half hour after breakfast I felt like regurgitated cat poo. I took a quick nap and hit the maxamize and hemavol and set off for the gym.
Focus and mm were really good energy wasn't at 100% the whole time but it felt good to get back to it.
Arms July 4

Machine curls 3 8-12
50:12/ 60:10/ 60:10

Alternating dumbbell curls 3 8-12
20:12/ 20:12 / 20:12

EZ- bar curls 7 8-12
35:10 / 10/ 10/ 10/ 10 /10 /10


Close-grip bench presses 3 8-12
95:12 /10 /8

Dips 3 8-12 hammer strength seated dip *160: 12/ 160:12 /160:10

Overhead cable extensions 7 8-12
17.5: 12 / 17.5: 12 / 17.5 : 12 / 17.5:12 / 20:12 / 20:12 / 17.5 :12


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Glad you're feeling better. Nothing wrong with taking a few days off. Your body will appreciate the rest


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Glad you're feeling better. Nothing wrong with taking a few days off. Your body will appreciate the rest
Definitely liked the rest I just have a lingering cough and a little sinus congestion.


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Effects of the intimidate are really coming through strong on the sleep front, and despite getting 3500 cals a day I'm still hungry. The odd part about that is I seem to be the most hungry 45 Minot an hour after I eat. *I'm not really feeling aggressive much more, but then again not much has been pissing me off lately. Focus and mm in the gym are good and the adjustments I have done to my workout have me more sore, but I keep wondering. Should I just lift on the heavier end and try to get slightly more mass? Or should I do s few more reps and be happy with the density of the muscle. Considering my muscle mass is fairly hard when flexed I'm gonna hit the heavier end. Thoughts? It seems that most of the logs I have read people seem to favor more weight. Also my energy really dumps after the first two exercises then I hit a zone like a freight train. Anny suggestions on killing the energy lag part way through?*
Here's the work out for the day

Chest calves July 5


Incline barbell presses 3 8-12
90:10 / 90:8 / 90:8

Flat-bench dumbbell presses 3 8-12
40:12 / 40:10/ 40:8

Pec decks 7 8-12
52.5:12 / 67.5:12/12/12/12/12/12

Standing Calf raises 3 8-12
75:12/ 12/ 12

Seated Calf Raises 3 8-12
60:12/ 60: 12/ 60:12

Calf raises on leg press machine*7 8-12*


  • RockStar
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Effects of the intimidate are really coming through strong on the sleep front, and despite getting 3500 cals a day I'm still hungry. The odd part about that is I seem to be the most hungry 45 Minot an hour after I eat. *I'm not really feeling aggressive much more, but then again not much has been pissing me off lately. Focus and mm in the gym are good and the adjustments I have done to my workout have me more sore, but I keep wondering. Should I just lift on the heavier end and try to get slightly more mass? Or should I do s few more reps and be happy with the density of the muscle. Considering my muscle mass is fairly hard when flexed I'm gonna hit the heavier end. Thoughts? It seems that most of the logs I have read people seem to favor more weight. Also my energy really dumps after the first two exercises then I hit a zone like a freight train. Anny suggestions on killing the energy lag part way through?*
Here's the work out for the day

Chest calves July 5


Incline barbell presses 3 8-12
90:10 / 90:8 / 90:8

Flat-bench dumbbell presses 3 8-12
40:12 / 40:10/ 40:8

Pec decks 7 8-12
52.5:12 / 67.5:12/12/12/12/12/12

Standing Calf raises 3 8-12
75:12/ 12/ 12

Seated Calf Raises 3 8-12
60:12/ 60: 12/ 60:12

Calf raises on leg press machine*7 8-12*

So if i understand this correct, you start your workout strong, fad in the middle, and end strong?



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Yes thats exactly what happens. I consume my preworkout shake plus 1/2 cup of raw oatmeal 1 hour before hitting the weights and my preworkout stimulant (maximize and Hemavol) plus optimum nutrition bcaa tabs 1/2 hour before I hit the weights. I have about a 5-10 minute window to warm up then begin to lift which is the 1 hour after prework out nutrition and 1/2 hour after preworkout stimulant.


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One thing that I still really like is the depth of sleep that I'm getting with the intimidate. Pretty refreshing really.*
Didn't have the typical energy drop off during my second exercise, it crept in during the third but I did try to power through it. I have been trying to control my breathing better I between sets by taking long deep breaths. It's more difficult than I had originally thought lol. But it was helpful when I could act on it rather than react.
One thing that I have really been trying to do is stress the negative motions of the exercises and to keep the muscle fully engaged through out not only each rep but during the entire set while staying in control of the weight. It's amazing to me how little weight is needed to achieve failure with this method. It may look on paper like my numbers are going down but I am growing again which is favorable. I did put on some fat (0.2%) during the week that I was sick due to not having the energy to do cardio. That's a bit of a disappointment to me but I'll start my carb cycling and hiit tomorrow as its one of my days off from the gym. Over all I'm down from 29.9% to 29.3% which in a few weeks isn't bad for pure fat loss.*
So the gym, numbers down intensity up and the pump is great! Did back today and I could almost see my wings!!

Back and abs July 6

Lat pulldowns 3 8-12
105:10 /105: 12 / 105:11

Barbell rows 3 8-12
90:12/ 90:12/ 90:12

One-arm dumbbell rows 3 8-12
45:12/ 45:10/ 45/10

Machine pullovers 7 8-12


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Yesterday was cardio. Finally feeling well enough to get back to that. Did 30 minutes of fasted hiit. Last 8*minutes were a bit difficult , but I powered through it.
Slept a about 9.5 hours last night and it was really deep. Felt really groggy when I woke up, had my s pre workout nutrition and headed out to train quads. 2 scoops of protein powder, 1/2 cup raw oats and 1/2 cup of rice crispy clerical then hemavol and maximize a half hour before. Seems to do the trick for the energy lag *in the beginning of the workout. When I finished my pump set and was walking to the lobby my legs wanted to give out on me. Lol. I'm sure I looked utter ridiculous almost falling every three steps. I did come concerned looks from people doing cardio, I just smiled and laughed.
Trained hams and calves later in the afternoon to keep my time lifting to a reasonable level. *This is really a better way for to train legs over all but the feeling of fatigue while writing this is overtaking me and making me want to sleep. On my second set of my pump exercise I hyperextended my left knee during straight leg dead lifts. I was trying to keep my knees locked and pulled a little too hard causing me to lose my balance slightly. The result is obvious. I'm not damaged so I just went on with the sets keeping a close mental watch on my left knee.
On a good note, my squat net up 40 pounds and I gained one pound of muscle! Yay rest!
Legs July 8
Am quads
Leg extensions 3 8-12
70:10/ *70:10/ 70:10

Squats 3 8-12
115: 12/ 155:10/ 155:10

Leg presses 3 8-12
200:12/ 200:12/ 200:12

Leg extensions 7 8-12
50:12/ 12/ 10/ 10 /10/ 10/ 10

Pm hams
Seated Leg curls 3 8-12
70:12/ 75:12/ 85:*

Lying leg curls 3 8-12
100:10/ 100:10/ 100:8

Stiff Legged Deadlifts 7 8-12

Standing Calf raises 3 8-12
75:12/ 90:12/ 90:12

Seated Calf Raises 3 8-12
80:12/ 12/ 12

Calf raises on leg press machine 7 8-12
120:12/ 12/12/12/12/12/12


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Yes thats exactly what happens. I consume my preworkout shake plus 1/2 cup of raw oatmeal 1 hour before hitting the weights and my preworkout stimulant (maximize and Hemavol) plus optimum nutrition bcaa tabs 1/2 hour before I hit the weights. I have about a 5-10 minute window to warm up then begin to lift which is the 1 hour after prework out nutrition and 1/2 hour after preworkout stimulant.

Truly, thats hard to see. IMO, its sounds like a motivational issue. Thats how I get when I am not in the mood to train.. def not the norm. I wish I could help you more.



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When's the last time you took a break from stims? Wonder if that could have anything to do with your lack of motivation.


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I only take Stim on weight training days and I don't drink caffeine or energy drinks. Though I could be building up an immunity. I really took time to analyze how I was feeling today and looked at all factors, diet, weather, allergies, traffic, sleep, ect. I think I have determined exactly what the issue is. I only take Stim on weight training days and I don't drink caffeine or energy drinks. Though I could be building up an immunity. I really took time to analyze how I was feeling today and looked at all factors, diet, weather, allergies, traffic, sleep, ect. I think I have determined exactly what the issue is. It's a heat factor. I go from an office thats 74 at the hottest, often 72 or 71. Drive for 15-20 minutes in 100 degree weather to a gym at the cool temperature of 85 with high humidity. My body takes more than the 10-15 minutes to acclimate to the temp and I'm not able to process oxygen as efficiently due to the relatively high humidity. At least that what I think is happening. Thanks for all or the assistance critical and cop!
Having said that, I will go on with my almost daily update :)

Slept fairly crappy last night and had weird dreams with Mel Gibson in them. Wanted to ask about the arrest incident but woke up just as I was about to. That one doesn't compare to the dream I had about being a member of a government run supernatural hunting team. Complete with sexy female wear wolves, comic relief zombies that couldn't attract you if you were looking at them, car chases and matrix like bullet time fight scenes. Really like the dreams from intimidate!
Had a good attitude going into the gym, increased my pre workout carbs and post workout fast digesting carbs. *Really hit the weights with all I had, slight energy lag but took a 2 min break and worked on controlling my breathing between sets.*
Did seated military press for the first time in months, forgot what a bitch that one is. Didn't get the reps I wanted but I I hit true failure, which I have found comes at a much lighter weight when keeping the muscles engauged throughout the entire set. Didn't help that I seemed to lose a little muscle mass from overtraining but it will come back quickly. *Felt in control during the entire workout.
Shoulders traps July 9

Seated military presses 3 8-12
75:12 / 95:8/ 95:5/*

Dumbbell front raises 3 8-12
25:10 /25:10/ 25: 10

Machine lateral raises 7 8-12

Reverse Pec Dec 3 8-12
62.5:12 / 75:12 / 75:12

Rear DB raises 3 8-12
35:8/ 30:10/ 30:8

Rope High Pulls 7 8-12
30:12 /35:12:12:10:10:10:10

DB Shrugs 3 8-12
55:12 / 55:12 / 55:12

Barbell Shrugs 7 8-12


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Sexy female wolfs? Lol sounds like a deep dream


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Sexy female wolfs? Lol sounds like a deep dream
Wear wolves, not the typical turn into a wolf like humanoid, but they just grew a set of sharp teeth and their eyes changed colors...... And ate people.


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Didn't sleep all that well last night bud I felt pretty good all day. Had really good energy despite forgetting today was a training day. That means I try to get my carbs as low as possible and do cardio in hopes to burn more fat through the day. But alas as I stated I forgot that today was a training day so I had to run home at lunch and grab some food to make up the carbs I had missed from the morning oatmeal and blueberries. I plowed back a cup and 1/4 of basmati rice with my afternoon snack and again had a cup of raw oats with my pre workout shake. Felt amazing in the gym today! I'm sure this is a combination of the high carbs in the afternoon and *actually using the ac in my car. I will also be looking into the necessity of using the treadmill before workout. I thought that my body was warm enough and my instincts were least on this account. *
Great energy in the gym, felt stronger than usual and didn't have the usual mid workout lag!
*Arms July 10

Machine curls 3 8-12*
50:12/ 60:10/ 60:10

Alternating dumbbell curls 3 8-12
25:10/ 25:10/ 25: 10

EZ- bar curls 7 8-12
35:10 / 10/ 10/ 10/ 10 /10 /10


Close-grip bench presses 3 8-12
95:12 / 100:12/ 105:8

Dips 3 8-12 hammer strength seated dip *
Cyber assisted dip
7:12/ 6:12/ 6:10

Overhead cable extensions 7 8-12
17.5: 12 / 22.5:12/ 25:12 / 27:12/ 27:12 / 27:12 / 27:12


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It was a cool 104 in nor cal today! Thank god it was only a cardio day. 30 minutes of hiit ?


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Slept pretty well last night with some crazy vivid and erotic dreams. I'll spare you guys the details as I'm sure my type is not yours lol.
Felt pretty good all day, my body fat % I'd sown to where it was before I became sick, so im pretty happy about that.*
I decided to drop my cals by about 300 a day except on days where I'm training back or legs.*
Energy was good in the gym, and everyday I go I try to get more intensity and give more. I feel like I learn something new every time I go in, and I'm pushing harder and harder. Tried some deep stretches with dumbbells pretty painful in a good way!

Chest calves July 5


Incline barbell presses 3 8-12
105:8/ 105:8/ 105:8

Flat-bench dumbbell presses 3 8-12
45:8/ 45:8/ 45:7

Pec decks 7 8-12

Standing Calf raises 3 8-12
90:10/ 90:10/ 90:11

Seated Calf Raises 3 8-12
70:10/ 70:12/ 70:10

Calf raises on leg press machine 7 8-12*


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It was a cool 104 in nor cal today! Thank god it was only a cardio day. 30 minutes of hiit ?
30 min of HITT?? what do you do yours on.. 8 mins on stair stepper, and im pretty much throwing in the towel! ahha



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30 min of HITT?? what do you do yours on.. 8 mins on stair stepper, and im pretty much throwing in the towel! ahha

I hit the elliptical machine. The geometry is amazing for my body and it doesn't hurt my joints.

I'm thinking of adding dexaprine at the end of this just to take off a little ore fat. What do you think?


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Energy was good all day yesterday and sleep is still deep. Honestly I wish I could stay on this stack forever. I can't remember the last time I slept this well for so long.
Great focus, mm and energy in the gym. As well as strength being up.*
Back and abs July 13

Lat pulldowns 3 8-12
135:8/ 135:9/ 135:8

Barbell rows 3 8-12
90:12/ 110:12/ 130:8

One-arm dumbbell rows 3 8-12
45:12/ 45:10/ 45/10

Machine pullovers 7 8-12

Did 20 min hiit*on Saturday


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I hit the elliptical machine. The geometry is amazing for my body and it doesn't hurt my joints.

I'm thinking of adding dexaprine at the end of this just to take off a little ore fat. What do you think?

Def would not hurt; would only help big time IMO. Do you have v.1 or v.2 of dexaprime?



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Very nice! If its from nutra planet then it should be V2


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Very nice! If its from nutra planet then it should be V2

Felt good all day, good energy plus deep sleep the night before.*
Legs July 15
Am quads
Leg extensions 3 8-12
75:11/ 75: 11/ 75:10

Squats 3 8-12
155:9 / 155: 8/ 155: 8

Leg presses 3 8-12
250:10/ 250:10/ 280:9

Leg extensions 7 8-12
50:12/ 12/ 10/ 10 /10/ 10/ 10

Pm hams
Seated Leg curls 3 8-12
80:10/ 80:10/80:10

Lying leg curls 3 8-12
100:10/ 100:10/ 100:10

Romanian Deadlifts 7 8-12

Standing Calf raises 3 8-12 90:12/ *90:12/ 90:12

Seated Calf Raises 3 8-12
80:12/ 12/ 12

Calf raises on leg press machine 7 8-12
180:12/ 12/12/12/10/ 10/12


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Slept really crappy on Sunday night. This seems to be a pattern. Maybe it's due to sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday.....and taking a nap on Sunday lol.*
Dreams during the spuratic sleep I did get was deep and the dreams were vivid as ever, though I dont remember them. Energy level was good through the day with the exception of the beginning of the day. Felt good in the gym. Strength is up on the compound lifts as well as endurance. Felt pretty aggressive in the gym today also.*
Shoulders traps July 16

Seated military presses 3 8-12
Shoulders down and back keep core tight don't shrug
95:8/ 95:8 / 95:8 *

Dumbbell front raises 3 8-12
25:10 /25:10/ 25: 10

Machine lateral raises 7 8-12

Reverse Pec Dec 3 8-12
62.5:12 / 75:12 / 75:12

Rear DB raises 3 8-12
35:8/ 30:10/ 30:8

Rope High Pulls 7 8-12
30:12 /35:12:12:10:10:10:10

DB Shrugs 3 8-12
55:12 / 55:12 / 55:12

Behind back Barbell Shrugs 7 8-12


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Slept much better last night and again as usual on this stack I am experiencing vivid dreams. Also started Dexaprine today. As per the instructions I only took half the pill on an empty stomach. Just half was like getting kicked in the face by an espresso maker! A lot of energy till bout 2 o'clock. 8 hours is pretty good. At first I felt a little jittery, but that passed with in 15 minutes or so. One way it differs from others I have tried is a type of clear nd creative thinking I experienced. Quite happy with this product at a glance.*
In the guy today my aggression was really high. I really couldn't stand most of the people around me, then again it was like high school jackass day in there. I don't have much patients for the little kids when they are rude.
Arms July 17

Machine curls 3 8-12*
60:10 / 60:10/ 60:10

Alternating dumbbell curls 3 8-12
25:10/ 25:10/ 25: 10

EZ- bar cable curls 7 8-12
22.5:12/ 22.5:12/ 22.5:12/ 22.5:12/ 22.5:12/ 22.5.12/ 22.5:12


Close-grip bench presses 3 8-12
Cybex multi-station*
6:12/ 8:10/ 8:10*

Dips 3 8-12 hammer strength seated dip *
Cyber assisted dip
6:10/6:12/ 6:10

Overhead cable extensions 7 8-12
22.5:12/ 22.5:12/ 25:12 / 27:12/ 27:12 / 27:12 / 27:12


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Sorry for the long silence. I came down with strep throat and have been on a forced absence from the gym. I have been keeping up with the intimidate and the rev2. Feeling a lot better today, but I just ended my antibiotics yesterday. Hope to feel well enough to hit the gym and exercise the muscle groups I missed while laid up.


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Sorry for the long silence. I came down with strep throat and have been on a forced absence from the gym. I have been keeping up with the intimidate and the rev2. Feeling a lot better today, but I just ended my antibiotics yesterday. Hope to feel well enough to hit the gym and exercise the muscle groups I missed while laid up.

Biggest mistake is entering the gym before you are 100% better. You will wind up sick, or runned down for a longer period of time. Take your time, make sure you are better.

Feel better man!



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So today was the first day that I felt well enough to go back to the gym. Just did some maintenance sets. Squats, bench press and hammer strength pull downs. All sets were pyramid *up to 5 reps.*
I have continued to take the stack during my illness and I have kept up on my diet as well. Managed to drop 0.1% body fat. So I'm down to 194.7.


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Got back into the gym today for a proper workout. Felt good all day, still having deep sleep and epic dreams. Nothing too crazy with the dreams lately. Had good focus and mm while exercising and am no longer experiencing the mid workout lag. I can point this directly to preworkout carb intake.
My weight is down and fat % as well. Nothing to crazy but I did lose 1% bf and all my lift poundage is up. The scale says I have lost weight over all but my body shows that I have gained mass, though again not showing on the scale.
This is the final push on the stack and Im happy with the products and will be buying them again in another 8 weeks or so. I have learned a lot and will do a wrap up and follow up as they leave my system

Shoulders traps 30

Seated military smythe presses to the front 3 8-12

105:10/ 105:9/ 105:8

Dumbbell front raises 3 8-12
25:10 /25:10/ 25: 10

Machine lateral raises 7 8-12

Reverse Pec Dec 3 8-12
62.5:12 / 62.5:10/ 62.5:10

Rear DB raises 3 8-12
35:8/ 30:10/ 30:9

Rope High Pulls 7 8-12

DB Shrugs 3 8-12
55:12 / 55:12 / 55:12

Behind back Barbell Shrugs 7 8-12


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Had a good day. This stack has really elevated my mood and helped with critical thinking under pressure. I have stayed calm under pressure and even in an emergency situation. ( had a coworker that was bleeding internally and had to be rushed to the emergency room) . Not that I would panic, but I didn't get that " oh shiz! Someone could die if we don't act fast enough!" adrenalin rush.*
So that's a plus of the reversitol v2. A major plus of the intimidate is that when confronted by thugs or super aggressive people I don't feel intimidated by them. Yay testosterone! I came to the realization while on this stack that over 90% of the males that try to bully you are total wimps and have no follow through. And for the other 10%, well half of them will give up before my stubbornness gives way. *
So in short not only did I learn a lot about myself but a fair amount about human behavior.
As for the gym, had a good day even though I could feel the time off on some of my lifts. Good focus as always and mm was solid.*
As my log begins its closing days I really wanna thank the I-force team for their support. You guys have been great. Aso I want to say thanks for making a product that actually delivers on the claims. I have a couple days left then I will write a total wrap up and update as the stack leaves my system so others may benefit from that part of my experience.
Here's the numbers:
Arms July 31

Machine curls 3 8-12*
Wider grip
60:8 / 60:8/60:8

Alternating dumbbell curls 3 8-12
20:12/ 20:12/ 20:12

EZ- bar cable curls 7 8-12


Close-grip bench presses 3 8-12
110:10/ 110:8/ 110:7

Dips 3 8-12 hammer strength seated dip *
Cyber assisted dip
6:10/6:12/ 6:10

Overhead cable extensions 7 8-12


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Wow man, never really noticed the cognitive effect.. I need to pay attention closer the next time I run this!



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Loving this log man! You're a freaking beast!


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So I have meaning to get to my wrap up for about a week now, but I went on vacation and had lots of fun. I hope you can forgive me.*
*I have typed this in three different documents therefore some information may be repeated. Just a little warning.

I have to admit that this was the most positive experience with a company's product and support from the reps I have ever experienced. I'm truly happy that I stumbled upon I-Force while looking for test boosters.*

Things I learned on the stack

Have your diet dialed in before starting
- eat at least 20 % more cals
- don't stress on the diet

Start zma at the same time as the others

Dosing was a little cumbersome at first- had to determine when to take the reversitol zma and intimidate. Found most effective to take reversitol and zma 1.5 hrs before bed drink a casein shake 1 hour before bed and take the intimidate anywhere between 30 minutes to just before laying down. *

Have supplements in place
- don't change pre workout stim or other sups- did this early on and close to the middle.
- use a recovery supplement

Lift heavier
- if your shooting for 8-12 reps lift heavy enough for 8 reps
- controll the negetive portion of the rep for at least 2 seconds. Time under tension is key

Have a 4 day workout to ensure lots of rest
- keep lifting to 45 minutes to 1 hour

As an older guy (over 35) stack with another test booster
- didn't gain poundage but my body changed. *Happy with that

Stay diligent on diet
- no alcohol
*-cheat meals once every two weeks

*Feelings after the stack-

-4 days later sleep is still solid
Sex drive still high
Confidence lasting perhaps a constant
Strength is lasting
*Things are good over all *
-5 days after I'm feeling my sex drive diminish but had a crazy sexy fun *weekend so I may have just had too much sex :)
Aggression is still there a bit, however getting adrenalin rushes when people are confrontational*
Little more emotionally sensitive but not weeping like a girl lol
I can feel the effects of both slowly curbing back but it's not a crash of any sort. It's really smooth.*

I started at 202 pounds 29.9% bf ended up at 196 28.9% bf
Didn't gain the 5 pounds of muscle like I wanted but I did get ill and I overtrained. My body composition changed, shoulders were bigger and more bulbous, pecs squared off more, back got wider, triceps popped more, legs are thicker. So even though I didn't get that poundage, I'm happy with the transformation.

Over all if I had been leaner I believe I would have had a bigger test boost, but I'm on a quest to get down to 19% bf.*

Again thanks to I-force for all the support, and I will be hitting this again in a few months.


New member
day 6 off the stack.
The aggression is still there, or is it that I just cant deal with ass holes all day lol. Definitely feel the effects of the rev2 coming off as Im less calm and a little more on guard ( again I work at a pawnshop ) as I used to be. on the plus side I have dropped 0.2% bf this week. so yay me.
wish every day could be a stack day!!


  • RockStar
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day 6 off the stack.
The aggression is still there, or is it that I just cant deal with ass holes all day lol. Definitely feel the effects of the rev2 coming off as Im less calm and a little more on guard ( again I work at a pawnshop ) as I used to be. on the plus side I have dropped 0.2% bf this week. so yay me.
wish every day could be a stack day!!
Awesome man.. best idea ever, post stack update! Most people dont!


New member
Day 8 off the stack.
aggression is still present. could be due to the heat (106 today!! ) or a lasting effect of testosterone boost. I can however feel the effects sliding away just as smoothly as they came on. Sleep hasnt yet become as spotty as it was in my past but Im not getting that total black out crazy dream drooling on the pillow sleep that I was during those last 6 weeks. not sure about strength at the moment as I have only been doing maintenance work on my muscles. today will be the first test for that. Goin in to the gym to do some squats!! Used to hate leg day as it was ridiculously difficult. Now its a day I look forward to. Ill update later today with the results.


New member
Had a good day in the gym. mm was excellent, endurance strong and strength was great. Admittedly I did hit the Hemavol, but I havent touched the stuff in weeks.
again good day.


New member
day 9
strength is still good but not like week 3 where I felt unstoppable. sleep is deep but again not as good as while on the stack. things are returning to normal for me.


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Had a good day in the gym. mm was excellent, endurance strong and strength was great. Admittedly I did hit the Hemavol, but I havent touched the stuff in weeks.
again good day.

who takes breaks from hemavol.. im confused :p

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