Promagnon Is Back!!! Introducing CEL PMag



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Day 23

He He, I'm glad all you smack jobs enjoy her humor :laugh: OMG, Irish you just gave me the best idea. I'm gonna make some "HGH" labels on powerpoint for the taurine container and set it out while I'm making our shakes :rofl:

Day 23

Saturday, May 10, 2009

3 Cap Pmag
1 x 3 CEL TD Form
Cycle Assit

Today was a leg day. Although I had some mild strength gains for squats and SLDL, I decided to cut out of a few secondary lifts. I had poor motivation today, which I think is because I felt a bit rushed in the gym. I feel that once I get a few obligations out of the way this weekend, I can get my head back where it needs to be for longer more aggressive workouts.

Sexual performance was excellent last night. I noticed some enhanced stamina that made it a real fun time. Of course as always with formestane, hardness was definately enhanced. Maybe some mild sensation enhancement as well.

I also noticed some aggression today. I usually take a back seat when it comes to hockey conversations in social settings since I'm pretty much a hockey novice (If they play 3 times per week during the season, I catch maybe 1 or 2 at most). But today, I noticed that I made a lot of violent comments during the Pens game :head: Btw, if you're not a hockey fan, this series between the Pens and Caps is top notch sports entertainment... and that's coming from a die hard NFL fan.


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He He, I'm glad all you smack jobs enjoy her humor :laugh: OMG, Irish you just gave me the best idea. I'm gonna make some "HGH" labels on powerpoint for the taurine container and set it out while I'm making our shakes :rofl:



My best advice to you is to stay away from test boosters and from other AI's. I have a sneaky suspician that Novedex and 6oxo actually aggrevated the symptoms in the past. Same goes for fenugreek, yohimbe,and all the bs prop blends that I've tried. So if I were in your shoes, I'd run the form solo, which I get the impression is what you're doing already anyway.

I've tried a laundry list of "dopamenergic" supps too. The one that I think helped the most was PowerFull, but only if I dosed it throughout the day. The night time only dosing, doesn't cut it.

IMO B6, tyrosine, and Sam-E may have dopamenergic potential. But in my experience, none had any effect on reducing sensations like PowerFull did.
Sorry to back track but i noticed this.

Have you taken Divanyl type test boosters and noted aggravation? I have and never havent taken as many cycles as you. Im not even shure if i have real gyno, or psuedogyno.

nice log by the way.

im interested into seeing how this progress.

I actually stopped 2 weeks of h-drol because i noticed more shutdown than i had though,since everyone said its so mild. It was easy to recover though, although it was only two weeks. I have heard a few of my friends that also noticed that they felt fairly suppressed. Contrast to what most people say.

On Pheraplex i felt great, but i did that at 3 weeks. Libido initially rised, then lowered as i felt supressed.

Im very interested in this,since maybe this could be a better alternative than h-drol.

since i got the picture that youve done most of designers, you probally could a nice comparison



to clarify i took ergomax lmg which is the more androgenic,supposedly less bloated version of pheraplex.

and funny i didnt get any,at gyno symptons,

and some test booster like Activate Xtreme i have found are way worse. Which works great, but bought any ai once i noticed that it made my boobs puffy,not gyno,but scary.


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Day 24

I'm glad my log is helping. If you have a SPECIFIC question, feel free to ask. You covered gyno, divanil, pheraplex, hdrol, possible shutdown, libido, lmg, activate, and puffy nips in 2 posts LOL :laugh: Slow down a bit and maybe we can help.

Day 24

Sunday, May 10, 2009

3 Caps PMag
1x 2 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

I felt a little burned out yesterday and today. So, I backed off just a bit for today's power routine, just like I did yesterday for legs. I scratched off "intensity" techniques such as drop sets, supersets, burnouts, etc and just stuck to the main plan today. I didn't push a whole lot more weight overall. But let's say most lifts were 5 reps, 4 reps, 3 reps last week. Today they were mostly 6,6,5 with the same weight so there was still a difference.

I have body composition updates but don't have time to tally up the calculations at the moment. I'll have those up tonight or tomorrow.

Sexual performance was off the charts last night. I can't tell if it's just the formestane or if the Pmag is playing a role too. Needless to say, 25 days into the cycle I'm fully functional with no hangups :afro: And since you all like comparisons, libido is pretty much normal. The best libido enhancement I've ever had was about 20 minutes after dosing 2-3 caps of Havoc. I know the consensus is split with epithios and libido, so I guess I was one of the lucky ones.

Since you're all so entertained by my annoying gf, this morning she was looking at my formestane bottle. She asked if she could use it on her uterus when she was premenstral. I told her she could do whatever she wanted if it made her shut up :28:


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Since you're all so entertained by my annoying gf, this morning she was looking at my formestane bottle. She asked if she could use it on her uterus when she was premenstral. I told her she could do whatever she wanted if it made her shut up :28:
hahah our gfs seem so similar and annoying. does your ever smother you with kisses to the point where you jsut wanna shove her off you cuz shes like abusing your face? like sometimes mine will be like "SO CUTE!" and smack me really hard like 3 times really fast, and im like "im not a ****ing cat chill out!"


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lmao awesome gf's tries to drowned me in kisses sometimes and im like um? i dont think so? and she gets mad hahaha


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lmao awesome gf's tries to drowned me in kisses sometimes and im like um? i dont think so? and she gets mad hahaha
hahaha shes like "why dont you like kissing me anymore?"

what do you say to that one?

i usually say "I do babe, just not right now cuz your blocking my view." or "I dont feel so good and your making me light headed cuz your invading my space." or my body hurts from the gym, stop squeezing me!" HAHAHAHAHAHA


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hahaha shes like "why dont you like kissing me anymore?"

what do you say to that one?

i usually say "I do babe, just not right now cuz your blocking my view." or "I dont feel so good and your making me light headed cuz your invading my space." or my body hurts from the gym, stop squeezing me!" HAHAHAHAHAHA
lmao! this is sooo true hahaha. i like the light headed excuse. i usually use the i dont feel good excuse because i usually do like kissing her....but when i dont feel like it i get alittle pissy so i use that one! i do use the body hurting excuse too. its mostly dont push/lay your head on my chest cuz it hurts!


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I'm glad my log is helping. If you have a SPECIFIC question, feel free to ask. You covered gyno, divanil, pheraplex, hdrol, possible shutdown, libido, lmg, activate, and puffy nips in 2 posts LOL :laugh: Slow down a bit and maybe we can help.

Day 24

Sunday, May 10, 2009

3 Caps PMag
1x 2 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

I felt a little burned out yesterday and today. So, I backed off just a bit for today's power routine, just like I did yesterday for legs. I scratched off "intensity" techniques such as drop sets, supersets, burnouts, etc and just stuck to the main plan today. I didn't push a whole lot more weight overall. But let's say most lifts were 5 reps, 4 reps, 3 reps last week. Today they were mostly 6,6,5 with the same weight so there was still a difference.

I have body composition updates but don't have time to tally up the calculations at the moment. I'll have those up tonight or tomorrow.

Sexual performance was off the charts last night. I can't tell if it's just the formestane or if the Pmag is playing a role too. Needless to say, 25 days into the cycle I'm fully functional with no hangups :afro: And since you all like comparisons, libido is pretty much normal. The best libido enhancement I've ever had was about 20 minutes after dosing 2-3 caps of Havoc. I know the consensus is split with epithios and libido, so I guess I was one of the lucky ones.

Since you're all so entertained by my annoying gf, this morning she was looking at my formestane bottle. She asked if she could use it on her uterus when she was premenstral. I told her she could do whatever she wanted if it made her shut up :28:


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Fellas, having a girl act annoyingly attracted to you is a GOOD thing. That means you've done a good job of keeping her interest. You can push them away any time you like, but I wouldn't make headache, stomache, or dizzy bs excuses. Just say "no. You'll get it when I say so."

Day 26

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

3 Caps PMag
1 x 3 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Strength seems to have hit a little plateau. So, I'm going to have my first on cycle adjustment by starting my pct routine next week. Those who know me are already aware that I swear by HST as a pct routine. So, I'm going to have to get out the old workout sheets and the calculator for rm percentages and resuscitate productivity :head:

Libido is normal, gyno lump is still down (completely gone, no joke), I'm a bit irritable mood wise, and sleep is shaky. Otherwise, no back pumps or cramping keeping in mind that I'm drinking a ton of water and usually 5g taurine per day as well.

I still have nothing bad to say about this cycle, unless you consider a mild productive cycle a bad thing :laugh:


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the only ds ive been meaner on was SD lmao...that shizzle is baaad for my mood and my insides
and speakin of the "hood" i was in it yesterday with my gf getting some free KFC and i held the door for this whole family of "well off/rich" african americans...and not aone even looked at me or said thank you...o buddy i was about to go off, then this thug comes up behind me and hes going in and says "damn man if they aint gonna thank you i will(as he was shaking his head in disbelief as i was)" that made the situation 100 percent better because atleast some people have respect even though they dont look like it.
end rant
"Well-off/rich," my ass! They were BUM-RUSHING the FREE meal! It just goes to show you that ignorance has no color! I usually have that experience with women, the not saying "thank you" when the door is held for them. So, I just stopped doing it. And as far as the gf and kissing goes, when they start that sh*t, I just ask them to choose which set of lips they want kissed, 'cuz they're only getting ONE set kissed! LOL! Guess which one they usually pick?


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"Well-off/rich," my ass! They were BUM-RUSHING the FREE meal! It just goes to show you that ignorance has no color! I usually have that experience with women, the not saying "thank you" when the door is held for them. So, I just stopped doing it. And as far as the gf and kissing goes, when they start that sh*t, I just ask them to choose which set of lips they want kissed, 'cuz they're only getting ONE set kissed! LOL! Guess which one they usually pick?
yea everyone was bumrushing the free meal from kfc hahaha. they had people copying bootleg coupons...and know they even made a commercial about it. you cant get the free meals anymore, you have to go in, give them the LEGIT coupon, and they give you a form to fill out for a rain check lmao...are they serious? a raincheck for a coupon?


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Fellas, having a girl act annoyingly attracted to you is a GOOD thing. That means you've done a good job of keeping her interest. You can push them away any time you like, but I wouldn't make headache, stomache, or dizzy bs excuses. Just say "no. You'll get it when I say so."

Day 26

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

3 Caps PMag
1 x 3 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Strength seems to have hit a little plateau. So, I'm going to have my first on cycle adjustment by starting my pct routine next week. Those who know me are already aware that I swear by HST as a pct routine. So, I'm going to have to get out the old workout sheets and the calculator for rm percentages and resuscitate productivity :head:

Libido is normal, gyno lump is still down (completely gone, no joke), I'm a bit irritable mood wise, and sleep is shaky. Otherwise, no back pumps or cramping keeping in mind that I'm drinking a ton of water and usually 5g taurine per day as well.

I still have nothing bad to say about this cycle, unless you consider a mild productive cycle a bad thing :laugh:
nice man. i like the "youll get it when i say so" lmao! arent you almost thru with this run? or you going longer than 4 weeks? im 10 days into my hroid cycle at 50mg and im already up 4.6 lbs as of yesterday(which was day 9) im thinkin about just running 75mg starting today because i just ran out of tren. and it would come out to about 3.5 weeks and it would come out even with no pills left. and to be kinda looking foward to pct. idk why i just am. maybe cuz im gonna throw in t911 into the mix mwuahaha

and learn..that vid is awesome. i couldnt do that with my bodyweight haha. i thought it was a guy at first


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The orignal plan was 6 weeks at 75mg. But I may bump up the dosage and/or it may run longer. I'm playing it by ear to be honest.

Your results sound good and your plan to bump to 75mg sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


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The orignal plan was 6 weeks at 75mg. But I may bump up the dosage and/or it may run longer. I'm playing it by ear to be honest.

Your results sound good and your plan to bump to 75mg sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
nice 100mgs ??? do I hear 100mgs ?


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nice 100mgs ??? do I hear 100mgs ?
It's very possible.

I need to put up my stats from last week. And then I'll compare them again this weekend. At that point, if I'm still gaining lean mass (1-2 pounds per week), the dosage will stay the same. If lean mass is stagnant, then I will bump the dosage up


I see you have dropped formestane from your daily list. Have you stopped using it once all got into control? Or are you still at one pump a day?
Thanks, WD


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I see you have dropped formestane from your daily list. Have you stopped using it once all got into control? Or are you still at one pump a day?
Thanks, WD
Nah, it's still on there. I just abbreviated and called it CEL Form ;)

I've been using 1 pump twice per day most days. Occasionally, I'll do 1 pump 3 times per day if I felt like I had to shower too soon after application based on how my day went.


Ahh there it is, sorry I missed it. Thanks.
I have started eq-plex for 3 weeks (4 caps daily) then p-mag and eq-plex for 5 weeks together (weeks 4-8) with FORM if needed during cycle. Watching your site daily, keep it up.


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Ahh there it is, sorry I missed it. Thanks.
I have started eq-plex for 3 weeks (4 caps daily) then p-mag and eq-plex for 5 weeks together (weeks 4-8) with FORM if needed during cycle. Watching your site daily, keep it up.
No problem bro. My logs get cluttered with all sorts of BS sometimes so I don't blame you for not seeing it LOL :laugh:

Nice looking plan IMO. Just be prepared for getting shut down with EQP... although the formestane MIGHT help to maintain libido for a little extra while, I don't think it'll be the end all answer once you're 5 or 6 weeks in for libido. If you're willing to deal with that, the formestane will only make your lean gains from that stack even more razor sharp. Results will be sick IMO, I'd bet 10-12 pounds and maybe drop 1-2% bf at the same time.


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No problem bro. My logs get cluttered with all sorts of BS sometimes so I don't blame you for not seeing it LOL :laugh:

Nice looking plan IMO. Just be prepared for getting shut down with EQP... although the formestane MIGHT help to maintain libido for a little extra while, I don't think it'll be the end all answer once you're 5 or 6 weeks in for libido. If you're willing to deal with that, the formestane will only make your lean gains from that stack even more razor sharp. Results will be sick IMO, I'd bet 10-12 pounds and maybe drop 1-2% bf at the same time.
here to as clutter and :bsflag:


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at 1 pump twice per day how long do you think that will last you? and i seen the suggest use as a standalone is 4 pumps twice per day... are you sure you're reaping any significant benefit with such limited use?

Irish Cannon

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at 1 pump twice per day how long do you think that will last you? and i seen the suggest use as a standalone is 4 pumps twice per day... are you sure you're reaping any significant benefit with such limited use?
Since he's using it on cycle, yes...Standalone, that wouldn't do too much unless test levels were crippled.


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we're all entertained by your bs :laugh:

it's been enough to get rid of a gyno lump that I've had since november... so yes, it's working :D And I just did my 2nd pump of the day about an hour ago and had no choice but to nail my smart mouthed gf within about 10 minutes. That's at 20mg that I get libido enhancement... not the rush of a 100mg dose, but the effect was there.

Now I have to admit, I've always been a responder to low dose TD form. If you leaf through the Eform FAQ, you'll see that I used to run Eform at like 40-80mg/day with some results. I might just be hyper-responsive to form, so who knows?

I know I know. But if i'm still gaining lean mass, there'd be no reason to increase at this point. I promise I'll make the right decision this weekend :wave2:

pretty much agree with everything you posted there :cheers:


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i would stick it out at 75 really .but thats just me


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i would stick it out at 75 really .but thats just me
i couldnt agree more...i think 100mg would really push it for real. im getting good results at 50mg...ive ran 75mg before but never 100. i dont think it would be too smart


No problem bro. My logs get cluttered with all sorts of BS sometimes so I don't blame you for not seeing it LOL :laugh:

Nice looking plan IMO. Just be prepared for getting shut down with EQP... although the formestane MIGHT help to maintain libido for a little extra while, I don't think it'll be the end all answer once you're 5 or 6 weeks in for libido. If you're willing to deal with that, the formestane will only make your lean gains from that stack even more razor sharp. Results will be sick IMO, I'd bet 10-12 pounds and maybe drop 1-2% bf at the same time.
So far after 4 days the only notice in Libido I have is that its hard to Finish The wife don't mind for the first hour... :hump: Still early in the cycle though.


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ill update you on my cycle incase your curious. im up to 224.6lbs...11 days since starting the hroid ive gained 7lbs(seriously very little fat). and thats only at 50mg. soooo i seriously dont think you should do 100mg. but then again, everones different, and i just think my body responds super well to promagnon and clones


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Day 28

Day 28

Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 Caps P-Mag
1 x 2 CEL TD Formestane
Cycle Assist

Drive and motivation were really strong today. I hit back and bis really hard and had a really focused workout. Strength gains were mild, as has been the case for about the past 7 days. But I'm still very pleased with the focused work and sick vascularity I had today.

Since a lot of discussion has focused on the possibility of increasing dosage, I finally calculated and posted my body comp progress from last weekend. I gained a little more than 3 pounds of lean mass last week. If that trend continues with my calculations for this weekend, there would be no reason to further increase the dosage. If lean mass turns out to be stagnant this week, I will without hesitation increase to 100mg and I personally don't think that's an unreasonable dosage at all. I sort of like to make cycle decisions by feel, rather than by a regimented plans :stupid:


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i couldnt agree more...i think 100mg would really push it for real. im getting good results at 50mg...ive ran 75mg before but never 100. i dont think it would be too smart
well you can't say it isn't smart as he is expd and understands his body and how he will react.

ill update you on my cycle incase your curious. im up to 224.6lbs...11 days since starting the hroid ive gained 7lbs(seriously very little fat). and thats only at 50mg. soooo i seriously dont think you should do 100mg. but then again, everones different, and i just think my body responds super well to promagnon and clones

everyone responds dif to dif compounds 50 may work good for you but sum may want MORE!! :)
Day 28

Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 Caps P-Mag
1 x 2 CEL TD Formestane
Cycle Assist

Drive and motivation were really strong today. I hit back and bis really hard and had a really focused workout. Strength gains were mild, as has been the case for about the past 7 days. But I'm still very pleased with the focused work and sick vascularity I had today.

Since a lot of discussion has focused on the possibility of increasing dosage, I finally calculated and posted my body comp progress from last weekend. I gained a little more than 3 pounds of lean mass last week. If that trend continues with my calculations for this weekend, there would be no reason to further increase the dosage. If lean mass turns out to be stagnant this week, I will without hesitation increase to 100mg and I personally don't think that's an unreasonable dosage at all. I sort of like to make cycle decisions by feel, rather than by a regimented plans :stupid:
solid Plan man

Good luck either way


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always want more man! lol. isnt that why we do what we do?


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I honestly don't think 100mg is "unreasonable" and "crazy".
We're not talking SD here guys.

Personally if it's feeling "mild" and sides are virtually minimal, and support supps are in check...bump it up for the last couple weeks and assess the dosing. You can always drop back down.


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I honestly don't think 100mg is "unreasonable" and "crazy".
We're not talking SD here guys.

Personally if it's feeling "mild" and sides are virtually minimal, and support supps are in check...bump it up for the last couple weeks and assess the dosing. You can always drop back down.
very nice thoughts ;)


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i saw an article in a magazine that said "contrary to popular belief, high doses of anabolics actually increases androgen receptors in the body as opposed to reducing androgen receptors." so according to that, whats the ultimate fear of upping the dosage? sides?


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I've never worried about a reduction in androgen receptors with steroid use. So I'm not sure where that article was coming from with that???

As far as consequences go, my personal philosophy with mild cycles is to get as much as I can out of them with minimal consequence to my own hormone production. I'm referring to test production, but not necessarily quantity of androgen receptors.

So the potential consequence of getting more and more aggessive with dosage is having more test suppression. I don't like cycles with difficult recoveries, which is one of the reasons why I chose P-Mag.

Btw fellas, I've had some sort of a mental boost over the past 2 days. I wrecked the gym yesterday and can't wait to do legs today. I also instigated some really entertaining convos with people today that included a lot of violent topics such as sports fights, big hits, their own personal bar fights. I'm a fiesty SOB on PMag :head: ...que Rocky theme :D


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haha nice.

The article was saying that for decades scientists thought long term use of anabolic steroids eventually decreased androgen receptors in the body!!!!! They did a study recently and found that HIGH AMOUNTS of anabolic steroids, over time, actually increased androgen receptors. It did not mention anything about low to medium doses of anabolics. It specifically said high amounts!

So i wonder if low or medium amounts had no effect of receptors..... hopefully low/medium amounts dont decrease androgen receptors. I dont see how it could if high amounts raise the concentration of receptors.


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Btw fellas, I've had some sort of a mental boost over the past 2 days. I wrecked the gym yesterday and can't wait to do legs today. I also instigated some really entertaining convos with people today that included a lot of violent topics such as sports fights, big hits, their own personal bar fights. I'm a fiesty SOB on PMag :head: ...que Rocky theme :D
I notice the same thing too.
Gotta love the PMag alpha...GRRRRR!


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Day 29

the only logic that I can see is if a compound is highly androgenic, then it's possilbe for upregulation of receptors to occur I suppose. But I can't think of any reason for receptors to down regulate. IMO that's poor logic just to create a story :dunno:

GotTest and learn,
It's a real clean mild alpha male, sort of like with Phera. I'm not gonna call it euphoric because that's total bs. But it's a happy motivated drive. The epithio aggression was a bit "angrier" IIRC.

Day 29

Friday, May 15, 2009

3 Caps P-Mag
1 x 2 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Well this is hands down the BEST I've felt psychologically 29 days into a cycle. I feel healthy, which I can't say was always true during my other cycles.

Today was a legs day and I crushed just about every lift. I'm being careful not to increase weights too fast since my legs grow easily. For example, I'm just adding 10 pounds per week to squats and 5 pounds for SLDL with dumbells. I'm maxed out for space on the leg press for calf raises so I'm just adding 2 extra reps per week on that one.

Full body muscle fullness is in effect. I feel strong and solid, with maybe just a little bloat. I'd compare the bloat to epithio bloat which was also very mild. Pheraplex bloat was just barely slightly more noticable in comparison. I don't look soft in the mirror but I still know the little gut is there when I sit.

I made it a point to be consistent with cardio this week after going 1/2 hearted with it last week. I suspect that also has played a role in the re-invigoration of the cycle.


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the only logic that I can see is if a compound is highly androgenic, then it's possilbe for upregulation of receptors to occur I suppose. But I can't think of any reason for receptors to down regulate. IMO that's poor logic just to create a story :dunno:

GotTest and learn,
It's a real clean mild alpha male, sort of like with Phera. I'm not gonna call it euphoric because that's total bs. But it's a happy motivated drive. The epithio aggression was a bit "angrier" IIRC.

Day 29

Friday, May 15, 2009

3 Caps P-Mag
1 x 2 CEL Form
Cycle Assist

Well this is hands down the BEST I've felt psychologically 29 days into a cycle. I feel healthy, which I can't say was always true during my other cycles.

Today was a legs day and I crushed just about every lift. I'm being careful not to increase weights too fast since my legs grow easily. For example, I'm just adding 10 pounds per week to squats and 5 pounds for SLDL with dumbells. I'm maxed out for space on the leg press for calf raises so I'm just adding 2 extra reps per week on that one.

Full body muscle fullness is in effect. I feel strong and solid, with maybe just a little bloat. I'd compare the bloat to epithio bloat which was also very mild. Pheraplex bloat was just barely slightly more noticeable in comparison. I don't look soft in the mirror but I still know the little gut is there when I sit.

I made it a point to be consistent with cardio this week after going 1/2 hearted with it last week. I suspect that also has played a role in the re-invigoration of the cycle.
I am so torn on my cycle :(

thanks for your feedback
I have ran Pmag25 1 time long ago but it was for a short cycle
I did feel good now that you mention it


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I am so torn on my cycle :(

thanks for your feedback
I have ran Pmag25 1 time long ago but it was for a short cycle
I did feel good now that you mention it
I'm going to be running HDrol(or PMag)/Furaguno myself next month.
What are you dosing the Fura at?


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GotTest and learn,
It's a real clean mild alpha male, sort of like with Phera. I'm not gonna call it euphoric because that's total bs. But it's a happy motivated drive. The epithio aggression was a bit "angrier" IIRC.
Yeah it's more like a super confidence affect.


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I'm going to be running HDrol(or PMag)/Furaguno myself next month.
What are you dosing the Fura at?
well I was thinking 350 I have 5 bottles of Furazadrol on hand . I will see waht CEL can do for me ;) as far as a PMag or Hdrol log ;) I will also have RK500 extreme to run as well :D 2-3 caps ed


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well I was thinking 350 I have 5 bottles of Furazadrol on hand . I will see waht CEL can do for me ;) as far as a PMag or Hdrol log ;) I will also have RK500 extreme to run as well :D 2-3 caps ed
I'm sittin' on 3 bottles of HDrol so I'll probably go that route.
I've got 5 bottles of Furaguno so I was thinking 330mg/day.
6 weeker ;)


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I'm sittin' on 3 bottles of HDrol so I'll probably go that route.
I've got 5 bottles of Furaguno so I was thinking 330mg/day.
6 weeker ;)
same same

I need 1 of your Hdrol

hint hint


my cycle may change now ?? dono yet

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