PROMO: Win A Bottle Of Universal's Beta Ala9 and Intra-Aid.



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Just curious on the length that the log will be! I plan on logging a run in 2 weeks and I was wonderin how many weeks the bottles will last!

Well Intra-Aid comes in a 25 serving tub and is used on workout days only so depending on how many times a week you workout you can figure out how long it will last you. Basically, however long it takes for you to go through 25 workouts.

The Beta Ala9 comes in a 70 serving bottle. You take 2 servings a day so it's a 35 day supply. It's safe to say the Intra-Aid will last at least that long as well give or take so a 35 day log is realistic.



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Why is one for 25 and one for 35? That does not make sense especially if we are logging it for 30 days. Every product should be in 30 day supplies or 60. Not some odd end number especially if stacking the two I will end up stuck with left overs of one and than not get the full benifits of the stack.


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Why is one for 25 and one for 35? That does not make sense especially if we are logging it for 30 days. Every product should be in 30 day supplies or 60. Not some odd end number especially if stacking the two I will end up stuck with left overs of one and than not get the full benifits of the stack.
Don't stress over it, man, you'd be getting it for free. And you're "leftovers" would be beta-alanine, which is beneficial even by itself. You'd get all the benefits of the stack + the additional benefit of getting to continued BA use after you run out of IA.


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Why is one for 25 and one for 35? That does not make sense especially if we are logging it for 30 days. Every product should be in 30 day supplies or 60. Not some odd end number especially if stacking the two I will end up stuck with left overs of one and than not get the full benifits of the stack.
Wow dude, you want Universal to wipe your a$$ while you're at it ?! .. :frustrate :frustrate

You don't work out 25 days in a row [Who does?!], so you won't consume the whole Intra-Aid in 25 days .. average member here works out like 5 days a week, so 25 servings/5 servings each week = 5 week supply X 7 days = 35 day supply for Intra-Aid . . Which matches the Beta Ala9s 35 day supply . . Was that clear enough to meet your serving-match requirement !?

Anything else !?


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Thank you guys for allowing us the opportunity to try out for supplement testing! It is fantastic. In any case, I believe I would be a good candidate for these two supplements because I am currently training for the police department in my county, and on top of recruit physical training, I am also weightlifting on my own time to achieve top physical condition for a local bodybuilding competition. Any help I can get on this quest would be phenomenal.

Having been the 1st assistant manager at Vitamin World, I have tried almost every product for pre, mid and post workout. I understand my body well enough to know what supplements work and which dont. I currently lift weights 5 days a week and am on a just below maintenance calorie diet.

Thank you for you consideration on this subject.


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hmmm...I'm going to take DCP/LEVI/NAPALM for a run in a week for 3 weeks, and then I'll be running an AN stack with IGF-2, Neovar, RPM, DRIVE, and Lipotrohin AM/PM after.

I would log the IA/BA9 alongside the AN porducts if universal would be cool with that? I didn't want to post up since it would have to been in a few weeks and alongside other products, but with how many people have applied?

Let me know, I'll throw an app up if Universal is down for this.


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i might be starting a cycle soon. so hopefully i can evaluate intra-aid while being on and off if you guys are interested?
depends when you expect to pick loggers?


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Wow dude, you want Universal to wipe your a$$ while you're at it ?! .. :frustrate :frustrate

You don't work out 25 days in a row [Who does?!], so you won't consume the whole Intra-Aid in 25 days .. average member here works out like 5 days a week, so 25 servings/5 servings each week = 5 week supply X 7 days = 35 day supply for Intra-Aid . . Which matches the Beta Ala9s 35 day supply . . Was that clear enough to meet your serving-match requirement !?

Anything else !?

Pure genius! Thanks for the cover mate :)



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Pure genius! Thanks for the cover mate :)

Lol, not a problem.

I assumed bolding the main point would make it even clearer for those who didn't seem to understand the mindset behind the non-matching serving sizes !

. . . .:whip:


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I am in the verge of breaking plato with my max out reps and I was looking for a BA aa product. I push my hardest with lifting, and finish my workouts in dire need of rest, and recovery and energy. AA is also great for my recovery processes that i need as I lift heavy and get fatigued easily towards my last set and few last reps when i wanna push as hard as i possibly can and it suxs when you make it half way through your rep and get stuck cuz your to fatigued to move it. I feel I could benefit and take full advantage of this combo and would love the opportunity to log this product and see how it is and would love for it to be my first log and have this opportunity.


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Wow dude, you want Universal to wipe your a$$ while you're at it ?! .. :frustrate :frustrate No, its like the arcade with the pre paid card and your stuck with pennys after you are done playing and you end up loosing it or mis plassing it. It gets annoying and I have had supplements where I stacked and one was a 30 day and the other was a 28 days supply both from the same company

You don't work out 25 days in a row [Who does?!], ME so you won't consume the whole Intra-Aid in 25 days .. average member here works out like 5 days a week, I am not average and I work out 25 days in a row or more for 8 weeks before I take a breakso 25 servings/5 servings each week = 5 week supply X 7 days = 35 day supply for Intra-Aid . . Which matches the Beta Ala9s 35 day supply . . Was that clear enough to meet your serving-match requirement !?

Anything else !?
I lift 6-7 days a week. Rotating one body part every 5 days or so.
Both should be ether 30 day or 28 day or what ever it is. Since one would stack possibly the two together.


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I lift 6-7 days a week. Rotating one body part every 5 days or so.
Both should be ether 30 day or 28 day or what ever it is. Since one would stack possibly the two together.

Sounds like it would be a 25 day log for you then right dj?


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If I get picked. I may not even get picked. I may end up just buying the two but If I do get picked it would be logged for 25 days straight and just take more of the beta-ala-9 towards the beginning to load up so that I do a 25 day log.


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If I do log it I need a animal shirt to go along with it.


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Holy sh!t man, could you be anymore of a jackass? your complaining about how much of a free product you get, and you need a free t-shirt?!?

Maybe one of the reps could get a hold of the shipping facility and have them open the BA9 up and take a little out for you? would that make you happy? since you seem to think everyone was put on this world to make poor little you happy?

PS -
I am not average and I work out 25 days in a row or more for 8 weeks before I take a break
Sorry bro I'd say your pretty average:

Sorry for putting this in your promo thread HG, URep, and Universal, but greedy b!tchass pricks piss me off!


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I like shirts to promote the product I am taking. I did not know that was to much to ask and Plus I may end up buying it regardless of me getting the log position or not. Average meaning lifting 3-5 times a week on average. I lift 6-7 times a week so that would be more than the average person that goes 3-5 times a week.


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Often times they run out of stock on the shirts. If that happens would a Zip-up hoodie do in a pinch?
No biggie. Just people ask me at the gym what I take all the time and some times I show them what I am taking if I have the bottle with me but most the time I don't so a shirt will work.


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No biggie. Just people ask me at the gym what I take all the time and some times I show them what I am taking if I have the bottle with me but most the time I don't so a shirt will work.
HAHAHA, ok big guy! you big ol' above-average sum-b!tch you!


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Holy sh!t man, could you be anymore of a jackass? your complaining about how much of a free product you get, and you need a free t-shirt?!?

Maybe one of the reps could get a hold of the shipping facility and have them open the BA9 up and take a little out for you? would that make you happy? since you seem to think everyone was put on this world to make poor little you happy?

PS -

Sorry bro I'd say your pretty average:

Sorry for putting this in your promo thread HG, URep, and Universal, but greedy b!tchass pricks piss me off!
Would it be safe to say cre-02 was decent so I may not look as big? Wouldn't you agree that promoting a company while using there product and wearing their shirt would be a great way to show off what I am using?


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i vote resolve, AK32408, vikinginc, BS55 and GenoTank or uugh (I like uugh because I thought the IA made a huge difference when I used it during cardio, but I've never done cardio for 48 hours straight!!!)


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I would like to log these, I lift MWF and practice Judo at my University TTH. I am on the Anabolic Diet. I have used beta alanine in the past as well as BCAA/EAAs intra-w/o, and both have proven to be good ergogenic aids. My Judo sessions are basically 2 hours of HIIT on and off, so the BCAA/EAAs should help preserve muscle during this time and the BA (should help) with muscular endurance. I'm also interested in how these affect me while on the AD, esp. the Intra-Aid, as the gluconeogenic aminos should help preserve glycogen(and lean mass). I noticed the IA has 10g carbs, however I've been using JP8 pre-w/o (7g carbs) with success, so I can drop that whilst using IA which I believe will have less of an affect on blood sugar as it will be sipped though the w/o as opposed to pounded before. Anywho, it would be my pleasure to log these and thanks for your consideration. Feel free to ask any ?s.
Here's a previous log I've done:


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i vote resolve, AK32408, vikinginc, BS55 and GenoTank or uugh (I like uugh because I thought the IA made a huge difference when I used it during cardio, but I've never done cardio for 48 hours straight!!!)
uugh's log would definately be interesting to see. I hate doing 30 minutes of cardio. I couldn't imagine 48 hours straight!!! :eek::run:


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I lift 6-7 days a week. Rotating one body part every 5 days or so.
Both should be ether 30 day or 28 day or what ever it is. Since one would stack possibly the two together.
each to his own, right !? .. but I dare suggest that working out with weights 7 days a week for 8 weeks straight is more taxing and catabolic on your body than anabolic, unless you're fired up on juice like all the pros with a flawless diet. I personally didn't grow during my addiction-period, where I felt guilty taking any days off at all . . got me at a stand-still for too long, and it took me until I started taking occasional days off to realize the growth potential I actually had.

Everyone needs time off for recovery . . if you need to up the dosage on all supps you're taking, it's more than likely a sign that your BODY needs a rest, not that the products are in-efficient. You're working each bodypart every 5 days, meaning you're doing triceps either indirectly or directly three days a week (I assume Chest by itself, Shoulders by itself and Tris and Bis together), and biceps two days a week (with tris on arm day and back on back-day). . Now, that constantly stresses/taxes your biceps and triceps, not allowing for full nor sufficient recovery . . But I'm not gonna say more, I think you'd only be convinced had you become a part of a scientific research project where you'd be forced to do a comparison of 7 days a week workouts VS 5 days a week workouts.

Anyway, mr-I-am-above-average . . you do what you've got to do, but be a little less verbal about it and save some face . .

. . . . :frustrate


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Often times they run out of stock on the shirts. If that happens would a Zip-up hoodie do in a pinch?
Man, an Animal/Universal Zip-up Hoodie ?! Like they're wearing in the magazine ads and training clips ?! :jaw:

.. Those things are f*kin' ballin' !!!!


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uugh's log would definately be interesting to see. I hate doing 30 minutes of cardio. I couldn't imagine 48 hours straight!!! :eek::run:
48 straight hours of cardio ?? :jaw:

...I think i'll pass ;) lol I hate even doing 15 min of cardio


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each to his own, right !? .. but I dare suggest that working out with weights 7 days a week for 8 weeks straight is more taxing and catabolic on your body than anabolic, unless you're fired up on juice like all the pros with a flawless diet. I personally didn't grow during my addiction-period, where I felt guilty taking any days off at all . . got me at a stand-still for too long, and it took me until I started taking occasional days off to realize the growth potential I actually had.

Everyone needs time off for recovery . . if you need to up the dosage on all supps you're taking, it's more than likely a sign that your BODY needs a rest, not that the products are in-efficient. You're working each bodypart every 5 days, meaning you're doing triceps either indirectly or directly three days a week (I assume Chest by itself, Shoulders by itself and Tris and Bis together), and biceps two days a week (with tris on arm day and back on back-day). . Now, that constantly stresses/taxes your biceps and triceps, not allowing for full nor sufficient recovery . . But I'm not gonna say more, I think you'd only be convinced had you become a part of a scientific research project where you'd be forced to do a comparison of 7 days a week workouts VS 5 days a week workouts.

Anyway, mr-I-am-above-average . . you do what you've got to do, but be a little less verbal about it and save some face . .

. . . . :frustrate

I used to only lift 5 days a week but now with advances in supplements I am recovering faster than I could have 2 -3 years ago. Remember di and tri peptides are getting more main stream and intra work out products are new with in the last 5 years. I have been in a scientific clinical trial for Vitamin D and I was tested for 3 moths over the summer. I mean what is the purpose of these advancements if I can only still lift 5 days a week. I am only in the gym any way for 1 hour or less usually 30 min.


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holie crapolie, now their are shirts involved in this or am i mistaken. I'll even just take a hand towel with animal on it. So i can wipe my face in the gym and if others ask what I'm on, I can say..."smell my supplements! Pure success in this towel." AAARRGGGGHHHHH!


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I used to only lift 5 days a week but now with advances in supplements I am recovering faster than I could have 2 -3 years ago. Remember di and tri peptides are getting more main stream and intra work out products are new with in the last 5 years. I have been in a scientific clinical trial for Vitamin D and I was tested for 3 moths over the summer. I mean what is the purpose of these advancements if I can only still lift 5 days a week. I am only in the gym any way for 1 hour or less usually 30 min.

Wait did I miss something in the growth process... I thought we damaged ourselves when we trained? Rest and food make us grow? Do I have it wrong? :frustrate:

Sure the supplement industry is advancing rapidly. Great! Yes it does allow us to recover faster. But, answer this please: When was the last time you walked normal after a leg day? or for the next 3 days after that for that matter? If you say every week or I can the day after then you my friend did not perform!!! Training 7 days a week is insane no matter how you slice it. Even the top pros have off days...


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According to Dr. Scott Connelly's in regards to" Progenex"the rep on the phone said you recover in 6 hours taking there pack. Ether hes bogus and Scott does not know what he is doing even though he created metrx and is super smart when regards to protein or he is a bs guy and his products are bs. I am just saying I have been training now for the past 3 months 6-7 days a week and I am lifting amazing.


you grow/recover/repair (what ever you want to call it)w hen you sleep, that's why rest plays such an important role in the big picture.

Wait did I miss something in the growth process... I thought we damaged ourselves when we trained? Rest and food make us grow? Do I have it wrong? :frustrate:

Sure the supplement industry is advancing rapidly. Great! Yes it does allow us to recover faster. But, answer this please: When was the last time you walked normal after a leg day? or for the next 3 days after that for that matter? If you say every week or I can the day after then you my friend did not perfrom!!! Training 7 days a week is insane no matter how you slice it. Even the top pros have off days...


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you grow/recover/repair (what ever you want to call it)w hen you sleep, that's why rest plays such an important role in the big picture.

Yeah I know... Rhetorical questions for super trainer here.:run:


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djbombsquad should be on the no log no nothing list. Seriously did you see his last log? haha look thru that log and tell me that guy workouts out hard....:rolleyes: he does a couple sets of like 6 reps and he's done lol. And asking for a shirt??? are you fucking kidding me!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :nutkick:

anyway... i wouldnt mind logging :D
ive been turned on by BA supplements in the past few months, i think its an amazing staple. I dont use anything intraworkout so i would like to see how much of a boost intra-aid could add to my workouts. need i say more? i would like to ask for a free shirt and a year's worth of animal products :rolleyes:

King Con

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Another great promo HG. Sounds like I may need to run an Animal one soon...


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Well now.
djbombsquad should be on the no log no nothing list. Wouldn't you agree that I am honest?Seriously did you see his last log? Would you like to see my last log>haha look thru that log and tell me that guy workouts out hard....:rolleyes: he does a couple wrong. I do 3 warm up sets to 5 warm up sets 1 acclimation than 5 - 8 body building sets sets of like 6 reps and he's done lol. And asking for a shirt??? I would like to promo a company while working out.are you fucking kidding me!!!!!!!!!! No I am not fu k ng kidding you:lol: :nutkick:

anyway... i wouldnt mind logging :D Why not just use your own products you promote endless its not good enough that you need to use other brands
ive been turned on by BA supplements in the past few months, i think its an amazing staple. I dont use anything intraworkout so i would like to see how much of a boost intra-aid could add to my workouts. need i say more? ...Beat a dead i would like to ask for a free shirt and a year's worth of animal products :rolleyes:


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Well now.
Guess how many reps I got for flaming you a few post up? No seriously guess! Because if I told you, you may finally get the clue that NOBODY GIVES A SH!T WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY - Why would any company want YOU to rep them with their logo in the gym, or anywhere in public?


When you guys going to come up w/some names or did I miss it?


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Hoomgar! I cant wait for Monday! (I cant believe I just said that) but Im dying to find out who you picked to run this awesome stack. Intra-workout nutrition I am starting to feel is the most imperative time to feed!


The BPS Rep
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Intra-workout has made the biggest difference in my training, MrC. Nothing else like it. I can't wait either, considering thus far intra-aid is the best intra product i've encountered.


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GL to everyone :)

I'm sure the winners will also be some of the first customers ^_^


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djbombsquad you really are from another planet arent you?

i said you shouldnt be a logger for anything because you dont follow directions 1. and your logs are crap 2. honesty doesnt matter when you dont know what the hell you are doing anyway. why would someone want to follow a log where the guy has no brain?

i saw your last log thats why i told others sucked and you got flamed by the company you were logging for.

the products i rep for are awesome but id like to see how high doses of BA work and i dont use anything intraworkout because musclepharm doesnt produce something designed esp for intraworkout. I could use assault for intra but it doesnt have enough carbs or protien compared to intra-aid as an intraworkout product.

did just get a clue, seriously


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So the company you rep for does not have a complete line? I mean if your companies so good you shouldn't need another brand of products to use. Its like me working for apple and using windows. Are your products not good enough that you need to use another brand?


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So the company you rep for does not have a complete line? I mean if your companies so good you shouldn't need another brand of products to use. Its like me working for apple and using windows. Are your products not good enough that you need to use another brand?
omg :frustrate: there is no point in reasoning with much less talking to you! lol dont make me call a neg fest on you! damn you are plain and simply, moronic.


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So the company you rep for does not have a complete line? I mean if your companies so good you shouldn't need another brand of products to use. Its like me working for apple and using windows. Are your products not good enough that you need to use another brand?
lol :wtf:

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