Trauma1 and Poopypants team up for a PP/1-T and Epi/1-T log!



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I'll have a 3 week update tomorrow guys. Need my sleep tonight. Monday's in the E.R. are HORRIBLE!

Felt good today though......minimal lethargy. :)


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Trauma, big ups on the log. I used Sustain Alpha on the weekends while on my cycle. While it didin't PREVENT shutdown and testicular atrophy, imo it was minimized, especially with all the s h i t I was taking (Phera-Plex, Superdrol, X-Mass and Dermacrine). The Dermacrine as a test base seemed to work very well, I did gain about 12 pounds of mass. I will probably do either your version or Poopy's version of this stack this winter (with the Methoxy-TST by Bio-Science Technologies--I have three bottles of that!). Will be bugging you for help, if you don't mind! Bwhahahahaha!!! :twisted:
Cool, thanks for the feedback. :)

No problem man, would be glad to help. I really like Methoxy-TST fact, i miss not using it anymore. Maybe i'll still pulse it on workout days. :p


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IMO, the sides you`re having come from the phera, I`m checking other people T-1 logs and I didn't saw anyone with that kind of sides so soon, if you drop the phera we shall see if the sides prevail
I'm really not so certain that's the case. Up until adding the 1-T it wasn't an issue to any significant degree at all. I really think this is either a combo effect, or the 1-T is just converting well for me.

I'd wager to say that cutaneous steroidogenic enzymes 3b-HSD and 17b-HSD concentrations vary greatly among people. In effect, some people are going to get better absorbtion and subsequent conversion than others. It's tough to accurately gauge though because i'm stacking. I know eric is going to be looking into how to upregulate these enzymes, something i plan to research myself.

I'll know more in the coming weeks though. :)


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I'm also having trouble At this point, I think I'm going to throw in MMV2 for pre-workout. Still debating as to whether I should throw in m-drol at 0/0/20/20.

Nice log Trauma! I'm liking how informative it is...
Thanks, buddy!



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Sorry for the lack of updates guys... I have two workouts I need to post up and other then that this has been the fateful "MOVE" weekend and we are still not done... this will be the last night up with the computer and internet hooked up though... sleepin on the floor tonight then hopefully after community service tomorrow I will be gettin the rest of my crap out and apartment totally sterilized and cleaned from top to bottom.

Got plenty of a workout though walking queen size mattresses, box sets, BIG ass head boards, dressers and refrigerators from my second story apartment and across the lot to a truck then back out to a storage space. MAYN I hate moving... specially this time given its not a move "up".....
Keep your head up my brother! In the end, everything will work out well. :)


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... well... I got lucky and they havnt cut my computer line just yet... and didnt get to finish as I thought I would, so Im stayin here by myself tonight on the floor then will be wrappin everything up tomorrow.

This also means Ill be hitting the gym within the hour and when I get back Ill do the triple update for my last two workouts and tonight.

thanks for the support and prayers guys... already I know that they help, randomly had money come in today that is very much of need for all the gas for trips back and forth loading and unloading stuff and getting food while I dont have a fridge here as its already in storage... I know theres someone still lookin out for me... this is just a lil hiccup and Ill be back on top very soon, I know it.

Thanks again for all those offering their thoughts, prayers and even a few of you that have done more and helped out physically. I truly consider you all my brothers. :box:


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... well... I got lucky and they havnt cut my computer line just yet... and didnt get to finish as I thought I would, so Im stayin here by myself tonight on the floor then will be wrappin everything up tomorrow.

This also means Ill be hitting the gym within the hour and when I get back Ill do the triple update for my last two workouts and tonight.

thanks for the support and prayers guys... already I know that they help, randomly had money come in today that is very much of need for all the gas for trips back and forth loading and unloading stuff and getting food while I dont have a fridge here as its already in storage... I know theres someone still lookin out for me... this is just a lil hiccup and Ill be back on top very soon, I know it.

Thanks again for all those offering their thoughts, prayers and even a few of you that have done more and helped out physically. I truly consider you all my brothers. :box:
Damn straight, buddy! :)

If you ever need anything man (seriously bud), you know how to find me brother. :) I gotta keep a look out for my boy poops in his time of need.
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Right on, Poop!
I'm looking forward to your update.


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If it makes you feel anybetter poops, As of last year I moved 7 times in the past 6 years. This is counting college and the first 5 years of my coaching career. not going anywhere anytime soon. but I was on a 3rd story and moved down to the first floor of the same apartments. brutal stuff buddy. but you gotta do what you gotta do. Good luck my man!


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iron lungs; please stop with these avatars and poops; when im in a hard time, I listen to the song 'Let It Be" may help may not...


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iron lungs; please stop with these avatars and poops; when im in a hard time, I listen to the song 'Let It Be" may help may not...
No, Don't you do it. I forgot to take my test booster today. Thank you. I put your pics to the test against any DTH/Sunami stack!:)

edited. I do love that new modest mouse as well.


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that song "float on" by modest mouse is a good one too... Im into a lil more hardcore stuff then that usually but thats def a good song teachin you to just roll with the punches.


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... well... I got lucky and they havnt cut my computer line just yet... and didnt get to finish as I thought I would, so Im stayin here by myself tonight on the floor then will be wrappin everything up tomorrow.

This also means Ill be hitting the gym within the hour and when I get back Ill do the triple update for my last two workouts and tonight.

thanks for the support and prayers guys... already I know that they help, randomly had money come in today that is very much of need for all the gas for trips back and forth loading and unloading stuff and getting food while I dont have a fridge here as its already in storage... I know theres someone still lookin out for me... this is just a lil hiccup and Ill be back on top very soon, I know it.

Thanks again for all those offering their thoughts, prayers and even a few of you that have done more and helped out physically. I truly consider you all my brothers. :box:
And you know this, MAYNE...all right, stop it...I'm gettin' misty. Anyway, more good fortune is coming your way. You just have to wait for it. Wait 'til I tell you mofos about the fukk-filled weekend I had. Being big and strong certainly has its benefits!:bow28:


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I'm really not so certain that's the case. Up until adding the 1-T it wasn't an issue to any significant degree at all. I really think this is either a combo effect, or the 1-T is just converting well for me.

I'd wager to say that cutaneous steroidogenic enzymes 3b-HSD and 17b-HSD concentrations vary greatly among people. In effect, some people are going to get better absorbtion and subsequent conversion than others. It's tough to accurately gauge though because i'm stacking. I know eric is going to be looking into how to upregulate these enzymes, something i plan to research myself.

I'll know more in the coming weeks though. :)
look forward to see whats next bro, nice work :thumbsup:


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Just to let poops and trauma know, this is one of the best, and most informative logs ive read, exactly what a log should be, an insight into the effects of what your using, and options to prevent the bad sides if any, you experience major superlatives guys!!!!


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Phera for five weeks? I'm definitely paying attention!


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Just to let poops and trauma know, this is one of the best, and most informative logs ive read, exactly what a log should be, an insight into the effects of what your using, and options to prevent the bad sides if any, you experience major superlatives guys!!!!
Thanks russinan! It's nice to have you following along. :)

I know we're hoping to give a good amount of info/feedback from our experiences to help shape cycles for other people. It's been a blast so far for sure!


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Phera for five weeks? I'm definitely paying attention!
That's the plan, but it's subject to change depending on how i'm feeling. At this poin, it looks like i'll get the 5 weeks in. I've debated bumping to 50mg/day, but i'm still seeing some gains right now. :)


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Day 22 Update

Weight: 234.0lbs (+14lbs) -Starting to pile on!

Libido: It remains in a lowered state at this time. Not crushed, but certainly below my baseline for sure. There are periods of the day i notice an increase though.

Strength: Off Day ude to work, so i can't comment.

Aggression/Lethargy: I still note periods of more aggressive tendencies, but nothing out of control. Just enought to where i like it, and it's not overbearing. I have noticed an interesting fact about the lethargy that i'll elaborate on in my narrative.

Side Effects: No acne anymore at this point. All my hair is in place, and still as sexy as ever. No headaches or nosebleeds to report. The testicular atrophy is definitely well noted now. The last 3-4 days it's become much more evident. I rechecked my blood pressure and pulse, so see below for results.

Mood: I still feel pretty good overall, but definitely periods of lethargy. They seem to respond well to stimulants though. I've been using just plain coffee, and my new Diesel Fuel products.....and they're getting the job done well.


-1-T: 5 pumps in the a.m.

-Phera-Plex: 40mg split evenly over the course of the day.

-I continue to use use Xtend as my source of BCAA's at this point. I consume my servings over the course of pre/intra/post workout. I have some of LG Sciences new BCAA/EAA product that i may try now as well.

-Cycle Assist remains in place at 4 capsules (twice daily.)

-Vitamin D at 5000 IU's everyday

-Pslin Bulk 400mg 2 x daily with pre and post workout shakes.

-Creatine Monohydrate at 5g/day

-Taurine at 6-8 grams/day

-Poseidon is slowly being added in as well.

-Incarnate 3 capsules (twice daily.) This contains my source of Beta Alanine and Cissus.

-Bullet Proof in the p.m. for sleep and GH release aspects.

-Fish Oil 2 capsules (3 x daily)

-Gut Health: 1 capsule daily

-NOxidant: 3 capsules at hour of sleep

-Waxy Maize Starch 100 grams pre and post workout

Vital Signs

-Blood Pressure: 130/80

-Pulse (Resting): 66




It's now official, 3 weeks are in the books. I plan to run this for another 4 weeks total (mainly the 1-T), but i still have 1.5-2 weeks left on the phera as well. My progress continues to impress me. It seems that in week 3 i'm really starting to harden up, and my strength gains are absolutely phenominal. I think week 4 will be the best yet.

I have noticed something interesting about the 1-T. For the last 3 days in a row i've realized that lethargy kicks in about 3-4 hours after my application. I'll continue to monitor this, but so far it seems like somewhat of a pattern. The lethargy isn't too bad overall and easily corrected with stim of choice. My appetite has seemed to level off a bit as well. Not that it's decreased, but not what it was either.

I've been keeping a close eye on my blood pressure and pulse during this cycle, and i'll continue to do so. So far, nothing significant is noted in that regard for me, so that's good. :)

I'm starting to get a lot of compliments lately on putting on size quickly. Even when i look at myself in the mirror now i can see a huge difference in comparison to 3 weeks ago. I'll see about getting some updated pics up this week. I also have before measurements, but i'll post them with the after at the conclusion of this cycle.

If any of you have an specific questions at this point, ask away. I'm really enjoying this log right now. The 1-T really seems to add a little more of a dynamic each day. I seriously do contribute the strength gains to since i've added the 1-T into the cycle. They were NO WHERE NEAR as evident with just the phera. I'll have much more to discuss about the 1-T over the coming weeks, but i'm really impressed so far.

On to week 4, the gains are really starting to pile on! :thumbsup:​


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Oh that's sweet about the PureSap. I didn't know they were going to be picking it up soon. I haven't kept my eye on it. I almost wished I wouldn't have known. I've been spending about ~$200/month on supps for the last few months. I need to back off.
You know what you could be buying for a lot less $, that does a lot more!! ;)


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That's the plan, but it's subject to change depending on how i'm feeling. At this poin, it looks like i'll get the 5 weeks in. I've debated bumping to 50mg/day, but i'm still seeing some gains right now. :)
Bump dat shit up!! ha ha But really, on that fifth and final week, why not??!! It'll be a while before you run something else. Get all you can get out of it.


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Day 22 Update

Weight: 234.0lbs (+14lbs) -Starting to pile on!

Libido: It remains in a lowered state at this time. Not crushed, but certainly below my baseline for sure. There are periods of the day i notice an increase though.

Strength: Off Day ude to work, so i can't comment.

Aggression/Lethargy: I still note periods of more aggressive tendencies, but nothing out of control. Just enought to where i like it, and it's not overbearing. I have noticed an interesting fact about the lethargy that i'll elaborate on in my narrative.

Side Effects: No acne anymore at this point. All my hair is in place, and still as sexy as ever. No headaches or nosebleeds to report. The testicular atrophy is definitely well noted now. The last 3-4 days it's become much more evident. I rechecked my blood pressure and pulse, so see below for results.

Mood: I still feel pretty good overall, but definitely periods of lethargy. They seem to respond well to stimulants though. I've been using just plain coffee, and my new Diesel Fuel products.....and they're getting the job done well.


-1-T: 5 pumps in the a.m.

-Phera-Plex: 40mg split evenly over the course of the day.

-I continue to use use Xtend as my source of BCAA's at this point. I consume my servings over the course of pre/intra/post workout. I have some of LG Sciences new BCAA/EAA product that i may try now as well.

-Cycle Assist remains in place at 4 capsules (twice daily.)

-Vitamin D at 5000 IU's everyday

-Pslin Bulk 400mg 2 x daily with pre and post workout shakes.

-Creatine Monohydrate at 5g/day

-Taurine at 6-8 grams/day

-Poseidon is slowly being added in as well.

-Incarnate 3 capsules (twice daily.) This contains my source of Beta Alanine and Cissus.

-Bullet Proof in the p.m. for sleep and GH release aspects.

-Fish Oil 2 capsules (3 x daily)

-Gut Health: 1 capsule daily

-NOxidant: 3 capsules at hour of sleep

-Waxy Maize Starch 100 grams pre and post workout

Vital Signs

-Blood Pressure: 130/80

-Pulse (Resting): 66




It's now official, 3 weeks are in the books. I plan to run this for another 4 weeks total (mainly the 1-T), but i still have 1.5-2 weeks left on the phera as well. My progress continues to impress me. It seems that in week 3 i'm really starting to harden up, and my strength gains are absolutely phenominal. I think week 4 will be the best yet.

I have noticed something interesting about the 1-T. For the last 3 days in a row i've realized that lethargy kicks in about 3-4 hours after my application. I'll continue to monitor this, but so far it seems like somewhat of a pattern. The lethargy isn't too bad overall and easily corrected with stim of choice. My appetite has seemed to level off a bit as well. Not that it's decreased, but not what it was either.

I've been keeping a close eye on my blood pressure and pulse during this cycle, and i'll continue to do so. So far, nothing significant is noted in that regard for me, so that's good. :)

I'm starting to get a lot of compliments lately on putting on size quickly. Even when i look at myself in the mirror now i can see a huge difference in comparison to 3 weeks ago. I'll see about getting some updated pics up this week. I also have before measurements, but i'll post them with the after at the conclusion of this cycle.

If any of you have an specific questions at this point, ask away. I'm really enjoying this log right now. The 1-T really seems to add a little more of a dynamic each day. I seriously do contribute the strength gains to since i've added the 1-T into the cycle. They were NO WHERE NEAR as evident with just the phera. I'll have much more to discuss about the 1-T over the coming weeks, but i'm really impressed so far.

On to week 4, the gains are really starting to pile on! :thumbsup:​
Solid overall update my crystal ball I see in the future.......RPM being swallowed about 2 hrs post 1-T you go from :yawn: this...... :head:


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How long after do you typically work out after you're application. If its not effecting your workout then you might just be ok as far as lethargy goes. If not yet timing it a little closer. Just curious how this would effect you're cycle? If not the RPM does sound like an idea!


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So what's the over/under of total mass you guys think you'll be gaining/retaining? I'll put $5 on 30+lbs.


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So what's the over/under of total mass you guys think you'll be gaining/retaining? I'll put $5 on 30+lbs.
I'm seriously hoping to get 20lbs out of this to keep. At this pace, it's very much a reality. We'll see though. The gains haven't been sloppy at all either, that's what is so impressive about this cycle thusfar.
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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How long after do you typically work out after you're application. If its not effecting your workout then you might just be ok as far as lethargy goes. If not yet timing it a little closer. Just curious how this would effect you're cycle? If not the RPM does sound like an idea!
You always want to apply first thing in the morning if you can.

The minor lethargy that I experienced didn’t seem to interfere with my workouts… you just seem to feel a little sleepy with less than engaging activities… like browsing the endless pages on the forums… you think.… hmm… a nap would be nice….

Either way, a cup of green tea would pretty much take care of the lethargy issues.



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Cheers to the 14 pounds bud...that's great work!


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INSANE results so far, Trauma! Keep up the GREAT work! And thanks for the rep points!!! Just curious, is this stack taking TWO bottles of Phera-Plex? Just so I know how to prepare.


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You always want to apply first thing in the morning if you can.

The minor lethargy that I experienced didn’t seem to interfere with my workouts… you just seem to feel a little sleepy with less than engaging activities… like browsing the endless pages on the forums… you think.… hmm… a nap would be nice….

Either way, a cup of green tea would pretty much take care of the lethargy issues.

Well, that settles that idea. Mainly a question out of curiosity! Seems like a good stim if need be then!


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INSANE rsulst so far, Trauma! Keep up the GREAT work! And thanks for the rep points!!! Just curious, is this stack taking TWO bottles of Phera-Plex? Just so I know how to prepare.
Thanks, bro! :)

Yeah, how i have it dosed it will take 2 bottles.


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Well, that settles that idea. Mainly a question out of curiosity! Seems like a good stim if need be then!
The 1-T formula itself is time released, so applying first thing in the a.m. is your best bet overall. Today i'll try hitting up the stims an hour before application and report back my findings. :)


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man if you put 20+ pounds onn im gonna have to buy like 6 bottles of this stuff
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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The 1-T formula itself is time released, so applying first thing in the a.m. is your best bet overall. Today i'll try hitting up the stims an hour before application and report back my findings. :)
What about if you work out first thing in the morning? Would it be better saved for after your workout?

Great results so far. 14lbs in that time frame must be extremely noticeable.

I may snag a couple of bottles to run in 12 months or so.


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What about if you work out first thing in the morning? Would it be better saved for after your workout?

Great results so far. 14lbs in that time frame must be extremely noticeable.

I may snag a couple of bottles to run in 12 months or so.
Yes i would recommend applying after you've showered after your workout then. It's definitely important to apply after a shower to exfoliate the skin and improve delivery of the product.

Thanks man, i really think you like this product. I'm definitely starting to see big changes in my physique, as is the wife.


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I've got a question, maybe a silly one but still curious. If something is Time Released, what actually determines the half-life or the longest duration it may be active. I might be wrong here but if subject A wakes up @ 4:30am. as i do and i go to bed around 10-11pm, and subject B wakes up @ 7:00am and goes to bed around the same time but both workout during the same hour. Would there be much of a difference in applying it @ 7:00 no matter what?

What i'm getting at is if someone is able to determine a lag or a down in lethargy. Timing could be adjusted as the example above kinda implicates.
By no means am i trying to contradict the best time to apply i am really just curious about Time Released?


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I've got a question, maybe a silly one but still curious. If something is Time Released, what actually determines the half-life or the longest duration it may be active. I might be wrong here but if subject A wakes up @ 4:30am. as i do and i go to bed around 10-11pm, and subject B wakes up @ 7:00am and goes to bed around the same time but both workout during the same hour. Would there be much of a difference in applying it @ 7:00 no matter what?

What i'm getting at is if someone is able to determine a lag or a down in lethargy. Timing could be adjusted as the example above kinda implicates.
By no means am i trying to contradict the best time to apply i am really just curious about Time Released?
I don't think a few hours lag time of application is going to make any significant difference what-so-ever.

As far as the duration goes, i think this can be very individual in ways. Depending on how well you absorb the actives transdermally (as far as percentages and such), then conversion to said hormones (1-AD<1-T....Not to mention the DHEA and its conversion to test/estrogen), and then their hepatic metabolism followed by renal excretion. That whole hormonal/metabolic process can and will vary greatly in each individual case. So what i'm describing here may not apply to other users experiences. Some people may experience the lethargy or overall effects in different ways/time frames.

Eric will obviously be able to comment more than i here about this, but that would be my answer anyway, lol. :)


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Thanks, so not much of a difference. What I assumed!


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hi everyone, this is my first posting and first time with a ph. Huge respect for trauma and poops, this thread is one of the best i've seen.

I am currently on day 3 with 1-t and had a question about application times. I have been applying 5 pumps after my morning shower at around 630am but i typically don't work out until about 10 at night. Is it better to apply when i'm done my post workout shower? or just stick to applying after my morning shower?


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hi everyone, this is my first posting and first time with a ph. Huge respect for trauma and poops, this thread is one of the best i've seen.

I am currently on day 3 with 1-t and had a question about application times. I have been applying 5 pumps after my morning shower at around 630am but i typically don't work out until about 10 at night. Is it better to apply when i'm done my post workout shower? or just stick to applying after my morning shower?
Oh crap, what have i done! Just stick to the AM bro. you wouldn't want to just be sleepin on all that test. best after a morning shower!


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hi everyone, this is my first posting and first time with a ph. Huge respect for trauma and poops, this thread is one of the best i've seen.

I am currently on day 3 with 1-t and had a question about application times. I have been applying 5 pumps after my morning shower at around 630am but i typically don't work out until about 10 at night. Is it better to apply when i'm done my post workout shower? or just stick to applying after my morning shower?
Thanks, buddy. :)

I definitely advise you to apply this in the a.m.

You'll still get all the great benefits of the product this way, and it won't affect your sleeping pattern. You have the right idea here exfoliating in the shower first, and then applying to enhance absorbtion.


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Oh crap, what have i done! Just stick to the AM bro. you wouldn't want to just be sleepin on all that test. best after a morning shower!
It's all good brother. I like the questions to be honest. It's all about finding out what works best overall. This thread is directed as an interactive learning experience for all. If you have an idea or question, feel free to post it up. :)


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I'll update tomorrow everyone. Let me just say that the strength gains are REALLY starting to come on. I had a few personal records today in my bi's/tri's workout.


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I'll update tomorrow everyone. Let me just say that the strength gains are REALLY starting to come on. I had a few personal records today in my bi's/tri's workout.
We're waiting for that!!


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alright guys... as I said this is the time of limited internet access... and well... I get over to the inlaws and their high speed is down, but great granpas dial up AOL is still operational.... so Im workin at snails pace right now, tryin to get this update in for ya'll for the last week... then the 15 pms... and then the 35 subscribed threads to catch up on... with load time factored in Ill be finished approximately at new years... just dont post until then to give me a chance to catch up, k? LOL:hammer:

post comin in a sec.... or 30min.. lol


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Day 23 Update

Weight: 231lbs (+11lbs)

Libido: It was a bit improved today. I tried taking phera-plex at 20mg pre-workout today, and i definitely noted an improved libido as a result.

Strength: It's been improving almost by the day. The pure explosiveness of it at times is seriously impressive. Certain body part seem to have a better response to it, but overall it's really starting to take note.

Aggression/Lethargy: Overall, not too bad today. I've been my typical mellow person today. I did have a good aggressive aspect in the gym though, as i have been receiving. Lethargy was not a factor at all today. I've been using 4 capsules of RPM prior to my workout, and it seems to be doing the job very well. Tomorrow i have some Diesel Fuel i'm going to try, so i'll report back. This adjunct has SIGNIFICANTLY mitigated the lethargy issue for me.

Mood: I continue to feel pretty good overall. My motivation and drive continues to propel me into the next days workout. I feel like i'm still really enjoying this cycle.

Side Effects: Still not much to report. Acne is gone. All my hair remains intact and accounted for. No headaches of nosebleeds. My guys are atrophied though. Not to the point of serious concern, but it has occured to a degree.


-1-T: 5 pumps at 2pm spread over upperbody

-Phera-Plex: 20mg pre-workout, and 20mg spread evenly over the day.

-Just to make you guys aware, i don't post up my other supps daily because i use the same stuff everyday unless i note that it's been discontinued. See my initial outline on page 1 for list of supps utilized.



-Seated Military Press (smith machine)
-Arnold DB press
-Side Lateral Raises
-Front BB raises
-Cable puley side lateral raises
-Reverse Pec Deck


-DB shrugs
-BB shrugs
-Upright Rows (close-grip)


My workouts have been very impressive. I have noted ther emergence of painful shoulder pumps over the last few day, but i knew they were coming. Nothing that sitting and resting doesn't help. I'll be bumping my taurine up to 10 grams/day, and i'll start utilizing some gatorade preworkout as well.

The strength gains have been really impressive since i've added in the 1-T. I set a few PR's yesterday with biceps and triceps. My training endurance has been pretty good as well. I'm utilizing Incarnate for it's beta alanine/cissus content. I had thought about adding in some citruline malate as well, so i'll see in the coming week.

I've ran out of DCP, so i haven't used it in over a week. I'll add it back in when i recieve some shortly though. I really do believe DCP was a GREAT addition as well. I attribute the mitigation of any significant fat gain to its inclusion. The Gut Health also is a paramount staple. The gas bombs have been few and far between on this cycle. Thanks gut health! :)

As you can see from a prior post, i will be utilizing primordial's "Testosterone Recovery Stack" into my pct. I'll get into that in more detail though in the coming weeks. Everything is rolling along nicely now!



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alright guys... as I said this is the time of limited internet access... and well... I get over to the inlaws and their high speed is down, but great granpas dial up AOL is still operational.... so Im workin at snails pace right now, tryin to get this update in for ya'll for the last week... then the 15 pms... and then the 35 subscribed threads to catch up on... with load time factored in Ill be finished approximately at new years... just dont post until then to give me a chance to catch up, k? LOL:hammer:

post comin in a sec.... or 30min.. lol

Ah......the days of dial-up. I'm working off a new laptop, so this is a learning curve for me. It's been a challenge to not hit 3 keys at once on this thing, lol!

Hope all is going well otherwise buddy. :)

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