TINY gets HULKIFIED with Annabolic Innovation's TESTOPRO! (Sponsored)



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Another awesome workout, it seems though as my compound lifts get heavier and heavier that after about 2 exercises of 3-5 sets i'm TOAST. I couldn't get overhead pressing today my tri's were so wasted from dips. Not a bad thing though workout was shorter but WAYY more intense. 2 hours today which is 30 minutes shorter. I think this increased recovery is the key to my arms/chest/shoulders growing.


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Chest/Shoulders/Tri's *RECOVERY EDITION* 9/16/11
Duration: 2 Hours (-30 minutes)
Mood: Focused
Energy: Great
Other notes: This workout was a lot shorter but i KILLED myself on RGIBP and Weighted Dips today. Gonna see if this increased recovery will help my arms grow. Focusing more on intensity for the next 2 weeks. Not doing fascia stretching for a week to let my connective tissue heal up as outline in DC training description.
Reverse Grip Incline Bench Press on Smith-
105 x 18
195 x 8
235 x 9 + Held last Rep until failure. *PR* +5 Reps and Hold.
245 x 5 + Held last Rep until failure. *PR*
+25 x 6 *PR*
+25 x 10 + 3 Negatives *PR*
BW x 10
Drop set to
Flat Bench on Smith- Chest/Tri's were fried from dips so i just did two sets.
105 x 16
175 x 8
Leaning 1 Arm DB Fly- Removing these for a week.
Cable Crossover- Also Removing these for a week.

16 Sets

SHOULDER WORKOUT- For those wondering, I train Rear-Delts with Back since i do a lot of pulling/rowing.
Seated Smith Machine OH Press- Did 1 set of Higher reps with rest pause. I now know why they call Dips the upper body squat!
105 x 16
Dumbbell Laterals- Strict form until failure then a few cheat reps.
35 x 12
30 x 8
30 x 16
25 x 8
25 x 10
20 x 12
15 x 14

8 Sets

Total: 24 Sets

The whole point of this workout was to hit it hard and quick. I want to see if my recovery improves more if i cut my workouts a little shorter. My main focus is gonna be intensity.


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.:Update on TestoPro:.
Day 19 (11 to go!)

-Confidence is still up
-Alpha-Male shows it's face everywhere
-Libido is about the same as last week.
-Aggression is up but not in a bad way, stress levels are low.
-Strength is still increasing along with size
-231Lbs today (+12.4Lbs) Minimal-to-no fat gain, In fact i still look leaner then when i started.
-No acne problems, i think my face has actually cleared up a lot while on this which is definitely a plus.
-Jeans are fitting a lot tighter on my legs and butt making it a little harder to put them on but waist is still the same size. I almost can't get my thighs in them anymore! Still seeing lines in my legs so they did have fat gain. Butt is probably from those heavy rack pulls.

-TestoPro is some good stuff AI!


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Holy god man 12.4 lbs in 19 days??! I've seen guys pull much less off ph/ds cycles. No doubt you're puttin that stuff to good use! :D

Grats on all the pr's, those bench weights are niiice. Never tried reverse grip myself..next week its on! Killer dips too bro ur a machine!

Ohh and eggs in the shakes. That's hardcore. How they taste??


Well-known member
Holy god man 12.4 lbs in 19 days??! I've seen guys pull much less off ph/ds cycles. No doubt you're puttin that stuff to good use! :D

Grats on all the pr's, those bench weights are niiice. Never tried reverse grip myself..next week its on! Killer dips too bro ur a machine!

Ohh and eggs in the shakes. That's hardcore. How they taste??
I'm tellin ya'll i don't mess around with bulkin! You have to KILL yourself in the gym though first then your body NEEDS that food. Pic's at week 4 will show the progress.. No doubt in my mind best recipe for mass is Compound movements, adding weight to them every workout or reps every workout and rest (which i always have used 6-7 days before i train it again) + a good amount of food/calories.

Thanks man! I knew today was gonna be the day for dip pr's and those Reverse grip i should have had last week but either way i'm happy with it! That last rep with the heavy weight i held for about 10-15 seconds it was BRUTAL. The exercise is tricky though, i would not recommend going all the way to chest with it as it puts your elbows in a really awkward position. I stop a few inches short of my chest and just before lockout. I still gotta give it another few weeks to see if it really is developing my upper chest/tri's. I know for a fact it hits front delts REALLY good.

The eggs in the shakes are alright, if anything they add "thickness" to them which makes them harder to drink but gotta do what you gotta do haha Taste is....meh


  • RockStar
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Hahaha. Thats some amazing stuff man.

Gotta kill that weight and that food!!

I'm sure you can get bigger with your mindset. Keep going!!


Well-known member
Hahaha. Thats some amazing stuff man.

Gotta kill that weight and that food!!

I'm sure you can get bigger with your mindset. Keep going!!
Thanks matt :sleepy:

Oh i definitely will man, only thing stopping me is money and food haha

I also noticed something very important, I always train my legs with around 20-30 sets which seems to be making them grow more and more. So in an essence i probably should be doing less sets for my upper body considering it's not made to handle the amount of sets my legs need since i'm walking on them all day. I mean, i don't walk on my hands with my shoulders and tri's all day so that could be a factor why my legs are so far ahead of my upper body. I posed at the gym and usually you expect to see a guy with a good upper body and lacking legs but even with my upper body being alright my legs dwarf it. Idk if that's a good thing or bad thing. Back seems to respond well to more sets but bi's don't like it either. I'll probably be cutting out more sets to see if this works, i also have been thinking of possibly doing a 1 week HIT style "recovery" which would be 1 set per exercise all out aiming for a PR, This way i would still be improving my strength/size and giving myself 2x more recovery considering these workouts would probably last 30 minutes as opposed to 2 hours, so actually 4x more recovery. That seems like a really really good idea...


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Diet Breakdown 9/16/11
Calories: 4500
Protein: 310 Grams


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So i just woke up (slept in) and this morning i'm 228.9Lbs and all of the sudden i look a lot leaner. My lower belly fat used to be dense like if you try to pinch it it was thick but now it's really starting to thin out. My body seems to be all over the place while on TestoPro but it's not necessarily bad. One day i put on some weight and a few days later i lean out. Weird cycle too, I'm thinking it could possibly be from my Test levels being more stable since i'm cutting down my workout time. Still have a week and a half left so well just have to wait and see.


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Man, I bet that is a great feeling!

How are your other stats for lifts? Did you take a BF caliper measurement? Got pics, no homo.....k, little homo :lol:


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Man, I bet that is a great feeling!

How are your other stats for lifts? Did you take a BF caliper measurement? Got pics, no homo.....k, little homo :lol:
So far all of my compounds have improved, some isolation have improved too. I just went with how i look in the mirror i really don't like messing with numbers unless their my workouts. Haha

Here's my week 2 pic's http://anabolicminds.com/forum/supplement-reviews-logs/181894-tiny-gets-hulkified-14.html#post3001454



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looking good buddy!!

I will be posting pics mid next week myself. Will be 1 week into the cycle about. I love it so far.
Best natty test booster Ive been on yet!


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That's something to be proud of!

When r ur next pics due?
Thanks, i'll be even more proud when i hit my goals :)

I'll put them up end of week 4, nothing really drastic between 1 week IMO.


Well-known member
looking good buddy!!

I will be posting pics mid next week myself. Will be 1 week into the cycle about. I love it so far.
Best natty test booster Ive been on yet!
Thanks, Glad your enjoying your run so far


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Diet Breakdown 9/17/11
Calories: 4520
Protein: 242 Grams

Had some beer today so it screwed with my protein a little bit but not by a lot. I rarely drink so this won't be a common occurance.


  • RockStar
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Diet Breakdown 9/17/11
Calories: 4520
Protein: 242 Grams

Had some beer today so it screwed with my protein a little bit but not by a lot. I rarely drink so this won't be a common occurance.
Well you still managed to get a good amount of protein in IMO.

I think the beer could be avoided but hey we all gotta live alittle. ;)


Well-known member
Well you still managed to get a good amount of protein in IMO.

I think the beer could be avoided but hey we all gotta live alittle. ;)
Yeah i agree, i don't drink to get drunk either so i stay in the safe zone haha


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Holy sh*t, woke up today and noticing more detail all around my physique and i look bigger. Weight is at 228.7Lbs, HOW IS MY WEIGHT GOING DOWN!!? LOL Time to increase cals again! It seems like after a week of my body adapting to more calories that it not only improves my ability to build muscle/burn fat. Metabolism keeps picking up to accomodate, moving up calories again today. This is so awesome for being a bulk i'm actually LOSING fat and putting on a lot of weight. Still up 10Lbs but leaner :O, ABOUT TO TRAIN LEGS GONNA GO FOR 405 x 10 Rack Pull today! :firedevil:


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Well workout went well like always, Hit 405 x 8! Also replaced leg extensions with Machine Hack Squats (these were what initially built my quads really don't know why i stopped doing these) And for the hell of it i tried a wide grip pull-up and i literally just started repping them!! So happy right now, also hit 315 x 12 for rack pulls. My hamstrings are finally loose enough that i feel comfortable doing full range SLDL's so now i will start doing those with light weights for 10-15 reps. I will be careful to protect my back as well.
So the new set-up for legs will be:
Rack Pulls *aka super challenging*
SLDL's with light weight
Calve circuit, might start doing leg press calve raises.
Hack Squats on Machine 15+ reps every set

Also increasing my calories gonna try and shock my body today with some more..


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Leg Day!! 9/18/11
Duration: 2.5 Hours
Mood: Very focused.
Energy: Good throughout about half the workout, The heavy weights really sap me.
Other notes: Emphasizing more and more compound exercises, Already seeing a lot more progress just emphasizing them and lowering isolation sets.
Rack Pulls-
225 x 3
315 x 12 *PR* +4 Reps
405 x 8 *PR* +3 Reps, Got 7 without rest/pause and after about 10 seconds rest got another rep.
Notes: Moving up to 425 next week.
Barbell Back Squats-
275 x 5 *PR*
Notes: Tried a 2nd set with this and failed at bottom, No worries power-rack rails were set.
Leg Press- Being removed for Hack Squats next week.
380 x 10 + Hold
470 x 5
470 x 5 + Hold
45 Degree Seated Calve Raises/Standing Calf Raises- Did a circuit of 45 degree and standing calve raises today, supersets one right after the other then a 30 second rest then restart. Stretching them to death!
105/90/60/45 x 6 Circuits
Lying Leg Curls-
105 x 10
105 x 18
105 x 18
Immediately followed by stretching hams.
Machine Hack Squats- Plate loaded machine, feel these through my ENTIRE legs. Used to be REALLY strong on these, working back up to it again. 15+ Reps. Stance is edges of platform. ROM is to parallel, i get such good contractions from this exercise i really don't know why i stopped doing them! :rant:
90 x 15
180 x 15
270 x 15
360 x 15
450 x 15
540 x 15
630 x 20
Notes: Never done this many reps for this exercise and it was brutal to say the least. Definitely will be seeing some good progress from this exercise.

Approx. 28 Sets Total


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Diet Breakdown 9/18/11
Calories: 5215
Protein: 356

Off days going to aim for 4600-4800 and training days 5k+.

It's weird to think that in 9 days this Log will be over, TestoPro is definitely a product i'd recommend to anyone i know, AI has done a great job with this product. :)


  • RockStar
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Diet Breakdown 9/18/11
Calories: 5215
Protein: 356

Off days going to aim for 4600-4800 and training days 5k+.

It's weird to think that in 9 days this Log will be over, TestoPro is definitely a product i'd recommend to anyone i know, AI has done a great job with this product. :)

Good calorie intake! Agreed about upping the cals on workout days.

Congratz on the PRs! Mean squats.

Those hack squats are NUTS haha

Glad you got what you need working.

I am REALLY confused now as what I am to do. I am pretty sure I have too much cortisol atm because my belly fat is starting to come back even though I am leaning out. Could be over worked plus too little carbs. Ill be experimenting next week.

You though my friend, are KILLING IT!!!


Well-known member
Good calorie intake! Agreed about upping the cals on workout days.

Congratz on the PRs! Mean squats.

Those hack squats are NUTS haha

Glad you got what you need working.

I am REALLY confused now as what I am to do. I am pretty sure I have too much cortisol atm because my belly fat is starting to come back even though I am leaning out. Could be over worked plus too little carbs. Ill be experimenting next week.

You though my friend, are KILLING IT!!!
Thanks man, My legs are really sore today too go figure haha

How often do you train? I think it's a good idea to have time on = time off when training which is why i think day on/ day off splits work so well. You get a day to recovery before you train another muscle group. There are exceptions for parts like forearms and calves though, i'm about to start training these every session now.

I saw your workout too man holy rows! Sick session!


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You are definitely killing the weights and the calories my friend... you eat (calorie wise) in one day what I typically eat in almost 3 days!


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Leg Day!! 9/18/11
Duration: 2.5 Hours
Mood: Very focused.
Energy: Good throughout about half the workout, The heavy weights really sap me.
Other notes: Emphasizing more and more compound exercises, Already seeing a lot more progress just emphasizing them and lowering isolation sets.
Rack Pulls-
225 x 3
315 x 12 *PR* +4 Reps
405 x 8 *PR* +3 Reps, Got 7 without rest/pause and after about 10 seconds rest got another rep.
Notes: Moving up to 425 next week.
Barbell Back Squats-
275 x 5 *PR*
Notes: Tried a 2nd set with this and failed at bottom, No worries power-rack rails were set.
Leg Press- Being removed for Hack Squats next week.
380 x 10 + Hold
470 x 5
470 x 5 + Hold
45 Degree Seated Calve Raises/Standing Calf Raises- Did a circuit of 45 degree and standing calve raises today, supersets one right after the other then a 30 second rest then restart. Stretching them to death!
105/90/60/45 x 6 Circuits
Lying Leg Curls-
105 x 10
105 x 18
105 x 18
Immediately followed by stretching hams.
Machine Hack Squats- Plate loaded machine, feel these through my ENTIRE legs. Used to be REALLY strong on these, working back up to it again. 15+ Reps. Stance is edges of platform. ROM is to parallel, i get such good contractions from this exercise i really don't know why i stopped doing them! :rant:
90 x 15
180 x 15
270 x 15
360 x 15
450 x 15
540 x 15
630 x 20
Notes: Never done this many reps for this exercise and it was brutal to say the least. Definitely will be seeing some good progress from this exercise.

Approx. 28 Sets Total
Nice leg day man!!

Congrats on the PR


Well-known member
You are definitely killing the weights and the calories my friend... you eat (calorie wise) in one day what I typically eat in almost 3 days!
Thanks it's definitely not easy! I really don't understand how my body is using all the cal's but i'm not complaining i'll just keep movin' on haha Doing great yourself Al it's great to have guys like you, Kleen, Green, razor, morry, matt and everyone else to motivate me and each other.


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Thanks man, My legs are really sore today too go figure haha

How often do you train? I think it's a good idea to have time on = time off when training which is why i think day on/ day off splits work so well. You get a day to recovery before you train another muscle group. There are exceptions for parts like forearms and calves though, i'm about to start training these every session now.

I saw your workout too man holy rows! Sick session!
I train around six days a week lol.

I love training. Too much.

I'm dialing back a bit. Got too excited about accessory work I think. But I hit a good PR today. Well in box squats. Lol

Posting later. My work comp just died... I'm down to my phone and my wife's netbook... Not looking so good lol.


Well-known member
I train around six days a week lol.

I love training. Too much.

I'm dialing back a bit. Got too excited about accessory work I think. But I hit a good PR today. Well in box squats. Lol

Posting later. My work comp just died... I'm down to my phone and my wife's netbook... Not looking so good lol.
I don't think there's anything wrong with training 6x a week but do you ever have a recovery week say every 2 months or so? I mean you know that everyone is different, maybe you need just a week off? Just tryin to give some options for ya! Hope it helps man, looking forward to seeing your workout!


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Oh and to anyone interested, i write down my cals/protein every day on my calender. So if anyone wants, i can snap a pic of it so you can look at how my weight has fluctuated to where it is now. Currently sitting at 232.4Lbs this morning, My chest feels a LOT more full especially the upper chest area. Tri's are looking better, bi's are pretty much the same. Back is improved. Legs are slightly bigger. I'm not sure if everyone will be able to tell from the pic's but i'm gonna try to find a better spot to take pic's where i don't look so washed out from how white i am haha. I think a lot of you will agree that when you see yourself everyday that you notice some things other people won't.

Can't wait to do some pull-ups tomorrow :D
John Smeton

John Smeton

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yes its insane how much a person can change minute to minute.

did you watch the O?

Keep up the good work. sounds like upper body has improved. I think that is fantastic your writing down your calories, its just a habit I do and have done for a while. I look how my body looks and try not to get CAUGHT UP TOO MUCH IN NUMBERS. It matters most how the stomach looks in my opinion . Im not say stay ripped year round, just lean to leanish- no pudge hanging over when a polo shirt is tucked- thats my opinion


  • RockStar
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I don't think there's anything wrong with training 6x a week but do you ever have a recovery week say every 2 months or so? I mean you know that everyone is different, maybe you need just a week off? Just tryin to give some options for ya! Hope it helps man, looking forward to seeing your workout!
Yea I took a deload around two months ago. Might be time for another. But I got a deload week scheduled for next week so I'll be okay I think.
Thanks for the advice!!!


  • RockStar
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Oh and to anyone interested, i write down my cals/protein every day on my calender. So if anyone wants, i can snap a pic of it so you can look at how my weight has fluctuated to where it is now. Currently sitting at 232.4Lbs this morning, My chest feels a LOT more full especially the upper chest area. Tri's are looking better, bi's are pretty much the same. Back is improved. Legs are slightly bigger. I'm not sure if everyone will be able to tell from the pic's but i'm gonna try to find a better spot to take pic's where i don't look so washed out from how white i am haha. I think a lot of you will agree that when you see yourself everyday that you notice some things other people won't.

Can't wait to do some pull-ups tomorrow :D
The body is amazing.


Well-known member
yes its insane how much a person can change minute to minute.

did you watch the O?

Keep up the good work. sounds like upper body has improved. I think that is fantastic your writing down your calories, its just a habit I do and have done for a while. I look how my body looks and try not to get CAUGHT UP TOO MUCH IN NUMBERS. It matters most how the stomach looks in my opinion . Im not say stay ripped year round, just lean to leanish- no pudge hanging over when a polo shirt is tucked- thats my opinion
Dude yea it's nuts! Like Jay from pre-judging to Jay finals the next day perfect example. I saw some of the Pre-Judging and it was sick, they all have such sick shape to their physiques.

Thanks John i try to keep record of everything i do so i can always look back and see what happened when say i did this exercise vs another exercise or high calories vs low calories all that good stuff. I completely agree numbers tend to mess with your mind a lot, probably the only thing i measure now is my waist to make sure it isn't getting big. That's a really good way to approach it too, staying in reasonable BF has a lot of advantages too. What are your future plans for bodybuilding John?


Well-known member
Yea I took a deload around two months ago. Might be time for another. But I got a deload week scheduled for next week so I'll be okay I think.
Thanks for the advice!!!
Sounds like that's what you need! That's kind of what i'm going through right now, usually i can hit a lot more sets but i feel like i need to shorten my workouts for a while.
No prob! :D


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Dude yea it's nuts! Like Jay from pre-judging to Jay finals the next day perfect example. I saw some of the Pre-Judging and it was sick, they all have such sick shape to their physiques.

Thanks John i try to keep record of everything i do so i can always look back and see what happened when say i did this exercise vs another exercise or high calories vs low calories all that good stuff. I completely agree numbers tend to mess with your mind a lot, probably the only thing i measure now is my waist to make sure it isn't getting big. That's a really good way to approach it too, staying in reasonable BF has a lot of advantages too. What are your future plans for bodybuilding John?
I only saw the 202 class sadly. Hoping bb will post the heavy weights.

Flex looked amazing though. Definitely gonna be dominating that class soon.

I thought he should've won tbh lol.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Dude yea it's nuts! Like Jay from pre-judging to Jay finals the next day perfect example. I saw some of the Pre-Judging and it was sick, they all have such sick shape to their physiques.

Thanks John i try to keep record of everything i do so i can always look back and see what happened when say i did this exercise vs another exercise or high calories vs low calories all that good stuff. I completely agree numbers tend to mess with your mind a lot, probably the only thing i measure now is my waist to make sure it isn't getting big. That's a really good way to approach it too, staying in reasonable BF has a lot of advantages too. What are your future plans for bodybuilding John?
First get to the point where I can go heavier again. Next , maybe 2012 bodybuilding show. Can only push my body so long for so hard and I pushed it for years without backing off and it broke down. Lesson learnt though. Thanks for asking, its a pleasure being in your log and see you put on some nice size aka building your foundation


Well-known member
I only saw the 202 class sadly. Hoping bb will post the heavy weights.

Flex looked amazing though. Definitely gonna be dominating that class soon.

I thought he shouldn't won tbh lol.
Duuuude how the F**ck did kevin english win the 202??!?!?

Here's what i don't understand

Flex had him i seriously don't understand how he lost..


  • RockStar
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Duuuude how the F**ck did kevin english win the 202??!?!?

Here's what i don't understand

Flex had him i seriously don't understand how he lost..
Maybe they like the grainy and veiny look over the obvious choice...

Some ppl blame politics.


Well-known member
First get to the point where I can go heavier again. Next , maybe 2012 bodybuilding show. Can only push my body so long for so hard and I pushed it for years without backing off and it broke down. Lesson learnt though. Thanks for asking, its a pleasure being in your log and see you put on some nice size aka building your foundation
I can definitely learn from your words right there, can't wait to see how you progress till you compete man i'll definitely be following. Thanks for that i will continue to keep going at it as long as it takes to be where i want. Eating all this food is a workout in itself! LOL


Well-known member
Maybe they like the grainy and veiny look over the obvious choice...

Some ppl blame politics.
I honestly am starting to think that, i mean it's clear who the winner is right there. Flex's condition is as good or better than kevin's i mean look at his hamstrings/glute area it's SOOOO obvious. Like a slap in the face to the guy.. Hope it doesn't stay this way forever


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I honestly am starting to think that, i mean it's clear who the winner is right there. Flex's condition is as good or better than kevin's i mean look at his hamstrings/glute area it's SOOOO obvious. Like a slap in the face to the guy.. Hope it doesn't stay this way forever
Doubt it will. They have to give it to flex if he comes in this good next year.

I hope to be there next year. Watching of course. Depends. Wife is wondering if we should try for kids soon. If that happens no Olympia. But I'll be happier lol.


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Doubt it will. They have to give it to flex if he comes in this good next year.

I hope to be there next year. Watching of course. Depends. Wife is wondering if we should try for kids soon. If that happens no Olympia. But I'll be happier lol.
Oh man that's definitely more exciting than the olympia, do what makes you happy!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I agree I had Flex winning when i watched it. Bull**** in my opinion..I also had Dennis higher as well


  • RockStar
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I agree I had Flex winning when i watched it. Bull**** in my opinion..I also had Dennis higher as well
I dont really like Kai Greene's physique but yea. I think wolf came in pretty damn impressive this year.


Well-known member
I agree I had Flex winning when i watched it. Bull**** in my opinion..I also had Dennis higher as well
Yeah seriously wtf were the judges smoking, a lot of messed up placings. If muscletech really does run the olympia that pisses me off more than anything else.


  • RockStar
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Yeah seriously wtf were the judges smoking, a lot of messed up placings. If muscletech really does run the olympia that pisses me off more than anything else.
They definitely pay the most for it.

Probably that has great pull.

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