The Ment Diaries


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I'm still following you, man! I love reading this log


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Folks mentioned the 1mg of adex a day being a lot. Not the case for Trest. There's multiple documented cases of people needing 2.5mg of letro every day to manage estro sides.

Prolactin sides are also a problem for many. I'd recommend to anyone to have caber or prami on the shelf just in case. In my experience, which is only even oral trest, the prolactin sides can come at any time and quickly.
Really? Would you weigh that in with tren prolactin issues? Like more or less? That's a ton of adex, 2.5, I'm not saying it's not needed but damn. I'm gonna go with exemestane on my run, guess I'll grab a caber just in case. What levels would you suggest with those?

Sori OP I'm derailing it real fast.


I never pretend to know thing that I don't know. So I've gotta say I've never done tren so I have no idea.


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Come on guys where'd ya go? Had several talking about the side effects and concerns of what bloods might show. I got the results today guys, no comments or questions? I really enjoy interacting with you guys. I suppose I should post some other topics for more conversation about my number 1 love outside my family, BB and fitness/training.
Sorry brother I come in hard for a day or two then have to focus on school and family and stuff for a few days unless I get an urgent PM. I am definitely happy to hear your results are so great and very much appreciate a log of IM Trest as there are plenty oral-only logs, but injected information is harder to come by (I only hear a lot of mention of it from Tony Huge and Coach Trevor for very obvious reasons).

I'm curious how free test and SHBG both increased. I thought they were inversely correlated. Are you on hcg or anything other than your HRT, Trest, and ancillaries?

Really? Would you weigh that in with tren prolactin issues? Like more or less? That's a ton of adex, 2.5, I'm not saying it's not needed but damn. I'm gonna go with exemestane on my run, guess I'll grab a caber just in case. What levels would you suggest with those?

Sori OP I'm derailing it real fast.
I think we are still on topic. We have had the conversation all over the place so long as its on Trest haha. And no, the adex he has at 1mg Qday. I stated that I am aware of multiple folks who had to go up to Letro at the full clinical dose of 2.5mg Qday. That would be my AI of choice for Trest.

As for prolactin issues, it seems on par with what I have been told of tren (haven't yet run it myself). It also seems to vary wildly from person to person and can flare up at any time (even well into PCT).


New member
You said you made it to 200lbs. what was your starting weight?


Ok, guys the AI protocol I'm on is Arimidex at 1mg/ml a day of liquid form. I know I said this but seems to have been confused. As far as Trestolone Acetate aka Ment Acetate injectable form 100mg per 1ml in a 10ml vial is what I'm using. My dosage is 55-65mg a day. Most of the days closer to 55.


Now as far as estrogen and prolactin sides they can be quite large with most men. I'm simply thru my panels proof to me, iam genetically lucky I only have the estrodial rise to where this dose of arimidex is enough to take care of it and the prolactin effects I do not have but again this is not typicAl. I'm simply genetically fortunate. Now, back to present day. Day 50 guys. Oh and happy New year!!!!!


As far as body weight 50 days ago I was 181-183 Or so at 6-7% bf and now at day 50 I'm 200lbs and approximately 7-9%. Someone asked about body weight. As far as weight I don't go by that too much I go by more mirror and lean mass gains in mirror coupled with the strength gains in gym. Since we all know about the water weight gain.


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Was curious because I'm about to start the same cycle but I was going to inject 50mg mon-fri.


The exact cycle im on is 50-60mg of injectable Ment Acetate only. No, TESTOSTERONE, NO OTHER STEROIDS. Somehow, that got thrown in . I'm doin the ment only at previously mentioned dosage. 50-60 mg everyday along with the arimidex at dosage of 1ml a day. That's it. Bf % at start was more like 5-6% and now I'm at 6-8% . Bodyweight 50 days ago was 183lbs or so and now 200. The Body weight I only check one every 10 days or so I more by the mirror and obvious bf% change . As far as all the previously mentioned positive and negative sides they are all identical as they were a few days ago. So I have to say I love ment acetate. To say it bluntly. Also, ive purposely done only ment so I could accurately judge the sides and the results and can say they are from the ment without doubt.


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Sorry brother I come in hard for a day or two then have to focus on school and family and stuff for a few days unless I get an urgent PM. I am definitely happy to hear your results are so great and very much appreciate a log of IM Trest as there are plenty oral-only logs, but injected information is harder to come by (I only hear a lot of mention of it from Tony Huge and Coach Trevor for very obvious reasons).

I'm curious how free test and SHBG both increased. I thought they were inversely correlated. Are you on hcg or anything other than your HRT, Trest, and ancillaries?

I think we are still on topic. We have had the conversation all over the place so long as its on Trest haha. And no, the adex he has at 1mg Qday. I stated that I am aware of multiple folks who had to go up to Letro at the full clinical dose of 2.5mg Qday. That would be my AI of choice for Trest.

As for prolactin issues, it seems on par with what I have been told of tren (haven't yet run it myself). It also seems to vary wildly from person to person and can flare up at any time (even well into PCT).
You'd skip over adex and exemestane for letro? Again just curious why? I thought letro was for trying to eradicate gyno at first signs and was a bit over powered for most? (Sides?)

I'll be taking derma each day and oral PWO so I've gone ahead and picked up a prami and letro Just in case. Already got adex and exemestane. I have officially hit my spending limit for tho month as Trest is back in stock online. Hopefully I won't need anything else!

Also OP you're killing it! That weight gain is nuts! Have a ? Have you had issues with estrogen rebounding from adex before? I've heard you need to taper it down show and this is why I've been going exemestane. I was able to cease and no issues.


Sespress, as stated I have bloods panels from a few days ago while using 1ml a day of arimidex and my estrodial being done while using said dosage of Arimidex for the wholev50 days now. So that's why ive done what I've done with Arimidex this whole time. Prolactin and every other number has been normal so I'm not taking anything else as far as side effects. If you scroll up you'll see all info that I either know or don't know due to every 25 or so days blood panels or that you may need to know or that I know.stuff I haven't needed or never done I know nothing about..


Not sure if I'm explaining things correctly but if you just scroll up you'll see everything needed or that I have experience with. You'll see what's up if you read from beginning of the diary.


I'm only going to mention this once because literally every time I try to talk about it people say I'm pushing a person and or product or company even though in this case it would be over 60 posts about nothing even mentioning the legitimacy of this company. Enhanced Athlete ran by Tony Hughes is an absolute legit company not based on a random opinion but based of thousands of dollars and more then 15 purchases from them. Now as far as their over the top videos, yes I agree they are at times way over the top but as far as company totally legit. Through extensive personal experience . I'm sure someone will say something negative about The company itself next. Ill have to ignore it though because the next comment after that always ends up attempting to say I'm somehow promoting them. Even if only 2%, if that, of my overall 60 posts are not about them at all. I do agree as far as their videos they are on the extreme end though as far as dosage. As far as company though, they have been totally legit through extensive personal experience.


Really? Would you weigh that in with tren prolactin issues? Like more or less? That's a ton of adex, 2.5, I'm not saying it's not needed but damn. I'm gonna go with exemestane on my run, guess I'll grab a caber just in case. What levels would you suggest with those?

Sori OP I'm derailing it real fast.
Hex didn't say adex he said letro.


Well-known member
Sespress, as stated I have bloods panels from a few days ago while using 1ml a day of arimidex and my estrodial being done while using said dosage of Arimidex for the wholev50 days now. So that's why ive done what I've done with Arimidex this whole time. Prolactin and every other number has been normal so I'm not taking anything else as far as side effects. If you scroll up you'll see all info that I either know or don't know due to every 25 or so days blood panels or that you may need to know or that I know.stuff I haven't needed or never done I know nothing about..
No no I got you I mean after cessation of PCT with adex, you were good without tapering? I see the current numbers which look solid. I mean in the past after PCT was over and you cut the AI out, no issues, no issues but you tapered, no issues and cold turkey? I've heard on and on about rebound e from adex without tapering. So just curious.

I'm not really explaining myself right either sorry. Internet = confusion.


sespress talk to me through private message brother. This internet thing is unbelievably difficult brother.


Hey fdigioia99 talk to me through private brother. This way is proving to be really difficult.


Well-known member
Done. Lol sorry I'm posting all late night so I might be like way out there!


I've only done a total of 3 cycles. Including this one. The first 2 were only Test Cypionate of 400mg a week and 2nd was 600mg a week. There was no AI needed or any pct needed when i was done both because i stayed on 250mg a week of Test Cypionate, so I know nothing about that question sespress.


New member
I'll be using 100 mg test with mine and I'll have pharmacy AI so I'm hoping to get by with far less than a mg of arim each day lol that just blows my mind, even with the understanding that ment aromatizes heavily.


New member
I'll be using 100 mg test with mine and I'll have pharmacy AI so I'm hoping to get by with far less than a mg of arim each day lol that just blows my mind, even with the understanding that ment aromatizes heavily.


Wow brother, dose of 1mg of arimidex a day is low if using Ment Acetate injectable at 50mg a day. So I'd be really careful monitoring your blood levels of estrodial if your going to attempt that dose of arimidex.


@ Randallk21. Bro if your going to also be using 100mg of Test along with the Ment. So let's think critically about this, which I always encourage especially with AAS. Your going to be using two compounds that aromitize. One of which may be one of the most aromitizing compounds out there right now and your plan of action is to use Arimidex at 1mg a day. This is not a wise plan of action. I can feel your nipples leaking already. I am merely extremely genetically lucky in that I don't aromitize much. I'd say maybe 10-20% of people can get away with what I'm able to so like I've said I'm this diary do not try to do my exact cycle without a strong AI and have a strong prolactin drug on hand.


Ok fellas day 51 of The Ment Diaries coming at ya now! All positives are still holding at a steady rate. The appetite has finally leveled off thankfully. I'm at 7000 cals a day and even for a guy who gets every thing he eats made for him by his badass hott ass wife it was gonna be impossible to increase without having stomach issues and I won't live with that, I'm no pro and never will be or ever get a dime from lifting itself so the level of discomfort I'm willing to put up with on a constant basis for lifting is not that much. Luckily my stomach is damn good at eating and digestion and then empty out so i can fill up again with the coming meal 2 1/2 hrs later. The 2 negatives are holding steady as well. One being the increased but then taken care of estrodial increase is all good and found this out due to the bloods I got back less then a week ago. The second is the having me waking up 2 hrs before I normally would. This is still holding steady and still happening. I refuse to take sleep aids due to them making me feel drowsy until noon the next day. Can't have that and work plus I simply hate that feeling. I'll report again later this evening with leg day and if anything increased or any experiences during training today after work. Later guys and gals.


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My apologies; I thought you said somewhere you were running HRT from your doc as well.

Yes, I would go right to Letro for Trestolone of any application, but I would adjust the dose. Only side effects I had were joint issues and apathy when I had to mega dose it to get rid of the gyno. At maintenance dose, the emotional sides were gone and the joint issues were remedied by increasing my fish and krill oil supplementation. As a bonus, you look so dry and grainy on Letro. I loved all the water that came off my cheat-meal-loving ass (or more specifically off my back lol.)


New member
ragnarloth, you said yours was liquid so I'm assuming it's RC and under dosed. I also don't aromatize heavily. I truly think I can get by with 1-1.5 mgs a week of arimadex considering I'll be using pharm grade and I don't aromatize much.


Sounds good. No one knows you better then you. I just tend to be more cautious when dealing with unknowns. As is the case with what ment will do to you and unlike me nearly no one gets there bloods run once every 3 weeks or so that also changed my ability to catch things ultra quickly. Most people don't have bloods done that often to where they can throw caution to the wind like me.


New member
Yea I get them done 4 times a year and one will probably fall mid cycle. Been on TRT for 3 yrs so I can usually gauge where my estrogen is by feel at this point and I'm gonna grab prami for prolactin control.


That's awesome. With Ment prolactin and estro can, have and will jump randomly to a huge degree in a several day period which is why unless I was getting bloods or having the drugs on hand I wouldn't rely on my own bodily gauge. Especially when it comes to testosterone. I've taken 600 mg of Test for 16 weeks and never needed ai and my estro never rose. Not because I think it didn't but because I had bloods every 3 weeks. Yet with a Ment only cycle my estro jumped and I needed a AI to keep estro in check. To pretend I could gauge what my body will do when taking something I've never taken is well, let's say, quite presumptuous. Especially after extensive research telling me that this very thing can ans will most likely happen to me regardless of what's happened before to me. I never need ai while on my 250mg a week trt and I never needed it during my 16 week cycle of 600mg a week cycle. Yet I needed it with Ment. In addition, I felt nothing in terms of raised estro eaten yet when I got the blood test after only 12 days of taking the Ment only my estro was raised and then I incorporated my on hand AI. If it's not needed, great, God bless ya. However, to say I'll know without having one bit of experience with something that's at least 10 times and some say 20 times more aromitizing then testosterone would be, let's say, unwise. Same thing as if I told you I can handle a glock just fine and since I know this, I can say without doubt that I will also have no issue with a shotgun. Even though I've never even held one. What does anyone think a gun guy or shooting instructor would say to that? I think we all know what they'd say.


Alright day 52 guys. Leg day, quads dominant went pretty well yesterday. Squats went up 10 from last week. Leg press and leg held steady but I was able to get two more reps with same weight as last week. All the positives have held steady except 1. Aggression is increasing. Felt it around noon yesterday. Negatives still steady. Estrodial held in check thru same dose of arimidex and the up at 5am still going on. It 6 am now and I'm about to play an hour of ps4 with my new gun set up I got for Xmas for the next hour till I have to get ready for work. Today is chest day, I'll report what happens after w/o later on.


Sorry for gun analogy but I've just recently purchased and have been taught thru classes how to use, shoot and take apart and put back together a glock and a colt 45 . Classes were Xmas present. Wish the guns were the present lol. It's a expensive ass hobby I'll tell you that. However, besides the rush of a shot of water based testosterone I've never felt such a rush of awesomeness.


Hey guys just got to work a few mins ago and while driving in the disgusting rush hour I thought of telling some of you who may not know this stuff or not know of all of them that makes waiting places like the doctors waiting room or driving in rush hour much easier. There are many BB podcasts now. They are all free to listen to or download. All you need is a smart phone which of course probably 90% of us at least have by now. So I'm just gonna list them. Simply google them and you'll easily come up with their websites. Again, they are all free. Bodybuilding Nerds Radio, this pod is unfiltered as far as AAS use, discussion and info, 3 Questions with Tad the Diet Coach, These next two and two others are from Project which are also unfiltered as far as AAS talk, Muscle Podigy, All Bull Radio, Advices Radio yes Advices spelled like that, On there's 5 or 6 pods, Clinical Muscle, Advices Radio, Blood Sweat & Gear, Advices Stories, Beyond Driven Radio, PED : After Hours, Muscle Minds, all the pods from Advices Radio are all unfiltered as far as AAS discussion, education and fantastic information, next pod, The Size Game, another is Biodefined Radio, these next two are on, Central Bodybuilding and International Bodybuilding, International Bodybuilding which includes Geof Roberts a mere host and Lee Priest who is great live, he's totally unfiltered, both of those are also unfiltered as far as AAS talk. So there's a good amount for you guys.


Hey fellas, just fell upon due to subscribing to the YouTube channel it alerted it me of this. It's a fantastic 5 part video series of a John Meadows seminar. Unfiltered AAS talk and education during entire seminar. Even if you don't agree with or follow Johns training protocols, which I don't its still got tons and tons of great info. Just search Dave Tate on YouTube and you'll find his channel which is where the seminar is located. Click on uploads and it's from about 3 weeks ago.


Day 52 and a half I'll call this. Post chest day results. Was feeling super human after seeing my flat barbell bench and incline barbell bench both increase by 10lbs from last week, 7 days ago. Incline dumbell bench went up 2.5 lbs per dumbell and finally incline dumbell flys stated the same. So I was so hyped during all this in gym. Damn it was fkn awesome. Took 35g if dymatize hydrowhey isolate with 50 grams of Karbolyn as soon as I got in car afterwards. Gonna do another meal right now then one at 1230 b4 bed and talk to you guys tomorrow. Later guys.


Tummy filled with some good fats to slow the digestion of the protein and the complex carbs for overnight to last as long as possible till early morning upon waking fast protein and carbs consumption to begin the protein synthesis process again as quickly as possible.


Up again guys almost 5am on the dot. Gonna continue my binge watch of all the Netflix original marvel series. They are all connected which I wasn't aware of which makes them all the more awesome. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage so far I think that's all of them. Leg Day hamstring/calf dominant today guys. So far all positives of Ment are holding steady, besides aggression, that's been increasing microscopically by the day. Negatives estro and 5 am wake up are holding steady. My dose of arimidex is taking care of the estro. Another panel coming in 17 days or so. New seasons of Colony and Expanse are coming in the next 2 weeks. Walking Dead coming in about a month and a new wizard of oz series is coming on Friday. This is what we do fellas, binge watch tv, have dirty sex and lift. We are quite satisfied with this life. My wife is now benching 150lbs for 4 sets of 12. I love it. The girls fitness just stare at us as she's killing it and spotting me for advanced stuff like drop sets, super sets and rest pause stuff I'll throw in on.last set before we leave to have maximal blood pump before we leave. It's hilarious when we motivate each other cuz all these people think we are arguing. Cracks me up. Picture Dana Linn Bailey with implants that's my wife's physique and relative strength. I'd say my wife's bf% is probably 3-4 % higher then DLB's but hey Dlb is probably top 10% genetically on earth. I keep telling her if she did just 30 mins of fasted cardio everyday she could get there bf wise. The women seeing her dead lift while we're there their eyes widen like they just saw a alien or something. Ok first meal time guys then watch some tv then 2nd meal and drive to work. My weight oh yeah, since people are always so obsessed with that has gone up to 204lbs now. Started 53 days ago at 185 or so. I'd say at beginning I was 6-7% bf and now 8% bf. New dexasdexascan and blood panels coming in 17 days or so and I'll know for sure. Since all things have been in check in just curious to see if my cholesterol has held steady from the arimidex was fine last week from the panels. So I'm not too worried. Ok guys report after my w/o. Later guys.


About to drive in the disgusting rush hour guys. Another great thing about Ment is I'm killing it at work because I'm never tired, never got the 2pm crash, I'm just up and mentally energized big time all day getting major production. I'd say I've gotten about 35% more work done during last 53 days.


Ok guys day 53 in the books. Shoulder day was good. Main compounds went up 5lbs a piece. Standing barbell press, seated dumbell press. Lateral raises standing went up 5lbs a dumbell. Lastly peck deck rear flys for rear shoulders stayed the same. All positives holding steady including aggression which so far up till yesterday has been increasing. Negatives holding steady as well. Estrodial effects held in check with my Arimidex dose of 1.5mg a day. Sleepless after 5 am still happening as well. Weight still same as yesterday. Got Vikings and Incorporated DVR from last night to watch so I'll do that for next 2 hours. Good stuff. Pee break almost 6am. Vikings one of my favorite shows is getting better and better.Ragnars death was depressing last week. His crippled son though is a evil, tough dude. Hopefully you all are still following my journey of Ment Acetate only cycle.


I gotta tell you guys the Ment makes you feel like superman in all aspects of manhood. My wife has been telling me since about 17 days in that I'm a different, new guy, in a good way. She loves my extra energy to do stuff round the house for her like fixing **** and she loves getting laid like twice a day for the last month or so. Yesterday, while watching one of our shows I didn't just lay in bed with her and watch I watched and hung up two paintings we bought which she's been wanting hung for a while now. They are awesome one is a spray paint type of picture of Thor she loves him and of course I'm all about him. Can't be a MAN without loving Thor right. The other is a Michael Angelo type looking painting of superman. My favorite super hero and her nickname for me which is why she wanted it. Some kinda sentimental thing for her. I don't care as long as I was ok'ed to have a 5 foot by 5 foot painting of superman in the master bedroom. So that was fantastic seeing it up on the wall. My 11 yr old daughter calls me superdad as well so it's just all around awesome. Check this out, yesterday I was being sarcastic and was just trying to mess with her and I said those little yellow guys from discpicable me were real. Well she just flat out believed me and moved on to next sentence like i haf just told her apples are real. So i stopped her and said hun they arent real you actually believed me? Heres the great part. Her next sentence was," your my dad of course i believe you, you never lie." Is that awesome or what fellas?!? I had to get up say i had to go to bathroom and I cried a little. Hearing **** like that makes everything worth doing in life. Especially since she's now on the edge of liking and being kinda teenagerish but that stuff brings us back off the skeptical, yeah right dad kinda stuff. Like now she's listening to and liking some music stars that are shall we say over the top as far as the lyrics and the over the top sexy way they dress. For example, this group called 5th harmony. Group of chicks who dress waaaaay to sexy. At least for this dad and anything my daughter would be allowed to wear.


Active member
I enjoy this log more than the cut-and-dry updates most give. I like the stories that come with your updates.


I gotta tell you guys the Ment makes you feel like superman in all aspects of manhood. My wife has been telling me since about 17 days in that I'm a different, new guy, in a good way. She loves my extra energy to do stuff round the house for her like fixing **** and she loves getting laid like twice a day for the last month or so. Yesterday, while watching one of our shows I didn't just lay in bed with her and watch I watched and hung up two paintings we bought which she's been wanting hung for a while now. They are awesome one is a spray paint type of picture of Thor she loves him and of course I'm all about him. Can't be a MAN without loving Thor right. The other is a Michael Angelo type looking painting of superman. My favorite super hero and her nickname for me which is why she wanted it. Some kinda sentimental thing for her. I don't care as long as I was ok'ed to have a 5 foot by 5 foot painting of superman in the master bedroom. So that was fantastic seeing it up on the wall. My 11 yr old daughter calls me superdad as well so it's just all around awesome. Check this out, yesterday I was being sarcastic and was just trying to mess with her and I said those little yellow guys from discpicable me were real. Well she just flat out believed me and moved on to next sentence like i haf just told her apples are real. So i stopped her and said hun they arent real you actually believed me? Heres the great part. Her next sentence was," your my dad of course i believe you, you never lie." Is that awesome or what fellas?!? I had to get up say i had to go to bathroom and I cried a little. Hearing **** like that makes everything worth doing in life. Especially since she's now on the edge of liking and being kinda teenagerish but that stuff brings us back off the skeptical, yeah right dad kinda stuff. Like now she's listening to and liking some music stars that are shall we say over the top as far as the lyrics and the over the top sexy way they dress. For example, this group called 5th harmony. Group of chicks who dress waaaaay to sexy. At least for this dad and anything my daughter would be allowed to wear. Alright guys driving to work and texting in rush hour not fun so I'm gonna put on a BB podcast and drive. Later guys.


Thanks brother. I've seen other logs and it's just a bunch of numbers. When I write in forums or FB or all this internet stuff I type like I'd talk . I've heard from some they don't like it. They want just all these numbers then move on. I can't or wont ever talk like that so ill never type or post like that. Just not how iam programmed.


Day 54 in the books guys. Leg day, hamstring and calf dominant w/o yesterday. I know I'm getting stronger in the lifts but since honestly and stupidly I kinda ignore this day I have no idea by how much. I wish Ment Acetate changes genetics because my quads and glutes and calfscalf are genetically good but since that's the case it makes the lacking hamstrings look even more lacking. All the positives and negatives of Ment are holding steady. Oh except one, aggression which I had thought leveled off but I was wrong its still increasing. I like it though. A Lot. So does the wife. She's an old school female where she's attracted to alpha males. Work, provide, come home for dinner cooked . Yea what used to be the definition of men. Now your labeled massogonist if you have that opinion or are that guy. So sad. Different rant though. Today is arm day. Bi' s and Tri's. Can't wait to do my weighted dips today. I do the weight belt with the chains with a couple plates hanging. It's so alpha. I love it. I'll report after about weights on the big compounds. Later guys.


New batch of 200 syringes and needles arrived right on time guys. I tell ya if you need just needles or syringes or both you get 100 for 20 $ and 4 days later they are at your door it's great.


New member
New batch of 200 syringes and needles arrived right on time guys. I tell ya if you need just needles or syringes or both you get 100 for 20 $ and 4 days later they are at your door it's great.
Always been sketched out about buying off the internet for sanitary reasons lol ever had any problems?


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Always been sketched out about buying off the internet for sanitary reasons lol ever had any problems?
I haven't had issues, I've bought online twice (possibly from the same place he's bought from) and they come individually wrapped and then all of them (how every many you buy) come wrapped in a sealed plastic bag which is inside the box.


No, not with the specific 2 sources that I use for this cycles stuff. These are absolutely awesome.


Alright, say 55 and 56 guys! What's up! Haven't heard from anyone today on here not on the dairy at least. Got back from gym about an hour ago. Today was leg day, hammy, calf and glutes day. So a relatively lighter day compared to my other leg day and back day. Before I get into the same old, boring this and that went up or stayed steady stuff I usually report, I need to say something or vent shall I say.


I got into my first ever physical altercation since being quote big. When I started almost 6 yrs ago I was sickly 148lbs due to being a hardcore drug addict until 21 yes last 6 months of addiction I was the homeless, crackhouse staying, couple prison stints type of addict. Got clean though at 21 and have been clean since and I'm 37 now. Since im extreme ectomorph i stayed at 148 or so even though i went back to eating normal. So, 6 yrs ago looked in.mirror and was tired of being skinny and started training and here we are.

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