TEST E AND EQ----First cycle log



day 21 workout:

workout went great......started with the usual wide grip chins. i focused more on squeezing the back instead of doing them for reps. after the first set i had a massive pump in my forearms. to get a pump like i did, it usually takes me 3-4 sets.....

forearm strength is going up as well. i could grip 315 for deadlifts for 10 no problem this time. last time my grip failed at 8.....lower back pumps are becoming a problem after deadlifts mostly. does the test e and EQ cause this? or is it just from the promagnon?

also, my leg feels great now....now i can really focus on my training and not have to worry about if i can train legs lol....

its going good guys, this is going to be a good cycle!
Jim Mills

Jim Mills

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Wish me luck with the pain roid, I just injected my first 250mg Test-E into my quad. He,he :saroll:

Glad to hear things are going better for you.
Jim Mills

Jim Mills

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oooo i will wish you luck! is it your first IM cycle?
I tried a cycle of sustaplex 325 about 6 months ago, but couldn't handle the pain... I did my first injection of test-e about 8 hours ago and feel no pain at all... Looks like this will be my first!


alright.....day 22....iam down to 207 pounds. so i guess it was water weight i was holding on to.

i trained my chest today and it was a solid workout. weights are feeling lighter, more controlled reps and bigger pumps. it felt like my chest was going to rip open!....

i dont train with really heavy weights. your muscles dont know if you are using a 100lb dumbell or a 25lb dumbell, just as long you "work" the muscle in a controlled fashion and using great form you will get great results without the injuries like most ppl get from horrible form. so my point being, is that i dont think there will be MAJOR strength increases (i train for size not strength. iam not a powerlifter, iam a bodybuilder) during this cycle. i just thought id let you guys know that, for you guys looking for crazy strength gains. but dont get me wrong there will be some awsome strength gains, but more of it will be SIZE gains! oooohh ya!


You train like me man, I go as heavy as I can but I wont sacrifice form :)


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Pff you guys are all crazy. Heavy weight is where its at :moon:

Jk man. Good gains already keep up the hard work.


day 23: off day

pinned my right quad right when i woke up. the pin went perfect.

heating up the oil under some hot water really helps when aspirating and injecting. if any of you have not tried it, you should give it a try, it makes a big difference.

weighed in at 207lb......still looking full and vascular all day....feel great mentally too.

i might go to the gym and train some calves/forearms......i just hate off days and i wan to lift some weights lol


New member
I agree on the lighter weights. I find that i put bulk on better when I use lighter weights and use correct form for a set of usually 12 reps.. last 3 being very painful. gives the muscle an amazing pump and gets me ready for flushing at the end.

Gotta love the EQ! i ran it last cycle and i prefer it to Deca hands down! major vascularity and the hunger was ridiculous... had to eat every hour and split my usual 6 meals into about 12 to stop myself over eating and gaining too much fat!

on the pain from pinning front, On my first cycle i got pain for a a few pins, but got used to it and it didnt hurt. the only AAS that consistently gave me jip was Tren Ace... evry jab was painful and i felt like i had DOMS from a severe workout! after rotating that b@stard around a few injection sites i ended up having to just train through the pain lol....

too much alcohol in the oil i think... my EQ didnt hurt at all though.

cycle sounds good pal, kepe up the good work.. and cut those cheeseburgers out, damn macky d's!


haha thanks for the input shaw!...... question for you tho: when did you really notice the effects from the EQ? i might be seeing some now but maybe its from the promagnon....?

haha and ya the mcdicks, i dont usually do that. i was out for a while and i ran out of food a brought with me, so i stopped in and had a few dirty burgers. crappy ood is better then no food in my books! lol
Jim Mills

Jim Mills

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Roid, How's everything going... Pain is all set?... Your almost going into week 4.... You should start seeing some real good gains..

I got to tell you guys something funny... When I got my test-e in the mail yesterday, I was excited to do my first injection... Not thinking how cold it is here in New England... I wasn't thinking right and got everything prepped.... Tried to draw up into my 23g needle and the stuff didn't budge.... Then it came to me, the stuff is to cold He,he.... I put the amp under hot water for a minute or two and everything went smooth... The day after and no pain at all.


haha yeah must be pretty cold over there huh.....ya that hot water trick works great! but thats good to hear that you have no pain at all!

train hard buddy!


day 24: 207 pounds......shoulder train.....

awsome shoulder workout.....had one of those painful pumps in my shoulders again especially in my rear delts! it was insane.....

another thing to mention is my sex drive.....holy eff son....i need to find me a girl...pronto.....

other then that...cycle is going great......tommorow is big arm day...time to wear the ANIMAL PAK XXL shirt...time to lift some weight!


ok, day 25: 207lbs......first day bumping the promagnon-25 to 75mg/day (3 tabs)....i will run out of promagnon this monday and now hopfully the test E will start to kick in some more and my strength and size will rise!

its big arm day today, and im going to hit up the gym in about a hour. maybe i can curl those 70's today who knows? or the 65's for 12 this time.

i will update shortly after i get home
Jim Mills

Jim Mills

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Roid or anyone, quick question..... I've been using a 23g needle to draw from my amps and it's very thick oil, kind of slow drawing.... Also I use a 25g needle to inject and that also goes very slow and I need to put a lot of pressure on the plunger when doing.... I also heat the oil in the amp to make it draw better.... Maybe I'm not heating enough, or is this normal?... Anyway, 2nd injection today and pain free.


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Roid or anyone, quick question..... I've been using a 23g needle to draw from my amps and it's very thick oil, kind of slow drawing.... Also I use a 25g needle to inject and that also goes very slow and I need to put a lot of pressure on the plunger when doing.... I also heat the oil in the amp to make it draw better.... Maybe I'm not heating enough, or is this normal?... Anyway, 2nd injection today and pain free.
Use a 18gauge to draw it or at least bigger than 23. I have used 23 before for injects so step the size up and it should work out better.
Jim Mills

Jim Mills

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Use a 18gauge to draw it or at least bigger than 23. I have used 23 before for injects so step the size up and it should work out better.
Thanks, I'll get some 18's for drawing and use my 23's to inject.... I thought I could get away with the 25's but I guess not.


i dont know about using a 18g to draw....if you are using amps then its fine but if your using a bottle with a stopper, the 18g could damage the stopper.....i dident risk it, so i draw with a 23g and inject with a 23g. but my gear is pretty smooth, takes about 30-45 seconds to draw and 1-1.5 mins to inject (i pursposly go slower for less pain)


alright just got back from my biceps and tricep workout......

i curled those 70's for a solid 5+2 reps.....and the 65's i got a somewhat hard 10 (i could do 12).....got a massive pump in both my biceps and triceps.....strength is deff going up for triceps as well.

im going to take my 3rd dose of promagnon in about 2 hours or so.

cycle is going great, i thought i could never curl those 70's this fast, who knows maybe ill be curling 80's for reps near the end of the cycle! i just gotta eat my ass off and train like an animal...
Jim Mills

Jim Mills

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i dont know about using a 18g to draw....if you are using amps then its fine but if your using a bottle with a stopper, the 18g could damage the stopper.....i dident risk it, so i draw with a 23g and inject with a 23g. but my gear is pretty smooth, takes about 30-45 seconds to draw and 1-1.5 mins to inject (i pursposly go slower for less pain)
Ok that sounds good.... Takes me about the same time.... It take me about 45-60 sec to draw... I also inject slow but using a 25g about 1 min....

Glad to hear your curls are going up.... 80's on their way.:dance:


day 26: 208lbs

just got back from training legs, it was a good workout. i dident go as heavy today, i wanted more volume and higher reps to switch it up a little.....so instead on doing 315 for 10 i did 295 for 12. then after i did some walking lunges with a pair of 75lb bells, then a few sets of rep outs on the extension.....then the usual hamstrings after.

maybe the test is kicking in, looking pretty full in my upper body, even when i just finished legs (most of the blood is in my legs not my upper body) and i actually looked really full. so maybe its the 75mg of promag or the test, who knows.....i will find out once im done my promagnon on monday!


day 27: off day......207lbs

nothing really to report, did not train today.

last night my diet was not spot on. i went to a club for a b-day so i had to bring in some protein bars. i got some pretty bad looks haha.....i decided to show some skin at the club and i got a few compliments. very vascular as well (club was pretty hot). so i felt pretty good.

other then that, im going enjoy my self a nice big steak in a bit and heal up my muscles for tommorow...back day!


day 28: 208lbs......back day

back day went pretty good....i went a little bit heavier on somethings and still got a good pump. for now on im going to do deadlifts everyother week, due to the back pumps i get.

also, im going to start training traps twice a week. once on back day and the other on shoulder day. back day will be heavy shrugs and shoulders will consist of higher volume set shrugs. due to the fact i have weak traps for the proportions of my body.. so i started doing that today and see how it goes.

well, im now done promagnon :( .....lets see if the test can keep the gains!

tommorow is back day and im going to try some heavy weight to see where my one rep max is for flat bench...first im going to try for 295 then hopfully i can get 315 (havent tried one rep max since gr.11 haha). see what happens tommorow.....


Have you noticed much of a difference in your physical size overall so far?


yeah, i have....i have noticed it my self...and have been getting comments from close friends that see me every week........then some ppl that havent seen me at the gym since i started the cycle come up to me and say "wtf are you on?" haha....

so something is working in this cycle haha....now i just have to wait for the test to bring me to new levels in the next 11 weeks!


just got back from working chest......


so i decided i would do my 1 rep max today for chest......i thought i would MAYBE get 315 for one rep....... so i tried for 295 first and got a easy rep. then i went for 315, and i got 3 reps!!! im pretty happy about that, under estimated my self on that one......so i guess i could rep out 275 for 8.....yeah im stoked lol

strongest i have ever been...even when i was on 20mg of m1t at 220 pounds i couldent get 275 for 5.....

off day tommorow..time to grow!
Jim Mills

Jim Mills

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Glad to see things are going good bro!.... Just don't over do it and hurt yourself :frustrate That would suck in the middle of a cycle..... I'm 8 days into mine and up 5 lbs as of this morning.... M1T gains I would say... I also tried the 23g pin and worked fine.... Just didn't like the tearing feel as I was injecting. Just seemed wrong :pat:


tearing feeling when you were injecting? hmmmm that doesnt sound right....but hey 5 pounds in 8 days is great! keep it up......

day 30: weight gain is the same around 207lbs.

day off from the gym today. give my body a good rest after pushing that 315 lol.

im going to train shoulders tommorow. im going to switch it up to behind the head barbell press first instead of doing smith machine press. (keep my body guessing)

also, i injected my quad again...i just cant reach around and pin my glute (not that flexible). so when i have my friend around he can do it for me so i can give my quads a break.
Jim Mills

Jim Mills

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tearing feeling when you were injecting? hmmmm that doesnt sound right....but hey 5 pounds in 8 days is great! keep it up......
The tearing feeling when pushing the pin in... Feels like it's scraping on the way through the muscle.


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Hmmm, I think your right... Probably when I was doing my Sustaplex last cycle.

im on my second cycle and ive already experienced what u described. must have pinned the exact same spot before. doesnt hurt, just a weird feeling/sound


day 32: 209lbs.....trained shoulders today

just got back from the gym, and it was a pretty intense workout...i dropped the rest period between sets down to 45-60 seconds, to up the intensity.......and those serious shoulder pumps are still there, so painful lol...

no side effects to report, except some very mild pimples on my back.....no gyno, the liquidex is obviously doing some good! witch reminds me i gotta take it right now (eeeeewwwwwww).......

for the next 2 weeks or so im going to start eating alot more carbs at night to help me keep the weight i gained from the promagnon. because im not sure if the test has kicked in...iam just paranoid to lose my strength and weight i gained....

hopfully this test will kick in soon so ill be a beast at the gym in no time.


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Well you've already put on some solid weight, i'm guessing your gains are pretty lean because you're low enough bodyfat to really notice if any of it is fat. Nice on curling 70's, i love curling heavy dumbells lol, you get tons of looks.

About the bench yeah man you are way stronger than 315x1, nice job pushing out a triple. Repping 315 on bench is a milestone for sure.

I'm jealous of your vascularity, are you gonna put some progress pics up?


thanks unreal for the input!......i donno, i might put up a few pics..i just dont feel good about doing it....ill think about it for sure tho

also i might end the cycle with some more promagnon (last 3 weeks maybe)....promagnon is by far the best oral i have ever taken..super dry lean mass and it got me pretty strong and the best part i dident get one side effect from it....but we will see


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Don't use the same needle to draw and inject.
x2 on this hes right always switch needles.... WHY not its just a couple extra cents and its easier buy the pinz with the 20g already on it to draw and buy 25's or 23's whatever floats your boat to inject. simple and safe.


New member
i dont train with really heavy weights. your muscles dont know if you are using a 100lb dumbell or a 25lb dumbell, just as long you "work" the muscle in a controlled fashion and using great form you will get great results without the injuries like most ppl get from horrible form. so my point being, is that i dont think there will be MAJOR strength increases (i train for size not strength. iam not a powerlifter, iam a bodybuilder) during this cycle.

why are you maxing out if u clearly stated here that you dont train for strength but rather for size? thats a good way to get yourself hurt and completely ruin your cycle. dont get me wrong, im all about using the heaviest possible weight, but if it's not something that YOU normally do, i wouldn't start now. muscles strengthen faster than ligaments and tendons. just something to keep in mind


thanks for the input, but i havent done a one rep max for anything in over 3 years. i just wanted to see where iam at. its not like i do this all the time.

day 34: 208lbs

i trained biceps and triceps yesterday and it was a solid workout. iam still holding my strength i got from the promag etc...

i just just got back from training my legs and it was a very solid workout....last week when i trained legs i failed half way through my set doing lunges with 75 pound bells. this week i used 80's and made it all the way through! its either im trying harder to keep my strength or some test is kicking in..

no side effects to report.

the only thing i have noticed since i quit the promagnon is the fullness i had. dont get me wrong, iam still full but not as full....when i was on the promag it seemed i was leaner in the arms and a lil more vascular......but hey, iam still full as hell! atleast the strength is still there!


day 36: 209lbs......

muscles are feeling full as can be. its just like iam on promagnon again....something is going on here :)

just got back from training back. it was a strong workout. i felt explosive, strong, and pumped the whole workout...dead lift was not up any reps (315 for 10)....but i got a big pump after doing some hammer strength rows (i have never got a pump like that in my lats in a long time).

my friend is also feeling good....he said he is feeling great mentally as well...

things are going good guys!


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great to hear roid! keep up the hard work, it looks like ur finally putting some weight on

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