Pre-workouts and poo


i keep reading that so many people get the runs from taking PWO's like superpump, NO xplode and jack3d.
whats the deal with this? are these people just eating stuff that will shoot through you? or is it something thats in the formula? if so then why havent that fixed it?

im not asking for too much am i?


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magnesium causes that. some people it's not big deal but for others it's an instant poop maker. if you look at laxatives it has the same ingredient.


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Jacked really has no magnesium in it. I used just about all Pre workouts out there, Jacked being by far my favorite. I have to take a dump halfway working out with superpump, same with Nano Vpor.


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the best suggestion I can give you is to try them all out. Everyone has their "sleeper" favorites. For example, I like TRAC Extreme NO. But every time someone else tries it, they are pooping so often they can't even type LOL :D

I also like Axis SMASH. I can't think of anyone that ever had any GI issues with it off hand.


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magnesium causes that. some people it's not big deal but for others it's an instant poop maker. if you look at laxatives it has the same ingredient.
which is exactly why sp250 generally has people destroying toilets.. never heard of this happening with jack3d though...
sp250- 350mg magnesium
jack3d- 0mg magnesium

right in jack3d's description


The leading Pre-workout Pump products are LOADED with Magnesium.

Now, we need magnesium for a lot of reasons, but more is NOT better & can have serious side effects and health risks. Here are some magnesium facts:

* National Academy of Sciences has set the upper tolerable limit of magnesium for adults at 350mg/day – that's equivalent to just one scoop of most products.
* Magnesium is also used as a filler - 3.5 grams each scoop is compromised from the Magnesium.
* Magnesium at high doses is used therapeutically as a laxative.
* The high Magnesium in this product is the reason people get the runs, not because of the stimulant effect.

How many times do we have to read about guys having to leave their workouts - or missing their workouts entirely - because they were stuck in the bathroom? Why take a product that is supposed to get you pumped for the gym when it will cause you to have to skip the gym? It's the magnesium that's causing this, NOT the stimulants. Jack3d contains no magnesium, so there's no issues."

so basically you dont gotta worry about the runs with jack3d.. unless your really sensitive


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I think some of it may have to do with whether you take them on a completely empty stomach or not. I ONCE took JP8 in the morning before a workout w/o breakfast b/c I was running really late. The second I pulled into the lot at the gym I hurled it all up. Never had that problem once if I had a breakfast a good hour beforehand. As far as the poops go...I know magnesium could play a role. The first 3 days I was taking Poseidon I had the runs like no other.


Super Pump 250 always made me ralph...Dark Rage from MHP obliterates my bowels.


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I think some of it may have to do with whether you take them on a completely empty stomach or not. I ONCE took JP8 in the morning before a workout w/o breakfast b/c I was running really late. The second I pulled into the lot at the gym I hurled it all up. Never had that problem once if I had a breakfast a good hour beforehand. As far as the poops go...I know magnesium could play a role. The first 3 days I was taking Poseidon I had the runs like no other.
Same deal here. If I'm on an empty stomach most preworkout supps just flow right back out, but even a small meal prevents the problem.


yeah, jack3d doesnt i heard of some guy here who had red poo from it though XD

i suppose i could just not take magnesium when i take ZMA if im going to use a PWO.

having never taken a PWO before i didnt really want to start on something as powerful as jack3d, but i suppose its how much you take.


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yeah, jack3d doesnt i heard of some guy here who had red poo from it though XD

i suppose i could just not take magnesium when i take ZMA if im going to use a PWO.

having never taken a PWO before i didnt really want to start on something as powerful as jack3d, but i suppose its how much you take.
I've never...not once...heard of anyone having stomach problems from ZMA. I think the pre-wo's have much more magnesium in them than the ZMA. The problem is the Pre-wo...not the ZMA. Eat beforehand, about an hour, even something small. That could really help. And IF it IS the magnesium, your body should adjust after a few days and you'll be fine.


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I get the occational birth-like dump when taking a pre-workout.


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i keep reading that so many people get the runs from taking PWO's like superpump, NO xplode and jack3d.
whats the deal with this? are these people just eating stuff that will shoot through you? or is it something thats in the formula? if so then why havent that fixed it?

im not asking for too much am i?
should probably sstick with something low magnesium then like Pre Max from PP its only 63mg


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Caffeine and NO products like Arginine etc can do it to you also. Of course it these things vary from people to people. Nicotine for example can do it as well, which is why lot of people feel the need to crap after they smoke or put a dip in, especially in the morning.


I believe Gaspari lowered the dosage of Magnesium in each scoop a while ago. I've never gotten the runs from a pre-workout supplement, but I've had to use the toilet quickly after taking them sometimes, but i've only had this happen with the more complicated one's such as Superpump and NO shotgun. Never had any problems with Jack3d.
I've tried probably too many preworkout powders.
Chocolate milk, a vitamin, GPLC and some caffiene tabs if you want them have worked the best for me, no sickness to the stomach or needing to go to the bathroom. plus increased Protein synthesis and good workouts.


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ok this is why.. Magnesium def plays a roll.. It absorbs the water in the colon, making you have "runs".. Also even if the creatine PWO doesnt have much mag in it it still has making you have gas and making you doo doo because its vasodilates (expands) the pores. If you see you physical changes when taking creatine think wat its doing inside you. Also dilating the stomach pores relaxing them, thus making the bowel muscles relax and making you do the dirty in the BR..


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Everybodies body absorbs nutritient in a different way. Example: some people can't drink milk, eat gluten, eat peanuts...blah blah. All pwo drinks have different combination of chemicals that cause a reaction to different peopls body. Know your bodytype, bloodtype and your set, if not your body will not absorb the pwo drink as it should, you will get the shakes, runs, bloated...etc. I myself take a lactaid pill before drinking no shotgun, if i dont, the gold's gym bathroom will need some assistance. Its all about science and how your body responds. If your body can't digest something, how do you expect to get the benefits?


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In addition to caffeine and magnesium, many also contain sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda). While this can have some ergogenic effects in and of itself, it gives the fizz to most products and can cause some GI distress.


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im also considering adding N2KTS to my pre max to spice up my energy a lil more ill keep yall posted

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