mpkonig's Anabolic Damage Control Log (AP, DCP and more)



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Kinda like Rocky training to fight the russian....find logs and crap to pick up...hehe wish i had a good chunk of woods nearby wear i could take my axe and chop trees all day (and if ya havent done it, chopping tree's down and chopping wood is an awsome all around exercise)


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I chop down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lava-t'ry

Looking good MP


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Day 7

30 minutes fasted bedroom cardio

45 min fasted cardio (on eliptical)

will have 30 minutes cardio in afternoon before work and hopefully 30 minutes after work

will be posting new workout routine and dosing schedule either later tonight or tomorrow.

Will also have Weight and Measurements tomorrow.

Not gonna be too stressed on the weight part. I know alot of people stay at the same weight or even gain some because of either Water retention (which im especially prone too) or other reasons (lbm gains etc.)

Thoughts: Well...its been a week already and i see leaning in my face, shoulders and some chest and also in my legs (i lose weight for some reason from head to shoulders/chest and from feet to hips first, the midsection, which is the worst part, always comes last. :( )

Hopefully, since alot of these supps take a week or so to build to their full potential, these following weeks will be even better (especially with new dosing scheme and workout regimen)


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OK.....Tomorrow starts a new week and a new workout regimen and dosing schedule. It will go as follows


Monday: Arms
Tuesday: Back
Wensday: Chest
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Trunk and Legs (hate doing them i put them together :) )
Saturday: Cardio Cardio Cardio
Sunday: REST

Following Each workout will be 20 minutes of HIIT Cardio.

45 min to 1 hour of slow fasted Cardio will be done in the mornings (Mon thru Sat).


Will be changing up a little bit of the dosing. It will go something like this:

Morning (pre-Breakfast 30 min before cardio)
2 Camph
2 Dicana
1 Yohimbine HCL

1 Adam Multi

Lunch (Pre-workout meal 45min to 1 hour before Workout)
2 Dicana
2 Camph
1 Yohimbine HCL
1 AP

Post Workout:
1 AP 15 min before Post workout meal

2 Dicana
1 Yohimbine HCL
1 Adam Multi
1 AP

Bedtime: (1 hour before bed)
2 Camph
1 Yohimbine HCL

(found a bottle of REM with just enough to dose 2 before bed during the week and 1 before bed on sat and sun. Will be doing this for rest of this stack (3 weeks)

For the most part...the big changes is an added dose of Camph at lunch and an Added dose of Yohimbine at Bedtime along with Rem. Also changed the way i dosed AP so that i take one Pre workout and post workout. Figure this would be the best way to dose it and have be put to good use.

With the workouts, i find it easier and more effective for me to do one group at a time. It will also cut down on time instead of rushing to get everything done..i can do 3 or 4 exercises per Group (i.e. 3 bicep exercises, 3 tricep, 3 forearm, etc.)

Tomorrow will be measurements and weight.


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Measurement Time!!!!

I was kinda suprised at the results cause i had to double take a few measurements again to make sure i was seeing it right.

Here are the stats with +/-

Weight 290 (-2lbs)

Left Bicep: 18 1/2 (+1/2)
Right Bicep: 18 3/4 (+1/2)
Left Forearm: 15 1/2 (+1/2)
Right Forearm: 16 (+1 inch..whoa)
Left Thigh: 29 1/4 (- 1 1/4)
Right Thigh: 29 1/2 (+ 1)
Left Calf: 19 (unchanged)
Right Calf: 19 1/4 (- 1/2)
Waist: 47 (- 1 inch..woohoo!)
Chest: 21 (-2 1/2?? ) (armpit to armpit just behind muscle)
Back cirumferance: 53 1/4 (+1/4) seems that what i am doing is being successful. I see myself leaning out and also getting a little bigger and the measurements seem to prove that. I was suprised about the forearm, thigh and chest measurement. I double checked all 3 and it seems that i really did lose and gain that much on those groups... but that also proves the theory of me losing weight from head to chest first. And an Inch off my waist was awsome, even though i did have 1 or 2 cheat meals this weekend (pizza and lasanga....i cant resist sometimes) but i kept it to a minimum and just had a little to quell the craving. This Week will be even more strict as now im on my full routine and will stay on this for the rest of the cycle/contest (at least the Workout plan, supps will change after 4th week).

I still seem to be holding on to a little bit of water still, and im guessing that will be the case as long as i use the DCP.
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Chest 21?


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Day 8 End

Well...had one hell of an arm workout today. i worked out at 130 and my arms are feeling and looking HUGE at 1045. feel good and i look foward to the rest of this week.

everything is going good..nothing odd to report. Heat seems to have subsided just a little bit...but it is still pretty prominent.


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Your log is quickly becoming one of my favorites.


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just to give you a little boost, i've been stacking ap+dcp+trimax for the last 7 days, and i'm down 10 1/2 lbs as of this morning. (the only cardio i do is a two miles at 12mph on the treadmill after my workout.) best of luck and keep on going.


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just to give you a little boost, i've been stacking ap+dcp+trimax for the last 7 days, and i'm down 10 1/2 lbs as of this morning. (the only cardio i do is a two miles at 12mph on the treadmill after my workout.) best of luck and keep on going.
10 1/2 lbs in 7 days...damn...i cant get loss like that unless im on a ketosis diet. Im not familiar with Trimax though. what is it?


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Day 9

45 min fasted Cardio

Today was back and i realized that i dont have that many items to do back i did most of the workout on the bowflex...did mostly rows and lat pulldowns and some lower back stuff (not too much do to 2 herniated discs) have to plan my back days better from now on...i did about an hour worth of exercises though...but felt i fell a little short today.

(HIIT cardio sucks if your not used to doing it :))

Thoughts: Everything is going well....good energy and the heat is still there.

Funny thing happened, my girlfriend walked in while i was typing this up and gave me a hug and kiss and was like "oh my god honey, your burning up, are you alright?!?!?" i was like...i feel fine, at least i know the supplements are workign the way they should be. So i definetely know that my body is just adjusting to the heat and the heat isnt really going away.

Did have 3 small pieces of pizza tonight but i had my whole dinner stack before i ate so i should be ok.....i just got done working out at 330ish and we ate around 430 and i didnt really have too many carbsafter working out, maybe like 14 to 20 at the most. ill just let the DCP and AP and the rest of the stack do its job.


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Just a few added notes:

Still pissing like a racehorse. I get up at least 2 to 3 times a night to let a 2 minute piss go.

My Biceps are STILL feeling full from yesterdays workout and are sore as hell (very hard to get my biceps sore for some reason) so that is REALLY good news

And im looking leaner in the mirror almost every day it seems. could be just my mind, but my girlfriend has made comments the last 3 days about me getting smaller each day. Maybe that whole thing about taking supps for a week or so to start seeing maximum benefits actually is true??? seems like it.

Thats all for today, report back tomorrow


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10 1/2 lbs in 7 days...damn...i cant get loss like that unless im on a ketosis diet. Im not familiar with Trimax though. what is it?

Trimax is the named CNW released tiratricol under, and if Dicana produces similar results, you'll start to really notice the recomp around the 3rd-4th week if your diet/routine is on key. I don't know anyone else that looses weight like i do... not one person that i've told my story to has believed me other than my brother (he was my gym partner for a year.) I originally went from 320lbs - 218lbs in 5-6 months and kept it off for over a year. Now i'm just back to hitting the gym after not doing anything other than eating fast food for 1 year (girlfriends... blah,) and plan on dropping to 200lbs. And for reference, I was 294 last monday and as of today, I'm 283.5. I also plan on posting a photo log after its completed, along with videos to upset the meatheads that post 150lb dumbell videos, know that i mean?)


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Day 10

45 minutes Fasted Cardio

Today was chest day and everything went well.

Thoughts: My biceps (actually, my forearms and tri's too) are STILL sore and full feeling 2 days after my arm workout and even though i didnt feel i got a good workout on my back yesterday, it is a little sore and full feeling. Chest is also feeling full and will probably be sore tomorrow.

There has been speculation that DCP and/or AP is helping people gain LBM while maintaining or even losing weight. I find this Speculation to not be so far fetched. i definetely look and feel bigger than when i first started, and i do seem to be leaning out.

Also juggling with the idea of switching to a Low Carb diet next week and cut back on the AP. Anyone have any idea how i should do this?? i was talking on another thread and Unlikelytoad (i think that is his handle) says he only uses AP on his refeed days. i was also thinking that maybe i could use it maybe just on pre or post workout?? Which one would be more beneficial, Pre or post workout?? I just feel i can stick to a low carb diet better than a more balanced diet for the main fact that i get craving when i eat carbs and then i think i can snack on this or that and be fine, but when im on the low carb diet, i know what i can and cant eat and i stick to it alot stricter.

Anyways, im still mulling it over. Like i said, im more interested in losing fat than gaining muscle at this point in time, and if low carb will help me do that better, than im in.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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If you plan to phase into a keto type diet, I would just jump right into it and I really like the idea of using AP only on refeed days. You'll likely feel like ass the first week but you'll be fine once you get in the groove. I am a proponent of the CKD style diet because I get the quickest results with it and I am able OK with less than 25 grams of carbs per day. Whatever you choose to pursue, I'm sure you'll get fantastic results. I believe greater fatloss can be achieved in shorter time with CKD.... just my opinion

Other bands sing... MANOWAR KILLS!


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Other bands sing... MANOWAR KILLS!
Ya damn right!!!! :)

i think i will start on CKD starting next week. It will just be easier for me to stick to my diet that way.

i seriously thinking about taking at least 1 a day though instead of once a week....since i dont want to lose the effect that it is having on me.... i figure if i keep it in my bloodstream at least once a day...the effects shouldnt drop off too much. ill ask around and see if that is able to be done on CKD, i dont see why not, ive taken AP with as little as 20 carbs.....and ive waited even like 45 minutes to 1 hour before eating after i take it and havent really notice too many sides (sleepiness, lightheadness, basic hypo symptoms). I would figure pre or post or maybe both. My protein shake w/skim milk has about 11 carbs in it (give or take a few) so techincally i could eat and use a protein shake and have enough carbs to take it with. Decisions decisions.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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I would think that it would serve as an effective glucose disposal agent and help you reach ketosis quicker after refeeds. Sounds like a very noteworthy experiment and I for one am very interested in the outcome.


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I would think that it would serve as an effective glucose disposal agent and help you reach ketosis quicker after refeeds. Sounds like a very noteworthy experiment and I for one am very interested in the outcome. should probably just use it for refeeds?? im still trying to figure out if it would be beneficial to try and be on CKD and take one AP after workout with very little carbs. i dunno. do you do yoru you wait a week before you refeed?? what i mean is, do you go monday thru sunday with low carbs....than monday thru sat the next week low carb and then refeed sunday? or do you just put a refeed in the very first week???
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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  • Established should probably just use it for refeeds?? im still trying to figure out if it would be beneficial to try and be on CKD and take one AP after workout with very little carbs. i dunno. do you do yoru you wait a week before you refeed?? what i mean is, do you go monday thru sunday with low carbs....than monday thru sat the next week low carb and then refeed sunday? or do you just put a refeed in the very first week???
Yeah I think it would be a good idea to experiment with taking AP post workout with very little carbs and see how you feel.

Lately, I've been doing a refeed every 10 days (approximately). Once you start up you ought to go at least 10 days carb free (I think I went 14 days)to completely deplete liver and muscle glycogen that way the supercompensation you experience from refeeds will be most pronounced.


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Yeah I think it would be a good idea to experiment with taking AP post workout with very little carbs and see how you feel.

Lately, I've been doing a refeed every 10 days (approximately). Once you start up you ought to go at least 10 days carb free (I think I went 14 days)to completely deplete liver and muscle glycogen that way the supercompensation you experience from refeeds will be most pronounced.
sounds like a plan...i might go like a week or 2 without using it just to make sure i get into Ketosis.....and then start adding it in after workouts with like 10 to 20 carbs.....
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Sweet. I am excited to hear your feedback!


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Day 11

45 minutes fasted cardio

Today was shoulders...and definetely throwing in Super Cissus in my next order....i had surgery on one of my shoulders and the other is starting to act up...(may be genetic) i notice though that any pain i do feels like tendons or i think cissus will work perfectly for what i need it for.

Thoughts: Holy f'n A am i fargin back kinda took more than a day to get to the height of the chest and back both hit full force this morning....and my shoulders are already starting....tomorrow will be a very stretchy type of day.....but at least it is just trunk and legs..nothing with upper body (thank god)

and im not arms still feel full and are still mildly sore......unbelievable.

And im pretty much set on doing CKD starting Monday. Will be much easier for me to stick to that diet. This whole carb thing is not the thing for me, especially when trying to lose weight. i constantly want to eat where on CKD.....i dont have that craving like i do now. i hope this will produce great results


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Day 12

45 min fasted cardio

Today was trunk and legs...and what can i fargin sucked. i hate these days.

Thoughts: My whole friggin body is sore at this point in time, my bi's and tri's are almost back to normal...still feel fuller than normal and still a little sore. Put on one of my favorite shirts today that is kinda tight on my arms but not too much, well today i put it on and it felt like i was cutting off the circulation in my arms, which tells me that my arms are bigger than they once were. Kinda experimented today with low/no carbs and AP and it wasnt bad at all, but im sure that would change after consistant days of doing it. I did feel a little light headed...very little and started getting a headache on my last dose around 6:30, but i think me keeping AP in the mix when i go on my CKD next week is a good possibility.


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Day 13 & 14

Im taking today and tomorrow off. I realized i didnt have a off day last week, so technically these are the first 2 i have had. after this week i will try and keep off days to 1 a week. So it will be 5 days lifting and cardio, 1 day cardio, 1 day off.

Thoughts: Everything going well....actually started going low carb yesterday and was completely low carb today while taking 3 ap and i have had NO ill effects, what that means i dont know, but AP has to be working somewhat because of the pumps and the fullness that i have been experiencing while on it. Who knows


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Day 15

Measurements are the new measurements. +/- compared to last weeks.

weight 289 (-1lb)

Left Bicep: 18 3/4 (+1/4)
Right Bicep: 19 (+1/4)
Left Forearm: 15 1/2 (unchanged)
Right Forearm: 16 (-1/2)
Chest: 19 1/2 (-1 1/2) (armpit to armpit behind muscle)
Back(circ): 52 (-1 1/4)
Left Thigh: 29 (-1/4)
Right Thigh: 29 (-1/2)
Left Calf: 19 (unchanged)
Right Calf: 19 (-1/4)
Waist: 46 1/2 (-1/2) (at belly button)

Welp.....everything pretty much went down except for my biceps. I still am holding water weight but i expect me starting CKD this week will deal with that and start showing some drastic results. The main fact is that im recomping and i can tell. I didnt expect and dont expect too much size growth, but my biceps are definetely suprising me.


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Day 15 Cont.

45 minutes fasted cardio

Today was arms. Love doing arms. Im really concentrating on the contraction on my left arm. I hate the fact i cant get a really good squeeze from it when i measure myself, which probably is the reason for the difference of the left and right bicep. Everything is going fine. Started my CKD today and that seems to be going well also. Will be taking 1 AP after workout with meal.

Thoughts: Everything seems to be going well. My weight isnt dropping like would have liked BUT i definetely feel and look like im getting a little bigger so maybe the weight not coming off is a little of losing fat and gaining a little bit of LBM. With the CKD iw ill drop weight quickly and most of it from the first week or so will be mostly water but with the supps im on now it should rip the fat off of me. Looking towards my next 4 weeks and what supps i will be adding and subtracting from the mix.


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Day 16

45 minutes fasted cardio

Today was back, still cant seem to get a good feeling workout no matter how slow and how concentrated i do my reps. Its just the lack of equipment for this muscle group which really sucks. I can get a pump, but i just dont have that "wow i really fatigued my muscles" feeling. I think next week im going to do extra sets just to try and get something going.

Thoughts: I have upped my DCP to 5x3 and i have not had any ill effects. I have not experienced cramping at all through the whole time using DCP. Definetely a noticeable increase in body temp again. I love this stuff.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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That could be the CKD causing you to get that feeling like you cant get a pump. You might try to strech and flex the muscles till they get a good cramping right before each set. I do that sometimes when I have a hard time "feeleing" a work out and it always works wonders for me.


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Day 17

NO cardio...woke up way too late and had to start my day

Did chest about 1030 tonight due to being busy all day. no HIIT aftwards cause i was just too damn tired.

Everything is going well


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Day 18

45 minutes fasted cardio.

Today was Shoulders. Worked out again at about 1030 tonight but i got in 10 minutes of HIIT cardio afterwards. Starting to feel a little sluggish, been feeling so for the last day or 2 but today i definetely felt it so at least i know Ketosis is kicking in. I think the first week is the worst until you get used to it.

everything is still going well....still looks like i am leaning out nicely and hopefully the scale and measurements on monday will tell the same thing.


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Day 19

45 minutes fasted cardio

today was abs and legs and i still hate doing them :)

nothing special to report. been feeling kinda tired lately, probably due to CKD.


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day 20


45 fasted morning

20 HIIT afternoon

30 at night

thoughts: Im tired :)


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Day 21


Today is my rest day ....i will be taking more measurements tomorrow. Almost done with the first 4 weeks of my cycle.

Looking for replacements for some supplements. thinking about putting some X-force in the mix along with some Sesathin Liquid and dropping the Dicana and Yohimbine for now. Also gonna throw in some Super Cissus for my joints which have been less than painless lately and considering some Posiedon also, it looks like a nice all around supp.

Dont know yet if DCP should be cycled. dont know if it would be beneficial or not to take a couple of weeks off of it and then start it back up for the last 4 to 6 weeks of my 12 week cycle.

Also thinking about running the Tri-lean system again. I kinda dont like the sides for me (the dead wood and i think some prostate effects) but the damn system works great. The way i judge it, the results justify the sides i have with it.\

So with that....i hopefully will be making a purchase this week and starting them next week. AP will still be run in the mix because has to be :)


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day 22


Cold flexed +/- compared to last week

Weight 283 (-6lbs)

Left Bicep: 18 1/2 (Unchanged)
Right Bicep: 19 (unchanged
Left Forearm: 15 (unchanged)
Right Forearm: 16 (unchanged)
Chest (armpit to armpit): 18 1/2 ( -1)
Back (circ): 52 3/4 (+3/4)
Waist: 47 (+1/2)
Left Thigh: 30 (+1)
Right Thigh: 29 (unchanged)
Left Calf: 19 (unchanged)
Right Calf: 19 ( unchanged)

ok.....well....down 6 or so pounds this week...which is awsome....mostly water weight probably...but awsome..

Im still holding water....and i dont know how to get rid of it at the moment..i figured CKD would help...but my waist is just not moving like it usually does when im on Low carb....also my legs arent moving either....and i usually lose from my legs first. Oh well....i notice that im leaner and thats all that really matters.
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Day 22

45 minutes fasted cardio

Today is arms and i freaking love favorite to work...felt good....

Thoughts: Ive definetely noticed something with this stack. once you get used to the increased body heat....the sweats stop for the most part...but damn..if there is a change in temp just a little higher than what your body is used to.....boom.....drenched in sweat. ive noticed this at work mostly...i work at a resturant part time....and i run around all night..but as soon as i get near that pizza not even doing anything..just sitting and im just sweating my ass off...but when im running around non stop...the sweating is not nearly as pronounced. This stack would be awsome for the summer months....when its hot outside and not mild or cold.....youll be drenched from the front door to your car..hehe.


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NP Green Tea Caps
Super Cissus

thats what im looking at....i think ive got most of the bases covered...ive had good success with Sesamax in the past....and the rest of the supps are good for all around health with some fat loss benefits.

im going to cycle off DCP this month. Its a great product and i want to see how much of a difference it makes with water retention if i cycle not sure if im Going too yet.....but its a strong possibility.

If there is anything i can add in that will help the fat loss side of this stack without screwing around with the rest of it...please let me know...thank you

max silver

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I'm interested in hearing what kind of water retention you find to be the case with DCP. I'm into my second bottle, about 5 weeks in myself, and water retention has been messing with my head. I cycled back on creatine and started utilizing DCP at the same time, so I know that I'm retaining a quantity of water, but do not know how signifigant that quantity of water actually is. It makes it pretty hard to accurately gauge how much fat I've lost, as it seems that the longer I'm on the product the more water I've been retaining.


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You cycled back onto creatine monohydrate? That definitely would contribute to retention.

MP...your new stack looks solid, and I agree would give you a chance to fully gauge DCPs effectiveness so far, as well as seeing if cycling DOES yield additional benefits.


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Thought people said DCP was dangerous... hmmm, I'm 250lbs.... you're exactly 1 month ahead of me... seems like I'll use you as my mirror to see exactly how I'd look a month ahead...


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Thought people said DCP was dangerous... hmmm, I'm 250lbs.... you're exactly 1 month ahead of me... seems like I'll use you as my mirror to see exactly how I'd look a month ahead...
Who said DCP was dangerous?????


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You cycled back onto creatine monohydrate? That definitely would contribute to retention.

MP...your new stack looks solid, and I agree would give you a chance to fully gauge DCPs effectiveness so far, as well as seeing if cycling DOES yield additional benefits.
yeah...the next stack is more of a suttle stack....kinda like a cleansing sort of stack..the way posiedon works and green tea should flush my body out pretty well.....and then im thinking im gonna go back on the Tri-lean system my last 4 worked awsome the first time i used im expecting it to be just as good..probably not as much weightloss due to being on this cut cycle for 8 weeks before hand...


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I'm interested in hearing what kind of water retention you find to be the case with DCP. I'm into my second bottle, about 5 weeks in myself, and water retention has been messing with my head. I cycled back on creatine and started utilizing DCP at the same time, so I know that I'm retaining a quantity of water, but do not know how signifigant that quantity of water actually is. It makes it pretty hard to accurately gauge how much fat I've lost, as it seems that the longer I'm on the product the more water I've been retaining.
yeah...i started taking DCP 4x3 right off the bat pretty much and now ive been taking 5x3 for the last 2 weeks....and i just feel like i have alot of water...dont get me wrong..this product is awsome...and i will defenetely be using it again, its just that usually when on CKD...i lose most of my water weight...and its just not happening that much, so im gonna just cycle off for the next 4 weeks and see if anything changes.


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Day 23

30 minutes fasted bedroom cardio
45 minutes fasted eliptical cardio

today was back and i had a much better workout today then the previous 2 weeks....felt good

everything is still going great.


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Day 24

45 Minutes Fasted Cardio

Today was chest and everything went good. I kinda had a little cheat tonight because i was starving and had litterally nothing to eat in the house. So i grabbed a piece of left over philly cheese steak stromboli that my girl had in the fridge....i took some AP before just to try and minimize the damage...this was t 1030 or so.....i took my last dose of DCP around 8 so that should have still been kicking in at that hopefully nothing too bad happened :)

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