KLEEN's Machine gets Torqued Up with EndoSurge! A BPS Sponsored Log



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Mean workout! Staying SHREDDED while putting on some muscle! Thats the dream!


Just had my buddy come buy asked me how much I was weighing now. He saw me shirtless at the concert and today. I told him I was up about 3 lbs and be was lime damn doesn't look like it so must be recomping. Woo ooh
thats cuz ur fine as hell, oh and built like a brick **** house.. again, probably not the right thing to say, because I seem to say it wrong all the time, but you are da ****!


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Loving the lifts bro, would love to get there on deadlifts! Awesome workouts as always, you continue to be benchmark... One day :D


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That may be true, but you are ultra lean bro. I'm thinking if I could recomp to around 200lbs even, I would look closer to your physique. I really don't want to cut many more calories out especially on burn days. I feel that 1800 is low for somebody my size, but that may be what I have to do to get down.
Thanks, I got here through recomping slowly, not cutting cals more but keeping everything the same for about the last 6 months, sure I extend my fasts or was before but was taking in a good amount of cals anyway on those days. Sometimes less sometimes more. I have kept it pretty much the same all in all since the beginning of February. Sometimes I counted a little more but have kept it relaxed. If you are still leaning out unless in a major hurry for some reason just stay your course and you will get leaner and leaner gradually. Many others have surpassed my progress with strict calorie counting and cutting cals as soon weight loss slowed. I have not done any of that. If I gained some fat I cleaned up a tiny bit but have not made a huge effort other than with my workouts to lean up.
Way to go brother. Hope to see you soon. Keep up the awesome work.
Yeah hope you can get back to the house at some point.
Mean workout! Staying SHREDDED while putting on some muscle! Thats the dream!
thats cuz ur fine as hell, oh and built like a brick **** house.. again, probably not the right thing to say, because I seem to say it wrong all the time, but you are da ****!
No you said it right although I doubt Bryan was thinking I was fine as hell when he said it. LOL
Loving the lifts bro, would love to get there on deadlifts! Awesome workouts as always, you continue to be benchmark... One day :D
Thank you Sir!


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Thanks, I got here through recomping slowly, not cutting cals more but keeping everything the same for about the last 6 months, sure I extend my fasts or was before but was taking in a good amount of cals anyway on those days. Sometimes less sometimes more. I have kept it pretty much the same all in all since the beginning of February. Sometimes I counted a little more but have kept it relaxed. If you are still leaning out unless in a major hurry for some reason just stay your course and you will get leaner and leaner gradually. Many others have surpassed my progress with strict calorie counting and cutting cals as soon weight loss slowed. I have not done any of that. If I gained some fat I cleaned up a tiny bit but have not made a huge effort other than with my workouts to lean up.

I can understand fully what you are saying here man. I quit counting calories a few months ago, and have kept things very lenient in terms of the diet aspect especially on workout days. Rest days Ive been pretty strict on however. As a result, I have continued to lean. its been very slow, almost to a crawl now, but I'm still making some progress. I am up about a lb in a month and about the same bf. I may be slightly leaner, but it if I am it isnt by much. i'm pretty much fine with that. A slow recomp is fine with me right now considering the freedoms I get dietwise and living very liberally.


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Amen Rick! Getting exactly what I want from this regarding lifestyle nutrition. Recently eating at noon more often than not on burn days just eating under 2000 cals. How much under is not really important for me. Sundays are kind of a whatever day for me. Can be more or less than 2000. Just depends.


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No workout this morning maybe later this evening but I doubt it. Will find a way to lift tomorrow too even though I have a bunch of things to do.

SO my wife just posted some pics on facebook and I have a new favorite G I look awesome pic.

Christian and I Weenie Roast 2011.jpg


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Ok Rod Ryan Jr. lol...
He is my Junior! Actually saw a semi chubby guy up there with the same soulpatch as him and was like Hun, is that Rod? Did he gain some weight???


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That doesn't look like Jo in the picture...


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No workout this morning maybe later this evening but I doubt it. Will find a way to lift tomorrow too even though I have a bunch of things to do.

SO my wife just posted some pics on facebook and I have a new favorite G I look awesome pic.

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=43928"/>
Bad A$$ mofo. Let me ask you this, are people generally intimidated by you or do you attract the A-Holes that want to fight the biggest baddest dood at the party...even while you're just minding your own?


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Kind of both. Depends on the guy. My personality doesn't attract aggression I get surprised at pics like this. I am pretty goofy and enjoy it. Have no problem just chilling and don't try to act cool so I think that takes the focus off of me for most people who want to go after a bad ass. There are some douche bags out there but luckily I am smarter than most douche bags. So I can out smart them with Witt and comedy and they lose confidence in their ability to defeat me by being quickly outwitted. So that kind of helps in a lot of ways it but yeah some douches just have to push pretty far and I do what I can to avoid a situation even if it means showings aggressive posturing and intimidation. I guess if I thought I was intimidating I would draw more attention but that isn't how I see myself.


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Kind of both. Depends on the guy. My personality doesn't attract aggression I get surprised at pics like this. I am pretty goofy and enjoy it. Have no problem just chilling and don't try to act cool so I think that focuses most people who want to go after a bad ass. There are some douche bags out there but luckily I am smarter than most douche bags. So I can out smart them with Witt and comedy and they lose confidence in their ability to defeat me by being quickly outwitted. So that kind of helps in a lot of ways it but yeah some douches just have to push pretty far and I do what I can to avoid a situation even if it means showing aggressive posturing and inti.location. I guess if I thought I was intimidating I would draw more attention but that isn't how I see myself.
Right on brother, seems we handle situations such as these one in the same. I had a really drunk D Bag up in my face one night wanting to fight for who knows what reason. I removed my jacket (with no intention of fighting mind you) and this dude turned into my best friend instantly...hand shake, even bought me a beer LOL


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Yeah a lot of times I will just ask then why they are bent. Ask them if they are sure they wanna do this. Tell them I know I don't want to fight them but if we have to I am gonna do my best to hurt them as bad as possible so they can't walk or get up to fight ever again.

Now mess with me my family or friends and I become the aggressor. I am like a pit bull being teased at the end of the chain just waiting for that tug that breaks me free and sets me loose on them.


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Yeah a lot of times I will just ask then why they are bent. Ask them if they are sure they wanna do this. Tell them I know I don't want to fight them but if we have to I am gonna do my best to hurt them as bad as possible so they can't walk or get up to fight ever again.

Now mess with me my family or friends and I become the aggressor. I am like a pit bull being teased at the end of the chain just waiting for that tug that breaks me free and sets me loose on them.
Lookin lean and mean.

I wouldn't push ur buttons.


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G....U do look awesome, big Kleenster!!


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Yeah a lot of times I will just ask then why they are bent. Ask them if they are sure they wanna do this. Tell them I know I don't want to fight them but if we have to I am gonna do my best to hurt them as bad as possible so they can't walk or get up to fight ever again.

Now mess with me my family or friends and I become the aggressor. I am like a pit bull being teased at the end of the chain just waiting for that tug that breaks me free and sets me loose on them.
Yah I have very strong protective instinct as well... can make me unreasonable at times.


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Well at the hospital with the queen for a day of testing. Hopefully I will have a chance to lift tonight. If not I will survive without. Just happy I have an internet connection here.


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Well at the hospital with the queen for a day of testing. Hopefully I will have a chance to lift tonight. If not I will survive without. Just happy I have an internet connection here.
Take care of your queen buddy!!


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Looking great in that pic Kleen, hope tests go well, looking after the queen way more important than lifting


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Looking great in that pic Kleen, hope tests go well, looking after the queen way more important than lifting
Of course! Thanks!
Man takes good care of his girl, no worries...
Yes Sir, that is my heart they are testing as much as it is hers. She is strong not too worried just took some tough love to get her stubborn butt in here. LOL


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Best of luck today with Jo, Chris, I am sure it will work out for the best. Now see if you can do wind sprints in the hall so you don't get bored, lol!


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Now see if you can do wind sprints in the hall so you don't get bored, lol!
Not sure the faculty would like that. ha ha
He can do sprints up the stairs though.........I'm sure nobody uses those anymore.


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I was going to sprint but my speed was causing a draft lowering everyones temperature in the building. Apparently not good for hospital business. ;) we wont find out anything until Monday unless something major comes up. So as of tomorrow business as usual....


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I may see about an afternoon workout after final test or just try to take her to a movie. We will see.


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Well at the hospital with the queen for a day of testing. Hopefully I will have a chance to lift tonight. If not I will survive without. Just happy I have an internet connection here.
A "MAN" should always take care of his wife and children to the best of his ability and then some. I say this due to the fact that there are not many of us left in the world. Good to see that some people still understand what should come first in their life!!!

I hope all is well!!!!


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A "MAN" should always take care of his wife and children to the best of his ability and then some. I say this due to the fact that there are not many of us left in the world. Good to see that some people still understand what should come first in their life!!!

I hope all is well!!!!
I am 100% sure Kleen knows this. I am sure KleensQueen is preciously taken care of ;)


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A "MAN" should always take care of his wife and children to the best of his ability and then some. I say this due to the fact that there are not many of us left in the world. Good to see that some people still understand what should come first in their life!!!

I hope all is well!!!!

I am 100% sure Kleen knows this. I am sure KleensQueen is preciously taken care of ;)
Pretty much spoiled.


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Day 23 Truncated weight program - RETURN OF THE SQUAT!

I am not going to spend a bunch of time on here I had a great little workout in the garage. I was on my way out when the cable guy showed up and there went an hour then had to go get Trinity so there went even more time.... By th e time I got back I decided to just do the big 3, chest back and legs. Still a sufficient full body program. I did a few things different just to seen and this is the first time in a while I am trying my squats again since seems about a month ago. My ART guy wanted me to test the waters with about 65% of my working weight for the rep range I worked them in. So here is how things went, not bad for no spotter on bench.

Bench- 95x19, 145x10, 195x10, 245x6, 225x8, 205x10, 145x16 Nice pump, I had one more in most of them but the bar had slowed down enough it wasn't worth taking the chance without a spotter. This felt great! Almost wanted to just go volume style on a chest workout but decided better of it.

Chin Ups - 8, 8, 8, 5, 5,6 Goal was 40 reps total, I was hoping for 5 sets of 8 but this worked just as good. Pump was getting buck by now.

Squats - 95x12, 145x12, 195x12, 195x12 - I was happy that I started out not intending on doing a bunch of sets for these. I won't lie these 4 sets had me sucking wind in that 95 degree garage. They take a lot out of you compared to any other leg work due to the core stability required. I was keeping reps a little slow so I could feel if there was any issue with the hip. Other than feeling a little weird it did not hurt at all, just felt looser. YEAH BABY!!! That is precisely what he said I should be feeling. I have another appointment for that and should be good to go after that. I won't go gung ho on legs for a while regardless I want to give it plenty of time to heal and strengthen itself.

As far as JoAnn she is fine, her dizzy spells are still there and we kind of doubt it is her heart. We won't know until the Dr calls us which would be bad news or we go in on Monday for the follow up. She told her go on with life as usual though including workouts as long as it didn't maske her feel any worse. So my Warrior Queen will be in there with me tomorrow hitting up some cardio.

I am eatingmy meal right now 1 whole can of Ranch style beans 60 g carbs 21 is fiber 18 protien, 9 fat, rice 40 g carbs 2 fiber, 3.5g fat, 5 g protien 2 chicken breast, tbls honey 1 cup fat free cottage cheese 30g protien 1 scoop of vanilla protien powder and 1 oz almonds.

NICE! ( EDIT NOT SO NICE! ) I recommend against the protien in the cottage cheese. Was worth a shot but nope. I got it down because man the macros were right and I don't like waisting my food but it was almost as much effort as the workout was. Well I am off to bed here in a minute. The 3:50 alarm will be ging off in my ear before I know it.


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Awesome update. Now I have one for you. Guess who will be in the gym tomorrow... Hell yeah, I am so pumped it is not even funny.


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Man you kill it!!
Good news on the queen. Full body workouts are my favorite.

My BPS stuff came in gonna be a MEAN run!!


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Glad all is well bro. Not sure about that cottage cheese/protein combo...Ill leave that one to you! I hear ya on the macros though, I have mixed some strange things together for the sake of macs.


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Glad all is well!

Cottage Cheese and Protein Powder...and I thought I had a strong stomach! Way to bring strength training to the esophagus!!!!


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Glad all is well bro. Not sure about that cottage cheese/protein combo...Ill leave that one to you! I hear ya on the macros though, I have mixed some strange things together for the sake of macs.
I used to do that with Myofusion, tasted like chocolate cheesecake...


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Just saw your outdoor pic. You are a beast man. That is what I hope to one day get to. You look massive, but lean. Very impressive man. Your arms look much bigger than the 17" or whatever you said they were


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Day 24 Cardio and replies.

Well another good cardio workout. I hit 551 cals on the treadmill doing a cross country setting on a high incline.

My hip is a little tender from the squats yesterday but I am guessing that is to be expected. I will call the good doc and ask his thoughts on it before doing them again.

Although I love my full body workouts I am thinking of making only 2 of them the major weight workouts and changing the one in the middle of the week to a more body weight oriented workout. Obviously it will still be intense but more of a conditioning based workout. My elbow seems to require it. If I do that will be the Thursday workout so that I have more joint recovery time and can kill it on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Perhaps just some other weight based accessory movements included for good measure.

Awesome update. Now I have one for you. Guess who will be in the gym tomorrow... Hell yeah, I am so pumped it is not even funny.
Man you kill it!!
Good news on the queen. Full body workouts are my favorite.

My BPS stuff came in gonna be a MEAN run!!
Nice I bet you enjoy the hell out of it!

Glad all is well bro. Not sure about that cottage cheese/protein combo...Ill leave that one to you! I hear ya on the macros though, I have mixed some strange things together for the sake of macs.
Yeah not sure on it either. I figured it was good with splenda and cinnamon, but it was not with chocolate powder, might as well try the vanilla with cinnamon.
Glad all is well!

Cottage Cheese and Protein Powder...and I thought I had a strong stomach! Way to bring strength training to the esophagus!!!!
Yeah it took some effort to get it down.
I used to do that with Myofusion, tasted like chocolate cheesecake...
I was not so lucky as to have that experience.
Just saw your outdoor pic. You are a beast man. That is what I hope to one day get to. You look massive, but lean. Very impressive man. Your arms look much bigger than the 17" or whatever you said they were
Thanks Rick coming fron a cut up stud like you that is a great compliment. Flexed they are right at 17, I have to stress that is flexed though. I just have some tiny joints and long muscle bellies so it makes them look like they are bigger. That and they stay pretty lean and defined even when I am not so the size doesn't vary too much.


Well another good cardio workout. I hit 551 cals on the treadmill doing a cross country setting on a high incline.

My hip is a little tender from the squats yesterday but I am guessing that is to be expected. I will call the good doc and ask his thoughts on it before doing them again.

Although I love my full body workouts I am thinking of making only 2 of them the major weight workouts and changing the one in the middle of the week to a more body weight oriented workout. Obviously it will still be intense but more of a conditioning based workout. My elbow seems to require it. If I do that will be the Thursday workout so that I have more joint recovery time and can kill it on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Perhaps just some other weight based accessory movements included for good measure.

you go babe


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Kleen... Sorry I have been MIA, they have been having me do a bunch of WAREHOUSE work and I have hardly had anytime to get on the computer, just enough to keep up with my own LOG at best! I am glad Jo is ok and she is in my thoughts, sending positive energy her way, her tests will be fine Bro, way to take care of your family!


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You'll have to let us know your Queens day at the gym went. I won't be able to read it until tomorrow due to starting on midnights today, but I'll bet she and you did great...again!!!!


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You'll have to let us know your Queens day at the gym went. I won't be able to read it until tomorrow due to starting on midnights today, but I'll bet she and you did great...again!!!!
Oh yeah she did great for the cardio but we shall see how the weight workout goes tomorrow. :)


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Man my appetite has soared recently I am easily hitting 1800-2000 every burn day. Although I think I am gaining weight by doing this now. However not really gaining fat. I feel like I am close to 200 again but looking pretty lean. Some of it may be glyco but as a whole I just feel bigger right now.


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Man my appetite has soared recently I am easily hitting 1800-2000 every burn day. Although I think I am gaining weight by doing this now. However not really gaining fat. I feel like I am close to 200 again but looking pretty lean. Some of it may be glyco but as a whole I just feel bigger right now.
I hear ya bro. I document religiously my cals, and I noticed eating around 1800 when my goal was closer to 1500. It doesn't really make that big of a difference as that is quite restricted for me, but it seemed my body's natural instinct was to eat closer to the 1800...I'm really focusing this week on staying closer to 1500 and getting a better feed on build days, as that number instinctually shrunk from 2500 to 2000...gotta stay focused. Gotta love feeling bigger with none of the excess puff or fat hanging around, good stuff Kleen.


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I hear ya bro. I document religiously my cals, and I noticed eating around 1800 when my goal was closer to 1500. It doesn't really make that big of a difference as that is quite restricted for me, but it seemed my body's natural instinct was to eat closer to the 1800...I'm really focusing this week on staying closer to 1500 and getting a better feed on build days, as that number instinctually shrunk from 2500 to 2000...gotta stay focused. Gotta love feeling bigger with none of the excess puff or fat hanging around, good stuff Kleen.
What is really odd for me I that I usually don't feel the need to eat at all. In the beginning I was hungry but now I get hungry for around a minute or so then it passes. At night I no longer have those mean craving for anything and everything. I only eat because I know I need my strength in order to keep my performance up.

Kleen sound like you are recomping to get bigger!! Get monster size man!!!


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Yeah it is interesting I have had a ph make me this hungry but not a natty supp. I think my igf levels are up from the rate my body sucks up carbs. It is insane.

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