I need a 1ad/4ad plan for a cycle



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Oh you bet, treadmill twice daily, and PLENTY of Bcaa's, being an Endomorph is so unforgiving, but in the long run it will pay off. YOU KNOW I cannot wait for the Taste, I only want to go back up to 215lbs for the summer then bulk right in Sept, so i can get to a nice and solid 235lbs with 9-10bf so dieting down for the Beverly's show wont be that hard in March of 07'. I have SERIOUS intentions Brother!!!


New member
I will follow this information you gave me. thanks bro

Its official I am a hater!!! Nah for real, when on cycles its def beneficial to eat clean, as the gains will be better, and when using superdrol nupe, DO NOT cut carbs, just eat low gi carbs. All in all a great log, Quick, and will you making it back to the Chi for the Summer? Cuz its coming and you know we do it the Chi!!!


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Yes, this log is o.k but are you going to post before and after pictures?


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Hey Nupe,

Sorry for the delay but I have been very busy at work. No, I will not be adding a wall of pictures. I didn't take any before pictures. I will be updating my standard picture on the left side of this page. I'm working in Florida now and between work and this damn Florida lifestyle....whoa, it's been hard keeping up enough energy for the internet world.

I did grow in size and strength. I experience the same success, like my other cycles. :dl:

I will try to update the log later on today.

Yes, this log is o.k but are you going to post before and after pictures?


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Hey A,

That sound like a good plan for keep the muscle size and shedding the fat. I do believe in BCAA and the standard amino's. {Hey, I'm old school.} :)

Oh you bet, treadmill twice daily, and PLENTY of Bcaa's, being an Endomorph is so unforgiving, but in the long run it will pay off. YOU KNOW I cannot wait for the Taste, I only want to go back up to 215lbs for the summer then bulk right in Sept, so i can get to a nice and solid 235lbs with 9-10bf so dieting down for the Beverly's show wont be that hard in March of 07'. I have SERIOUS intentions Brother!!!


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Hey I'm still taking HMB and it works for me. I can't drop something that work for me because it doesn't work for 3/4 of the people out here. Every time something new comes out...people forget about the old stuff and start taking the new stuff. {The old stuff have been tried, tested and have more years under it's belt.}:bb: Hmmm, Just like me.

Old school is best man.


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HMB works for me man, but it takes a lil over 9gs to see results. It def makes me harder, and I have been using it this past weeks being n carb restriction. Amino's are just the ISH!!!


New member
I guess I take another look at this supplement.

HMB works for me man, but it takes a lil over 9gs to see results. It def makes me harder, and I have been using it this past weeks being n carb restriction. Amino's are just the ISH!!!


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Thanks for the information and I will give this supplement another try but at a higher dose. I was taking a low dose and I guess that why it never work for me.

Are you a personal trainer Apower? I going to give you a rep point for that info.
I have a ISSA cert. Had a couple of Clients Its a great thing, just a serious hussle, and you neeed to have a nice money cushion unless you are salaried. Thanx for the rep bro. I work in a supp chain, I love to help people out, I get excited when people reach their goals.


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Total days: 60 days/post cycle therapy: 25 days/ Starting weight: 219/ Low body fat/ new weight: 233 pounds=14 pound weight gain

Sorry for the long delay but work and fun comes first.

The post cycle therapy is going as plan and I’m not experiencing any side effects. I’m taking the HMB, Rebound XT, Lean Xtreme, DHEA, ZMA, Glutamine, BCAA, Flax oil, Fish oil, CLA, Creatine and I'm still taking all the side supplements like CoQ10, Red Yeast Rice, Odorless Garlic, Pro liver, Hawthron, and Policosanol. I did drop the Fenugreek from my stack because I really didn’t need it and the ladies were saying I smelled like maple syrup down below. {hehehe}

The Rebound XT feels the same as Novedex XT and the Rebound XT is the only supplement that is different in this new stack. I really can’t tell the different between the two brands. I’m receiving the same results from the other cycles.

I have added the 30 to 45min cardio back into my routine. I perform cardio three times a week.

I’m still sticking to the mass building routines because the routines are still slapping the mass on my body.

The new size looks great on me but I’m thinking about getting rip. I have been researching on the board and the Dicana supplement caught my eye. The supplement strips the fat but keep all the muscle. Hmmm, sounds like a winner to me. I need some feedback regarding this Dicana…If you used this supplement before, leave your results.


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Good job bro.

What is the length of your pct and how much hmb do you take?


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My PCT will run six weeks or I might do seven, just to finish the bottles of pills. I hate leaving open bottles of pills around for long periods of time. I have two weeks of PCT left.

Well, regarding the HMB...I take six pills 30mins before I workout and five pills 30mins after I workout. Those times are the most important to preserve muscle. {My opinion} I also take five HMB pills with my nightly protein shake.

I forgot to weigh in this morning and I will update the log on Wednesday.

Good job bro.

What is the length of your post cycle therapy and how much hmb do you take?


  • Established
Total days: 67 days/post cycle therapy: 32 days/ Starting weight: 219/ Low body fat/ new weight: 230 pounds=11 pound weight gain

Well, nothing really to report this week but I did loose 3 pounds this week. The cardio is shedding the weight and carving my body. The strength is still there and I actually went up a couple of pounds and reps.


  • Established
Total days: 71 days/post cycle therapy: 36 days/ Starting weight: 219/ Low body fat/ new weight: 230 pounds=11 pound weight gain

Well, I'm still keeping the same weight from last week and no change in strength.

I did change my creatine to "SizeOn" and I started using "SizeOn" on 6/3/06. I have been reading the different reviews from NORMAL weightlifters on the web and this product have struck my curiosity. I'm taking one dose during my workout for five to seven days. I want to see if I can experience some type of positive results with one dose a day.

I'm still researching if I can add "Dicana" to my stack.


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dicana??? Are you trying to cut, or looking for a metabolic boost???


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Well dawg, you need to explain the "metabolic boost".


I do want to try to get cut up. I want to bring the muscle details out. I have the size and muscles but I want to curve my body up. I'm working on a sculpture. :bb3:

Did you have the contest????

dicana??? Are you trying to cut, or looking for a metabolic boost???


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As for the metabolic boost dicana can help you gain without really getting sloppy at 1-2mgs. ALmost like A t3 effect, as it does not replace your thyroid output, but more or less adds to it. Thats what I mean by a boost. Now when you are on a cut, and you use Dicana, you use a dose of about 4-6mgs, and in the long run one can run the risk of shut down of your thyroid.
For my contest yes I did it, came in 4th(last of novices) my pics are http://anabolicminds.com/forum/543471-post69.html


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Thanks for the info. I didn't know that about Dicana. You did a good job at the BB contest because you made that first move and compete. Now, you ready to make a name for yourself in the BB world.

Here is something for you {my brother}

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Those words are my rock and those words give me the strength to achieve my goals in life and I hope those words will inspire you to achieve great things in your life.

As for the metabolic boost dicana can help you gain without really getting sloppy at 1-2mgs. ALmost like A t3 effect, as it does not replace your thyroid output, but more or less adds to it. Thats what I mean by a boost. Now when you are on a cut, and you use Dicana, you use a dose of about 4-6mgs, and in the long run one can run the risk of shut down of your thyroid.
For my contest yes I did it, came in 4th(last of novices) my pics are http://anabolicminds.com/forum/543471-post69.html


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Thanx Bro, I def appreciate those kind words. I hope you make a return to the Chi. soon the Taste is up and coming...


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No problem bro...you earned it.

I will try to hit Chi_Town during the Taste but my mom and aunts trying to get this family reunion setup around that time. I'm not feeling the family reunion because my mom and aunts trying to get me hook-up. In other words, they want me to get married. :aargh:

Thanx Bro, I def appreciate those kind words. I hope you make a return to the Chi. soon the Taste is up and coming...


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Well, I experience another great cycle. It has been fun and very productive.

The 1ad/pp/4ad gave me some good size and strength. I'm still holding to the size and strength. I just finished PCT three days ago and now I'm going to ride on the minor supplement boat until August 14, 2006. I will be doing a three week cycle of Superdrol on 8/14/06 and that should have me on blast by Labor Day and this will be my last cycle for the year.

I'm taking SwollOn and it finally kick-in. I'm going to take this supplement until my next cycle.

I'm out

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