Genomyx H.E.A.T.s up the Female Terminator with DCP to Smolder for Competition

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 28: Desire and Strength


"Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire." - Arab Proverb


Cold - Anatomy of a Tidal Wave


HIIT Cardio - Run:
a. 4 min jogging
b. 4 x 20 sec effort/40 sec rest
c. 4 min jogging
d. 4 x 20 sec effort/40 sec rest
e. 4 min jogging

Stretch 10 min.

Arms (1 min recovery between trisets):
Triset A -
1. Supinated Pull-Ups 4 x 15, 10, 6, 5
2. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 5-6
3. Alternate DB Bicep Curls 4 x 12
Triset B -
4. Dips 4 x 8
5. Close-Grip Flat BB Bench Press 4 x 4-5
6. DB French Press 4 x 5

Post-Weights Cardio - Stepper:
20 min @ 12 floors/min

Stretch 10 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: Still sleeping too long - figured it out (See 'Other Effects').

Energy: Don't have any, yet again - forced training though, because it HAS to be done!

Mental Focus and Clarity: On top of my game!

Joints: Left wrist has been painful.

Endurance: Fine.

Strength: Today was just 'one of those days'.

Pump: Through biceps more than anything.

Vascularity: Strong.

Quality of Training: HIIT KICKED MY ASS! I definitely need to lose some weight (yes, I said it) to be able to be comfortable when running again . . . Resistance training was a concentrated effort. Loved the way my arms looked during it . . . Post-Weights Cardio was surprisingly done ok at a higher pace than usual . . .

Recovery: The LACK of training over the last week has upset my body more than anything else.

Other Effects: IGF-2 dosed WITH Assault is a NO-NO for my body, causing lethargy and fatigue. The only difference this week has been the return to my usual dosing/timing of IGF-2, which has meant that my pre-training dose is stacked with Assault - where, over the last month, I have only been dosing half the recommended daily dosage, with 3 caps first thing and no more throughout the day. So, I will be going back to using only 3 caps first thing and see how that goes (changes reflected in post #1). Funny how the body changes . . .


Building up your core does not mean doing excessive crunches or performing endless ab exercises; your abdominals are like any other body-part and therefore should be trained like any other body-part for muscle accretion (please note that nutrition plays an important role in gaining muscle mass, so adjusting your diet for this will yield better results if more muscle is desired). For those that want deep grooves in their abs, weighted exercises - such as weighted crunches (using either dumbbells or a rope and cable), weighted side bends, etc. - will help achieve this. For those that want a sleeker midsection, avoid doing a lot of oblique work, so that you do not build a thick waist, concentrating instead on exercises such as hanging leg raises, etc. Regardless of how you wish your abs to look, you should not neglect exercises for the transverse abdominus - the stronger this is, the more you will be able to 'pull' your tummy in for that flat and tight look.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Love following along and great choices in music!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Show us your war face!!:aargh:
It's already on :drillsergeant: Can't you see it? :scared1: My head is doing this to me right now, LOL :rocketwhore:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 29: Becoming! War Face On!


"Life is not having and getting, but being and becoming." - Matthew Arnold


My Darkest Days - The World Belongs To Me

A Warrior is a Survivor. You never know what Life is going to throw at you, and a Warrior deals with it, even when no one else has faith that they can make it. Be strong. Hold to that inner strength. Be a Warrior.


Cardio 20 min.

Stretch 20 min.


Mood/Aggression: Battle ready! I fight against myself on a daily basis, but the next eight weeks is going to be something else altogether!

Energy: Still feeling drained, but working on ignoring it and just DOING.

Libido: HIGH.

Endurance: Ok.

Quality of Training: Seems like my body is wanting 'recovery' this week :sigh:

Body Composition and Look: 123.2 pounds at 11.2% bodyfat. My body composition has been 11.2% for the last three weeks - whilst maintaining it is ok, it's not really acceptable. Training the last two weeks has not been very high, with only two resistance sessions a week, which is definitely affecting my progress.

Other Notes: I ended up doing a 4-week recomp as initially planned because of training over the last week or so, but from now, it is all CUTTING! It's time to get LEAN!

Competition Notes: I was going to wait until I got below 10% bodyfat until I started posing practice, but I am going to start this tomorrow, for 5-10 minutes a day.


"Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 30: One day at a time . . .


"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." - Harriet Tubman


Skillet - Rebirthing


HIIT Cardio;
a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/40 sec rest
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 10 min.

Shoulders/Abs (30 sec recovery between alternate sets):
Alternate Set A -
1. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 4 x 8
2. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 10 per side
Alternate Set B -
3. BB Military Press 4 x 8
4. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 10 per side
Alternate Set C -
5. Seated Single-Arm DB Shoulder Press 4 x 6 per side
6. DB Hammer Raises 2 x 10
Alternate Set D -
7. Rope Crunch 2 x 20
8. Ab Rollout 2 x 5

Post-Weights Cardio - Run (on length of basketball court):
a. 48 x suicides
b. 12 x backwards (up court) and forwards (back)

Stretch 5 min.

Posing Practice 5 min.

Stretch 6 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~8 hours - got to get out of this and back to my 4-5 hours.

Mood/Aggression: The snow is melting away, the sun is out, the day is warming. My mood is looking forward to the next eight weeks.

Energy: Definitely sticking to the 3 caps of IGF-2 first thing and leave it at that - I might even stop it for a while and see what happens . . . Good energy during training . . .

Joints: My wrists are not getting better - should never have had a break from Erase. Knees are giving me issues again as well.

Endurance: Good.

Strength: Getting better, slowly.

Pump: Some.

Vascularity: Better at the end of my training than during.

Quality of Training: HIIT Run took quite a lot out of me. Medial right knee in pain - so the suicides after weights wasn't the smartest of ideas . . . Resistance training was good. My wrists were screaming and I was massaging them between sets, but it's all for progress . . . Decided to do something different for Post-Weights Cardio. Body was protesting loudly after only a few minutes, and definitely feeling it in my hips and glutes now, as well as knees from leaning down to touch the line and rotating back. Glad I did it, though . . . I'm not lean enough for Posing Practice to be any use - not sure if I should wait another week or so to start doing this, then; probably the best idea . . .

Other Notes: My training is going to include a lot more plyometrics and functional exercises, especially for my lower body, since I have two Full-Body resistance sessions in there. I want to train more like an athlete again, have my fitness improve re performance, and not just work on the aesthetic aspect.


"When we stop doing what deep down in our souls that that we know is right is when we stop growing as individuals! You know what is true to yourself and others! Choose to do the right thing today, and start evolving your true self! One day at a time!" - Ben Booker


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Since you live in Kiwi of the United States I'm having a hard time guessing if you'll be attending The Arnold... so... will you? :D
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Since you live in Kiwi of the United States I'm having a hard time guessing if you'll be attending The Arnold... so... will you? :D
"Kiwi in the United States" indicates that I am a New Zealander currently located in the United States, LOL...No, I will not be at the Arnold this year...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 31: Preparation and Letting Go


"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come." - Joseph Campbell


Hoobastank - Finally Awake


Cardio - Run 5 miles.

Stretch 23 min.


Energy: Definitely there - having a single dose of IGF-2 in the morning solved the fatigue issue.

Joints: Knees having a few niggles - not surprising considering the surface I am running on and the agility and bending yesterday, not to mention that an extra 15 pounds makes a huge difference on the stress on them during exercise like running.

Endurance: Fine.

Quality of Training: Since it's getting warmer and the snow is melting, I decided to go running outside. However, still a lot of ice around, and it turned into an agility running session, jumping over and dodging ice sheets. It was good to be outside again, though - running inside is so very different. not bad for just over 5-minute miles, but still feel quite uncomfortable and out of it when running - fitness needs to improve a lot more.

Recovery: Feeling core and hips from yesterday. I'm prepared for pain though and a lot of DOMS over the coming weeks - I HAVE to slaughter my body EVERY training session!

Other Notes: I used the last of my current bottle of Alpha-T2 yesterday, and have only one more day of Erase and two days of H.E.A.T. Stack left (changes reflected in post #1). Alpha-T2 and Erase I will start again when I get fresh bottles.


If you think you can't, you're already beaten before you begin, but if you think you can, you will! You have to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and your ability to accomplish what you want to achieve. No dream is ever too high - not if you REALLY want it, and persistently pursue it!


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Glad you got your lethargy issue worked out. Now, just have to get that sleep issue back.

I agree on the nice to be outdoors. I'm thinking of heading out for a run this week too. It's still a mess but I hate being stuck inside all the time!


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How is the DCP affecting your energy levels?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Glad you got your lethargy issue worked out. Now, just have to get that sleep issue back.

I agree on the nice to be outdoors. I'm thinking of heading out for a run this week too. It's still a mess but I hate being stuck inside all the time!
Yeah, it was just going nack to full dosage of IGF-2 - although it never affected me before using full dosage; guess it mucst have been since I've only been using a first thing dose since the start of January.

Yeah, definitely! I'd rather do all my cardio outside if possible and do only weights inside.

How is the DCP affecting your energy levels?
It doesn't have an effect that I've noticed.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 33: Double Time



Janus - If I Were You



HIIT Cardio - Run:
a. 4 min jogging
b. 4 x 20 sec sprint/40 sec rest
c. 2 min jogging

Arms/Abs (30 sec recovery between alternate sets):
Alternate Set A -
1. Close-Grip BB Biceps Curls 6 x 10
2. DB Zottoman Curls 6 x 10
Alternate Set B -
3. Flat Close-Grip BB Bench Press 4 x 4-6
4. V-Bar Tricep Push-Down 4 x 6
Alternate Set C -
5. Hanging Straight-Legs Raises (feet to touch bar) 2 x 10
6. V-Sits (on bench) 2 x 15

Post-Weights Cardio - Run (on length of basketball court):
a. 24 x suicides
b. 12 x backwards (up court) and forwards (back)
c. 2 x high knees

Stretch 20 min.


Cardio - Stepper:
10 min @ 12 floors/min.

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between supersets):
Superset A -
1. Weighted Crunches (knees at 90 degree flexion) 2 x 15
2. Hanging Straight-Legs Raises (feet to touch bar) 2 x 5
Superset B -
3. Reverse Curls (on bench) 2 x 15
4. V-Sits (on bench) 2 x 5
Superset C -
5. EZ-Bar Bicep Curls 2 x 20
6. Incline Dips 2 x 20
Superset D -
7. DB Lateral Raises 2 x 15
8. DB Hammer Raises 2 x 5
Superset E -
9. Supinated BB Bent Over Rows 2 x 10
10. Flat BB Bench Press 2 x 10
Superset F -
11. Side-to-side Plyometric Bench Jumps 2 x 15 per side
12. Squat Jumps 2 x 5


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~8 hours - so NOT cool.

Mood/Aggression: Refreshing. Perky after second resistance session, spring in my step, smiling . . .

Energy: There until ~1730, when I started to feel fatigued - not letting it affect me, though. Started waking up after second dose of Assault pre-pm training, even though eyes still 'tired-heavy-sore'.

Mental Focus and Clarity: There :)

Stress: Ignoring the knots in my tummy . . .

Joints: Some serious pain going on now - not sure why, honestly.

Endurance: Good.

Strength: Forcing improvements to be made - if I am going to be blah during cardio, then I am going to make up for it with weights!

Pump: Definitely - strong.

Vascularity: Snakes through forearms and hands, even though hands were purple and white. Towards the end of my first resistance session, coming out through anterior deltoids and biceps as well. Definitely present during second resistance session - better than at first.

Quality of Training: Body was dead and an effort to move around the track during HIIT - I have not felt this bad in a long time when running . . . Resistance training was good, despite feeling like I was breaking my left wrist all over again with the heavier weights. HUGE dark rings under eyes . . . Did more suicides and court work post-weights, suffering my knees and lower back in silence - punishment had to be done for the poor HIIT . . . Just because I can (and also because I didn't do my resistance session yesterday), I did double training sessions today, and instead of exhausting myself as I was wanting, I was surprisingly spry and bright-eyed after my second resistance one . . .


Fitness can be divided into five health-related components: Body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular strength, and muscular endurance. You need to ensure that you cover ALL aspects of your fitness for your best body and health.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Sounds brutal Rosie...Keep at it!!!
Not as brutal as it should have been, Ryan :lol: My body responds better to the higher volume and intensity, and it has missed it over the last few weeks. I'm going to be going back to it, and doing quite a few 2-a-day trainings from now on. After all, there's no better time to be super serious about everything! :drillsergeant:


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Terminator is right...

I knida miss two-a-day training in a weird way myself.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Terminator is right...

I knida miss two-a-day training in a weird way myself.
I did them all the time when I was cycling - not so much after that, especially since I used to do all my volume in one hit first thing until recently. But, going to go back to splitting things up a little - will probably give me more energy as well, and hopefully help sleep a bit deeper, since I am no longer using IGF-2 pre-bed.


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Ya, I usually would get some extra sleep between my two sessions <which ended up being my best recovery sleep. I think this is where it will help you most hopefully.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Ya, I usually would get some extra sleep between my two sessions <which ended up being my best recovery sleep. I think this is where it will help you most hopefully.
I won't get extra sleep between sessions - just the usual ~5 hours at "night" I hope, and I'll be sweet :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 34: Dance in the Storm


"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...It's about learning how to dance in the rain." - Vivian Greene


Sevendust - Clueless


HIIT Cardio:
a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/10 sec easy
c. 4 x 20 sec rest/40 sec sprint
d. 4 x 40 sec rest/20 sec sprint
e. 4 min jogging

Stretch 10 min.

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between supersets):
Superset A -
1. Rope Crunches 4 x 20
2. Single-Leg Deadlifts 4 x 10 per side
Superset B -
3. DB Lateral Raises 3 x 10, 6, 10
4. BB Military Press 3 x 10, 14, 10
Superset C -
5. DB Hammer Curls 3 x 12
6. Supinated Lat-Pulldown 3 x 8
Superset D -
7. V-Bar Tricep Push-Down 3 x 12
8. Incline DB Bench Press 3 x 8
Superset E -
9. Alternate Backward DB Lunges (wide stance) 2 x 10 per leg
10. Plank 2 x 1 min

Post-Weights Cardio - Run (on length of basketball court):
a. 16 x suicides
b. 4 x backwards (up court) and forwards (back)
c. 16 x suicides
d. 4 x backwards (up court) and forwards (back)
e. 16 x suicides
f. 4 x backwards (up court) and forwards (back)

Stretch 10 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~8 hours.

Mood/Aggression: Almost happy, giddy, child-like mood.

Energy: Feeling on top of the world!

Mental Focus and Clarity: There.

Endurance: Great.

Strength: Good.

Pump: A little - especially in biceps during and after Superset C.

Vascularity: Getting better as training continued.

Quality of Training: HIIT was much better than yesterday - going back to 20 second sprints and 10 second easy for a bit, at least to start off with, adding more sprints in afterwards . . . Resistance session was good. A different set-up re how I created my supersets, but different is good, and it was interesting for me to see how my body responded to the sets/reps selected . . . Post-Weights Cardio was more suicides again. Despite the fact that these kill my lower back and knees, I am determined to make my body SUFFER . . .

Recovery: Not feeling anything after yesterday - which is a pleasantly unexpected surprise. Felt glutes after resistance training today.

Body Composition and Look: The sooner I get back to being lean, the better!

Other Notes: I am going to be doing 2-a-day training sessions again - probably Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays (changes reflected in post #1). Going to be making sure my training volume AND intensity is the best it can be for my body to get results!


"Strength is hard but it gets easier as you can visualize your destiny." - Walt Ostarly. Visualization is a tool that some athletes use in preparation for training and competition. Seeing something as it happens, as they want it to happen. Exercising your mind is as important as exercising your body.


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My back is like my wrist - going to give me chronic issues and pain for the rest of my life, honestly, and I am just going to have to deal with it. Got to minimize things that aggravate it, though - to make me last.
Don't be so sure about the "rest of my life" conclusion. I'm an old guy who has suffered various injuries over decades in the gym. I herniated 2 discs in my back when I was about your age, and I could barely move for months. It was more than a year before I could get back in the gym. But my back did heal and has been fine ever since. (Though I don't even think about squatting anymore-- I'm all about the leg press.) I've had wrist problems so bad I had to give up all pressing movements (!!!) for months. Eventually, it healed. More recently, I've been dealing with severe bicep tendonitis (to the point I couldn't hold a damn pillow without searing pain in my elbow). But, even at my age, that seems to be healing nicely (finally, lol).
So adjust your routines to avoid the worst of the pain (duh), and hang in there-- I bet it will get better. And don't be too stubborn to take a little break, if you need it. There are many many years of athleticism ahead for you, young lady. A fitness lifestyle is a marathon, not a sprint. :)


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I like your workouts Rosie. I'm doing something somewhat similar. I find I like high volume training much better than lower reps/heavy weights. I don't know maybe I'm the only guy that actually enjoys this type of workout. Well minus that HIIT cardio and running.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Don't be so sure about the "rest of my life" conclusion. I'm an old guy who has suffered various injuries over decades in the gym. I herniated 2 discs in my back when I was about your age, and I could barely move for months. It was more than a year before I could get back in the gym. But my back did heal and has been fine ever since. (Though I don't even think about squatting anymore-- I'm all about the leg press.) I've had wrist problems so bad I had to give up all pressing movements (!!!) for months. Eventually, it healed. More recently, I've been dealing with severe bicep tendonitis (to the point I couldn't hold a damn pillow without searing pain in my elbow). But, even at my age, that seems to be healing nicely (finally, lol).
So adjust your routines to avoid the worst of the pain (duh), and hang in there-- I bet it will get better. And don't be too stubborn to take a little break, if you need it. There are many many years of athleticism ahead for you, young lady. A fitness lifestyle is a marathon, not a sprint. :)
Yeah, I'm sure, bud - you don't know my body and what I've put it through, and what I will continue to put it through. My injuries and health issues are enough to make one cringe, and they're not going to go away anytime soon. Them's the kicks and I just ignore it or put up with it. Fitness is my lifestyle, period, and I'll keep doing what I'm doing regardless of how my body feels, even if it gets to the point where it collapses on me yet again!


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Yeah, I'm sure, bud - you don't know my body and what I've put it through, and what I will continue to put it through. My injuries and health issues are enough to make one cringe, and they're not going to go away anytime soon. Them's the kicks and I just ignore it or put up with it. Fitness is my lifestyle, period, and I'll keep doing what I'm doing regardless of how my body feels, even if it gets to the point where it collapses on me yet again!
Well, I admire the passion.
And if you're saying that you're willing to sacrifice tomorrow's health for today's glory, that is certainly your right. But Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Well, I admire the passion.
And if you're saying that you're willing to sacrifice tomorrow's health for today's glory, that is certainly your right. But Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons...
Did I say that? No, I didn't. You took what I said entirely the wrong way :sigh1: and have obviously not read much of what I've written in this log as far as my health, but whatever. I know what I am doing, and I am well aware of what Life does. End of discussion, thanks.


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Rosie knows what she is putting herself through as did I when I competed. It is what it is really. Besides everyone is different, and not all injuries are acute I can attest to that myself< I have several chronic injuries, but I was able to do what I loved at a very high level and have no regrets.

Glad you felt better today Rosie, sorry if I missed it but how far out are you?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I like your workouts Rosie. I'm doing something somewhat similar. I find I like high volume training much better than lower reps/heavy weights. I don't know maybe I'm the only guy that actually enjoys this type of workout. Well minus that HIIT cardio and running.
Oh, I am still going to do lower reps and heavy weights, because my fat loss and body responds best to that, but I am going to be doing high volume training. The last few years have been an eye-opener for me for sure, the last one especially, particularly since my body has changed from what it used to be like, and I had to learn how to get results all over again.

HIIT and running are definitely an important part of my cardio re training.

Rosie knows what she is putting herself through as did I when I competed. It is what it is really. Besides everyone is different, and not all injuries are acute I can attest to that myself< I have several chronic injuries, but I was able to do what I loved at a very high level and have no regrets.

Glad you felt better today Rosie, sorry if I missed it but how far out are you?
True, and you learn as an athlete that you train and compete regardless of injury, because at the elite level, if you don't compete, you don't have a chance of winning, and therefore no income.

I am 8 weeks out from the competition itself, Ryan - ~7 weeks to get into competition shape, since I don't count the week pre-competition, and are actually aiming to be in competition shape ~2 weeks out from competition.


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<--- butting out...

Did I say that? No, I didn't. You took what I said entirely the wrong way :sigh1: and have obviously not read much of what I've written in this log as far as my health, but whatever. I know what I am doing, and I am well aware of what Life does. End of discussion, thanks.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 35: Let Your Light Shine!


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us." - Nelson Mandela


Saliva - I Walk Alone



Cardio - Stepper:
20 min @ 12 floors/min

Upper Body (30 sec recovery between sets):
1. Supinated BB Bent Over Rows 5 x 5
2. BB Push Press 5 x 5
3. Flat BB Bench Press 5 x 5
4. Dips 5 x 5
5. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 5 x 5

Stretch 22 min.


Cardio 20 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~7 hours - the longer sleep is NOT helping me.

Mood/Aggression: I've had a migraine since waking, so not as perky and bubbly as yesterday, not bouncing off the walls, but trying to remain upbeat.

Energy: Here and there.

Mental Focus and Clarity: Don't feel much like concentrating on anything today - giving my head the day off thinking (not that will stop it rushing around at a million miles an hour).

Endurance: On the mark.

Strength: Good.

Pump: Despite the lower reps, it was there.

Vascularity: Popping today - liked it :mischievous:

Quality of Training: Cardio was done at a level higher than I have previously done for that time, which was good . . . Resistance training was a Rosie-version of an Upper Body 5x5, LOL. Definition was coming out when training, which is a good thing (need to get a LOT leaner, though!), and seeing the separation in my delts when lifting. Pushed through, despite the migraine . . .

Recovery: I don't feel anything from yesterday, so that's good.

Appetite: I have definitely noticed that I have so much more energy when I am eating in agreement with my body! So, sticking to it. I CAN do this - if not to get leaner, but for my HEALTH!


For those just starting out make sure that you get a personal trainer or someone who KNOWS what they are doing to assess you and design you a training programme, so that you start out doing things the RIGHT way, instead of just randomly going in and doing whatever you feel like when you feel like. Your trainer should also explain WHY they have included everything that they have, and ensure that you are using correct form and technique for every exercise (don’t sacrifice your form for weight).


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I am 8 weeks out from the competition itself, Ryan - ~7 weeks to get into competition shape, since I don't count the week pre-competition, and are actually aiming to be in competition shape ~2 weeks out from competition.
7 weeks to Dominate........;) no one knows better then you what you do BEST:D
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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7 weeks to Dominate........;) no one knows better then you what you do BEST:D
I know...Where did the last 5 weeks go?!...You betcha, Chris! Come and :buttkick: all the way to the gym :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 36: Five Weeks Down


"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. You just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back." - Unknown


Daft Punk - Aerodynamic

An old song, but I love the instrumental, and sometimes it's just good to listen to something uplifting and different.


Ended up having today off.


Sleep - Time and Quality: Probably close to ~10 hours - WTF? Passed out on the couch during a movie, and woke up at 0519, which is ideal - even earlier! - to get up, had a shower, and went to bed for a few hours.

Mood/Aggression: Pretty blah today.

Energy: I actually don't have much energy today - not like a few days ago when I couldn't stop bouncing around!

Recovery: Feel it in anterior delts a little from yesterday.

Body Composition and Look: 124.8 pounds at 11% bodyfat. I have not remained as low re body composition as I desired, but the upper body mass re shoulders and arms from the last five weeks is noticeable - as is the mass gained in my LOWER body. I am the largest I have EVER been - upper AND lower- re girths, and the lower body mass is NOT WANTED! Therefore, I am going to do my BEST to lose that lower body mass withOUT stripping the hard-earned muscle from my UPPER body! I have ~3-4% bodyfat to lose - and whilst I know that scale weight is not really important, for this competition, I will have to lose ~15-20 pounds (not something I am proud to admit, since I usually simply do NOT let myself get this big, but this is all about accountability, right), the lean mass lost mostly from food and water weight no doubt (and lower body, since I don't mind it going from there). It's time to turn my body back into the LEAN machine that it is used to being!

Other Notes: Started back on Alpha-T2 and Erase today. Also started using Shift - I will dose once pre-bed (changes reflected in post #1).

Competition Notes: Seven weeks to competition. Six weeks maximum to get into competition shape. Five weeks ideally to be in the shape I want to be in. Time to kick myself into HIGH gear, returning to 2-a-day training sessions 2-4 times a week, ensuring pre and post-weights cardio is completed, and ALL sessions are as INTENSE as possible!


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler." - Henry David Thoreau


Nice looking log! I have no doubt you can reach those goals, especially since it seems like you are getting back in the swing of things and that your energy is better then it was last week. What made you decide to use both Alpha-T2 and Shift at the same time?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Nice looking log! I have no doubt you can reach those goals, especially since it seems like you are getting back in the swing of things and that your energy is better then it was last week. What made you decide to use both Alpha-T2 and Shift at the same time?
Thanks. As I said, I figured out what was causing the fatigue and eliminated the cause. I dose Erase thrice daily, and do why not use the active in Alpha-T2 thrice as well, and a pre-bed dose is perfect to help fat loss along, AND Josh was nice enough to send me a bottle :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 37: Light the Fuse


"Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do." - Unknown


Hatebreed - Light The Fuse


HIIT Cardio:
a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/40 sec recovery
c. 4 min jogging

Shoulders/Abs (30 sec recovery between alternate sets/supersets/trisets):
Alternate Set A -
1. Seated DB Shoulder Press 4 x 8
2. Single Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 10
Alternate Set B -
3. Behind-the-neck BB Military Press 4 x 8
4. Single Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 8
Triset -
5. DB Clean and Press 2 x 8
6. DB Hammer Raises 2 x 8
7. Seated DB Rear Raises 2 x 8
Superset -
8. Hanging Straight-Legs Raises (feet to touch bar) 2 x 8
9. Rope Crunches 2 x 15

Post-Weights Cardio - CrossRamp:
a. 2 min @ R12/CR10
b. 11 min @ R10/CR10
c. 9 min @ R8/CR10

Stretch 20 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~8 hours - seriously! Back to ~5 hours sleep! NOW!

Energy: Anything over ~5 hours and my energy levels are not optimal.

Endurance: Good.

Strength: Getting better - the pain in my anterior deltoids and biceps' tendons can make this session a little difficult, but I push through it.

Pump: High.

Vascularity: Definitely getting better.

Quality of Training: HIIT was good today. I must have looked shattered because someone actually stopped and asked me if I "was ok", LOL - sprints definitely take a lot out of me, but they're well worth it! . . . Resistance session was ok. Changing things up a little. Heavier with slightly less reps. Keeping recovery time low. Making the body guess . . . First time using the CrossRamp today. It was different. Definitely felt it in my glutes . . .

Recovery: Feeling my glutes.


"You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions." - Brandon Jenkins


Thanks. As I said, I figured out what was causing the fatigue and eliminated the cause. I dose Erase thrice daily, and do why not use the active in Alpha-T2 thrice as well, and a pre-bed dose is perfect to help fat loss along, AND Josh was nice enough to send me a bottle :)
Well you definitely know yourself well, just like you had been saying! looking forward to following along the rest of your journey, as you don't find many women out there who are motivating, but you are one of them!! :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 38: Action with Vision


"Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference." - Joel Barker


Five Finger Death Punch - Bulletproof



Cardio - StairMaster:
a. 5 min @ Level 8
b. 10 min @ Level 7
c. 5 min @ Level 8

Stretch 10 min.

Arms (30 sec recovery between alternate sets/trisets):
Alternate Set A -
1. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curls 4 x 10
2. DB Concentration Curls 4 x 10 per side
Alternate Set B -
3. Dips 4 x 8
4. V-Bar Tricep Push-Down 4 x 8
Triset -
5. DB Zottoman Curls 4 x 10
6. Overhead Rope Tricep Extension 4 x 8
7. Alternate DB Hammer Curls 4 x 10 per side

Post-Weights Cardio - Stepper:
a. 2 min @ 8 floors/min
b. 3 min @ 10 floors/min
c. 4 min @ 12 floors/min
d. 5 min @ 14 floors/min
e. 6 min @ 16 floors/min

Stretch 10 min.


Cardio 20 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~6 hours.

Mood/Aggression: Feeling good. Smiling.

Energy: Energy not been the best today - yawning a lot during training, and feeling shattered afterwards. Maybe it will pick up later today?

Endurance: Great.

Strength: Doing well with strength, despite the constant pain in my left wrist.

Pump: Not until the triset.

Vascularity: Getting better and better.

Quality of Training: Used the StairMaster for the first time ever this morning. I definitely felt it in my calves. Also had to keep looking AT the stairs as I was on it, or I kept tripping over my feet, LOL . . . Resistance training was good. Left wrist was in pain throughout the session, but I dealt with it, stretching it out between sets. Like yesterday, switched things up a little re exercises, etc., and made for an interesting session. Face was flushed today, but eyes were red and for some reason could not stop yawning . . . Definitely did NOT feel like doing Post-Weights Cardio, and was an effort to finish the last 5-6 minutes, but I did it. Self-discipline - if there is ever a time to employ it, NOW it that time! . . .


Body Composition and Look: I was surprised to see the difference in my hips this morning - seems like the fat is starting to go from there first. So, back to going from my LOWER body first this time around perhaps - would be great if yes!


"Self Discipline: The ability to take action regardless of your emotional state." - Walt Ostarly. You need to have self-discipline to achieve your goals, something to keep you on track, doing what you know you have to even when you don't feel like it, to maintain consistency.


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Losing from your hips you think this is partly because of the ERASE?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Losing from your hips you think this is partly because of the ERASE?
As I mentioned in my post above, when I first lost fat, I lost it from my lower body before my upper body, whereas last year I lost from my upper body before my lower body. I have a sneaking suspicion the way I train has an effect on where the fat is lost from first. But no, I've used Erase before and this has not happened. I think my body is just reverting back to losing the fat from my loewr body first, Ryan.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 39: Chiron


"Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve." - Wilfred Peterson


All That Remains - Chiron


Day Off.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~8 hours.

Mood/Aggression: Reasonable, but also very volatile at the moment.

Mental Focus and Clarity: Thinking and planning ahead.

Joints: Left wrist is in pain. Left knee is also twinging pretty badly today and is the primary reason I decided to have today as this week's Day Off.

Other Notes: I did a lot of thinking last night, looking back over past training re what worked best for fat loss, recomp, etc., training programmes and volumes that my body responded best to re results . . . And I came to the realization that VOLUME is what I am missing right now. Currently I am doing the LEAST volume that I have done in YEARS, and I need MORE - my body responds best to HIGH HIGH volumes of resistance training and a LOT more cardio. What I have been doing is not even half of Maintenance training. So, going off that, I have adjusted my training programme yet again (changes reflected in post #1), and will be starting from this from Saturday/Sunday (tomorrow will be a Full-Body session) . . .

Training from 26 February

Monday*: HIIT Cardio + Stretch 20-30 min + Shoulders/Hamstrings + Post-Weights Cardio

Tuesday*: Cardio 20 min + Stretch 20-30 min + Arms + Post-Weights Cardio

Wednesday*: HIIT Cardio + Stretch 20-30 min + Chest/Abs + Post-Weights Cardio

Thursday*: Cardio 20 min + Stretch 20-30 min + Back + Post-Weights Cardio

Friday*: HIIT Cardio + Stretch 20-30 min + Full-Body + Post-Weights Cardio

Saturday: Day Off

Sunday: HIT Cardio + Stretch 20-30 min

* A pm cardio session of at least 20 minutes to be done on 3-4 of these days.

It is also highly likely that I will NOT schedule in my weekly Day Off, but take it once a week when required, and continue on with training from where I left off before it.

As much of my cardio as possible is going to be done RUNNING, since my body responds best re fat loss to high running (or cycling) mileage.


"Step one is you have to believe in yourself. You have to say "I can", and never ever say "I can't". If you don't believe in your ability to succeed, then you never will! Success starts in your mind, anything you tell yourself is possible…IS possible. Set goals for yourself, stop making excuses and then take ACTION today to get you one step closer to that goal." - Diana Chaloux


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Are you incorporating the bedtime dose of DCP?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Are you incorporating the bedtime dose of DCP?
Yep - have been ever since I started using DCP (see post #1 for supplement dosing/timing details).


NutraPlanet Fanatic
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Yep - have been ever since I started using DCP (see post #1 for supplement dosing/timing details).

How are the Eviscerate and Gut Health lasting for you?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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How are the Eviscerate and Gut Health lasting for you?
I have about half a bottle of Eviscerate Smolder left and I finished my bottle of Gut Health 11 February.

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