Genomyx H.E.A.T.s up the Female Terminator with DCP to Smolder for Competition

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 12: Happy Impulses


"Taking the high road is usually not the easy one to take or the most popular. The low road seems to offer instant satisfaction. It may seem better for the moment, but if you compromise you principles and your integrity, it will always end up costing you far more in the long run." - Billy Cox


Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away


HIIT Cardio:
a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/40 sec rest
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 10 min.

Full-Body (30 sec recovery between sets):
1. Supinated BB Bent Over Rows 5 x 4-5
2. Overhead BB Squats 4 x 5
3. Weighted Dips 4 x 5
4. Ab Rollout 4 x 5

Post-Weights Cardio - Treadmill:
a. 1 min @ 14.4 km/hr
b. 1 min @ 15.2 km/hr
c. 1 x 30 sec @ 16 km/hr / 30 sec rest
d. 1 x 30 sec @ 16.8 km/hr / 30 sec rest
e. 1 x 30 sec @ 17.6 km/hr / 30 sec rest
f. 1 x 30 sec @ 18.4 km/hr / 30 sec rest
g. 8 x 20 sec @ 19.2 km/hr / 40 sec rest
h. 1 x 30 sec @ 19.2 km/hr / 30 sec rest
i. 1 min @ 14.4 km/hr

Stretch 10 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~5 hours. Now to get into a SCHEDULE!

Mood/Aggression: GREAT mood today, especially during and after training. Was completely random afterwards, impulsively going lingerie shopping (those who know me know that I am NOT a shopper, and least of all for lingerie, LOL). So had fun, a day out from normal, ready to get back into life.

Energy: LOTS. Got told twice in the space of an hour that I am "quite jumpy" and restless/"nervous" - I am a very hyperactive individual, yes, and the more physical and active I am, the better!

Mental Focus and Clarity: Playtime is over - not it's time for work.

Stress: Took the day off from stress today.

Libido: Could read its head . . .

Joints: Very painful in left wrist, especially with the heavier weights and the additional weight to Dips.

Endurance: Great.

Strength: Added an extra 20 pounds from last week to the exercises that matter re weight - it's good to be doing WEIGHTED Dips again!

Pump: A little - more in my legs from the HIIT cardio than weights.

Vascularity: Strong.

Quality of Training: HIIT Run pre-weights was AMAZING - the BEST one in probably the last YEAR! Pace did NOT falter at all, covering the same distance in each sprint. Had a small stitch, but ignored it and just sprinted my lungs out . . . Resistance training only added to an already great session. My strength is improving by leaps and bounds, especially now that I am focusing on it. My left wrist is still giving me problems, but I can ignore the pain and just flex my wrist in my recovery periods . . . Post-Weights I felt as fresh as anything, so it was onto the treadmill for some more HIIT. After the first effort at 19.2 km/hr, I went to increase the pace, but the treadmill wouldn't go higher. So stuck at that for a bit. The last minute was a definite effort, but so very happy when I finished . . .

Recovery: I feel BRILLIANT (probably going to feel the effects tomorrow, LOL)!

Body Composition and Look: So, the changes in my body over the last two weeks hit home more than ever - hit with a final shock, honestly - when I looked in the mirror in the dressing room of Victoria's Secret. Age has definitely caught up on me. Abuse as well. Maybe some effects of having run products with AI properties for so long (even though I love them). Even though my body composition is reasonably low (although not as low as I would like), my body is changing and doing so many unexpected things, from leaning out whilst slowly gaining mass and definition up top, to whatever seemed to have gone from the top re fat redistributing to my lower. Odd and NOT cool. Get rid of it all!!!

Other Notes: Used the last dose of my current bottle of IGF-2 yesterday, but will be starting more as soon as my new bottle gets here. Also going to be starting Erase as soon as it arrives (hopefully next week), along with Organic VitaBerry. And then a week after that, I will be starting Shred Matrix (all supplement changes reflected in post #1). DCP will be started as soon as it gets here (which, hopefully is next week).


Stop looking at everyone else. Look at you and you only. There's no point in comparing yourself to anyone but yourself, because everyone else started somewhere, albeit highly likely not the same place you started from. You're competing against YOURSELF, no one else! Focus on YOU: Your starting point, your goals, and make your path from the former to the latter, and don't look at what anyone else is doing.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 13: Cutting starts next week


"Life is not about finding yourself. It is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw


Cold - Wasted Years


Cardio - ~3 mile Run.

Stretch 10 min.

Full-Body (45 sec recovery between sets):
1. Wide-Grip Lat-Pulldown 5 x 8RM
2. Incline DB Bench Press 5 x 8-9RM
3. BB Romanian Deadlift 5 x 8
4. Close-Grip BB Bicep Curl 5 x 8RM
5. Hanging Straight-Legs Raises (toes touch bar) 5 x 8

Post-Weights Cardio - Stepper:
10 min @ 11 floors/min

Stretch 10 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~5 hours.

Mood/Aggression: Aggressive as hell heading to the gym. Not happy in the gym. Kind of flat about now.

Energy: My body feels heavy and sluggish today.

Mental Focus and Clarity: This can never let up now.

Stress: Where do you draw the line between beneficial and detrimental?

Libido: Maybe later . . .

Joints: PAIN in wrists!

Endurance: Ok.

Strength: Added yet a further 5-10 pounds on all exercises from last week (ignoring the pain in my wrists).

Pump: Strong.

Vascularity: Very strong.

Quality of Training: Since running seems to help me re fat loss, decided to run. Running on an indoor track is definitely not as much fun as running outside, and the time passes much slower. However, did it, even with lateral left knee seizing up after eight minutes and stitch in right side towards the end . . . Resistance training was straight PAIN from the beginning. I honestly felt throughout almost the entire session that my wrists were being wrenched from their sockets, and the pain was - PAIN! . . . Only did 10 minutes of Post-Weights Cardio, but from next week, I am going to have to make sure that I do 20 minutes of cardio pre-weights daily and 20-minutes of post-weights cardio at least 3-4 days . . .

Recovery: I'll feel it later no doubt.

Appetite: DCP should get here early next week, which is good, because I need something to SUPPRESS my appetite (if I could have New Year's week back re this, I would!)

Body Composition and Look: This is all going to CHANGE!

Other Effects: Call me a wuss, but I canNOT handle using Eviscerate any more - my skin is just far too sensitive now (I think the hard water in the US has a lot to do with it, since it has been bad since I've been over here). The burn is never-ending and it's still as fresh >12 hours after application as it was when I applied it, and if it so much as gets wet re sweat (training) or in another shower (anything not cold water), it burns MORE. Honestly, I would rather literally crash from the top of the 45-degree bank of a wooden velodrome and slide down to the bottom than endure this 'I'm burning alive' feeling daily. So, I am stopping Eviscerate and just going to wait until the Eviscerate Smolder arrives (changes reflected in post #1).

Other Notes: I haven't had IGF-2 for two days now, so I was interested in seeing if Assault would work as well as it has been with the addition of the Rhodiola Rosea. If yesterday is anything to go by, then it is ok - guess we'll see until more IGF-2 arrives how things go.

Competition Notes: I was going to recomp for another two weeks. However, given where I am now and where I want to be for competition, I am going to adjust that and start cutting from NEXT week. At a rate of 0.5% bodyfat loss per week (give or take, but usually it averages out to this, regardless), it will take me ~8 weeks to get as lean as I can - this gives me an additional two weeks to tweak things, and a further week for the competition diet preparation. Since I AM serious about this, and want to win my Pro card at THIS competition, doing this the right way for results is what I HAVE to do - no more screwing around and letting life interfere with things!


I keep seeing and having people ask how to train females with weights, thinking that there are separate distinctions between "male" and "female" training. There is NO difference in training a female than training a male - they should be doing the same exercises re resistance training (albeit most will be lifting less than a male would - this is the ONLY difference). As with everything else, the resistance training programme should be tailored to the individual specific for their goals AND needs.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 14: End one chapter...Start another...


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt


Skillet - Last Night On Earth


HIIT Cardio:
a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/40 sec rest
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 10 min.

Full-Body (30 sec recovery):
1. BB Front Squat 5 x 5
2. Close-Grip Flat BB Bench Press 6 x 4-5
3. Reverse Rows (feet on bench) 5 x 5
4. BB Push Press 6 x 4-5RM

Post-Weights Cardio - Run:
a. 12 min jogging
b. 4 x 40 sec effort/20 sec rest
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 10 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: Woke up after ~3 hours and went back to sleep for another two, making it ~5 hours - I definitely feel better now that I am consistently sleeping for ~5 hours a day.

Mood/Aggression: What can I say? I've closed yet another chapter of my life and are ready to move onto the next - and an exciting one it is going to be!

Energy: After Post-Weights Cardio, I feel shattered - before that, though, was fine.

Mental Focus and Clarity: Long day of work ahead.

Stress: I AM going to manage it!

Libido: Has its ups and downs - got told recently that my libido is like a switch and can turn from on to off (and vice versa) in the blink of an eye (I could have told you that).

Joints: Left wrist aching before I even got to the gym - a dull, constant ache that I try and ignore.

Endurance: Good.

Strength: Better session than this one last week - improvements consistent.

Pump: Not so much today.

Vascularity: Strong through arms, deltoids, and legs.

Quality of Training: Again, sprints with HIIT were about the same distance per effort, so improvement is being made - not to make them like that with with a QUARTER of the recovery time, that recovery being active . . . Resistance training was great. Strength is definitely improving, and I know that if I was having longer than 30 seconds recovery between sets I'd probably be lifting at least 20 pounds more per lift, which is positive . . . Decided to run again for Post-Weights Cardio - on a whim adding in a few efforts towards the end. I had to turn my mind onto autopilot, since my body did NOT feel like running again, and felt heavy and sluggish. By the end of it I could feel my legs dead as anything, my arms pumping to keep going, absolutely ready to flop down for stretching. Definitely made sure I could do nothing more after that . . .

Recovery: I am shattered - a culmination of yesterday's training on top of today.

Appetite: Training is easy, but exerting self-discipline with my nutrition is something else - something else I WILL do!

Body Composition and Look: I have 11 weeks until competition - eight weeks to transform.

Other Effects: Actually, the last few days I have become sensitive to the Beta-Alanine in the Assault, feeling the Beta-Alanine tingles for a while not long after dosing it (all good, though).

Other Notes: I've had some interesting and thought-provoking proposals over the last few days - 2011 is definitely looking up to be a complete and fruitful year!


I cannot reiterate enough that NUTRITION AND TRAINING are what is MOST IMPORTANT when it comes to getting results - that and CONSISTENCY. Those who automatically look to a supplement for a "quick fix" or "magic pill" are not going to find one, and should they get results for a time using a supplement, those results will not be maintainable or able to be built on if they do not get the BASE factors and principles CORRECT. If you're just starting out on your fitness quest, coming back from injury or time off, then stick to the Basic Staples and make sure your NUTRITION AND TRAINING are targeted at your goals and needs!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 15: Two weeks down


"Vision? What do you know about my vision? My vision would turn your world upside down, tear asunder your illusions, and send the sanctuary of your own ignorance crashing down around you. Now ask yourself, Are you ready to see that vision?" - Huey Freeman


Hoobastank - The First Of Me

This song resonates with me - be YOU, not what everyone wants or expects you to be. If you have a dream, go after it, but don't compromise yourself on the way - even if it means taking longer to get there, at least you'll be able to be proud of yourself for standing to your convictions and principles (the ends do not always justify the means, and I'd rather have self-respect than sacrifice my character). It's better to be different and stand out than to be like everyone else - forge your own path and make your own destiny!


V-Burn Challenge Circuit (no recovery between exercises; 1 minute recovery between rounds):
7 x rounds -
1. Jumping Split Squat x 10
2. Hand Walkout (from toes) x 10
3. Single-Leg Deadlift (with twist and lateral reach) x 10 per side
4. Push-Up (with alternate side rotation) x 10
5. Jumping Jacks x 10
6. Side Lunges (with over head reach) x 10 per side
7. Handstand Push-Up x 10
8. Squat Thrust (jump and reach) x 10

Stretch 20 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: Actually slept for ~8 hours last night - passed out not long after food.

Mood/Aggression: POSITIVE :)

Energy: After yesterday, surprised to find that my energy was on fire! Felt FRESH and training was AWESOME!

Mental Focus and Clarity: More work today - and some relaxing later, I hope.

Stress: Maybe dropped a little . . .

Libido: Definitely far more inclined today . . .

Joints: Wrists have been good today so far (another surprise) - although, I started Erase again today, with 2 caps first thing (and yes, it probably could work that fast, although more likely to kick in in a few days).

Endurance: Good.

Pump: Excellent.

Vascularity: Good.

Quality of Training: To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to training today. However, once I got into it, I felt GREAT. Heart was pounding by the end of the second round, and just kept on going. Anterior deltoids were in pain from the Handstand Push-Ups and I was only doing half-reps - better than nothing, though. I am debating whether or not to leave the V-Burn Challenge Circuit in my training programme from next week, whether to replace it with an "easy" cardio day . . .

Recovery: The extra sleep must have helped.

Appetite: Managing my appetite and getting my eating under control is going to be the BIGGEST challenge for me - but I WILL do it!

Body Composition and Look: 120.2 pounds at 11.2% bodyfat (I made a typo last week, my apologies (which made it my worst week ever re body composition changes, gaining 2.2% bodyfat in the third week of January - so very NOT cool OR acceptable!) - corrected in that post). Lost 0.4% bodyfat this week, which is not bad, considering my diet did not change and was still sh*t (yes, I know, think about my HEALTH!) - the only change this week was the addition of the Alpha-T2 (and running out of IGF-2 and the 7-keto DHEA topical half-way through the week, which should not have had a POSITIVE effect), which goes to show that it DOES make a difference, even with NO change in nutrition and training. So, 3-4 weeks to 8% bodyfat, and 3-5 weeks to 7% bodyfat (if I can get that low) - BUT, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I am calculating my cutting period for an ~0.5% bodyfat loss as week (better to give more time than not enough), so this will be ~9 weeks, and if I get to where I want earlier, then all the better.

Other Notes: I started Erase again today. Also going to use DermaTherm Target until the Eviscerate Smolder arrives (and will stack with the latter when it does). I have used DermaTherm Target before and it was nowhere near as effective as the original DermaTherm, but it was also during a time where I was not training (and we all know that TRAINING is the primary determining factor is my results), so that could definitely have affected any effects. However, the DermaTherm Target does not contain the 7-oxo DHEA and 7-OH DHEA, which is also another reason why, whether training or not, it was not as effective as the original, so I am also going to be adding in LG's 7-keto DHEA topical when more arrives, applying pre-DermaTherm Target application (yes, I know, seems like a lot of stuff, but I am covering ALL my bases this time around, because I am dead SERIOUS about getting as LEAN AS PHYSIOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE!) (supplement changes reflected in post #1) . . . And despite protein powder upsetting my stomach, I went ahead and tried the Cranberry Splash flavoured Maximum Absorbed Protein in the cupboard - it smells so good and i love cranberries, I figured why not see what it tastes like (just once, and then it's only my MuscleGel Shots) and deal with any unpleasant effects (if applicable). Brief review on my experience in my next post . . .

Competition Notes: 11 weeks until my competition from today!


"No one can go back and change a bad beginning but one can start anything, anytime and create a successful ending." - Push Harder


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Well my plans were to catch up on some things because ive been away. CHANGE TO THE CHANGE! I'll be catching up here through out the day!


Board Sponsor
Awesome log, very detailed, really enjoying the FIT TIP OF THE DAY :cool:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Well my plans were to catch up on some things because ive been away. CHANGE TO THE CHANGE! I'll be catching up here through out the day!
Be seeing you around on and off then, Chris :D
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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[Mini] Review of Primordial Performance's Maximum Absorbed Protein (Cranberry Splash

There are tubs of Maximum Absorbed Protein in our cupboards, and all the flavours have been, are, or gone (and yes, I've opened and smelt every one of them) :D I've held back from using Maximum Absorbed Protein because the reason I STOPPED using protein powder was that my stomach did not reacted well to ANY that I used, even if it is only a one-off, random scoop since early 2010 (and I have actually NOT used protein powder consistently in quite some time, using MuscleGel Shots as my exclusive source of supplemented protein for the last few months). Anyways, the feedback on Maximum Absorbed Protein has been so positive and good that I figured why not try just a scoop and see how it goes (I can put up with being uncomfortable for a day if it upsets my stomach). So I used a scoop . . .

What is it?

* Improves strength and recovery better than standard protein
* 2-3 times more effective than whey or casein protein
* No artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors
* No lactose. No bloating. No cramping.

For more information, review Primordial Performance - Maximum Absorbed Protein.

Formula: 10/10. Maximum Absorbed Protein is a perfect formula for someone like me, as it contains NO lactose, and little carbohydrates/sugars (I don't like to have carbohydrates in my protein, and if it has them, I prefer them to be complex). Maximum Absorbed Protein also contains an amino acid complex, which allows it to "double" as both a protein and BCAAs product. The fact that it contains actual FRUIT and not artificial flavours, sweeteners, and flavours is also a huge PLUS :thumbsup:

Smell: 9/10. Smells like cranberries (I like cranberries) :)

Taste: 9/10. Cranberry Splash flavoured Maximum Absorbed Protein has a sharp, tart taste - true to eating fresh cranberries, and this tartness lingers at least a good 90 minutes post-use. I personally like cranberries and their tart taste - which was the primary reason I decided to try the Maximum Absorbed Protein in the first place.

Mixability: 10/10. On shaking there was no trace of the powder and no clumps or excess was left in the water or on the bottom of the shaker.

Texture: 10/10. Maximum Absorbed Protein has a very light texture, not like the heaviness of protein powder - in fact, it was just like shaking up and having BC+EAA, and I didn't feel like I was having protein powder at all, but rather something akin to a preworkout product or BCAAs formula (which it technically is, though).

Strength: N/A. After only one serving, this is not applicable. Not only that, but it was on a day where I did not perform resistance training. For noticeable effects in strength, a longer period of time would be needed to assess this, and even then, training goals and routines, as well as nutrition and other supplements used would affect this, so I would not be able to say whether it made a difference to my strength.

Recovery: N/A. I used the Maximum Absorbed Protein after a training session and was fine. I will not know until later in the day - or even tomorrow or a few days - how my recovery really was. Add to that the fact that I am already using products that help enhance my recovery, any recovery benefits will be a combination of everything.

Other Effects: 10/10. Surprisingly, I did not experience any tummy upsets, bloating, air, or cramping afterwards - as I did with every other protein powder before I stopped using them altogether. The only "other effect" it has was causing me to feel slightly cold inside for a bit and a warming in my face - which is an effect I get when I consume tart things, fruit especially (and actually has similar effects on me as eating cranberries does, which is not surprising since it contains freeze-dried cranberries).

Overall: 9.7/10. Based on my experience with Maximum Absorbed Protein, and the fact that it doubles as a BCAAs product, and uses real fruit for sweetness and taste makes it very favourable in my opinion. In fact, as far as formula (re fitting my personal goals and needs), effects (no bloating, etc.), and flavour (especially flavour), Maximum Absorbed Protein is my #1 protein powder (and yes, this IS a call one can make after ONE serving of a protein powder), and I may even consider adding it in with MuscleGel Shots re supplemented protein.

Would I use again? If I used protein powder, then yes, I would. If I did not have any more MuscleGel Shots and was concurrently out of BC+EAA, I would use Maximum Absorbed Protein then - this says a lot, because I will not use any OTHER protein powder, period, even the ones that used to be my top and favourite protein powders. I may even consider adding it in with MuscleGel Shots re supplemented protein and replace my BC+EAA with this - get both benefits in one.

Would I recommend? Yes. Maximum Absorbed Protein has a solid ingredient profile. Feedback on the product is solid. Flavour tastes great. It can be used pre, intra, and post-training (intra and post re recovery effects), so an all-round product.

This review can also be found as a separate review in the Primordial Performance subforum: Rosie's Mini-Review of Maximum Absorbed Protein (Cranberry Splash flavour)


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hello, miss lady. :D

better late than never?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 16: Recovery Day


"Past is past, you need to pay attention to your present because your future depends on it." - Darrell Hamby


Janus - Say It


This week's day OFF - going to focus my attention on WORK today.

This week is going to be like last week, starting the "Training" week on Tuesday.


Sleep - Time and Quality: Another ~8 hours. Interesting.

Mood/Aggression: Calm and collected.

Energy: Lots of nervous energy that I might take out later with something (not sure what yet) - would be a good day for training, actually . . .

Mental Focus and Clarity: Today is all about work.

Stress: Working through things helps take my mind off this.

Libido: Attention elsewhere today - maybe later.

Joints: The reason I allowed myself to make today my day off this week is because my right wrist is in constant sharp pain (usually I only feel this pain when I am lifting heavy and pushing myself more than I should) - let it recover a little before Shoulders tomorrow (since Shoulders' day takes the biggest toll on my wrists).

Recovery: Aside from my wrists, I feel fully rested.

Other Notes: Since the Cranberry Splash flavoured Maximum Absorbed Protein did not cause any unpleasant effects for me re stomach yesterday, I decided to use the Tropical Mango flavour instead of my BC+EAA this morning. It had a strong mango taste (using REAL [freeze-dried] fruit makes a HUGE difference re flavour), and was light like BCAAs re texture as the Cranberry Splash was. Definitely liking Maximum Absorbed Protein, especially since I do not experience any unpleasantness like I do with other protein powders, and when I run out of BC+EAA, I will replace them with Maximum Absorbed Protein . . . Shred Matrix arrived later today (changes reflected in post #1). SO happy to have that back again (as happy as I was to see Erase!) Going to be GOOD times! . . .

Competition Notes: I am going to wait until I am back below 10% bodyfat before starting posing practice.


If you're just starting out training, then you do not need any supplements but the Basic Staples (creatine, multivitamin, good fats, protein, and BCAAs). Until you have built up a solid training base, you don't need anything else - NUTRITION AND TRAINING are what are going to get you results!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 17: And my body keeps changing . . .


"Don't feed the negative habits. Eradicate them! We need to BREAK THROUGH old patterns and replace them with new POSITIVE, EMPOWERING habits. Create new challenges, set new standards for yourself. Live Life Well!!" - Nicole Acker


Sevendust - Redefine

Awesome movie - one of (if not THE) Jet Li's best! One of my favourite actors, he can act volumes with his eyes alone - truly one of the greats!


HIIT Cardio:
a. 4 min jogging
b. 8 x 20 sec sprint/40 sec rest
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 10 min.

Shoulders (1 min recovery between supersets/trisets):
Superset A -
1. Behind-the-neck Military Press 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6
2. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 12, 10, 8, 6 per arm
Superset B -
3. BB Military Press 4 x 12
4. DB Hammer Raises 4 x 6
Triset -
5. DB Clean and Press 2 x 12
6. DB Lateral Raises 2 x 12
7. Seated DB Rear Raises 2 x 12
Superset C (no recovery between supersets) -
8. Rope Crunches 2 x 15
9. Plank 2 x 1 min

Post-Weights Cardio - Stepper:
20 min @ 12 floors/min

Stretch 10 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: All the extra sleep I have had the last couple of days must have 'filled' me up, LOL - I was still bright, bubbly, and wide-eyed when I should have been passed out cold. Ended up falling asleep for ~2 hours, perky and ready for the day.

Mood/Aggression: Good - gathering myself for the day.

Energy: Should have used that nervous energy yesterday, LOL. Energy today is great too - more focused, though.

Mental Focus and Clarity: Training is done, so now it's time to settle into some work.

Stress: Elevated.

Libido: When my stress levels get above a certain level, I have no interest in this - otherwise, no worries.

Joints: My right wrist had sharp pains yesterday. This morning, just lying in bed (yes, watching episodes of Basilisk, as I tried to fall asleep), my left wrist started twinging sharply, and this has continued throughout the day, with it feeling like it did not long after I got my cast off it during Post-Weights Cardio. Definitely hope the Erase starts working its magic by the end of the week!

Endurance: Great.

Strength: Same weights for the most part as last week, but for more reps, so improvement.

Pump: Strong.

Vascularity: Getting to be pretty good - in fact, got told the other day that I'm starting to get "double" veins through my chest and deltoids appearing that I've never had before.

Quality of Training: HIIT was not like last week. Whilst my sprints re time covered about the same distance each time, I could feel myself faltering on the last two efforts, and between them my heart was pounding so fast it felt like it was going to burst right through my chest! . . . Resistance training was good. Gritting my teeth and pushing through any wrist pain . . . Post-Weights Cardio was an effort for the last few minutes with my wrist pain, and right foot also felt weird . . .

Recovery: Excellent!

Appetite: Being out of control is NOT an option!

Body Composition and Look: Even after only 1-2 days of being back on Erase and Shred Matrix I can already feel and see the difference!

Other Effects: Definitely sensitive to Beta-Alanine when not using Rhodiola Rosea, feeling the tingles ~10 minutes after dosing Assault, lasting until I start training . . . Also, have almost a month off stimulants seems to have made me slightly sensitive to starting back on them again (re Shred Matrix stacked with Alpha-T2), which is very interesting - and GOOD (I don't consider either Alpha-T2 or Shred Matrix to be strong stimulants, but if being sensitive to them makes them more effective, then I don't mind) . . .


You cannot follow a generic exercise plan and hope that it gets results. Whilst there are general principles that everyone should follow re training, the BEST way to get results is to have a training programme designed specifically for YOU, individualized based on not just your goals (i.e. fat loss, fitness, muscle gain, recomp, etc.), but your NEEDS (i.e. flexibility, injuries, muscle imbalances, weaknesses, etc.) as well.


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Found ya... Not that you are hard to find, just look for the crowd.

Keep doing it up right and nail that competition and get that card!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Found ya... Not that you are hard to find, just look for the crowd.

Keep doing it up right and nail that competition and get that card!
Hey, Eric :wave:

That's the plan! :D


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Original post = 1/13/11

Contest = 13 weeks out

The Arnold weekend (numerous competitions) in Columbus, Ohio = March 4-6

Conclusion = not Rosie's competition.

Darn! :sad:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Original post = 1/13/11

Contest = 13 weeks out

The Arnold weekend (numerous competitions) in Columbus, Ohio = March 4-6

Conclusion = not Rosie's competition.

Darn! :sad:
Nope, not my competition . . . I'm probably not going to make it to the Arnold this year . . .
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 18: Life Audit in Progress...


"Sometimes you need to face adversity in order to become successful. In fact, adversity can be the very spark that fuels your drive into a new direction - a GPS system that guides you to success." - David Young


Saliva - Rest in Pieces


Cardio - Rollers:
20 min in 39x17 @ 110 rpm

Stretch 10 min.

Arms (1 min recovery between supersets/trisets):
Superset A -
1. Close-Grip Pull-Ups 4 x 16, 12, 12, 10
2. EZ-Bar Biceps Curls 4 x 12
Superset B -
3. Dips 4 x 6
4. DB French Press (standing) 4 x 6
Triset -
5. Cable Bicep Curls 2 x 12
6. Alternate Hammer Curls 2 x 12 per side
7. Straight-Bar Tricep Push-Downs 2 x 12
Superset C (no recovery between supersets) -
8. Rope Crunches 2 x 15
9. Side Plank 2 x 1 min

Stretch 12 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~5 hours.

Mood/Aggression: My head is in a good place - today is the start of an intense few days.

Energy: Definitely had energy - going to get back out in the snow later for more shoveling.

Mental Focus and Clarity: I couldn't be more focused. I've decided to do a Life Audit, a spring cleaning of my life, starting from the inside out, clearing up the clutter and getting rid of anything that does not have value or a purpose in my life, is not in line with my career objective and/or goals, and that may have a negative influence on my mental, psychological, or physical health and well-being!

Stress: High.

Endurance: Awesome.

Strength: Consistent progress.

Pump: Always strong on Arms' day.

Vascularity: As well as the veins coming out through chest and deltoids, there are blue lines (like on my legs) running down the side of my torso.

Quality of Training: Rollers was good . . . Resistance training was intense. Added some abwork in at the end . . . Didn't need to do post-weights cardio - the snow-shoveling for 45 minutes after my last stretching session was enough to double as post-weights cardio . . .

Recovery: Feeling my body moaning when I woke up, but it feels fine now.

Other Notes: The snow and blizzards have been bad everywhere in the US, so it seems. After training I went out and did some shoveling. Only did about half of it, because most of the snow drifts were up to my waist, and it was slow work. Did enough so that people can walk up to and around the house, though, and it's like walking along a narrow path surrounded by white walls, LOL.


A Life Audit can help you gain perspective on your life, on what is important to you and what is not, what is essential and you can do without and what. If your health and fitness is important to you - and it should be - then it will become clear what you have to do to improve and get where you desire.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." - Calvin Coolidge


Hatebreed - Hollow Ground


HIIT Cardio:
a. 4 min jogging
b. 9 x 20 sec sprint/40 sec rest
c. 4 min jogging

Stretch 20 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~5 hours. I also passed out early evening yesterday for ~30 minutes.

Mood/Aggression: Looking ahead.

Energy: I have energy, but my back has pain - it is inflamed and I'm being smart about training today and letting it recover.

Mental Focus and Clarity: A couple more things left to do today . . . And then it's time to try and relax (I say "try", because there is no guarantee that my mind will turn off) - I'm going to do this every night before going to bed, whether I watch a movie, read, or just chill out listening to music; something to try and get my stress levels down some and better manage my constant need to be "doing" . . .

Joints: My back has been killing me since the shoveling yesterday, and right now it is quite inflamed (although not all from the shoveling I am sure). I have had problems on and off since my back injury in 2004, and I will continue having them for the rest of my life (like I will with my wrist), so I have to learn how to manage them - rethinking the squats and deadlifts in my training programme, since these both aggravate it badly.

Endurance: Good.

Vascularity: Strong.

Quality of Training: HIIT was a little harder today. Feeling the impact inferior to my knees, trying to ignore the pain in my back. As I was stretching I realized that my mind had already lost focus and that to continue on would be doing more damage than good, so am using this as my training day without weights (replacing the V-Burn Challenge Circuit).

Recovery: Just my back (not from training).

Appetite: My nutrition is one factor that is being scrutinized excessively during my Life Audit. Just because I have always gotten "away" with it means nothing anymore, and I have the resolve to ensure that my HEALTH takes #1 precedence re diet.

Body Composition and Look: Despite the abundant amount of basmati rice I have been consuming (several times daily - so much that we got a 10kg bag of it, and that's not going to last long at all!), my body mass is slowly dropping as I lose any water weight that my body might be holding onto. Have also noticed top of my midsection, obliques, and hips tightening up - Erase and Shred Matrix make ALL the difference!

Other Notes: Second day of my Life Audit. Everything is going well so far, and it's actually a RELIEF to be cutting some of the ties I have been holding onto!


Learn how to fish and don't just be fed. It's not enough to simply blindly do as your trainer (if you have one) tells you. Ask questions. Want to know WHY the trainer has you doing what they have you doing. Understand how it is specific to you, will help you achieve your goals, and fulfill your needs. Get INVOLVED mentally as well as physically!


Board Sponsor
Loving that quote above, brb printing it out :D
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Loving that quote above, brb printing it out :D
It's awesome, isn't it? If reading that doesn't light a fire under your ass, I don't know what will (aside from an actual fire, LOL) :toofunny:


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I really hope your back doesn't give you more issues... those are the worst.

your life Audit really has me thinking, id be afraid to Audit mine though:D..just kidding it be easy!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I really hope your back doesn't give you more issues... those are the worst.

your life Audit really has me thinking, id be afraid to Audit mine though:D..just kidding it be easy!
My back is like my wrist - going to give me chronic issues and pain for the rest of my life, honestly, and I am just going to have to deal with it. Got to minimize things that aggravate it, though - to make me last longer.

It's interesting - makes you really know what is important to you, and gives you a new perspective on yourself, especially if you have changed as dramatically as I have over the last few months, and realize things for what they are.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 20: Deloading for the rest of the week


"If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think, you dare not, you don't. If you like to win but but think you can't, it's almost certain you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost. For out in the world we find success begins with a person's will. It's all in the state of mind. Life's battles don't always go to the strongest or the fastest sooner or later those who win are those who think they can." - Jacob William Cordtz


Five Finger Death Punch - Meet the Monster


Cardio - Rollers:
20 min in 39x18 @ 104 rpm

Stretch 20 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~5 hours.

Mood/Aggression: Quite a lot pissed off, actually - working on calming myself down.

Energy: I have energy - a lot of angry, aggressive energy. I am going to get out and shovel some more later - try and get rid of some of it.

Stress: I am relieved, but not at the same time.

Joints: Wrists and back are still giving me some issues, so decided to have an easy/deload week re training, sticking to only the two resistance training sessions I have already done, and doing six days re cardio, and hopefully Erase will be working its magic by Monday, and I can get back into the weights better than ever.

Endurance: Fine.

Quality of Training: See notes under "Joints" above.

Other Notes: Received more Organic VitaBerry yesterday, so started up again today. And I have only another eight days of Gut Health left (supplement changes reflected in post #1) - I do believe that this is making a difference to me, since I have not had any stomach upset after eating since using it.

Competition Notes: 10 weeks until competition.


BELIEVE in yourself: In your ambition, in your ability to achieve your objectives and goals, in being able to stay strong and letting mistakes go without going off the rails, in your determination and motivation, in commitment to doing this for YOU!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 21: The Mechanic


"How do we inspire ourselves to greatness when nothing else will do? How do we inspire others around us?" - Nelson Mandela, Invictus


All That Remains - Aggressive Opposition


HIIT Cardio - Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x18 @ 112 rpm
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x18
c. 4 min in 39x18 @ 96 rpm

Cardio 21 min.

Stretch 20 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~8 hours. Passed out during an episode Fringe.

Mood/Aggression: Motivated.

Mental Focus and Clarity: It's funny the mental curveballs life throws at you, the stuff you learn about the past, that, if you had known this then, would have changed your life in more ways that you can imagine . . . But, I'm going to try and give my mind the day off today after those revelations . . .

Endurance: Fine.

Vascularity: Swift to come out - and stay.

Quality of Training: Good.

Recovery: After training, I did some more shoveling - not that anything needed it, but because I wanted to make paths through the snow, LOL - and my back is paying for it now.

Other Notes: The Life Audit is over - striding forward with a purpose!


Know and accept your weaknesses. Once you know your weaknesses, you can prepare yourself to fight against them, take measures to ensure your defeat of them when they present themselves. After all, the battle for your success is against yourself more than anything else.


New member
Hey there, Rosie! Sorry I'm a bit late, but count me in for the rest of the ride.

Incredibly detailed log you have going here, but after seeing some of your past reviews, I'm not surprised. I've got some reading to do :D
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hey there, Rosie! Sorry I'm a bit late, but count me in for the rest of the ride.

Incredibly detailed log you have going here, but after seeing some of your past reviews, I'm not surprised. I've got some reading to do :D
Hi there. Your first post - I'm honoured :)

It's not as detailed as what some of my previous logs have been, but you adapt when you've been doing them as long. I will do a Final Review at the end, if you miss anything throughout the log, and if you have any questions pertaining to this along the way, feel free to ask.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 22: Three weeks down


"If you wait until you THINK you are ready, you may never know what you are capable of. But if you believe in yourself and P.U.S.H. forward towards your goals, the result could be better than you could have ever imagined. That is my reality." - Ben Booker


Fight Scene - Gorgeous

Jackie Chan's (another of my favourite actors) debut movie - this is my favourite and one of my top movie fight scenes (beautiful choreography, with amazing skill displayed, and I love both boxing and martial arts), ever!


Cardio 20 min.

Stretch 20 min.


Mood/Aggression: I am here - that is all that matters.

Energy: There.

Endurance: Fine.

Quality of Training: Good - an easy session today.

Recovery: My back is ok after yesterday.

Body Composition and Look: 119.4 pounds at 11.2% bodyfat. No change in body composition from last week - this is further indication that is is my TRAINING that primarily determines my progress and results, since my nutrition has been right this week!

Other Notes: Received my DCP late yesterday, so started it today (changes reflected in post #1).


"Life is what it is. The control I have is very little. Tomorrow is a different day...and I will deal with it then...but today I choose to live in today...not yesterday and not tomorrow. Again, thank you Lord for sending me to that place to get to this one. Growth begins at failure. Believe…" - Ben Booker
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Awesome fight scene... Jackie Chan is incredibly athletic, even as he approaches 60. I have a ton of respect for him.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Awesome fight scene... Jackie Chan is incredibly athletic, even as he approaches 60. I have a ton of respect for him.
I couldn't agree more :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 23: Building My Support Network


"We all have dreams. But in order to make our dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication." - Walt Ostarly


Three Days Grace - Life Starts Now


HIIT Cardio:
a. 4 min jogging
b. 4 x 20 sec sprint/40 sec rest
c. 4 min jogging
d. 4 x 20 sec sprint/40 sec rest
e. 4 min jogging

Stretch 10 min.

Shoulders (1 min recovery between supersets/trisets):
Superset A -
1. Behind-the-neck Military Press 4 x 8-10
2. Single-Arm DB Lateral Raises 4 x 8-10 per arm
Superset B -
3. BB Military Press 4 x 10
4. DB Lateral Raises 4 x 10
Triset -
5. DB Clean and Press 2 x 10
6. DB Hammer Raises 2 x 8
7. Seated DB Rear Raises 2 x 10
Superset C (no recovery between supersets) -
8. Hanging Straight-Leg Raises (toes to touch bar above head) 2 x 10
9. Plank 2 x 1 min

Post-Weights Cardio 20 min.

Stretch 16 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~5 hours.

Mood/Aggression: The BEST today - huge smiles and thanks to Walt!

Energy: I've been running around the house with excitement! Definitely have energy - although training efforts could suggest otherwise, LOL.

Endurance: Good.

Strength: Increasing the weights and making sure progress was made on all fronts from last week.

Pump: In anterior delts.

Vascularity: Stunning - now THIS is what I want for photoshoots and always!

Quality of Training: Had to split my sprints into two sets this morning my body was that 'off'. Sprints were still done at 100%, and still covered the same distance each time, but between them I was suffering a lot more than usual. Did 20 minutes, though, and going to keep it at that from now on . . . Resistance training was fun, but not. Fun, because I went up in weights. Not, because my left anterior deltoid was in PAIN. But, pushed through . . . Post-Weights Cardio is going to have to become a regular occurrence after 4/5 resistance sessions from now on, for ~20 minutes . . .

Appetite: Walt says that, "Doing a nutrition plan nearly right and doing it exactly right is usually the difference between success and failure." Whilst that may not be the case for everyone, and not for me to get into competition condition, it IS going to be more important than ever for my health and for me to get into the condition I want to be in!

Other Notes: I have realized just how important this is, and I am building my support network: Sponsors, mentors, supporters, photographers, etc. I have been inspired, motivated, and encouraged by many individuals, and I am grateful to all of them for their belief in me.

Competition Notes: ~8 weeks until competition - I am NOT counting the week pre-competition, because that is strictly for competition-specific preparation, and I should ALREADY be in competition shape 2-3 weeks out. I definitely want to win my Pro card in THIS competition, but it's not just about that, or doing better than last time anymore - there is a LOT riding on this competition in more ways than one!


High stress can lead to increased cortisol levels. Studies have shown a negative correlation between cortisol and total testosterone, with an increase in cortisol associated with a decrease in total testosterone, a combination that can make it difficult to optimize fat loss. Therefore, to maintain optimal cortisol and testosterone levels, managing stress levels becomes essential, and decreasing stress will in turn decrease the cortisol levels in your body, allowing you to lose fat more efficiently.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 24: The Next 8 Weeks


"Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary." - Cecil Beaton


Rise Against - Survive


Cardio - Rollers:
20 min in 39x18 @ 108-110 rpm

Stretch 20 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~8 hours. Bit later falling asleep this morning, so got up later.

Mood/Aggression: Moving FORWARD!

Energy: Today is an 'easy' day (see changes to training under "Competition Notes").

Mental Focus and Clarity: Going to be a few changes to my website over the coming months - starting them now.

Endurance: Fine.

Quality of Training: Just a recovery session on the rollers. My body has changed over the last few months, and noticing the difference when on the rollers.

Appetite: There will be NO more slip-ups, no matter how minor, for the next eight weeks - this is for ME!

Other Notes: My Eviscerate Smolder arrived today, making my competition stack complete - will be applying my first application of that tonight (changes reflected in post #1).

Competition Notes: Recomping is being cut short a week, to allow me an extra week to get back into the condition I want to be in. Along with this adjustment is a quick change to my training schedule (changes reflected in post #1) - going back to more volume and slightly longer resistance sessions, making sure to get that post-weights cardio in. Some weeks I may also do Arms on Tuesday instead of Wednesday, but no biggie. All stops have been pulled out. It's time to get this - like I said yesterday, there is a LOT riding on this competition!


Eric Lizotte, an acquaintance of mine recently said that, "Working from reality is the way you get your desired results, not working from fantasy." He is right - whilst it is important to have a goal, it is ESSENTIAL that you work towards achieving that goal from where you are at NOW. For example, if you're 200 pounds and want to be 180 pounds, your nutrition plan should be for fat loss for a 200-pound individual, not an 180-pound individual; if you have never trained a day in your life and suddenly decide to run a marathon, you gradually build up your training and do not immediately start out on a training programme for an elite athlete; etc.


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Once again, congrats on the signing with Walt!, this is something you've wanted and now you have it! Whens the first shoot?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Once again, congrats on the signing with Walt!, this is something you've wanted and now you have it! Whens the first shoot?
Thanks, Chris :) Shoot dates aren't set in stone yet - looking to do the first in June.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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you going to be in tip top shape come june!
Got to be in tip top shape by 26 March - I have my first photoshoot of the year then! And then my first competition 16 April. June will just be time to get leaner and leaner :D


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Got to be in tip top shape by 26 March - I have my first photoshoot of the year then! And then my first competition 16 April. June will just be time to get leaner and leaner :D
I knew about the April comp, this is why i said tip top by then..;) you better be by April! hehe, also , clear your PM's you horder!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I knew about the April comp, this is why i said tip top by then..;) you better be by April! hehe, also , clear your PM's you horder!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 25: Get Ready to Fight Back!


"Opportunities multiply as they are seized." - Walt Ostarly


DevilDriver - End of the Line


This week's Day Off - I know it's supposed to be on Sunday, but training this week is going to have to get moved down a day.


Sleep - Time and Quality: ~16 hours. I know! :wtf: I slept for ~8 hours, woke up, and after ~20 minutes, went back to bed for another eight.

Mood/Aggression: Not quite sure what to think . . . Highly stressed after an event last night . . . Feel deflated . . .


Stress: HIGHER THAN HIGH! :aargh:

Recovery: There is NO way yesterday's 20 minutes on the rollers shattered me this much! :wtf1: is going on?!


Sometimes life gets in the way and things don't go the way you had planned or want them to. There ARE going to be those days when something happens that you do not foresee, meaning that you can't train or that puts another kink in your lifestyle - today for me is one of those examples where life kicks you where you least expect it. Therefore, you have to learn to be flexible, adapt, and be able to adjust your schedule, whether it be that day or another, to allow for this. Remember the 70/30 Rule: As long as you things right 70% of the time, there is an allowance of 30% where life gets in the way - that's not to say you can deliberately do things inconsistently or wrong for 30% of the time, but just understands that we can't all be perfect all of the time.


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16 hours!:spank:, maybe after your event last night, what ever that was; it was called for to sleep all day? :dunno: so my question is if you slept all day, seriously all day why aren't you on here?:lol:


New member
16 hours of sleep does seem peculiar, to say the least...

I've been falling a bit on the sleep myself, so 16 hours doesn't sound so bad to me right now :eek:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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16 hours!:spank:, maybe after your event last night, what ever that was; it was called for to sleep all day? :dunno: so my question is if you slept all day, seriously all day why aren't you on here?:lol:
High stress, Chris, high stress not conducive to anything :sigh1:

16 hours of sleep does seem peculiar, to say the least...

I've been falling a bit on the sleep myself, so 16 hours doesn't sound so bad to me right now :eek:
Yes, 16 hours of sleep is "peculiar" and unusual for ME, especially when I 4-5 hours is my normal re sleeping period. Even when I am completely shattered, I still won't sleep more than ~8 hours, and the last time I started sleeping this long was when I had recurrent bouts of CFS (I probably don't have it now, since I have taken measure against it, but if this continues, then there is a problem).
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 27: I Will Not Bow


"There is no passion to be found in playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela


Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow


HIIT Cardio - Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x18 @ 110 rpm
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x17 (rpm N/A during efforts)
c. 4 min in 39x17 @ 110 rpm
d. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 (rpm N/A during efforts)
e. 4 min in 39x16 @ 110 rpm

Stretch 20 min.


Sleep - Time and Quality: Still over sleeping and feeling like I want to KEEP sleeping - this needs to end NOW!

Mood/Aggression: Wondering what the hell is going on . . . And working through it . . .

Energy: I still feel absolutely shattered . . .

Endurance: Fine.

Quality of Training: Not all that was planned, but intense enough . . . Might attempt my resistance training session a bit later . . .

Recovery: I feel like I was the one who just walked 550 kilometres in a little under a week, and not my younger sister!

Body Composition and Look: I see and feel all the areas that need improving ASAP!

Other Notes: Actually, come to think of it, started back on IGF-2 recently (changes reflected in post #1), at full dosage and not only the first thing I have been using for the last month - that could affect my energy a little the first week back on it . . .

Competition Notes: Eight weeks until competition - the "last minute" has been and gone . . .


If you want to gain muscle, you need to EAT for it! Next to resistance training, nutrition is the most important factor in the achievement of gaining muscle mass. For muscle accretion to occur, one must have a net positive energy balance of ~15% above maintenance, a moderate to high carbohydrate intake (55-60% total daily energy) to fuel resistance sessions, optimal protein intake (25-30% total daily energy) to ensure protein synthesis, and an adequate fat intake (15-20% total daily energy) to prevent testosterone levels falling.


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Hope you sort out your fatigue and stress soon. We all know how tough it is to do anything when our energy levels aren't where they need to be.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hope you sort out your fatigue and stress soon. We all know how tough it is to do anything when our energy levels aren't where they need to be.
The stress rarely changes, bud. The fatigue, whether it changes or not, will be being kicked solidly next week for sure!

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