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I think Ive been for about 8 weeks now (6.25 ED) after stopping TRT. (Mainly for prostate and anxious feeling reasons).
I must say I feel good overall. The one thing is libido took a hit for sure. I added .5mg of Finasteride as well (M-W-F) and
that can affect libido, along with lowering my total test. I have one more week left of Enclom on hand and then just going to fully clean out for 1 month. I get my yearly physical and full bloods on APR 11, so I want to see where everything is. Main concern is PSA (And of course test levels). My other markers should all be fine as they normally are historically.

If all is well, I'm thinking of trying the Emeric Delczeg TRT method. He (and others) have been doing the 10mg per day protocol.
So its only 70 mg per week, down from my 125 mg per week. More stable bloods, less sides, etc. People have been hitting between 800-1000 ng/dl doing this (total test) with excellent free test levels. In our prime, our body makes 5-10 mg of Test per day.
Thanks for the update. You think your libido took a hit from the enclo or from coming off test entirely?


New member
I think Ive been for about 8 weeks now (6.25 ED) after stopping TRT. (Mainly for prostate and anxious feeling reasons).
I must say I feel good overall. The one thing is libido took a hit for sure. I added .5mg of Finasteride as well (M-W-F) and
that can affect libido, along with lowering my total test. I have one more week left of Enclom on hand and then just going to fully clean out for 1 month. I get my yearly physical and full bloods on APR 11, so I want to see where everything is. Main concern is PSA (And of course test levels). My other markers should all be fine as they normally are historically.

If all is well, I'm thinking of trying the Emeric Delczeg TRT method. He (and others) have been doing the 10mg per day protocol.
So its only 70 mg per week, down from my 125 mg per week. More stable bloods, less sides, etc. People have been hitting between 800-1000 ng/dl doing this (total test) with excellent free test levels. In our prime, our body makes 5-10 mg of Test per day.
i stopped TRT as well and started enclomiphene 12.5mg a day. I feel better too. My blood pressure and hematocrit went back to normal and libido isn’t really changed. After a while on TRT it starts to become a pain in the ass having to micro manage hormones all the time and I can’t deal with the other side effects.


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I think Ive been for about 8 weeks now (6.25 ED) after stopping TRT. (Mainly for prostate and anxious feeling reasons).
I must say I feel good overall. The one thing is libido took a hit for sure. I added .5mg of Finasteride as well (M-W-F) and
that can affect libido, along with lowering my total test. I have one more week left of Enclom on hand and then just going to fully clean out for 1 month. I get my yearly physical and full bloods on APR 11, so I want to see where everything is. Main concern is PSA (And of course test levels). My other markers should all be fine as they normally are historically.

If all is well, I'm thinking of trying the Emeric Delczeg TRT method. He (and others) have been doing the 10mg per day protocol.
So its only 70 mg per week, down from my 125 mg per week. More stable bloods, less sides, etc. People have been hitting between 800-1000 ng/dl doing this (total test) with excellent free test levels. In our prime, our body makes 5-10 mg of Test per day.
The fin should lower your DHT and could be good for your prostate but shouldn't lower your test. Usually I've seen test slightly increase on it.

Have you tried the gel for TRT? The Emeric Delczeg TRT method seems to be pretty effective from people that have used it. However, I also know someone who switched from weekly IM to the androgel and they love it and won't go back. And it brings their test to 900. I know this board is strongly opposed to the gel but it is very effective for TRT, and something to consider if you're going to pin ED anyway.


New member
The fin should lower your DHT and could be good for your prostate but shouldn't lower your test. Usually I've seen test slightly increase on it.

Have you tried the gel for TRT? The Emeric Delczeg TRT method seems to be pretty effective from people that have used it. However, I also know someone who switched from weekly IM to the androgel and they love it and won't go back. And it brings their test to 900. I know this board is strongly opposed to the gel but it is very effective for TRT, and something to consider if you're going to pin ED anyway.
If I ever have to go back on TRT I’ll go to the gels and never back to injections. The gels are a more gradual steady increase while the shots cause a spike and brings side effects


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If I ever have to go back on TRT I’ll go to the gels and never back to injections. The gels are a more gradual steady increase while the shots cause a spike and brings side effects
I'm not on TRT and have not used the gel. Having said that, outside of this forum, I have heard a lot of people who prefer the gel over the injections. I know a lot of people on here believe that the gel can't get you high enough into range, and maybe that's true for some people, but I know people who use the gel and their blood work has their test at the high end of the range. So, just based on anecdotal experiences, it can be extremely effective for TRT. Some people just prefer to pin though.


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The fin should lower your DHT and could be good for your prostate but shouldn't lower your test. Usually I've seen test slightly increase on it.

Have you tried the gel for TRT? The Emeric Delczeg TRT method seems to be pretty effective from people that have used it. However, I also know someone who switched from weekly IM to the androgel and they love it and won't go back. And it brings their test to 900. I know this board is strongly opposed to the gel but it is very effective for TRT, and something to consider if you're going to pin ED anyway.
It doesnt lower test, but known to cause some sexual side effects...


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It doesnt lower test, but known to cause some sexual side effects...
and might I add sometimes permanent. I have a buddy who used fin for a year and 5 years later still has libido issues.


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I see people talk about side effects from using test on TRT and I don’t understand what sides are causing some of you all issues. I’ve been on TRT for 4 years and I’ve never had any sides that made me consider TRT is not worth the risk. I was using 100mg a week but started going 50mg every 4 days and being more consistent has made my sex life, erection quality even better. My last blood draw said my test was 859, free test is 18ish and estrogen was 25. BPH has been my only issue but I take 5mg of Cialis EOD and I have no issues there. My RBC related labs are in range.

So what side effects are some of you all talking about?


New member
I see people talk about side effects from using test on TRT and I don’t understand what sides are causing some of you all issues. I’ve been on TRT for 4 years and I’ve never had any sides that made me consider TRT is not worth the risk. I was using 100mg a week but started going 50mg every 4 days and being more consistent has made my sex life, erection quality even better. My last blood draw said my test was 859, free test is 18ish and estrogen was 25. BPH has been my only issue but I take 5mg of Cialis EOD and I have no issues there. My RBC related labs are in range.

So what side effects are some of you all talking about?
So because you are all good and have no sides and feel great that means nobody else shouldn’t have side effects and should also feel great? Plenty of people have trouble with blood pressure, hematocrit, acne, rapid heart rates etc. I ran TRT for years and tried all dosing protocols. I’m a hyper responder, so my test was at 1200-1300 on 50mg of T cyp a week 6 days after injection and over 2000 3 days after injeciton.

Could never get my hematocrit under control either, was always 54-59 and constantly having to donate was annoying. Not to mention long term use of A.I are toxic on the cardiovascular system amongst other issues.

I personally switched to enclomiphene and felt way better. All of my blood pressure and hematocrit issues completely disappeared and my testosterone range is were 700 to 800 aka normal ranges.

That being said, there are people who do need TRT. But a lot of people who take it don’t need it in the first place and just needed to do a lifestyle change instead of being lazy. A lot of people are trying to use TRT as a bandage for their shitty lifestyles. Just like the people who use Ozempic and don’t want to exercise, but just want to lose fat without changing any of their shitty habits.


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So because you are all good and have no sides and feel great that means nobody else shouldn’t have side effects and should also feel great?.
Goodness…. Look, I stated what my experience has been and asked the question of what sides other people have had. Not once did I indicate or act like everyone should have the same opinion as me.


New member
Goodness…. Look, I stated what my experience has been and asked the question of what sides other people have had. Not once did I indicate or act like everyone should have the same opinion as me.
you asked and I answered. Plenty of people get side effects from replacement therapy. And a lot of people don’t. You’re just one of the lucky ones.


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you asked and I answered. Plenty of people get side effects from replacement therapy. And a lot of people don’t. You’re just one of the lucky ones.
Yup, its common knowledge some can get sides. Its a synthetic compound, and everyone is different.
Many dont get sides, many do (like any drug)...

That being said, if all is well in 4 weeks with my bloods and physical, I may try the Emeric Delczeg "10mg per day" method.
Its only 70mg a week, and much less sides (im reading). Also brings many people back up to 700 - 800 ng/dl total test.
Which is perfect for me... I expect the sides to be lower (BPH and minor anxiety)..
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