Do Exogenous Ketones Appear to Be Ketosis, Or Is it Actual Ketosis?


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Hi Everyone,

As a person with immense trouble getting into ketosis, I am always looking for a faster way.

As I said in other posts, it takes me six days of zero carbs to show ketosis on the Ketostix.

My idiot trainer in high school says that ketosis diet causes so much fat-burning that someone is ravenously hungry. Even the first ketogenic meal will cause a rapid hunger by lunch. This never happened to me before.

By all accounts, my ketogenic diet was completely ineffective. Only a few pounds lost, immediately regained within a week of eating a normal, healthy diet.

I want to try again, with better scientific knowledge:

1. Do Exogenous Keto salts actually help someone get into ketosis faster? Or, does it just appear so, since they are excreted in the blood, urine, etc.?

2. Beyond buying keto salts, what diet would be the most extreme ketogenic?

My guess is eating nothing but MCT coconut oil, and macadamia nuts would be good.

3. Since we are lifting weights, how can we ensure we get enough protein, but not so much that the protein converts to glucose?

4. Any other tips?

I myself will try week days of hardcore ketosis, weekends of very low fat diet.

I have not figured out a lifting routine. It might be as few as two weight workouts a week, or as many as six smaller routines.


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If you didn't have success with it before why are you trying so hard to do it again? If you didn't lose weight on it you just weren't in a large enough deficit regardless of if you were actually in ketosis or not.

Probably should focus on figuring out a training routine as well and a simpler diet and spend less time focusing on a bunch of things that don't matter.


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If you didn't have success with it before why are you trying so hard to do it again? If you didn't lose weight on it you just weren't in a large enough deficit regardless of if you were actually in ketosis or not.

Probably should focus on figuring out a training routine as well and a simpler diet and spend less time focusing on a bunch of things that don't matter.
Thanks. I tried "Body for Life" afterward. That worked for weight loss.

1. The diet was decent. But, the workout plan could be better.

2. It is just that everyone who did the ketosis diet said it was so effective. I always wondered why I was the one person who it would not work.


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No need to try going back to it just because other people liked it, there’s plenty of diet styles out there and you’ll find people who get results with some and people who it just doesn’t seem to work for. Find what works for you in the sense it’s easier to maintain a deficit and is easier to stick to.

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