Another OstaRX log. RAHL (Sponsored)



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Another great workout tonight.

Back and biceps

10 min elliptical warmup

Pull ups wide: 11,6,6,4
DB alt curls:45x10,45x7,45x7
Incline DB curls:35x12,35x8,35x7
Cable row:150x9,150x8,150x8
Reverse grip pull down:160x9,160x8,160x7
DB shrug: 90x10,95x10,95x10
Face pull:60x20,60x20

Also did various ab exercises between sets.

Huge freakin pump! I was swelling like crazy tonight. Lol

So today my weight is still the same as day one mostly. Down 1/2 lb. considerably leaner. Will put up my final review tomorrow.


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  • Established
Took my final dose today.

Starting weight:185
Ending weight:185

Strength:6/10 this really started to come on late. I think of you were to run for 8 weeks strength gains could be very good.

Fat Loss: 8/10 this is where it really shined for me. Without changing diet I lost fat.

Muscle gain: 5/10 I'm not giving this a huge number because it's not a huge bulked. However, I believe I lost about 2-3 lbs of far and gained 2-3 lbs of muscle over 4 weeks.

Sides: 10/10 none. Period.

Vascularity: 8/10 excellent under load. Lesser when not training but noticeable.

Overall I really enjoyed using this product. I don't believe I have been shut down at all. Obviously I haven't done blood work but no loss of libido or aggression. No other signs of lower overall test. I did start a test booster about 4 days ago just to be safe however.

There has been a ton of "discussion" about the price for this product. I don't know if it is worth that price or not but I will say this, if it was right around $60 I would run this often. At the current price I would be tempted to run it again but might not run 2 bottles as I would like.

Thanks again to IML for allowing me to log the product. It was a pleasure running it and my first experience with a sarm. Now I'm very interested in the possibilities that SARMS offer.

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