Another Bush in the White House?



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I think McCain will be the next Republican nominee and the next President. Hillary has too many negatives to be elected. She is a ***** and everyone knows it. I mean compare her with the war hero McCain...come on. As for Jeb Bush, right now the Bush name carries too much baggage, unless there is another terrorist attack of course.


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McCain is mentally unfit in my opinion.

I admit that I haven't read every post in this thread, however, your opinion about McCain is pretty widespread. There are many people throughout the contry that have the same reservations about McCain, which is why he won't/can't get the nomination.

As for Jeb Bush, I recently moved into Florida and can say that Jeb is extremely popular down here. He seems to garner support across the board from all demographics. I am certain Jeb could take advantage of all these networks to build a strong campaign for himself. He is so different fron GW that I think he could easily overcome any handicap his name gives him. Jeb has said publicly that he does not wish to run for president, but that could change. If he runs, Jeb easily wins the Republican nomination.

Now, the Democrats have to be scrambling to find a way to counter this contingency. I don't think the likes of John Kerry, Al Gore, or Hillary Clinton are going to retake the White House.

The Experiment

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I don't think people will want Jeb unless he can prove that he's vastly different than his older brother. He could pull it off but he should start working on it as soon as possible. If he's GWB2, then he won't make it past the primaries.

McCain is an ass but with the minor benefit of against torture. That is a good thing but once he gets rid of the torture procedures, then what? We'll have another joke of a President. Notoriety != quality.

I think the prospects for 2008 look pretty bad. If things are any worse, they'll be as bad as the choices for 2004.


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I think the prospects for 2008 look pretty bad. If things are any worse, they'll be as bad as the choices for 2004.
Yeah, I agree - unless someone comes out of the blue with some great credentials. There's a DA in my area who I'd vote for in a second, but he's a young guy and surely doesnt have the experience to be in the president's chair.

But, then again, everyone who does seems to be so corrupted by the political system and their own special interests that were all f*cked either way.


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Doesn't any one read!!! yes.. we have someone out of the blue... MITT ROMNEY!

The Experiment

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A conservative Republican who was elected the Governor of Massachusetts (Taxachusetts) should get some recognition.

I think Mark Warner is the best right now personally.

The idea of a Warner or a Romney in the White House is pretty outlandish for both parties. Both aren't the good ol boys of their respective parties so its going to be tough to get them nominated. Although I could see the Republicans in 2008 turning to a non-GWB like candidate to improve their image, which would be good.

For the Democrats, I don't have much faith. I expect some kind of Clinton, Biden, Edwards, or hell, even Kerry again. Basically the "business as usual" Democrats that have led them to being called spineless cowards.

For the Republicans, I have even less faith. I imagine it will be John Ellis Bush, Santorum, Frist, McCain. Basically the idiots thats wrecking the United States.

Maybe I should be more optimistic but both parties aren't giving me that hope that their 2008 candidates will be decent.


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It's also about name recognition. To the majority of the voters, the quetion is : Who the hell are Warner and Romney anyway? :gotsearch Outside of their little fiefdom, no one knows who these jokers are. Warner might have a better deal, as most people have seen the Warner Communication logo at least a million times. :cheers: They will likely to associate him with that Warner. :aargh:

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