ALCAR causing slight hypothyroidism?


I've always had a very stubborn morning body temperature, usually hovering in the 96.8 - 97.1 range. Recently I've read some studies that carnitine can actually inhibit thyroid hormones, and is even used in hyperthyroid patients. Does anyone have any experience with this, considering that ALCAR is in so many pre-workouts. I've been using ALCAR for years now and am wondering if it has been hindering my already sluggish metabolism. Studies for reference.

Carnitine is a naturally occurring inhibitor of thyroid hormone nuclear uptake. (2000)

Usefulness of L-carnitine, a naturally occurring peripheral antagonist of thyroid hormone action, in iatrogenic hyperthyroidism: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. (2001)

Effects of carnitine on thyroid hormone action. (2004)

Effects of L-carnitine on thyroid hormone metabolism and on physical exercise tolerance. (2005)

Acetyl-L-carnitine suppresses thyroid hormone-induced and spontaneous anuran tadpole tail shortening. (2013)

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