Liver damage from oral AAS greatly exggerated


Spurfy RickyBlobby I know you guys are big proponents of serms on cycle. I was wonder your thoughts on naltrexone in addition to that.
This is an area where I agree. Too much AI on cycle reduces gains. If my nips start itching instead of adding more AI, Nolva and some B6 at 500mg/day kick that the f*ck out the door. For me if the nips get sore we are past the point of AI.

SERM all the way. I never took naltrexone.
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Yes, but only when I've already answered the question and the person is clearly choosing not to get it. I've taught at the college level, I know when people are being deliberately dense.
I thought I was beeping fair.
I got disrespectful because I saw u disrespecting people bro.
As far as college professor most are indoctrinated and massively bias.
I got out of prison in 2012 ( hence my experience with cons)
I went to sac city college and got an AS in telecommunications in 8 semesters.
It was easy.
I can write clean and proper if I want.
I just don't trip on it.
I never even went to high school besides in juvenile hall.
Listen. I think this is a great post.
The night dosing makes sense, the creatine combo can't hurt.
I'm just skeptical.
I've always been told if your good at what you do you don't advertise.
If you go back through through the thread you can see your just as agro as anybody.
You get very plexed when people question you.
People get defensive when they are running game and they get questioned.
Besides that I'm in!!
I'm running 80mg for at least 5 months after next blast.
But I'm Definetely not going to give you 500$ for advice on drugs.
Anybody for that matter.
But again you are great to read.
If you were not disrespectful, you wouldn't get disrespected.


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Wait a minute, now you are going crazy and bringing in specificity... stop with all of this trying to be sensible.

All you KNOW? In one of the pages before you said you weren't sure now, kind of playing the mediator now you know it won't provide much muscle again? Plus you just said that you used anavar with the specific goal of leaning out. So no way you were trying to bulk. How so how can you sit there and say you KNOW it will only add a little mass... Many of us have mentioned good gains with it when we ate for gains. You admittedly only use it for leaning up, so of course you didn't gain much if anything in a deficit...

Agreed, but people take idealogical views with gear, and get polarized about their stances. Just look at this thread as proof.

Also, most great breakthroughs in science were met with extreme skepticism and were demonized be the keepers of the old regime. Just look at how the flat earther's felt about those idiots who thought the world might actually be round. Nature is to buck against the change, but for great progress one has to also keep an open mind.

Until recently eggs were the devil, and now they are considered healthy to the point Weight watchers considers them a 0 point food that you can eat without restriction... People still buck against that. I tell my Dad inflammation is the bigger enemy of his CVD than dietary cholesterol and regardless of nutrition certs and loving to research this kind of stuff he still tells me I don't know what I am talking about.

Exactly... I was told i was insane when I started the Lean Gains IF thread on here several years ago. Old Kleen trying that new wierd crap out. I was going to lose all my gains and look like an emaciated smurf within months... Now it is a very popular way to eat for people in all lifestyles and sports too. I think that thread had a few hundred pages the last time I looked and became a huge resource for many to get info from.

Got to try things out if the science looks like it is solid and the anecdotal evidence seems to have some validity as well. That is what we have here. Something new, that might just work and if it isn't spectacular then I just ran a regular var run and nothing lost...
Me too.
I like experiments....and it sounds pretty run anavar at least.
I'm in!!


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if Im under oath, no Im not prepared to state he used the word "dumb".

I personally lift "better" in the AM, fasted, cos thats what Ive adapted to physiologically and psychologically.

Same when I lifted in PM.
AM for me.
A whole AM crew at west side.
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I thought I was beeping fair.
I got disrespectful because I saw u disrespecting people bro.
As far as college professor most are indoctrinated and massively bias.
I got out of prison in 2012 ( hence my experience with cons)
I went to sac city college and got an AS in telecommunications in 8 semesters.
It was easy.
I can write clean and proper if I want.
I just don't trip on it.
I never even went to high school besides in juvenile hall.
Listen. I think this is a great post.
The night dosing makes sense, the creatine combo can't hurt.
I'm just skeptical.
I've always been told if your good at what you do you don't advertise.
If you go back through through the thread you can see your just as agro as anybody.
You get very plexed when people question you.
People get defensive when they are running game and they get questioned.
Besides that I'm in!!
I'm running 80mg for at least 5 months after next blast.
But I'm Definetely not going to give you 500$ for advice on drugs.
Anybody for that matter.
But again you are great to read.
If you were not disrespectful, you wouldn't get disrespected.
Not you. I've enjoy your input.


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AM for me.
A whole AM crew at west side.
My crew trains mornings almost exclusively, as soon as the gym opens. It’s the only thing that everyone can make work with their jobs.

I have made better progress training with other serious individuals early than in the evening solo. Environment & the will to power matters more than what’s optimal physically. And comps are always in the morning.

BUT I know I’m stronger in the evening, I always HATE getting up every time, and the science backs that up. It is not remotely optimal.


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My crew trains mornings almost exclusively, as soon as the gym opens. It’s the only thing that everyone can make work with their jobs.

I have made better progress training with other serious individuals early than in the evening solo. Environment & the will to power matters more than what’s optimal physically. And comps are always in the morning.

BUT I know I’m stronger in the evening, I always HATE getting up every time, and the science backs that up. It is not remotely optimal.
Me too.
That just how I've always worked out.
As soon as possible that day.
I would go nutts waiting for 5pm


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I see what you did there. I use it as a finisher cause no steroid will give me large gains at the end of the cycle when I already gained 15 pounds. Var is not as good of a mass builder as say superdrol and I stand by that. I have never stated I haven't used it as a bulker either, I use it for a specific reason cause I know what it does despite what spurfy is trying to make me believe. It shreds you up a little but it doesn't beat winstrol. I have never stated it being a great massbuilder. Keepable gains yes it is but it's probably not the best (that's what he asked) and it's kinda hard to tell since you always gain a bit far later on and considering how little anavar gives in size I just can't tell how much muscle I have left. Maybe I said i try it myself as he said and I will come back with a review? And if I'm being blown away by adding coffee and creatine I promise I will admit I'm wrong, appologize to spurfy for not trusting his knowledge and never use anything else.

Honestly, wasn't trying to do anything there. Just talking with you. In our other conversations regarding the growth from Anavar you said you had not actually tried to bulk on it because it was not a bulker. That you have used it for recomp and got much better gains from TBol using similar strategies.

I am done with the silliness of us all trumping each others experiences and opinions on the matter of how well it works for growth though. There are just too many other individual factors from person to person to get a consensus. For that matter too many changes from cycle to cycle with the same person... I grow better on Var than test, and better than test on TBol too. Out of those two which for me are almost identical in growth for me there are a lot more benefits with the Var. That and the better health profile makes it the best choice for me personally. I learned a few more benefits of it in here that I wasn't aware of and that sounds cool to me.

Now to test the process and theory of how to cycle the var... That part I am excited about doing. Also excited to see the blood work after and how it looks. If this improves how var works for me then awesome! WIN WIN!!! If not it will be a nice mild blast at a time i could use the external boost in motivation. :) I definitely have high hopes for this method regardless.

My crew trains mornings almost exclusively, as soon as the gym opens. It’s the only thing that everyone can make work with their jobs.

I have made better progress training with other serious individuals early than in the evening solo. Environment & the will to power matters more than what’s optimal physically. And comps are always in the morning.

BUT I know I’m stronger in the evening, I always HATE getting up every time, and the science backs that up. It is not remotely optimal.
Exactly getting the damn things done, is the most important part, add in a bad ass motivating environment and that can really intensify things. Also training in sub optimal situations can make you stronger in optimal ones. This is why I train deadlifts with a regular bar, so when I use a deadlift bar I can break off the floor easier with more weight. Get good at running when it is hot and watch how fast you are when it cools off...


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Youre welcome holmes ;). Now if I could just spark as much interest about SERMS on cycle, lol

That's one I'm going to be trying, bro. I appreciate your input on that.


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I grow better on Var than test, and better than test on TBol too. Out of those two which for me are almost identical in growth for me there are a lot more benefits with the Var. ...
In my experience var gives more solid dense muscle gains but tbol gives more noticeable gains, by that I mean more bulk to the muscle.


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That's one I'm going to be trying, bro. I appreciate your input on that.
Just remember that depending on cycle severity you will need more or less clomid. If your balls start softening up/ shrinking you should bump the dose up to a max of 50mg/ day. I'd start with 50mg EOD :)


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Oh and don't forget to update the clomid thread with your results, good or bad ;)


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Honestly, wasn't trying to do anything there. Just talking with you. In our other conversations regarding the growth from Anavar you said you had not actually tried to bulk on it because it was not a bulker. That you have used it for recomp and got much better gains from TBol using similar strategies.

I am done with the silliness of us all trumping each others experiences and opinions on the matter of how well it works for growth though. There are just too many other individual factors from person to person to get a consensus. For that matter too many changes from cycle to cycle with the same person... I grow better on Var than test, and better than test on TBol too. Out of those two which for me are almost identical in growth for me there are a lot more benefits with the Var. That and the better health profile makes it the best choice for me personally. I learned a few more benefits of it in here that I wasn't aware of and that sounds cool to me.

Now to test the process and theory of how to cycle the var... That part I am excited about doing. Also excited to see the blood work after and how it looks. If this improves how var works for me then awesome! WIN WIN!!! If not it will be a nice mild blast at a time i could use the external boost in motivation. :) I definitely have high hopes for this method regardless.

Exactly getting the damn things done, is the most important part, add in a bad ass motivating environment and that can really intensify things. Also training in sub optimal situations can make you stronger in optimal ones. This is why I train deadlifts with a regular bar, so when I use a deadlift bar I can break off the floor easier with more weight. Get good at running when it is hot and watch how fast you are when it cools off...
Haha it's cool man I was just messing with you a little.. thing with me is that I always gain weight during my cycles and I just find var being on the absolute bottom. We don't like you said have to jump on eachother. Maybe there are some soul out there that loves var and can bulk 20 pounds.. what do i know right? If I had to review it , it just wouldn't make it compared to any other aas. The good thing it's that it's safe but so Is primo and both are highly expensive.. since I mostly stay away from orals i just do mast instead.


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Haha it's cool man I was just messing with you a little.. thing with me is that I always gain weight during my cycles and I just find var being on the absolute bottom. We don't like you said have to jump on eachother. Maybe there are some soul out there that loves var and can bulk 20 pounds.. what do i know right? If I had to review it , it just wouldn't make it compared to any other aas. The good thing it's that it's safe but so Is primo and both are highly expensive.. since I mostly stay away from orals i just do mast instead.
I ran a short oral cycle of primo way back in the day. It was pretty nice, but even more expensive than anavar.

The best news is at this point I am not really trying to grow a lot anymore. I mean if I do that is a massive bonus. However now I am at the point I just want growth in a few specific places and am very happy with everything else. Really a little more medial delts and maybe 1/2 in the arms mostly in the biceps and I think I am at my ideal once I am lean. Once I get that going on I will probably try to maintain my physique and just focus on performance goals.


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I will probably try to maintain my physique and just focus on performance goals.
MMA! To me nothing is more fun/ gets you in better shape.


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I ran a short oral cycle of primo way back in the day. It was pretty nice, but even more expensive than anavar.

The best news is at this point I am not really trying to grow a lot anymore. I mean if I do that is a massive bonus. However now I am at the point I just want growth in a few specific places and am very happy with everything else. Really a little more medial delts and maybe 1/2 in the arms mostly in the biceps and I think I am at my ideal once I am lean. Once I get that going on I will probably try to maintain my physique and just focus on performance goals.
Yeah when you're happy with yourself you can kinda just chill with some safe cycles to keep what you have. Primo is fantastic but so damn expensive. It's like the perfect in between to run with test, doesn't give much size at all, gives tren looking gains and is probably the safest one out there if you run it properly. Don't get me wrong if I can cruise on tren I'm all in.

I'm also at the point where im done growing much more, I don't think I'll touch anything else than mast and primo after my next cycle. I need to read up a little more on primo to see wether it's worth crusing on with test at a low dosage. Almost feel test alone would be safer and do enough for me.


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MMA! To me nothing is more fun/ gets you in better shape.
I trained for about 3 years, was about to do my first fight and tore my labrum at a seminar with some youngster who decided to go full speed on a shot stuffing drill and lunged his hip at my shoulder to stuff the shot full contact. I was relaxed and moving half speed so my arm just shot around him and tore the labrum half off the bone... I have thought about going back but I worry about jacking it up since I still experience issues with that shoulder from time to time. I think I could still do it but just as an activity... that is humbling to me of course but would be a blast.

I keep trying to get my daughter to go with me. She is a beast in her martial arts but wants to learn grappling now. I said MMA will keep your striking fresh while teaching you that. The guy at our local school is a BJJ blackbelt as well as multiple other martial arts. So she would get great training there.

I have thought about just BJJ as well. Rolling is what really gases me out... but I love it. Nothing like rolling so hard against a well matched opponent that you have to go puke...


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I trained for about 3 years, was about to do my first fight and tore my labrum at a seminar with some youngster who decided to go full speed on a shot stuffing drill and lunged his hip at my shoulder to stuff the shot full contact. I was relaxed and moving half speed so my arm just shot around him and tore the labrum half off the bone... I have thought about going back but I worry about jacking it up since I still experience issues with that shoulder from time to time. I think I could still do it but just as an activity... that is humbling to me of course but would be a blast.

I keep trying to get my daughter to go with me. She is a beast in her martial arts but wants to learn grappling now. I said MMA will keep your striking fresh while teaching you that. The guy at our local school is a BJJ blackbelt as well as multiple other martial arts. So she would get great training there.

I have thought about just BJJ as well. Rolling is what really gases me out... but I love it. Nothing like rolling so hard against a well matched opponent that you have to go puke...
Yeah I trained for a couple years, got my kids involved too. I agree grappling with a well matched opponent is a blast but yes it gasses you out quick.

In class we would roll with one person for 3 minutes, switch to another opponent for 3 minuted, for about 30 minutes total. I was literally rolling to my next opponent towards the end lol, I didn't have the strength to walk.

I really enjoy kickboxing too though. I had a punching bag as a kid and was in karate so it just feels natural.

It really helps when you're in law enforcement and you have to take down a perp. ;) Know what I mean Kleen?


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I trained for about 3 years, was about to do my first fight and tore my labrum at a seminar with some youngster who decided to go full speed on a shot stuffing drill and lunged his hip at my shoulder to stuff the shot full contact. I was relaxed and moving half speed so my arm just shot around him and tore the labrum half off the bone... I have thought about going back but I worry about jacking it up since I still experience issues with that shoulder from time to time. I think I could still do it but just as an activity... that is humbling to me of course but would be a blast.

I keep trying to get my daughter to go with me. She is a beast in her martial arts but wants to learn grappling now. I said MMA will keep your striking fresh while teaching you that. The guy at our local school is a BJJ blackbelt as well as multiple other martial arts. So she would get great training there.

I have thought about just BJJ as well. Rolling is what really gases me out... but I love it. Nothing like rolling so hard against a well matched opponent that you have to go puke...
I got invited to a bjj school and I might get it this year. I used to compete in wrestling at a pretty high level until I got tired of it. Also wanted to try boxing


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I got invited to a bjj school and I might get it this year. I used to compete in wrestling at a pretty high level until I got tired of it. Also wanted to try boxing
MMA is a blast. Just find a good school. Beats a BJJ class+boxing class. Again, do research and find a GOOD school, maybe try a few out, they usually give you a couple free classes.


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MMA is a blast. Just find a good school. Beats a BJJ class+boxing class. Again, do research and find a GOOD school, maybe try a few out, they usually give you a couple free classes.
There are actually one guy I know In the ufc that used to compete with me. I never had the need to punch anyone in the face haha. I do however find training interesting but I would never Compete. Problem where I live is that our wrestling is really good but the good mma training is only in the south and i live in the north. (Not from the US) I used to live there however in Louisiana and I saw a lot of places to work out so I can only imagine in the bigger states.


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There are actually one guy I know In the ufc that used to compete with me. I never had the need to punch anyone in the face haha. I do however find training interesting but I would never Compete. Problem where I live is that our wrestling is really good but the good mma training is only in the south and i live in the north. (Not from the US) I used to live there however in Louisiana and I saw a lot of places to work out so I can only imagine in the bigger states.
I stay in BR. Louisiana has some really good schools, I trained in Shreveport and there is a really good gym in Carencro, a top UFC fighter trains there. When I lived in OK I was friends with a guy that lost the wrestling state championship to Johnny Hendricks. Dude is a beast, ended his carreer when changing a driveshaft on his truck, when he pulled it the truck rolled over his torso breaking his back.


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I stay in BR. Louisiana has some really good schools, I trained in Shreveport and there is a really good gym in Carencro, a top UFC fighter trains there. When I lived in OK I was friends with a guy that lost the wrestling state championship to Johnny Hendricks. Dude is a beast, ended his carreer when changing a driveshaft on his truck, when he pulled it the truck rolled over his torso breaking his back.
Interesting, I happen to love Cormier cause of my relation to Louisiana. Dang this weekend's ufc is ruined by the way. Read the news ?


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Interesting, I happen to love Cormier cause of my relation to Louisiana. Dang this weekend's ufc is ruined by the way. Read the news ?
Yeah. Mcgreggor is either on coke, meth or drinks way too much. Anyone in their right mind would know they will be sued for millions... And for what?


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I hope Khabib and Rose can still fight. If they couldn't that would be fuuuuuuuukked up. Dana may sue Connor too lol


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I hope Khabib and Rose can still fight. If they couldn't that would be fuuuuuuuukked up. Dana may sue Connor too lol
Yeah conor I think made 2 people unable to fight + his own fighter


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Fukking retarded Irish bastard


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Yeah I trained for a couple years, got my kids involved too. I agree grappling with a well matched opponent is a blast but yes it gasses you out quick.

In class we would roll with one person for 3 minutes, switch to another opponent for 3 minuted, for about 30 minutes total. I was literally rolling to my next opponent towards the end lol, I didn't have the strength to walk.

I really enjoy kickboxing too though. I had a punching bag as a kid and was in karate so it just feels natural.

It really helps when you're in law enforcement and you have to take down a perp. ;) Know what I mean Kleen?
Haha, well I used to bounce and take people down. Never had the badge, I thought about it but I got a DUI when I was 22. Would be awesome to have a job with a pension at this point... Gonna be working at Walmart when I am 80, if I am 80 that is...
I got invited to a bjj school and I might get it this year. I used to compete in wrestling at a pretty high level until I got tired of it. Also wanted to try boxing
A lot more detail in BJJ probably wouldn't bore you.
MMA is a blast. Just find a good school. Beats a BJJ class+boxing class. Again, do research and find a GOOD school, maybe try a few out, they usually give you a couple free classes.
Yeah a week is pretty typical around here.

There are actually one guy I know In the ufc that used to compete with me. I never had the need to punch anyone in the face haha. I do however find training interesting but I would never Compete. Problem where I live is that our wrestling is really good but the good mma training is only in the south and i live in the north. (Not from the US) I used to live there however in Louisiana and I saw a lot of places to work out so I can only imagine in the bigger states.
If you don't plan to compete it doesn't have to be a good MMA school just a mutli discipline school with good instructors.
Yeah. Mcgreggor is either on coke, meth or drinks way too much. Anyone in their right mind would know they will be sued for millions... And for what?
That or just so in his own I am untouchable mindset that stuff doesn't occur to him that way... either way pretty insane stuff.


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Yeah maybe he just thinks, **** it, I’ll pay em their little 20 million. I’ll make 5 times that when I fight Maywether again. Must be nice.


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Yeah maybe he just thinks, **** it, I’ll pay em their little 20 million. I’ll make 5 times that when I fight Maywether again. Must be nice.
Or maybe the boxing world won't touch him again because he is too volatile... burned a bridge with UFC now so we shall see what happens for him.


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Or maybe the boxing world won't touch him again because he is too volatile... burned a bridge with UFC now so we shall see what happens for him.
He will still fight for the UFC. Dana said he is done with Connor “for now” he is their biggest cash cow, he will return. And from everything I see regarding Maywether, my conclusion is that he will indeed fight Connor in the Octagon.


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He will still fight for the UFC. Dana said he is done with Connor “for now” he is their biggest cash cow, he will return. And from everything I see regarding Maywether, my conclusion is that he will indeed fight Connor in the Octagon.
Unless Mayweather has previous martial arts and grappling experience that is simply going to be lame... Conor would have to intentionally let him out of round 1 hoping for a rematch if they can make it look good. Mayweather let him wear himself out those first rounds and then went to picking him apart effortlessly. It won't be much different going the other way if they want to leave a 3rd fight as an option. If not and Conor wants to prove a point instead of setting things up for the 3rd fight then Conor takes him out first round...


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Unless Mayweather has previous martial arts and grappling experience that is simply going to be lame... Conor would have to intentionally let him out of round 1 hoping for a rematch if they can make it look good. Mayweather let him wear himself out those first rounds and then went to picking him apart effortlessly. It won't be much different going the other way if they want to leave a 3rd fight as an option. If not and Conor wants to prove a point instead of setting things up for the 3rd fight then Conor takes him out first round...
I agree but I do however see a guy like Canelo having a higher chance in the octagon than conor in boxing. You really only need one punch. That being said an mms fighter is superior


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I agree but I do however see a guy like Canelo having a higher chance in the octagon than conor in boxing. You really only need one punch. That being said an mms fighter is superior
A boxer really needs to have serious knockout power to do well in MMA. Mayweather has to rope a dope to get the job done. He is no knockout artist. Rope a dope only works when you are technically better than the other person and can keep execution at a high level while battered he won't have the benefit here and no knockout power so his chances specifically are pretty low.

Tyson in his day... could have made a name for himself with that. Any one of his blows could take a head off. Get some take down and submission defense and he would have been formidable for sure...


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A boxer really needs to have serious knockout power to do well in MMA. Mayweather has to rope a dope to get the job done. He is no knockout artist. Rope a dope only works when you are technically better than the other person and can keep execution at a high level while battered he won't have the benefit here and no knockout power so his chances specifically are pretty low.

Tyson in his day... could have made a name for himself with that. Any one of his blows could take a head off. Get some take down and submission defense and he would have been formidable for sure...
I absolutely agree but if there's a sport one punch exist it's in mma not boxing. Mercer beat Sylvia at 48 years old. I just don't see an mma fighter ever winning in boxing but I said even as a kid when everyone thought karate would beat wrestling it just isn't true. Any grappler will be a superior fighter cause 99% they will get a takedown.

It really isn't the power but getting hit clean. McGregor has been great at that, nganou , Anthony Johnson. As boxers said when McGregor hit them , it isn't that hard but his good for being a ufc fighter. But yes in a street fight the mma guy will win 99% of the time

Rose vs Joanna who you got ? Guess that's the only real fight now. I think rose is gonna get it again


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Unless Mayweather has previous martial arts and grappling experience that is simply going to be lame... Conor would have to intentionally let him out of round 1 hoping for a rematch if they can make it look good. Mayweather let him wear himself out those first rounds and then went to picking him apart effortlessly. It won't be much different going the other way if they want to leave a 3rd fight as an option. If not and Conor wants to prove a point instead of setting things up for the 3rd fight then Conor takes him out first round...
So you think if Floyd works on, say 75% takedown/ kick defense and can stuff the takedowns AND turn up the intensity (5 rds vs 12)he wouldn't stand a chance against Connor?

Tyson in his day... could have made a name for himself with that. Any one of his blows could take a head off. Get some take down and submission defense and he would have been formidable for sure...
Tyson was plumb scary in his prime. I'm shocked he never broke somebody's neck with one of those blows!

But yes in a street fight the mma guy will win 99% of the time
IF they can get the takedown. Or tie them up against a wall and rain in elbows and knees..


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So you think if Floyd works on, say 75% takedown/ kick defense and can stuff the takedowns AND turn up the intensity (5 rds vs 12)he wouldn't stand a chance against Connor?

Tyson was plumb scary in his prime. I'm shocked he never broke somebody's neck with one of those blows!

IF they can get the takedown. Or tie them up against a wall and rain in elbows and knees..
What I mean is that people in the ufc always lose at some point. Floyd was what? 49-0 vs professional boxers and gonna lose to a guy from the ufc? Conor was waaaaay bigger than Floyd and landed one punch that didn't move Floyd at all. I just don't see it being as possible or even nearly as possible as a boxer knocking a guy out in mma. I do know for sure that the mma fighter will win most of the times in a street fight. We've seen boxers succeed too but we have never seen a 48 year old guy from the ufc knock out a world champion boxer but we've seen the opposite. Two different sports however


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What I'm saying is if Floyd can defend the takedowns, stay away from kicks, knees and elbows.... Then he will have a technical advantage against connor on the feet.

But connor could play it smart, keep him on the cage in the clench, and catch him with knees and elbows. If he played it smart.

I can see it going either way. If Floyd can defend the takedown and kicks and get out of the clinch quickly. How long will it take him to get his defense up to par? I dunno. With a good trainer like greg Jackson I would imagine he would be ready in a years time, working primarily defense.


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What I'm saying is if Floyd can defend the takedowns, stay away from kicks, knees and elbows.... Then he will have a technical advantage against connor on the feet.

But connor could play it smart, keep him on the cage in the clench, and catch him with knees and elbows. If he played it smart.

I can see it going either way. If Floyd can defend the takedown and kicks and get out of the clinch quickly. How long will it take him to get his defense up to par? I dunno. With a good trainer like greg Jackson I would imagine he would be ready in a years time, working primarily defense.
Yeah but hes old now too, you don't start wrestling at 40. And the kicks will be a problem but surely he could be a world class mma fighter had he been training.. that's my belief. He might be the most talented professional fighter ever regardless of sport


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I think if connor was conservative, patient and SMART, he could beat him. But if he fought with his ego he could very well get beat. Enough speculating though, I wanna see it happen lol.


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I think if connor was conservative, patient and SMART, he could beat him. But if he fought with his ego he could very well get beat. Enough speculating though, I wanna see it happen lol.
I dont Haha.. let Floyd run in to the sunset


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Unless Mayweather has previous martial arts and grappling experience that is simply going to be lame... Conor would have to intentionally let him out of round 1 hoping for a rematch if they can make it look good. Mayweather let him wear himself out those first rounds and then went to picking him apart effortlessly. It won't be much different going the other way if they want to leave a 3rd fight as an option. If not and Conor wants to prove a point instead of setting things up for the 3rd fight then Conor takes him out first round...
Ate him up.
I hate mayweather but the way he fought Connor made me like him.
He attacked!!


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Yeah maybe he just thinks, **** it, I’ll pay em their little 20 million. I’ll make 5 times that when I fight Maywether again. Must be nice.
he won’t get sued for 20 million get real...if that’s what you were implying


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Ate him up.
I hate mayweather but the way he fought Connor made me like him.
He attacked!!
No. He cowered and turned his back while Connor attacked and pursued him and the ref also committed all kinds of Bs. Mayweather is a p*ss


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No. He cowered and turned his back while Connor attacked and pursued him and the ref also committed all kinds of Bs. Mayweather is a p*ss
I don't like mayweather.
Normally he runs.
But didn't run from Connor.
By the end of the fight Connor didn't even have his hand up and was trying to get away from a 25lb lighter mayweather

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