Gaining them gainnnnz with Ironflex Brawn and Halo-X!



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Rest is a good idea!! We always feel the need to overtrain while on cycle
I'm def pushing harder right now - partially cuz it's so fun, & partially to burn the extra cals. But you can only keep that up so long.
Exactly I busted my ass for the last couple of months and ran into a wall. Right now I am forcing myself into the gym. I figure by next week I should be good to go. A nice mental and physical reboot will be awesome. Also having more food at my disposal then will be excellent since I have been dieting so hard! I know the deficit is a factor in me hitting a wall right now.


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Up your water intake. 2.5L is not enough. At LEAST double that. Your liver and every other organ will thank you.
Hmmm I will do just that. Thank you again for the tip!


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4 sets of 10 reps
40lb each side, 55lb each side, 65lb each side, 75lb each side. first 3 sets were easy, last one was a bit tougher. I WILL go higher next week and I WILL break a PR on week 3!

Front Pulldown
3-4 sets of 10 reps
85lb, 100lb, 120lb, 140lb. first 2 sets were eeeeeeeasy.. 3rd set not as easy. 4th set was a bit harder.

One-arm Dumbbell Row
3 sets of 10 reps
75lb, 80lb, 85lb. last set was a bit hard. next week I will try the 90s and try to break my pr of 6 reps!

Bent-Over Barbell Row
3 sets of 10 reps
35lb each side, 45lb each side, 55lb each side. back started bothering me a little bit.

T-Bar Rows
4 sets of 10 reps
50lb, 70lb, 90lb, 125lb. was suppose to be only 3 sets but I was feeling strong so i did 4 sets. on the last set it was really heavy but I got it done and when i was re-racking i took off the plate, reracked it and saw that it was bigger, I looked at the plate and it was 35 pounds, not a 25 LOL. I went heavier than I wanted without knowing. Next week I shall do 3 plates and tie for a former PR of mine!

Dual Pulley Seated Cable Row
4 sets of 10 reps
32.5lb, 40lb, 50lb, 60lb. the regular cable row was being used.. for a loooong time so i just did this one. Felt good kinda like 1 arm db rows but kind of a tug rope war with someone pulling on the other hand lol. it was different.

Back Extensions
4 sets of 10 reps
40lb, 50lb, 60lb, 70lb. I hate doing hyperextensions... **** sucks, hurts my back and I dont feel anything working. Even regular hyperextensions without any weight at all, only hurts.

Straight-Arm Pulldown with Rope
7 sets of 10 reps
20lb, 30lb, 30lb, 40lb, 40lb, 50lb, 30lb. i have no idea what its suppose to do. i feel nothing but my arms get super pumped when doing this. if anyone can chime in on this exercise.

Few Notes:
Even though no PR was broken, i got very close to them.
Felt like today was one of my best back workouts ever.
Was going to run after but for the first time I felt tired after my workout. That all changed after I got home and got some food in me though. Will run tomorrow before doing legs.
Speaking of legs... hoping to get two 45lb plates on each side tomorrow for squats!


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Great back workout! I can see why it was one of your best. All the variety of exercises, you definitely hit everything


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Nice Back workout! I don't know that I would run before squatting unless the run is the priority.


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Great back workout! I can see why it was one of your best. All the variety of exercises, you definitely hit everything
^^^ this you killed that session!
Thanks fellas! Feeling stronger and stronger with each workout!

Nice Back workout! I don't know that I would run before squatting unless the run is the priority.
Thanks and yep running is a priority right now LOL gotta pass my pt test Saturday.


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Here's some tough love...
If you're worried about passing, you're not working hard enough. Anything below a 300 is a failure. Keep that rationale throughout your tenure in the Army, and you will be very successful. I may be speaking from experience.


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DAY 10!

1 Mile Run.

Leg Extension
4 sets of 12 reps
110lb, 130lb, 150lb, 170lb. <- PR. Don't think I went heavier than 170lb last week and I can't remember what my max has been on leg extension before than.

Leg Press
4 sets of 20, 20, 15, 15 reps
180lb, 270lb, 360lb, 450lb. would this be considered a PR if its the same weight as last time but with more reps? If so than that's a PR for me =D.

5 sets of 10 reps
100lb + bar, 140lb + bar, 160lb + bar, 180lb + bar. was suppose to be hack squats and than smith machine squats. but I said fock that! Barbell Squats! MOTHERF'N PR! First 3 reps felt easy, than from rep 4, 5, 6, 7 were like uhhh this is getting hard! Last 3 reps when I was up I was taking a bit longer before squatting down. ALWAYS making sure to go parallel. I know its little weights for you monsters but for me it's a great accomplishment, in between my two motorcycle accidents and muscle tear on my foot I haven't been able to squat two 45 plates on each side since end of 2011.

1 Leg, Seated Leg Press SuperSet with Calf Extension
3 sets of 10 reps SuperSet 3 sets of 15 reps with 2 second hold on top of movement
70lb, 80lb, 90lb.

Lying Leg Curls SuperSet with Standing Calf Raises
3 sets of 10 reps SuperSet with 3 sets of 10 with 2 second hold on top of movement
80lb, 95lb, 110lb. SuperSet with 70lb

Seated Leg Curl
3 sets of 10 reps
90lb, 100lb, 110lb

Single-Leg Curl
3 sets of 10 reps per leg
30lb, 40lb, 45lb

Stiff-legged Barbell deadlift
3 sets of 10 reps
45lb each side, 60lb each side, 70lb each side

Few Notes:
I was super excited this morning for my workout, thinking about squatting 2 plates each side the whole time. I worked out legs fasting as well. Just downed Halo, Brawn, creatine and bcaa pre workout and headed out.
Ran my mile. Pissed that I couldn't run any more cuz of pain.
First time in a long time that I listened to music while lifting.
3rd set of 150lb on the leg extensions were feeling heavy and when I ran my hands over my thighs I felt this bump on the outside of my legs. Felt awesome LOL. 170lb was even heavier but got it done.
During the 4 sets of leg presses all I could think off was I gotta squat next. I have to get 2 45s up!
After I got done with Squats I super ****ing happy BUT my motivation completely dropped and I didn't want to do anything else. So I super set the calves with the hamstrings. During the stiff deads I was completely out of it already, head was not in, totally unfocused. IDK what happened at the end of my workout. It was weird. I just did one of the best things in the squats and than boom motivation, focus and everything else was gone.
Now all I can think of is my PT test on saturday... So scared of not passing the 2 mile run and failing. I never once failed my PT tests when at basic. The only thing I failed at at basic that I can't get over was not doing at least 1 pull up with all my gear on and not being able to fireman carry my battle buddy with his whole gear on and that still haunts me. I f'n hate failing at things. I wasn't as pissed on failing the pull up because I knew I wasn't going to be able to do it but the fireman carry was the worst thing ever. But not passing my PT test Saturday will be the worst of them all. It will be my very first with my unit... I have no one to blame but myself for only running once after I got back. I don't give a fock though. I'm give it my f'n all Saturday even if I pass out, puke or whatever but I will f'n pass it Saturday. With 2 minutes to go or with 2 seconds to go I will pass!


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What happened to the end of your workout is that you ran a max effort or close to it mile before doing legs which is the point as to why I said I would not do it unless the run was the priority. If you really want to improve that stuff I challenge you to reach out to IParatroop, he excels in that area and knows how to mix the lifting and cardio for military style fitness success.


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What happened to the end of your workout is that you ran a max effort or close to it mile before doing legs which is the point as to why I said I would not do it unless the run was the priority. If you really want to improve that stuff I challenge you to reach out to IParatroop, he excels in that area and knows how to mix the lifting and cardio for military style fitness success.
^^^ listen to Kleen and Iparatroop King these guys know their stuff


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Still got some awesome work done today - you're def making some sweet progress. Congrats on bangin' 225 for reps again; that's gotta feel pretty good - and also, doing the same weight with more reps than ever is a Personal Record too, it's still more accomplished at X weight than ever before.

If Iparatroop can run 2 miles in 12.5 min or w/e I'd f'n listen to his advice on that stuff, no doubt.


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What's up King? How did your PT test go this weekend??


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Leonidas!!!! I am calling you to the pit my friend! How did you do on that PT test? We all want to know.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Maybe if I ask him..

Sir leonidas, how's the test go?!


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Maybe he had so many gainz he's too inflexible to post. Maybe he can't bend to the keyboard, or he crushed his phone on accident...


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Sorry fellas! Had a lot of things going on the past few days. Will post up in a few!


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Fixed!! LOL
Tell the truth this morning when I was heading out to the gym I thought to myself damn its been a few days since I updated my log he might come check on me to see if I didn't run away with the product or something lol.


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Tell the truth this morning when I was heading out to the gym I thought to myself damn its been a few days since I updated my log he might come check on me to see if I didn't run away with the product or something lol.

LMAO!!! I did follow you this morning and when I saw u pulling into the gym I figured we would get an update!! LOL


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Day 11 and 12!

Had a lot of things going on. I was all over Jersey with this part time job I got with a friend of mine. Left the house at 5am and only got back at 7pm.. Dead tired all I did those 2 days after I got home was shower and pass out.

Day 13
Spent the whole day with my unit. National Guard is nothing like basic training. I was quite shocked.

Day 14
From 5 am to 6 am I was trying to dig my car out and kicking the car behind me who boxed me in, I was so f'n pissed. I had to wake up my landlord and pleaded him for a ride. He was hungover/still drunk but drove me and I got there 6:48am. Yep took him almost an hour to get there and the armory is only 15 minutes away from the house. Paid him $20 and as I got out of the and was running towards the building I saw the Captain pop out of nowhere and as was about to stop I slipped.. Went up in the air. Thought I had broken my ass bone. **** was so painful for a few seconds it felt like I couldn't move a single inch of my body, like I was paralyzed, all I could do was blink and breath. I could hear my landlord cracking up and trying to ask if I was ok. Captain approached me and put his hand out to help me up, couldn't move for another few seconds. I eventually got up greeted him and said sorry before I ran off into the building. Threw my bag and boots towards the wall and ran into my spot in formation. Looked at my watch and it had just turned 6:59. Everyone was looking at me. I was pissed and hurting. After they made me and the others taking a pt test to go in the track a few Sargents came down laughing and pointing at me... fock they had seen the whole thing from their office. One of them joked about me pissing myself. I looked down and it was water everywhere turned out I had snow all over my pants and jacket from when I fell. FML.

Anyways into the PT test.
67 push ups
59 sit ups
17:09 2 mile run

I failed by 9 seconds.. 9 f'n seconds. When I was finally done I just collapsed on the floor in pain.. knees, shins and calves.. Holy hell my calves were cramping so f'n much! When the sargents came to check on me I was almost crying out in pain. I looked at my calves and they looked like diamonds. It was like they were flexing and relaxing by themselves for a few seconds before they just looked like diamonds. I never felt pain that bad before. I've played soccer for many years before and never had that bad of cramps while playing. That one minute on the floor felt like a life time. It went away but it hurt like a mother when I walked the rest of the day. I couldn't get my head right the rest of the day.. 9 f'n seconds. I was in pain the whole time while running and I did what I always told others to NOT DO back in basic training, don't walk, jog slow but don't walk.. I walked for a few seconds.. It was those few seconds that made me fail. Lot of the guys tried to make me feel better about it saying "oh only 9 seconds" but I'm the kind of person that hates quitting and failing. And I hate when people try to comfort failure. I did both... I quit all those times that I was running the past few weeks because of the pain and I failed Sunday. Unacceptable.. It was a ****ty day from the very beginning till the end. Had to walk a few miles to train station when they released us, waited for bus for 30 minutes and nothing so I started walking home.. My head was everywhere while I walked home. It was so freaking cold... Walked for about 6 blocks before the bus came. Had to wave him down and than run after it to the bus stop. Walked a few more blocks down to my house where the land lord was shoveling some snow. I dropped my bag and started helping him out. Helped him for about an hour and a half. Back was on fire.

Day 15

Dumbbell Shoulder Press on Machine
4 sets of 10 reps
45lb, 50lb, 55lb, 55lb each side. First set in and I felt a pinch of on the same exact place as last week. FML!

Side Lateral Raise on Machine
4 sets of 10 reps
50lb, 55lb, 60lb, 65lb

Front Bar Raise
3 sets of 10 reps
30lb, 40lb, 50lb. I think that 50lb was a PR for me. I know for sure that 3 weeks ago when I did these I was not able to do 50lb.

Seated Bent-Over Rear Delt Raise
4 sets of 10 reps
15lb, 15lb, 15lb, 20lb

Cable Pulls
4 sets of 10 reps
25lb, 30lb, 40lb, 50lb

Rear Delts on pec dec
3 sets of 10 reps
100lb, 115lb, 130lb, 140lb. last set was only 8 reps but it was a pr!

Shrugs on Machine
3 sets of 15 reps
45lb, 60lb, 75b, 90lb each side

Day 16
Chest and Run!

Machine Presses
4 sets of 10 reps
85lb, 115lb, 130lb, 145lb. Haven't done this machine since last year but I think I never did 145lb than. So it's probably a pr...

Incline DB Flys
3 sets of 10 reps
30lb, 35lb, 40lb. shoulder started hurting in the same exact spot that i felt that pinch yesterday and last week...

Dumbbell Presses
4 sets of 10 reps
50lb, 60lb, 65lb, 70lb. I haven't done 70lb since probably 2012. only did 9 reps for 70s, i went too low and couldn't push up... Excited to hit 75lb next week and get that pr.

Decline Presses on Machine
4 sets of 10 reps
45lb, 55lb, 70lb, 80lb each side. I think I mentioned before i f'n love this machine. I always get a huge HUUUUUGE pump from it. I flexed my chest after the first set it felt like I had a brick inside my chest. Want to get 2 plates each side next week for that crazy squeeze and pump!

Cable Cross Overs
4 sets of 10
15lb, 20lb, 25lb, 25lb. By this last exercise my shoulder was already burning. Not sore.. it was pain.

Half a mile run.

Few notes:
Thrusday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday my calorie and protein intake was not the best in the world. BUT I always had Halo and Brawn. Well except for Friday, I only took it in the morning and forgot to take the second dose... FML!
Everything was back to normal yesterday though. I did feel very weak yesterday though. Same for today but not as much as today. Not to say lazy that is not the word. 4 days off from the gym was NOT a good thing!

Question for the more experience. Should I start AD3 on week 3 or at the very end of BRAWN and HALO? I was reading and heard people saying to start AD3 on week 3 and once cycle is over keep using ad3 along with SERM.


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Sorry about the 9 seconds that just blows!!!! I never start my PCT until my cycle is complete


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Sorry about the 9 seconds that just blows!!!! I never start my PCT until my cycle is complete
Yeah man 9 seconds.. Don't have anyone to blame but myself. I should had never stopped running when I came back from basic in December. Last time I actually ran i was doing 2 miles at 15:10. If I had never stopped I would have DEF ran it under 15 minutes on Saturday. Gotta run more often now and don't be such a ***** so next month when I have to retake it I won't fail. I just got to find out why the hell my calves hurt so damn much when I'm running now. I didn't have that kind of pain back in basic. Well I did during the summer last year when I was getting into running but wasn't this bad.


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Brawn is epi, yes?
Epi is horrible for running. I never had issues with my calves when running on epi, but my goddamn shins would cramp up like nothing I'd ever felt before. Only side I ever had.


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Brawn is epi, yes?
Epi is horrible for running. I never had issues with my calves when running on epi, but my goddamn shins would cramp up like nothing I'd ever felt before. Only side I ever had.

Yep Brawn is Epi...This^^^ the Ph's are making them cramp from the pump


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I know you asked me via PM, but I'd like to share my answer to your question, with the group, if you don't mind.

The PT test (the run specifically) is not something you're gonna see many people on the forum train for. In order to get good at running, it is my belief that you have to run. A treadmill is not a suitable replacement for boots on the ground.

Balance young grasshopper. I'm never gonna be the strongest, the biggest, or the fastest, but rest assured I'm going to be about as well-rounded as they come. My strength gains are going to come slower than the guy who doesn't run. I've learned to accept that, and deal with it as it comes. The same applies to LBM. I may or may not have dabbled in some things that put 20-25lbs on my frame in a very short time period. I found it to be detrimental to my (an average joe) overall goals. It's hard to turn 6:xx minute miles when you gain 20lbs in a month.

Cycling is great, when you do it right and keep the big picture in mind. I'd recommend for you, in the future, to remember what your big picture is. You'll see dudes on here touting how they gained a ton of weight in a six week run. Being that guy isn't gonna pass the run for you. Any cycle you run, from here on out, treat as a recomp until your run is at a point where you can afford to lose a minute or two. It's doable. If you gain 5-7lbs LBM, and your run time doesn't turn into a 70y/o mall walker's pace, then your run was successful.

As I mentioned before, hills. Sprint your ass up hills until your sprint function fails, and then jog your happy huffing and puffing ass back to where you started, and do it again, and again, and again until you puke, or whatever it takes to not be that guy who wishes he had 9 more seconds to not regret.

Don't run everyday. To get good at the two miler, you should be running 3+. Pick a pace that's sustainable for 3,4,5 miles and the next time you run, take 10 seconds off that time. It's just like lifting, a numbers game.

You're not gonna get better at distance running on epi. It just ain't gonna happen. It hurts around the one mile mark and doesn't subside until you walk it off.

180 is for failures. 300 is where success begins.


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See, this is why I just wanna be a gorilla - I remember dating a chick who's dad was big in to crossfit. At the time, he asked what my squat was, & I told him 315, but boy someday I sure would like to do 405. He said, Don't worry about it, it takes time - besides, it's pretty tough to have a 405 squat & run a 6 min mile.

I was thinking, Why the f would I want to run a 6 min mile?? Lol but it was important to him & how he trained, & he understood that you can't be a jack of all trades & expect to have everything overnight. It's tough to have it overnight even when you focus on just one thing at a time.


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And sorry to here about the 9 seconds of letdown bro - but at least now you've got some more fuel to light a fire under your ass. When you stop trying to get better is when you lose everything.


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And sorry to here about the 9 seconds of letdown bro - but at least now you've got some more fuel to light a fire under your ass. When you stop trying to get better is when you lose everything.
Will never stop trying. F that.

My workout will be done later tonight. Animal Pak is holding an event at Skiba's Gym which is like 30 or 40mins from me with Andrey Malanichev the beast who has been destroying powerlifting world records. So yeah will be there for that seminar and than the ABC to train some back. You should go bcazo


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I am sure this is a lesson for you that you will not soon forget. Oh yeah EPI and running = screw that! I get calve and shin pumps so bad sometimes I actually have to stop walking. I tried to push throught that once and ended up so locked up I was sitting on a bench for 20 minutes before i could walk again then had to stop again on my walk back to work it got so bad.

The taurine could have possibly helped if you had been using it. I would start using it now no less than 5g a day I use it in the evenings, and add in some potassium too. Normally when doing a workout that is likely to cause a pump I take an extra 5g taurine 30-60 minutes pre workout then the normal 5 g in the evening.

Follow what Iparatroop said and you should be golden and yeah if you have to retest next month get to running! Once those pumps go away you should see improvement pretty quickly.


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Will never stop trying. F that.

My workout will be done later tonight. Animal Pak is holding an event at Skiba's Gym which is like 30 or 40mins from me with Andrey Malanichev the beast who has been destroying powerlifting world records. So yeah will be there for that seminar and than the ABC to train some back. You should go bcazo
When is it???


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Thanks for the advanced notice!! LOL you going? I work till 6-6:30 everyday so I'm out...
Come on man! I thought you knew everything that went on in the supplement world!
Yep I'm just waiting on a buddy of mine to pick me up. My van is stuck and won't go anywhere. AGAIN!


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Come on man! I thought you knew everything that went on in the supplement world!
Yep I'm just waiting on a buddy of mine to pick me up. My van is stuck and won't go anywhere. AGAIN!
One of the many reasons I love living in Texas! "Ain't nobody got time fo dat!"


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Taurine didn't help me too much , but everyone is different...
I understand if you aren't comfortable discussing this here, but what compounds have you run? Inquiring minds want to know how babes run things...


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I understand if you aren't comfortable discussing this here, but what compounds have you run? Inquiring minds want to know how babes run things...
You read my mind


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Sorry Mags. I couldn't help but laugh when I typed breastosterone though.


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Day 17

Watched and listened to Andrey's Seminar for about 3 hours. Headed back home when it was over and went straight to the gym. It was PAAAACKED! So I had to switch up the order of each exercise or I would had been there for too long.

Seated Cable Rows
5 sets of 12 reps
100lb, 120lb, 140lb, 160lb, 180lb. MOTHERF'N RP! I failed at 8 reps on the 180lb.. I could had gotten 10 reps but than my form would had been ****ty. I was more than happy with 8 reps though. People were all looking at me when I was done. When I got up off the machine this big dude approached me and said "damn bro you strong for your size". Awesome feeling.

T-Bar Rows
4 sets of 10 reps
70lb, 90lb, 115lb, 135lb. I was feeling strong so i went for the 3 plates on the last set. I failed at 8 reps when I felt I would be able to pull the weight up without screwing up my form. It was heavy. But happy about it. Next week with 10 more pounds on it and it will be a PR =D.

Wide Grip Pull Downs
4 sets of 10 reps
85lb, 100lb, 115lb, 130lb. work out called for close grip pulldowns but I been watching videos of Ronnie workout and he talks how he loves the exercise, always does it and how it helped grow his back so tonight i said 'fock it i'm do wide grips, its been a while.' Sorry Jay I know this is your program but Ronnie always had a better back than you... Ronnie knows best! lol

Machine Rows
3 sets of 10 reps
85lb, 100lb, 115lb.

1 Arm Dumbbell Rows
4 sets of 10 reps
70lb, 75lb, 80lb, 85lb. On my last set the same big dude from before shook his head at me and said "strong lifts bro!"

Few Notes:
I left the gym and my arms were super pumped. I had a hard time putting my hoodie on. WTF I'm always pumped! lol Whatever I do gets me pumped up!
I didn't eat really well today and I felt light headed during the cable rows. I had to down the whole carb shake at the end of that set. Kept drinking more and more water and I was good at the end of the workout.
I was ready to try out the tecnique that I learned tonight from Andrey on the deadlift but there was no deadlift on the schedule for tonight plus the gym was so packed that the squat racks were all being used from the time I got there to the time I left. People were waiting next to them to use. It was crazy.
My birthday tomorrow. Getting old as fock... Will punish myself for it tomorrow with my arm workout.


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I understand if you aren't comfortable discussing this here, but what compounds have you run? Inquiring minds want to know how babes run things...
Dave said
Standard stuff pretty much sums it up...

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