Boldione, Mbol, & 4AD - 8wk Bulk



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Putting some size on foot tall there homie.


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Thanks gents! Trying to put on all the mass I can for the season basically; not like I'm gonna grow in off-time compared to the M1T lol - I figure I'll only get lighter in the coming months so now's the time to just cover the belly up & grow. I don't wanna add fat but it's kind of inevitable without a precisely calculated diet, which is beyond my concern for now. Not like I'm going to compete in a bodybuilding show ever.

Looking thick bro!

Where are your calories at, roughly?
All over the place. I can say with all certainty never less than 3k or 250g of protein/day, often much more (over 4k cals & 300g+ of protein/day). Morning shake on weekdays @6:30am is 3 scoops of musclemilk w/ 16oz almond milk or 2% lactose free milk & 2/3 cup granola blended (very calorically inefficient, obviously, & helps promote hunger for next meal). Solid meals @ 9:30, 11:30, & 2 in the afternoon, each with 30-55g pro & 30-70g carbs of varying sources, usually potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, etc. Bringing veggies back into these as well because Bold is really bringing in hunger. Bowl of wholegrain cereal & isolate/musclemilk shake @ 4:30 preworkout & 900-1k cal shake postworkout, 1 scoop dymatize mass gainer, 1 scoop isolate, 16oz 2% milk. Another solid meal later or a casein shake before bed.

I try to fit fast food & restaurant meals in as often as possible, especially on the weekend to help push the scale. Eating is becoming a chore lol.


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Tonight was Speed Bench 185x3x9 after warmup, then 3 tri exercises & 3 bis. Highlights were I can now use the 80lb ez bar for decline skullcrushers (which prevent resting & keep the muscle under tension, one of my favs) for 10 reps, & the 70lb bar is too easy for 12 reps. LOTS of vascularity.

On 12.5mg of exemestane every morning now btw.


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Dr Jekyll turning into Mr Hyde for sure. With all those calories I'd be turning into a belly fat old guy! Lol. Nice job brother!


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Day 43

Dr Jekyll turning into Mr Hyde for sure. With all those calories I'd be turning into a belly fat old guy! Lol. Nice job brother!
Thanks man - weight belt has gotten so tight I can barely latch it; need to move it a hole or two. 213lb Hyde is not quite as lean as 198lb Hyde lol.

Taking weight tomorrow. Bumped M1T to 15mg/day, split morn & evening. Continuing with 800mg Boldione split the same & 300mg 4dhea over bfast, lunch, & dinner.

Max Effort Legs

Above Parallel Backsquat from Dead Bottom Start 135x10, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1, 425x1, 455x1*
Legpress 2plates/side x15, 4x15, 6x12, 8x12, 10x8, x8
Leg Extensions 150x15, 190x12, 210x10
Lying Ham Curls 70x12, 100x12 (charlie horse after; doneski)

*never done these before; even starting several inches above full parallel they're stupid hard. If you can break the weight you can pretty much lift it. And the hottest milf at the gym was totally checking me out during these, so I strongly recommend them.

These legpress numbers aren't really comparable to most legpresses - 10/side is 1,018lbs w/ the start weight, but it feels lighter than 800lbs at most other gyms to me.

Major charlie horse after the last set of ham curls, so decided to hang it up. I don't need another injury & I was happy with the major work anyway. No back pain so I think I'm gonna try to pull for a max in a week if things stay together.


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Those do sound fun. How does the weight compare to a typical squat for you? Just curious if I were to try these...

Nice workout. Hey, if you don't need the extra curls you did well in the previous sets!


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Nice work Hyde and ya I obviously misunderstood your meaning on the Dbol-Bold convo. I see where you were coming from.

Lots of new mass man, you are looking thick for sure! So the dead stop squats I guess you do them in a power rack? Sounds pretty intense!


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Good stuff, numbers are craaaazy.
10 plates per side? Nice job bro


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Those do sound fun. How does the weight compare to a typical squat for you? Just curious if I were to try these...

Nice workout. Hey, if you don't need the extra curls you did well in the previous sets!
It's all dependent on where you start the lift from. These numbers for about 6 inches above where I normally squat to are comparable to my full parallel squat right now. So if you go all the way from the hole you're going to be WAY weaker than a squat where you get to go down & stay tight before rebounding as you drive up.

Nice work Hyde and ya I obviously misunderstood your meaning on the Dbol-Bold convo. I see where you were coming from.

Lots of new mass man, you are looking thick for sure! So the dead stop squats I guess you do them in a power rack? Sounds pretty intense!
Thanks Kleen! Trying to get my gorilla on. Yeah, they have to be done in an adjustable power rack, & you have to get set under it just right - too far fwd & you can't lift it, too far back it wants to roll over your head like a dumped good morning. You really have to play with it.

Could be useful for muscle growth if you do multiple reps & basically just pause at the bottom with the bars as your reference (also forces you to descend with control so you don't bounce off them). And for people scared of depth provides a very secure feeling - you're never ever going lower than you intended this way.

Good stuff, numbers are craaaazy.
10 plates per side? Nice job bro
Like I said, this sounds meaner than it is. I bet 800 is harder on a traditional legpress than the 1018 is on this HS unit.

Crazy lifts with those tree trunks you monster!!
Haha sounds like you're doing some pretty good work with the wheels yourself lately!


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Day 45

Weight 213.6lbs (+15.6lbs)

Been floating at 213ish first thing in the morn lately. Yesterday was offday.

Max Effort Bench + Chest

Barbell Flatbench 135x10, 185x3, 225x3, 245x1, 265x1, 285x1, 300x1 (PR, 5lbs added to total, finally have 1,300lb gym total!) :banana:

HS Incline Chestpress 90/side x15, 115/side x9, 8
Dbell Flatbench 65s x15, 70s x15, 75s x12, 80s x10, 85s x8
Cable Pec Flys from Lower Pins 25/side x14, 30x11, 10, 20x20
Tricep Cable Pushdowns 3 sets 15, 12, 18 reps various weights

Holy Pump batman. 750mg agmatine & 1.5 scp of Hemavol +6g Taurine preworkout. This plus the Boldione/M1T veins was quite astounding.

Finally hit 300 on benchpress; no lift off & ass stayed down - very smooth easy lift. Bombed 315 after it, but I took it down wrong nearly over my neck & still didn't pin myself. Pushed through it with some help. If I'd skipped 300 & lifted properly it might have happened. In any case, 300 bench + 465 squat + 535 deadlift = 1,300lb gym total. That was the goal this cycle, & now I've finally got it. May look into competing at some point over this next year.

Bench PRs, squat PRs, but still need to pull a dead PR this cycle.... :sasmokin:


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Also, got on the stairmaster for 5 min to warm my legs before benching to avoid cramps (after 6g taurine too). Struggled to maintain level 4-5 it winded me so easy, & got calf pumps in that time. Normally I can do level 8 no prob & will go up through 10. M1T is no joke. Stuff causes cramps, pumps, & decimates cardio like you cannot believe. I breath heavy after going upstairs & getting in bed at night. I'm not tired at all, just winded. It's frightening how out of shape I feel at times. Suprised I can tie my chucks without getting tired.

This is a super-strength oral not to be used lightly.


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Way to go on PR's! I hope I get to 1300 one day...


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Congrats on the PR Hyde! Time to shoot for the 1400 club.

And taking the negative out of the lift makes it 1000x harder. I used to do it all the time for bench but I never tried it for squats. I bet that is brutal. Might be something good to try for me right now since my the back of my knee/hamstring is in pain just when I drop into the hole. Could help me work around it.

So I am guessing you are enjoying the bold?


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Finally hit 300 on benchpress; no lift off & ass stayed down - very smooth easy lift. Bombed 315 after it, but I took it down wrong nearly over my neck & still didn't pin myself. Pushed through it with some help. If I'd skipped 300 & lifted properly it might have happened. In any case, 300 bench + 465 squat + 535 deadlift = 1,300lb gym total. That was the goal this cycle, & now I've finally got it. May look into competing at some point over this next year.

Bench PRs, squat PRs, but still need to pull a dead PR this cycle.... :sasmokin:
1300 total is awese Hyde! Your about 80lbs in front of my total!


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You have a lot of time left still too right? Better up that totas goall by twenty lbs...


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You have a lot of time left still too right? Better up that totas goall by twenty lbs...
In full agreement. How long you got left on m1t?


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Day 47

So I am guessing you are enjoying the bold?
Impossible to say, as the methyls have largely been eclipsing it. Def got some vascularity & hunger from it, which is great, but at this point I can't really justify the pricetag. I prob won't use it again since it's already banned anyway.

You have a lot of time left still too right? Better up that totas goall by twenty lbs...
I'll do you 10 better....

In full agreement. How long you got left on m1t?
13 days left of cycle I believe.

Morning Weight 216.0 (+18lbs)

Really starting to pick up weight/size. I've got about 2 wks to gain 2 more lbs & I'll have gained 20lbs this cycle. People at work are noticing. I've been cutting people off when I catch them looking at me & they start to say something about it. One of our customers that hasn't been in for several months at least asked what I was getting so big for & if I intend on doing strongman competitions lol. My large workshirt that fit fine at 198.0 is now very snug - my shoulders are busting out practically. My jeans from last winter when I was 217 & much fatter fit a lot worse now - the waist fits much better but my thighs have definitely gained size, even though I'm considerably leaner now vs then. Smaller waist & bigger wheels.

Upped Boldione to 1g/day yesterday, til the end.

Max Effort Deadlift

Warmed on Incline Treadmill 5 min
Conventional Deficit Deadlift 1" 135x10, x3, 225x3, 315x3, 365x3, 405x1, 455x1, 495x1
from floor 565x1 (PR, +30lbs to Total)

Afterwards I went home - this took a good 50 min already. Back & maybe biceps tomorrow, all volume baby. Back pumps the whole time tonight; just tried to massage it inbetween sets.

In case anyone wasn't convinced, M1T is legit. In about 10 days I've gained 7 more lbs & gotten a LOT stronger. I may go for a 315 bench & 585 on dead right before this cycle ends.


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Way to go on PR's! I hope I get to 1300 one day...
I remember when I was chasing 1,000. It's there for you man - just be persistent & be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, & you won't be either - so be smart & calculating. It will come in time if you want it, Lord willing.


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I remember when I was chasing 1,000. It's there for you man - just be persistent & be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, & you won't be either - so be smart & calculating. It will come in time if you want it, Lord willing.
Congrats in those PRs! I'm at 795 and chasing 800! LMAO!


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Holy crap, nice numbers. My dead lift helps my total a lot, and my squat and bench are low.
Based on my 1RMs, i think I am at
about 897 ish.
Bench 234
Squat 258
Dead- 405 (actual)

I need to max one of these days, because I am pretty sure that I can beat these numbers.


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Unleashed a dragon?;)

Their M1t is some good shyt

Pure poison, but damn it works


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Congrats on hitting your goal for gym total!!!!


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Unleashed a dragon?;)

Their M1t is some good shyt

Pure poison, but damn it works
Funny thing is my urine still looks incredibly light. Nutraplanet's TUDCA @ 500mg & indian Liv52 @ 2 caps/day seems to be managing 15mg M1T perfectly. Just bumped to 750mg of TUDCA today since I want to finish the bottle by the end of cycle as precaution in case the M1T goes up last week, or just for general safety. Msten near 30mg seemed WAY more toxic, based on feel & darkness of Urine even on 1g/day of TUDCA (also from NP).

I feel like a freakin' dragon the way I'm moving stuff in the gym

Congrats in those PRs! I'm at 795 and chasing 800! LMAO!
5lbs at a time man; that's how everyone who ever squat 1,000lbs did it. Inches to go miles.

Congrats on hitting your goal for gym total!!!!
Thank you sir; it meant a lot to me!!


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Sounds like the liver is doing pretty well. Tudca is great it keeps the bile ducts open so less damage is done in the first place. Liv52 fixes up the damage that slipped in. I love that combo!


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Day 50

2 nights ago went in to do back/bis but as soon as I started pullups my rear delts & upper lats were crazy sore/painful. It didn't bother me all day at work but I guess the previous nights deadlift was more taxing than I expected. Then tried to squat instead but my rear delts hurt so bad I couldn't hold the bar, so smashed biceps hard & packed it up.

Last night took off since I could feel things still healing.

Tonight going in for some bench & back stuff I'm thinking. Really looking forward to it!

Also....ordered about 300 in protein from a popular supp site the other day. It all showed up today, except they'd accidentally shipped it twice - but still only billed me once. Papa's sittin' on 15lbs of isolate, 8lbs of casein, 22lbs of blend, 2 dozen protein bars & a couple months of vitamin packs to boot. Not bad for the pricetag ;)


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I was freaking out. I had to doublecheck the order & make sure I hadn't paid twice lol. Christmas came early for this meathead
That's awesome I had a company send me a case instead of the one bottle..


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Bam. Christmas!


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Merry Christmas. I hope the order I put into nutraplanet does the same!


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Merry Christmas. I hope the order I put into nutraplanet does the same!
Why didn't you wait for their Black Friday sale??? That's like the one day of the year that every supp supplier who's anybody for sure has hot deals rollin' out.


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Why didn't you wait for their Black Friday sale??? That's like the one day of the year that every supp supplier who's anybody for sure has hot deals rollin' out.
Impatient. I wanted to get a few staple types now

. I'm waiting for Black Friday for erase and some nice yummy designers-from a different supplier of course. But they always have sales. Debating weather or not I'm going to use furaza or stano, and contemplating epi staggered with superdrol. Debating if back pumps are worth it.

From your knowledge is furaza worth the price?


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Impatient. I wanted to get a few staple types now

. I'm waiting for Black Friday for erase and some nice yummy designers-from a different supplier of course. But they always have sales. Debating weather or not I'm going to use furaza or stano, and contemplating epi staggered with superdrol. Debating if back pumps are worth it.

From your knowledge is furaza worth the price?
Jbry seems to love it, & read a couple times that it seems to have an enhancing effect on stronger anabolics, growth wise. And the retailer you're prob referencing has 3bottles for 90 always, & with their 10% off that'd be 81 bux for 3 bottles - plenty for a 6wk run in a stack.


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Stano is normally 30/bottle & you'll def need 2, so it's not even like Furazadrol is that much more expensive considering it's more thermogenic & causes more lean mass. Stano is just better for a dry base really.


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Stano is normally 30/bottle & you'll def need 2, so it's not even like Furazadrol is that much more expensive considering it's more thermogenic & causes more lean mass. Stano is just better for a dry base really.
I was thinking furaza would be just as dry seeing their both DHTs. I think I'm gonna run it. And yes that's the same site. I think 8 weeks at 300 mgs a day would be more than 3 bottles though. They're 60 caps @50mgs a cap so it'd be about 160 for the base but it'll still work. I've already got tren and sd. I think I'll stick to furaza, tren, and superdrol. Just need ancillaries. That should be a gnarly lean bulk or even a great cut stack.


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I was thinking furaza would be just as dry seeing their both DHTs. I think I'm gonna run it. And yes that's the same site. I think 8 weeks at 300 mgs a day would be more than 3 bottles though. They're 60 caps @50mgs a cap so it'd be about 160 for the base but it'll still work. I've already got tren and sd. I think I'll stick to furaza, tren, and superdrol. Just need ancillaries. That should be a gnarly lean bulk or even a great cut stack.
Furaza is awesome just saying!!


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Who's furuza did you use?
His... :)

I kid I kid!

Furaza is good stuff. I can't remember what brand I used it was so long ago. I think the name was Furazadrol then, and it was much more affordable at the time.


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His... :) I kid I kid! Furaza is good stuff. I can't remember what brand I used it was so long ago. I think the name was Furazadrol then, and it was much more affordable at the time.
It was a long time ago and it was by **** Kantana something or other..


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Day 51

Weight 214lbs (+16lbs)

Weight has been hanging here for several days now. Trying to up my cals. I'm getting FED too. Crazy how high my maintenance has become.

Yesterday smashed chest & back, bodybuilder style, all volume. I benched 135, 185, 205 all for 15 reps, then 225x10, 245x5, 265x1, 275x1, 225x8 (and the 275 was now quite light, just wanted to keep it easy for the day). Incline Dbells, Flyes, Pullups, HS Rows, Cable Rows. Awesome workout, awesome pump. Very driven.

Tonight tore up shoulders in a quick one with my business partner. He's off cycle right now so had to keep it to an hour for him. Low rest though, some supersets, & a mean burn. M1T is legit, did I mention that???

Btw used a sample of cherry limeade Cardio Igniter last night - actually awesome stuff. Smooth & noticeable drive, great pump. I'd consider buying this, & there's obviously TONS of preworkouts on the market. This was that good. Tasted great, mixed great, worked better.

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