Molding The Dough with Compound 20 (Beta Test)



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I was watching vids just now and noticed bars bending at 315.. I don't think it bent at all @275... Then at 455 I saw some jerk the bar a couple times before lifting and it bent substantially without even coming of the floor... I can only imagine the bend at 680 bro!

Whoa... The other thing I saw.... Twice.... Pukes mid lift... Do not want...
Well some bars have a lot of whip. Makes them easier to come off the floor. At my gym they have a tool you can use to lift the bar off the ground so it is easy to load plates. At 680 the plates touch the ground and it raises it off the ground a good bit.

Haha I have never puked while lifting. Usually I see stars a little or smell ammonia.


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From what I see, your rear is dropping too low and you're basically squatting the weight. I don't know what you can squat but, that will be what you can deadlift with that form. You also look like a long torso/short leg body type so that does not help. It becomes a leverage point issue with that long torso sticking way out over the bar so you have to drop the rear down lower to keep the back upright and the bar under the shoulders. You can get stronger but you will be limited on how strong in the deadlift. If you watch T Hawks lifts...he is made for this lift and is a deadlifting dream body type.


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Thanks AZ!

Correct on all fronts... Def got shorter legs then torso... Got em from my mom... I'm almost the shortest guy in my family at 5'11" of 6 boys... Only one shorter was the smallest of triplets... So I guess he got the runt status....

I was watching other vids and then mine back and forth and realized I was dropping my rear way too much as well....

My back is still pretty thick with muscle naturally, I need to learn just how to lift more properly... Maybe try a more straight legged deadlift approach as thats how I started to begin with deads but wanted to try a more traditional form, figuring it was the proper way to do it...

Either way I'm happy for the critiques and not looking to get huge numbers on deads as I'm more into BBing then PLing... But it would be nice to use decent weight, build up a decent looking back and not get injured in the process.

Thanks again fellas!


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You're knees are starting above the bar. This wastes the initial explosive part of your pull into trying to throw your ass back out, so your knees pull back and you can start your pull.

Try to sit back further so that everything is tight, chest BEHIND the bar...big breath, grip and rip. I'm not into the gripping, squatting down, hanging out down there, and then pulling.

Big breath, grip, drop your hips, and rip. The more time you're down there, the more time you have to think....and that is typically not a good thing.

Nothing major though, so keep pulling! Things should get worked out really smoothly in the near future, it may just be a glute/ham/hip weakness being compensated for by quads.


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Thanks again fellas, reps all around now that Im on the pc...

Gonna take everything into account adjust and repost a vid next weeks back workout... see if Ive managed to apply everything correctly.


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Day 11

So today is a rest day... def needed...

Shoulders a bit sore, I think it was from the lat pull downs, I noticed it was slightly straining my left shoulder by the last 2 sets but i pushed through it... Been a problem for me on and off for years after jacking it multiple times snowboarding.

On another note... my wrists have been aching for about a week now... not going away at all... has me contemplating getting some wrist wraps but Im a no gloves/straps/wraps kinda person. I feel it winds up just weakening the joint further instead of building up supporting muscles and tendons to naturally hold the joint in place... We will have to see though as Curls and presses continue to get heavier its prob better to have them just in case...

Compound 20 notes:

feeling nice and tight when I woke up today, checking in the mirror im looking tighter too!!! A slight pump feeling in the chest and traps are popping up on the shoulders more this morning with a greater defining line at the bottom of traps standing off the back n shoulders... Not a whole lot changed in the abs region just yet, but Im hoping across 4 weeks this will have apparent changes as well... Altogether Im beginning to see what this is about... Lets see how far this will go.


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This is all you gotta do man!



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Wowzers! 9 times!!!

thats nuts...


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Not that I could even lift that off the floor, but I don't like his "form".
I was thinking the same thing then while I was waiting for the vid to buffer i read some comments.. I guess he does it that way to mimic the atlas event at the world strong man contest...


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His form is not picture perfect but he is not that bad. I am amazed he does not slip on that platform with the socks!!


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So today is a rest day... def needed...

Shoulders a bit sore, I think it was from the lat pull downs, I noticed it was slightly straining my left shoulder by the last 2 sets but i pushed through it... Been a problem for me on and off for years after jacking it multiple times snowboarding.

On another note... my wrists have been aching for about a week now... not going away at all... has me contemplating getting some wrist wraps but Im a no gloves/straps/wraps kinda person. I feel it winds up just weakening the joint further instead of building up supporting muscles and tendons to naturally hold the joint in place... We will have to see though as Curls and presses continue to get heavier its prob better to have them just in case...

Compound 20 notes:

feeling nice and tight when I woke up today, checking in the mirror im looking tighter too!!! A slight pump feeling in the chest and traps are popping up on the shoulders more this morning with a greater defining line at the bottom of traps standing off the back n shoulders... Not a whole lot changed in the abs region just yet, but Im hoping across 4 weeks this will have apparent changes as well... Altogether Im beginning to see what this is about... Lets see how far this will go.

Hmm, more definition. Possibly better glucose management. Have you changed your diet to include significantly more carbs? I remember you said you changed your diet to reduce the hypoglycemic episodes.


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Hmm, more definition. Possibly better glucose management. Have you changed your diet to include significantly more carbs? I remember you said you changed your diet to reduce the hypoglycemic episodes.
no increase/decrease in total carbs through the day... just moved dall of them to earlier in the day... This way they are centered around the C20 doses and my highest levels of activity... also this way the blood stream should be significantly cleared of glucose and sleep initiated GH release will be exaggerated... also prevents night carbs that arent used for energy from being stored as fat.

Should help alone with body composition but not to the extent that Ive started to see... its not like Ive thrown out carbs altogether and going keto... also not like Ive piled them on n just gaining from excess carb consumption... I really think I can attribute scale weight changes and physical changes to C20 and its ability to better handle the carbs already in my diet.

This is all pure speculation of course... I have no clue what this is doing....

and a good example of what it COULD be doing is that of Anabetas effects.... its def not the exact same as Anabeta, from feel alone I can differentiate the 2 but there are some similarities... Read the Anabeta writeup though... its interesting.


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The write up on the site?

Interestingly I took AnaBeta, Noticed the glycogen uptake... but nothing else. Granted it was good that I got the effect just thought it was overpriced seeing I got almost the same effect from Slin Sane. but it could be all diet related/timing. Slin sane was ONLY taken with carb meals, and also only taken twice a day. Where as AnaBeta might have given me slin sane like results ALL day versus ONLY during those times of carb meals, and with training stimulus added. meh.. I'm confused as well.


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i am lazy, explain to me what compound 20 is and what you expect from it?

log looks good btw!!!


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i am lazy, explain to me what compound 20 is and what you expect from it?

log looks good btw!!!
What it is???

Wouldnt we all like to know!!! lol... in all reality we have no clue until the inner circle release and congruent writeup release... should be interesting knowing USPL and should be funny to read knowing jacob(hype-a- licious) LOL

What we do know is all stated in my initial post and that is; its a leaning/hardening compound.... and thats it...

What Ive found out/deduced so far myself...

It consists of multiple ingredients.....

Its FINALLY doing some leaning, but nothing extreme....

its a decent GDA as Ive gone hypo twice when I dosed too far away from my meal (first time on accident, second time on purpose to replicate the first and make sure it was Compound 20)...

Sleep is great and strength is up. scale weight is up as well buuuut it came on so quickly and I see no significant changes in the mirror that would equate that much LBM and thus I feel its all water/glycogen weight....

Decent results for a natty product but depending on END RESULTS and price point IDK if its gonna be for me or not... Cant make that call till the last pill goes down...


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Day 12

Today I saw no significant changes or prevalent effects worth mentioning for Compound 20...

I waaaaas going to hit shoulders/tris today BUT the lil lady got home and told me her wedding dress was back from getting the alterations done and she just HAD TO get it tonight... so we made the 3 hour round trip to get it and missed the gym closing by about half an hour... oh well... at least shes happy.

Tomorrow I might try and pull a double... hit shoulders/tris in the morn and legs at night... gonna be in town all day anyhow so might as well hit the gym on the way in and on the way out.... I hate going a week and not getting every group in...

Im going to test AZ's ideology that Im likely deadlifting what I can squat and try out a 275 squat... see how I feel... havnt gone that heavy in YEARS... previous high was 315 for a few reps but I typically dont go over 225 purely cause my knees crackle and pop like crazy under heavy load and then ache for days (blew out both knees snowboarding years ago and before they fully healed I just had to go one more time before the season ended and blew them out again... awesome)... theyve been acting MUCH better this last year and surprisingly they held up great running and walking 12hr a day 6 days a week through my summer job... hopefully they will hold, as well as my back (thinking back s fine given deads)..

Ill update tomorrow on how it goes... maybe a squat vid for critiques... but thats really not too tough for me... still be fun.


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What it is???

Wouldnt we all like to know!!! lol... in all reality we have no clue until the inner circle release and congruent writeup release... should be interesting knowing USPL and should be funny to read knowing jacob(hype-a- licious) LOL

What we do know is all stated in my initial post and that is; its a leaning/hardening compound.... and thats it...

What Ive found out/deduced so far myself...

It consists of multiple ingredients.....

Its FINALLY doing some leaning, but nothing extreme....

its a decent GDA as Ive gone hypo twice when I dosed too far away from my meal (first time on accident, second time on purpose to replicate the first and make sure it was Compound 20)...

Sleep is great and strength is up. scale weight is up as well buuuut it came on so quickly and I see no significant changes in the mirror that would equate that much LBM and thus I feel its all water/glycogen weight....

Decent results for a natty product but depending on END RESULTS and price point IDK if its gonna be for me or not... Cant make that call till the last pill goes down...
damn fine summation!!!!

damn fine. thank you!!!!


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Hype-a-licious!! Lmao


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Well I don't know what the inner circle release deal is yet... But usually if you want to get a decent deal on uspl supps the way to do it is through the initial inner circle release

And I caught jacob mention over on the uspl board that gnc was getting a special 132 count bottle, reg bottles will be 120 count.... Hopefully he will make the ic release the 132 variant....


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Well I don't know what the inner circle release deal is yet... But usually if you want to get a decent deal on uspl supps the way to do it is through the initial inner circle release

And I caught jacob mention over on the uspl board that gnc was getting a special 132 count bottle, reg bottles will be 120 count.... Hopefully he will make the ic release the 132 variant....
What's that an extra 3 or 4 days worth?


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But their staff is so knowledgable!!
Lol... We were just having this same conversation on another board... The people they hire there are complete supplement retards.

I have a buddy who's the manager now over all the stores in my area so I get a pretty good deal on anything there.... I still only get my protein there once a month... Nothing else.


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Aaron... Whats in your avatar? Bigger pic?
No u got to see it from the computer.
Its not me I have it up there cause of all the tattoos I have...
Its basically saying don't judge a book by it's cover :)


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That's perfect! I like how he gives basic conditions that have to be meet then it doesn't matter your body type, that will be correct dead lifting form for you....

Reps in a bit...
That video is great. I used his book "Starting Strength" back in high school when I was first learning how to squat and deadlift correctly it is a great book he gives so many ways to cue your body into the right form at every angle. Obv you know how to squat and deadlift ( I am not saying you don't). But it is deff a great book to tweak little details of form like you asked a few posts back when you posted your video. And also I'll be following seems kinda fun not knowing what the supplement they gave you is lol.


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That video is great. I used his book "Starting Strength" back in high school when I was first learning how to squat and deadlift correctly it is a great book he gives so many ways to cue your body into the right form at every angle. Obv you know how to squat and deadlift ( I am not saying you don't). But it is deff a great book to tweak little details of form like you asked a few posts back when you posted your video. And also I'll be following seems kinda fun not knowing what the supplement they gave you is lol.
Thanks bro!

Ya it def is always interesting watching a beta log but its even crazier running one.... I really enjoy doing it cause I'm fairly in tune with how most supplements effect my body and I like trying to guess exactly whats going on... Sometimes I'm dead on and sometimes the moa of the supp is do unique there's no wary to guess correctly but just wait till your enlightened by the writeup.

Hitting a double duration in a bit... Didn't get up early enough to get in the real 2 sessions I wanted do I'm going to take my C20, a sample pack out jacked and hit up a main lifts routine for shoulders and my normal routine for legs...

Planning on....

Front/lateral lifts
Shoulder press
Bent over tri extensions
Leg curl
Leg extension

Maybe more we will see how I fair at that point..


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I just ate 3 double-double In-n-Out burgers for my weekly cheat meal....burrrrf Have a good workout Dough Boy.


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I just ate 3 double-double In-n-Out burgers for my weekly cheat meal....burrrrf Have a good workout Dough Boy.
Jerk... J/k

I was actually out all day today... Lunch... Double down from kfc...delicious...


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I'm about to eat half a medium dominoes philly cheese steak pizza mmm cheat meals ;)


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Day 13 (Workout)

Squats were a bad choice!!!

Just about sums up how I felt when hitting the aforementioned planned routine after my second set of squats!!!! LOL...

Heavy shoulder presses followed by squats brings conflicting physiological responses for sure! Get my traps all pumped up (which they were HUGE tonight after doing DB presses) then trying to put an Olympic bar on your shoulders isn't easy.... followed by the fact I just brought a ton of my blood flow to the uppermost part of my body that can get a pump then try to redirect it to the other end.... WHEW!!!! I'm lucky I didn't puke!!!

With all that said, I still had a fairly strong and successful workout considering my time restraint(I swear the gyms clock is 5-10min fast on the weekend, upsetting) and trying my hardest to not faint or puke.... Pump was there, mind muscle connection was good, arms were showing some unexpected vascularity(but nothing REALLY popping) and again stepped on the scale....


not looking bloated at all either...

Here's how the workout went down...

Shoulders McLegs hybrid
DB Side raises- 10x20lb
DB Front raises- 10x20lb
DB Side raises- 10x25lb
DB Front raises- 10x25lb
DB Shoulder Press- 10x50lb, 10x60lb, 10x70lb, 7x80lb(WOOHOO! got em up again this week!)
Squats(free)- 10x135lb, 10x185lb, 10x205lb, 5x225lb
Bent Over Triceps Extensions- 10x20lb, 10x25lb, 10x30lb
Leg curls(both legs)- 10x70lb, 10x140lb, 10x170lb
Leg Extensions (single leg R/L)- 10/10x60lb, 10/10x70lb, 10/10x80lb

The sets in bold are sets that either improved in weight, reps or both.... Its amazing to me how much harder it is to get a set of DB's up to shoulder press then it is to actually rep them out.... but I got the 80's up n hit em for 5 easy and 2 under extreme pressure but got em done with solid form....

Compound 20 notes:

Nothing too huge to note today that hasn't already been mentioned through the workout notes.. Strength is still improving, body comp is staying consistent and weight has gone up....

...Only thing I can think to mention is my right side, much more so then my left, of the middle of my back meat that makes the valley to the spine(sorry this is one section of the human physiology where I lack the knowledge of all the muscle groups) was EXTREMELY SORE, like 30 min after I woke it started setting in and was VERY painful.... My guess is it was from hitting deads as I'm at least a 2 day later DOMS kinda guy, muscles have always been the most sore the day after next not the day after.... I like that my routine typically has me working out again the second day after to once again increase protein synthesis and aid in mending these parts as well as the directly targeted muscle of the day... sorry for the DOMS rant but essentially the way this ties into compound 20 is it seems its NOT increasing recovery time to any noticeable measure...

Edit: forgot to mention that at least while at Koal's waiting for the lil lady to get a scanner so we could do our wedding registry, I got to sit down in a HoMedics demo message chair that was set up n let it do a number on my back.... needless to say when she walked over I made her scan it right away, LOL....


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So it was killing me that I didn't know the proper name for the muscle group in my back, which was sore today...

A simple Google search solved that and I found this helpful diagram of the back muscles and their names...

So it turns out on the right side of my back(left too but not so much), I was extremely sore in my Erector muscles (Erector Spinae). Which seems to me to mean that at the least the deads were properly targeting this portion of my back....

...Still gonna lift up that rump more next go around and see where it takes me.


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You do raises before doing shoulder press? brave man lol. Getting the db's up is the hardest part! Looking good and thanks for the back muscle lesson haha. Do you have a particular macro split that you are following?


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You do raises before doing shoulder press? brave man lol. Getting the db's up is the hardest part!
Well you know... I used to do the DB presses first... Obviously as you mentioned it makes for much stronger DB presses...

Well I used to press HEAVY Weight, 100lb DB's, 230lb Bars(military press) and max out slotted plate machines and Hammer strength machines...

But my delts still sucked...

I saw some guy one day on the boards that had HUGE cut delts... I was like "genetically lucky bastage" cause my own bis are genetically big(which made my delts look even smaller) and assumed he was gifted elsewhere... BUT I still asked him what it was he did for his shoulders to get his delts so big cause its a huge weak point of mine... He surprisingly responded telling me that his were the same and the best way he found to make them grow was to pre-exhaust them on shoulder days!!! So I responded in kind saying well doesn't that kill all your other lifts? and he told me that it doesn't matter, they go back up and this is what he found makes his grow...

I tried it... BOY it friggin works... my delts pop much more now, are MUCH more rounded and whereas my front delts (anterior) used to stand out big time only, now my whole shoulder stands out and is awesome to see all the different heads flexing and moving while lifting.

So on a typical shoulder routine; I start out with Delt raises... go through all my presses, switch into my triceps exercises to continue what the pressing motion was doing and then wrap it up again with Delt raise supersets where I get on a standing cable machine, drop it to the lowest setting then do right side raise(turn around 180* and hand off to left) left side raise (turn 90* and hand off to right) right front raise (hand off to left) Left front raise, reset the pin to heavier weight and do it again, reset to heavier weight and do it one last time...

Pumps em up clean and then I leave to eat...

Looking good and thanks for the back muscle lesson haha. Do you have a particular macro split that you are following?
Its rough... I havnt actually broken down recently and measured my exact intake.... Ive been doing this long enough though that I know what meals are roughly a 40/40/20 split and I try to adhere to that as much as I can on a cut/bulk/recomp alike just with over all cals adjusted to suit my goals(usually just through portion size, for cuts frequency is dropped as well)... I even found a protein bar that already fits those macros almost perfectly for post workout.... Right now though I do have MORE carbs in my preworkout meal and only protein after my post workout bar and then meal. It balances out evenly, 30g carbs extra pre workout and 30g protein in a later meal with no carbs at all.


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Well you know... I used to do the DB presses first... Obviously as you mentioned it makes for much stronger DB presses...

Well I used to press HEAVY Weight, 100lb DB's, 230lb Bars(military press) and max out slotted plate machines and Hammer strength machines...

But my delts still sucked...

I saw some guy one day on the boards that had HUGE cut delts... I was like "genetically lucky bastage" cause my own bis are genetically big(which made my delts look even smaller) and assumed he was gifted elsewhere... BUT I still asked him what it was he did for his shoulders to get his delts so big cause its a huge weak point of mine... He surprisingly responded telling me that his were the same and the best way he found to make them grow was to pre-exhaust them on shoulder days!!! So I responded in kind saying well doesn't that kill all your other lifts? and he told me that it doesn't matter, they go back up and this is what he found makes his grow...

I tried it... BOY it friggin works... my delts pop much more now, are MUCH more rounded and whereas my front delts (anterior) used to stand out big time only, now my whole shoulder stands out and is awesome to see all the different heads flexing and moving while lifting.

So on a typical shoulder routine; I start out with Delt raises... go through all my presses, switch into my triceps exercises to continue what the pressing motion was doing and then wrap it up again with Delt raise supersets where I get on a standing cable machine, drop it to the lowest setting then do right side raise(turn around 180* and hand off to left) left side raise (turn 90* and hand off to right) right front raise (hand off to left) Left front raise, reset the pin to heavier weight and do it again, reset to heavier weight and do it one last time...

Pumps em up clean and then I leave to eat...

Its rough... I havnt actually broken down recently and measured my exact intake.... Ive been doing this long enough though that I know what meals are roughly a 40/40/20 split and I try to adhere to that as much as I can on a cut/bulk/recomp alike just with over all cals adjusted to suit my goals(usually just through portion size, for cuts frequency is dropped as well)... I even found a protein bar that already fits those macros almost perfectly for post workout.... Right now though I do have MORE carbs in my preworkout meal and only protein after my post workout bar and then meal. It balances out evenly, 30g carbs extra pre workout and 30g protein in a later meal with no carbs at all.
Very good info on the delts. I am currently at around 90s on shoulder press DBs doing 8 reps for a few sets...I think once I get past 100s I'll change it up and try this pre-exhaustion method it sounds like it has some merit behind it. I mean...your muscles dont know how much weight your lifting..they only know what they feel so I guess Ill put my ego aside and take a bite on lowering my press weight haha.

I am currently in the works of really calculating my macro splits. I just ate my meals by proportions and knew about how much total calories I was getting...but now I am really trying to make sure I hit a particular macro split every day and I am trying to figure out what proportion I am going to aim for. I hear a lot of people doing 40/40/20 but I dont know how I'm going to get 400 grams of protein on 4000 cals a i might try 50 carbs/30 protein/20 fat


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Very good info on the delts. I am currently at around 90s on shoulder press DBs doing 8 reps for a few sets...I think once I get past 100s I'll change it up and try this pre-exhaustion method it sounds like it has some merit behind it. I mean...your muscles dont know how much weight your lifting..they only know what they feel so I guess Ill put my ego aside and take a bite on lowering my press weight haha.

I am currently in the works of really calculating my macro splits. I just ate my meals by proportions and knew about how much total calories I was getting...but now I am really trying to make sure I hit a particular macro split every day and I am trying to figure out what proportion I am going to aim for. I hear a lot of people doing 40/40/20 but I don't know how I'm going to get 400 grams of protein on 4000 cals a i might try 50 carbs/30 protein/20 fat
Well Im kinda weird, in that I can add mass(both fat and LBM) on a much lower cal intake then most... But....

You know what Ive read to do at your cal intake... is use the Rule of thumb 1-1.5g Protein for every lb of LBM(maybe it was just weight in general, either way) unless you are on cycle then you can consume upwards to 2g pro for every lb. Fit that into your normal macro split...

So that would be approx 250g protein(1000cals) thats gonna leave you with the 88g fat(800cals = 20% of 4000cals) and the rest youll get from 550g carbs (which would actually be 55% = 2200cals)

Now that would be JUST to meet your 4000cal diet... but it may very well wind up exceeding your needs. If you are gaining weight in the form of LBM then great, stick to it and adjust your pro intake as you add mass(and other cals if you'd like to maintain the same ratio). If you are gaining weight in the form of FAT then simply reduce your carbs and fat intake accordingly... say you are dropping 200cals then split the difference accordingly to maintain the BW/Pro amount, the 20% fat ratio and the appropriate amount left over for carbs(in other words redo the math from the previous paragraph adjusting only the fat and carb numbers).

Im sure if your still handy with algebra that you could throw together an equation to always solve this but im too tired to do such a thing right this very second...

You def have to be able to do basic math but its really not all that tough.


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Well Im kinda weird, in that I can add mass(both fat and LBM) on a much lower cal intake then most... But....

You know what Ive read to do at your cal intake... is use the Rule of thumb 1-1.5g Protein for every lb of LBM(maybe it was just weight in general, either way) unless you are on cycle then you can consume upwards to 2g pro for every lb. Fit that into your normal macro split...

So that would be approx 250g protein(1000cals) thats gonna leave you with the 88g fat(800cals = 20% of 4000cals) and the rest youll get from 550g carbs (which would actually be 55% = 2200cals)

Now that would be JUST to meet your 4000cal diet... but it may very well wind up exceeding your needs. If you are gaining weight in the form of LBM then great, stick to it and adjust your pro intake as you add mass(and other cals if you'd like to maintain the same ratio). If you are gaining weight in the form of FAT then simply reduce your carbs and fat intake accordingly... say you are dropping 200cals then split the difference accordingly to maintain the BW/Pro amount, the 20% fat ratio and the appropriate amount left over for carbs(in other words redo the math from the previous paragraph adjusting only the fat and carb numbers).

Im sure if your still handy with algebra that you could throw together an equation to always solve this but im too tired to do such a thing right this very second...

You def have to be able to do basic math but its really not all that tough.
That looks good to me I think I am just going to keep a mental tally every day of what macros I get and at the end of the day these will be my goal numbers: 300 g protein, 500 g carbs, 90 g fat...(I dont think the exact percents matter for now I will just adjust from this base as I see changes) I will stick to this for a week or two and see how I change and adjust accordingly... Ive taken every type of calc, stat, and differential equations class that my university offers so I think I could handle some algebra haha. Maybe one day Ill make a little program in excel when i get really anal about this...

I'd rep you right now but it said I havent waited long enough since the last one lol


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That looks good to me I think I am just going to keep a mental tally every day of what macros I get and at the end of the day these will be my goal numbers: 300 g protein, 500 g carbs, 90 g fat...(I dont think the exact percents matter for now I will just adjust from this base as I see changes) I will stick to this for a week or two and see how I change and adjust accordingly... Ive taken every type of calc, stat, and differential equations class that my university offers so I think I could handle some algebra haha. Maybe one day Ill make a little program in excel when i get really anal about this...

I'd rep you right now but it said I havent waited long enough since the last one lol
Sounds good bro! LMK how that goes for you!


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nice updates sd


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This stuff is definitely some kind of GDA product. I just ate my morning breakfast. I havent worked out since Thursday and I am pumped and full.


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This stuff is definitely some kind of GDA product. I just ate my morning breakfast. I havent worked out since Thursday and I am pumped and full.
Wow. Sounds nice lol. Are you taking anything with agmatine in it?
Thinking it might be agmatine or something like it. Or derived from it.


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Wow. Sounds nice lol. Are you taking anything with agmatine in it?
Thinking it might be agmatine or something like it. Or derived from it.
I do take Agmatine but I have not used any today. This is not from Agmatine.


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AHA!!! nice! glad to see you experience it as well... I was hoping It wasnt just me spiking my own insulin in a weird way....


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mayn... this time thing still has me all thrown off... I gotta get to bed.... but first gotta make sure all my clocks match, i keep forgetting which are already changed and which arent... thought it was only 9 here in cal cause i thought I needed to reset this one myself.. poo... missing out on sleep...


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AHA!!! nice! glad to see you experience it as well... I was hoping It wasnt just me spiking my own insulin in a weird way....
it was really only noticeable when I flexed my muscles. hopefully this stuff continues to get better.

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