Bulk D-Aspartic Acid

Sam I Am

Sam I Am

{...} everyone responds a little different to everything. If I take even half a mg of Yohimbine, I feel like my heart is about to explode, while I know others who take 20mg per day, with no sides whatsoever. Though, I can take 60mg of 1,3 and drink a pot of coffee and then go straight to bed.
I respond the exact same way in both cases! I despise Yohimbe/Yohimbine!
NutraPlanet CS

NutraPlanet CS

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I respond the exact same way in both cases! I despise Yohimbe/Yohimbine!
Yeah, I'd rather beat my face against the wall before taking either one ever again. :banghead:


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I would have to disagree. There is a BIG difference between DAA and a pro-hormone. Also, everyone responds a little different to everything. If I take even half a mg of Yohimbine, I feel like my heart is about to explode, while I know others who take 20mg per day, with no sides whatsoever. Though, I can take 60mg of 1,3 and drink a pot of coffee and then go straight to bed.

Plus, if you are in the same shape as your avatar, then I would imagine your test levels are already pretty high. So, it might not be something that you even need or will optimally benefit from at this point in your life. Either way, I truly hope you find the results you are looking for. Please keep us posted on any changes. Thanks.
Hey I talked to you on the phone haha. I love this guy :drive:


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I would have to disagree. There is a BIG difference between DAA and a pro-hormone. Also, everyone responds a little different to everything. If I take even half a mg of Yohimbine, I feel like my heart is about to explode, while I know others who take 20mg per day, with no sides whatsoever. Though, I can take 60mg of 1,3 and drink a pot of coffee and then go straight to bed.

Plus, if you are in the same shape as your avatar, then I would imagine your test levels are already pretty high. So, it might not be something that you even need or will optimally benefit from at this point in your life. Either way, I truly hope you find the results you are looking for. Please keep us posted on any changes. Thanks.
The funny thing is my testosterone is real high yet, I respond real well to good testosterone boosters, like Sustain Alpha right now!


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Man I am glad I have that Natadrol on the way, I can just sit back and watch this... My body double is in here checking how good it works. If DW gives it a thumbs up I know it is doing something. Also that more than likely I will respond because he and I seem to respond to all of the same products really well.

FACE that sucks that it isn't working for you. I definitely think natty stuff works differently on some people. I also think there are somethings put out there that run just off of hype long enough to make a buck and disappear. Hopefully the fact NP thought highly enough of the research for this product they chose to carry it means it has enough of a base of responders to make it a good product to try.


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Yeah, I hope it works well for others too. Other than the product not working for me, what I do not like is the blurring of the line between educational forum and supplement website. I understand that forums need advertisers to survive, but the amount of people claiming "unbiased" logs on here that are on a company's payroll is ridiculous. It kind of reminds me of the episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where Charlie gets screaming frustrated because he can't tell the difference between Extreme Home Makeover and Sears.
NutraPlanet CS

NutraPlanet CS

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The funny thing is my testosterone is real high yet, I respond real well to good testosterone boosters, like Sustain Alpha right now!

I would have to disagree. There is a BIG difference between DAA and a pro-hormone. Also, everyone responds a little different to everything. If I take even half a mg of Yohimbine, I feel like my heart is about to explode, while I know others who take 20mg per day, with no sides whatsoever. Though, I can take 60mg of 1,3 and drink a pot of coffee and then go straight to bed.


New member
Day two: 1/2 dose on an empty stomach in the morning with SAMe, and half a dose preworkout with bcaas. So far I feel a change in attitude, first workout was nothing special, will post results after a few days.


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Not wanting to get too far off topic but the mystery of why some supplements work for some but not others has confused me. The issue of non-responders can bring up mixed feelings of marketing hype and non biased (sponsored) logs. To that end is it feasible that an over active digestive system where the stomach acids are more harsh would possibly cause a supplement being made less effective ? ie would there be any reason to suspect a ph or alkalinity imbalance is to blame for the poor response to DAA and if so would a green product use to sabilize ph levels be of any use or benifit.


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Not wanting to get too far off topic but the mystery of why some supplements work for some but not others has confused me. The issue of non-responders can bring up mixed feelings of marketing hype and non biased (sponsored) logs. To that end is it feasible that an over active digestive system where the stomach acids are more harsh would possibly cause a supplement being made less effective ? ie would there be any reason to suspect a ph or alkalinity imbalance is to blame for the poor response to DAA and if so would a green product use to sabilize ph levels be of any use or benifit.
Exactly! So many of the so called unbiased logs on here are people that are on a company's payroll. It's up to us to keep this in check.


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last time I checked Muscle Warfare was not a board sponsor


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Day 9), Dropped the dose to 750 mg pre workout per Paul's suggestion. It's been an hour after my workout and still no results. No change in aggression, attitude, strength, vascularity, or pump. Tomorrow will be my last day. Wasting 10 days is enough. I have noticed more change in strength and muscle fullness from regular creatine monohydrate. After tomorrow's workout I will write this product off as garbage. And Scoooter, if your last post is directed at me, please inform me when I said that MW was a board sponsor. I'd like to see a quote of me saying "MW is a board sponsor".


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general statement, not directed, not any type of instigation.

I agree on the whole checks and balances


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I like the checks and balances reference. That is exactly what the unregulated supplement industry and this board needs; in terms of legitimacy.


So the legitimate scientific studies done on DAA, isnt enough for you... if it doesnt act immediately its a failure. Thats one of the biggest problems now days... FFS, if i pin 500mg of Test E a week im not going to notice results for a few weeks.

Did you get blood work to see if it is raising your test or not?
or are you just assuming?
Sounds like impatient assumption to me.


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Okay smart guy, then why don't you buy the product and do a detailed log on it? I have taken everything under the sun; injectable, pro hormone, you name it. I've been working out for over 11 years and it is my job to look a certain way. I get paid to stay in shape. So yes, maybe I am impatient because I can't afford to not see results from something. I've ran test-e, and I saw definite changes after 9 days of use. 5'8" 180? Why don't you talk to me when you gain 2 inches, 20 pounds, and have half the abdominal muscles that I do.


used to be 215 bro, being hospitalised with an injury and then not being able to take back to the gym till a few months back is a bitch.

I get paid to look good too... and what im telling you is if you arent running bloodwork with anything then you dont know on what aspects it is really working or not. Its more of a natural test booster, not a PH or Steroid. Its something that i would sit as more of a PCT thing, or good for someone going natty and looking for an extra test boost.

And i have some on the way... and im going to use it post cycle on my upcoming cycle.. so ill do bloodwork Pre PCT and Post. lets see where it goes...

Depending on how a few other things go, i may do it for a few weeks before, its a matter of my schedule for the next few weeks. if so ill get some BW to compare just using it plain.


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"I get paid to look good too..."

I wonder where on the pay scale I would land - hopefully It would be in the average range (statistically)

No answers yet for my interest of stomach acids role in absorbtion ??


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Again, we are losing sight of what we are talking about. We are talking about a supplement that carries claims of being able to raise test levels by near 40%. If that is true, then this should be suitable to be ran as a stand-alone; not PCT support. I'm done on this thread and this topic. I've received over 10 pm's in reference to people requesting my logs and opinions on other subjects. If anyone has anything intelligent to ad, then great. Otherwise, I'll be concentrating on products that hold promise and members of this community who actually want their valuable time and money to be spent on worthwhile endeavors.


to be fair.... 40% is not that much.

Say you have a test level of 425. that would mean you would be at about 595. Not a huge leap at all... so i wouldnt be expecting drastic results on that at all. What it would be good for is keeping the HTPA up because it stimulates it, thats why it would be most effective as PCT or as a cofactor on TRT.

Its all about looking at the science bro.


"I get paid to look good too..."

I wonder where on the pay scale I would land - hopefully It would be in the average range (statistically)

No answers yet for my interest of stomach acids role in absorbtion ??
hahaha, in my field the pay scale is about the same across the board, on a pay per perform basis.

as far as acids role... it depends on the substance, dont think that aspect has been tested yet. but its always fun to experiment with.


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Pay per perform? Dude are you a Chipndale? I know the economy is bad, but I hope you aren't one of those **** diesel guys who gets paid tons of cash to dance for gay dudes. That would just be wrong. When I said I get paid to look a certain way, I was referencing print work. I'd love to put my pic on here, but I'm afraid of losing my contract like what happened to Christian Boeving. Also, this debate has given me an idea. Would anyone pay for legitimate product reviews that are being conducted buy a doctor who is not on the payroll of any supplement companies? I have a close friend who is a doctor several times over, and I think he would like the idea of getting paid to dissect supplements on the chemical compound level and then offer his opinion regarding their legitimacy. Time is money, and those of us who have searched this forum for hours on end to try and find out if a product is worth our money or not could appreciate a company who saves us time and money by informing us which products actually work on a scientific level and which ones do not. I may be way off base here, but I thought this was a good idea. Opinions?
NutraPlanet CS

NutraPlanet CS

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Okay smart guy, then why don't you buy the product and do a detailed log on it? I have taken everything under the sun; injectable, pro hormone, you name it. I've been working out for over 11 years and it is my job to look a certain way. I get paid to stay in shape. So yes, maybe I am impatient because I can't afford to not see results from something. I've ran test-e, and I saw definite changes after 9 days of use. 5'8" 180? Why don't you talk to me when you gain 2 inches, 20 pounds, and have half the abdominal muscles that I do.
Pay per perform? Dude are you a Chipndale? I know the economy is bad, but I hope you aren't one of those **** diesel guys who gets paid tons of cash to dance for gay dudes. That would just be wrong.
I understand and even agree with everything that you have to say. Though, why the attitude? You sound pretty "testy" to me. You sure it isn't working? haha. ;)

Can we ALL please just keep this thread clean and on subject? This thread is ONLY meant for the educational purposes of DAA; it is NOT an insult match on anyone's results in the gym, their history of success, or who has the most education on every supplement on the market.

I am not trying to sound reactive or is if I am talking down to you. I mean no disrespect, but I just want to keep things clean on this forum. Your opinions are obvious. So, if you are done with the DAA, then stop hating and move on. Thank you.


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I agree...more time spent on the plus/minus of this supplement will speak louder then just ranting.


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I understand and even agree with everything that you have to say. Though, why the attitude? You sound pretty "testy" to me. You sure it isn't working? haha. ;)

Can we ALL please just keep this thread clean and on subject? This thread is ONLY meant for the educational purposes of DAA; it is NOT an insult match on anyone's results in the gym, their history of success, or who has the most education on every supplement on the market.

I am not trying to sound reactive or is if I am talking down to you. I mean no disrespect, but I just want to keep things clean on this forum. Your opinions lie obvious. So, if you are done with the DAA, then stop hating and move on. Thank you.
The attitude is because I'm actually trying to help, and I'm a little more than annoyed by the fact that when I actually try to give a true, unbiased opinion, I get flack from people who are on company payrolls and their corresponding 18-21 year old minions who have self esteem issues and simply want to jump on any band wagon. This has become too much of a popularity contest and WAY TOO much of a medium for companies to advertise, and less of a true educational forum.

I am an expert on very few things in this world, but working out and supplementation are two of the things that I am an expert on.

My goal is to try and save other people time, money, and effort by giving TRUTHFUL reviews of products that I have tried.


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DAA doesnt raise test out of this world, so it would be best to either use long term, like months or stacked. I think stacking it would give good gains but thats just my opinion.

If one has low test, like coming off cycle or for the older Bodybuilders, it would be very beneficial.

The marketing maybe wrong but remember this is pretty new, so in time we may find that its real purpose is for PCT.

It does have merit but its first go around could be like trying to build a wall with a Pipe wrench, poor use of a great tool. Time will surely answer the question of what its real purpose in Bodybuilding will be.


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The attitude is because I'm actually trying to help, and I'm a little more than annoyed by the fact that when I actually try to give a true, unbiased opinion, I get flack from people who are on company payrolls and their corresponding 18-21 year old minions who have self esteem issues and simply want to jump on any band wagon. This has become too much of a popularity contest and WAY TOO much of a medium for companies to advertise, and less of a true educational forum.

I am an expert on very few things in this world, but working out and supplementation are two of the things that I am an expert on.

My goal is to try and save other people time, money, and effort by giving TRUTHFUL reviews of products that I have tried.
At first I did not mind, but now you sound like you are on your menstraul, do me a favor and go start I log, I will subscribe, that I can assure you.
NutraPlanet CS

NutraPlanet CS

NP Supplement Pimp
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The attitude is because I'm actually trying to help, and I'm a little more than annoyed by the fact that when I actually try to give a true, unbiased opinion, I get flack from people who are on company payrolls and their corresponding 18-21 year old minions who have self esteem issues and simply want to jump on any band wagon. This has become too much of a popularity contest and WAY TOO much of a medium for companies to advertise, and less of a true educational forum.

I am an expert on very few things in this world, but working out and supplementation are two of the things that I am an expert on.

My goal is to try and save other people time, money, and effort by giving TRUTHFUL reviews of products that I have tried.
Trust me, I completely understand how you feel and I do know that there is definitely a lot of biased hype that floats around in this industry, as it does in every industry and sells any product. I DO respect what you have to say, I just feel you are being quite biased yourself and over-crediting your statements. Plus, you are getting completely off track and just being insulting when others do not agree with you. I feel you have offered more harm than truth.

Though, seeing you are an expert with supplements & this industry, then I assume that you know that Patrick Arnold himself is the main person behind studies, research, & innovation with DAA, and he has a TON of passion/knowledge behind the product. This is why he wants to release an advanced, more bio-available DAA product in the near future. I do not know you personally, so I cannot contest your overall knowledge for supplements and/or this industry. BUT, I can confidentially state that Patrick is a genius with supplements and has been responsible for some of the most effective supplements in history. He stands as one of the "God fathers" of this industry. He is the person who freaking invented PHs and many other major advancements in this industry, so I do feel his thoughts should be most valued at this point in time. Therefore, if DAA is "garbage" as you state, I don't think he would clearly waste his time, that is, if this opinion of yours is truly fact.

AGAIN, everyone responds differently to everything. There are PLENTY of products that a lot of people rant and rave about and I just sit here scratching my head, wondering what the hype is all about. Yet, I cannot just sit there and say the product is "garbage" and useless, just b/c it didn't work for me personally. I just don't feel its fair to assume that after only 10 days of use that your opinion can stand as a fact, contesting the overall effectiveness of this product, especially seeing you didn't even provide blood work.

Again, I mean no disrespect and I am not hating whatsoever. In fact, I usually just keep quite amongst the drama and stay out of it. But, I just felt that I had to speak up this time around. I am sorry that this product didn't meet your expectations. But, if you want to help educate others on your thoughts and experiences, which I completely respect, just please do it in a more professional and civilized manner, not knocking others thoughts, but instead, offering more facts and evidence, instead of just boosting statements like "I am going to write it off as garbage". I feel that if you are as smart as you say you are, then you can back it up with educated and on topic evidence and points. Plus, why do you assume that every positive review is "biased" and only posted b/c the person was paid. I assure you that NO ONE has been paid by us to review/log this product. That is why I am not running a log myself, even though I am VERY interested in using this product.

I do hope you can understand where I am coming from, as I am ending this conversation, ceasing any chance of disrespect towards you. Thank you.
Sam I Am

Sam I Am

At first I did not mind, but now you sound like you are on your menstraul, do me a favor and go start I log, I will subscribe, that I can assure you.
Hey, that's a great way to represent your company...


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Hey, that's a great way to represent your company...
That was a little harsh

Exactly. Oh, and congrats on the gross chest hair, weighing 170 lbs, being pale, and having no abs.
What was the point of venting over this? You’re an adult in better shape then most here so why not be as mature as many others that post online and move on. The product is not working for you and I understand that but no point in bashing the product further and disrespecting others. Let’s all move on and get the feedback from others taking this product so we can come up with our joined together view of the product.

Also most products are not graded by the effects on one person in general but rather the majority in the group so out of this group you are the one so far not having any effects as of yet.
NutraPlanet CS

NutraPlanet CS

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Judging by the tension in this thread I feel everybody has enough testosterone, thank you:AR15firing:

haha! Yeah, maybe we should all lay off of the DAA.....
Sam I Am

Sam I Am

Haha, I'm very much interested in the product PA is going to put out. I'm wondering what effects his product will have over the bulk DAA.
I do have bit more aggression throughout the day now. At 6g a day (3g 2X ED), and being that it is now going on the tenth day, I am now looking forward to the week to come. As I said earlier, on day 21 I will be incorporating Sustain Alpha-LV, so this may turn out to be a very solid run. Also, with PRIME dropping to a somewhat reasonable price, I may pick up a bottle or two and add it in at week 6 with DAA and SA-LV. Too bad OEP gives me wicked migraines...


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PA said he was going to add DAA to a calcium chelate and put it in a liquid.


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DAA, D-Aspartic Acid, Boost Testosterone products to date;

NP - bulk powder
Anabolic xtreme - hard fx
D-Andro50 RF (price is ridiculously high)
Muscle Warfare - (not yet released)
P.A. - (also not yet released)

please add any I may have missed


DAA, D-Aspartic Acid, Boost Testosterone products to date;

NP - bulk powder
Anabolic xtreme - hard fx
D-Andro50 RF (price is ridiculously high)
Muscle Warfare - (not yet released)
P.A. - (also not yet released)

please add any I may have missed

Performance Ege - DAA Pure (bulk caps)
G.E.T. - Deka 750


Pay per perform? Dude are you a Chipndale? I know the economy is bad, but I hope you aren't one of those **** diesel guys who gets paid tons of cash to dance for gay dudes. That would just be wrong. When I said I get paid to look a certain way, I was referencing print work. I'd love to put my pic on here, but I'm afraid of losing my contract like what happened to Christian Boeving. Also, this debate has given me an idea. Would anyone pay for legitimate product reviews that are being conducted buy a doctor who is not on the payroll of any supplement companies? I have a close friend who is a doctor several times over, and I think he would like the idea of getting paid to dissect supplements on the chemical compound level and then offer his opinion regarding their legitimacy. Time is money, and those of us who have searched this forum for hours on end to try and find out if a product is worth our money or not could appreciate a company who saves us time and money by informing us which products actually work on a scientific level and which ones do not. I may be way off base here, but I thought this was a good idea. Opinions?

Impossible. People are too different. How about all the studies validating Creatine Monohydrate? Guess what? It's worthless to me. Utterly worthless. No matter how much I take, mono does nothing for me. Does that make it bunk? All the studies on mono doensn't make it work for me. And what about CEE? Now there are supposed to be studies to say it does NOT work! Guess what? CEE worked for me. And a LOT of people. Supplement companies got chicken and pulled it out of there products because of a "study" and disregarded the results people were getting.

Small update: 7 workouts and DAA is rocking it for me. Hunger has really been an issue and is creeping up to Natadrol proportions. Full body pump is sweet. Strength is great every workout.


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Impossible. People are too different. How about all the studies validating Creatine Monohydrate? Guess what? It's worthless to me. Utterly worthless. No matter how much I take, mono does nothing for me. Does that make it bunk? All the studies on mono doensn't make it work for me. And what about CEE? Now there are supposed to be studies to say it does NOT work! Guess what? CEE worked for me. And a LOT of people. Supplement companies got chicken and pulled it out of there products because of a "study" and disregarded the results people were getting.

Small update: 7 workouts and DAA is rocking it for me. Hunger has really been an issue and is creeping up to Natadrol proportions. Full body pump is sweet. Strength is great every workout.
You really have to take heed when I guy like Paul, who responds to very little endorses a supp. Oh and I get nothing out of Creatine except for Size on for some odd reason and then only when I use it intra...
NutraPlanet CS

NutraPlanet CS

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Haha, I'm very much interested in the product PA is going to put out. I'm wondering what effects his product will have over the bulk DAA.
From my understanding, his version will be more bio-available. Don't quote me on this, but I think it will be a liquid version.
NutraPlanet CS

NutraPlanet CS

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Impossible. People are too different. How about all the studies validating Creatine Monohydrate? Guess what? It's worthless to me. Utterly worthless. No matter how much I take, mono does nothing for me. Does that make it bunk? All the studies on mono doensn't make it work for me. And what about CEE? Now there are supposed to be studies to say it does NOT work! Guess what? CEE worked for me. And a LOT of people. Supplement companies got chicken and pulled it out of there products because of a "study" and disregarded the results people were getting.

Small update: 7 workouts and DAA is rocking it for me. Hunger has really been an issue and is creeping up to Natadrol proportions. Full body pump is sweet. Strength is great every workout.
I agree. While Creatine Monohydrate does work very well for me, I don't like using it for it blows me up like a water ballon. And, CEE does work very well for me; it doesn't yield as much strength gains as the mono for me, but it does the trick very well, without nearly as much bloating.

Thanks for the update on the DAA! Please keep us posted.
NutraPlanet CS

NutraPlanet CS

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Maybe I'll mix DAA with carrot juice

then I'll have some calcium and it a liquid form:)
hmmmm...good idea! Please keep us posted on your experimenting! :)


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I've read that store bought carrot juice is "dead" due to all the processing / pasteurization and other stuff so it would have to be freshly juiced and I don't have a juicer.

I suppose I can eat a carrot or could just get some calcium chelate and mix the two powders

Curious to know what other recipes people are using to mix DAA powder.
pretty much noticed the dose being reported as 2 to 3 g / 2x day


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On the question of what to take it with, usually some type of fat helps with absorbtion. That is generally speaking, of course I'm no "expert".

As for one guys opinion, that doesn't sway me. The person behind the product Pat Arnold is what sways me towards purchasing. His knowledge is based of actual tests and facts. So one guy might not respond to it, so what?. The only way to find out if it works for you is to actually try it. If it doesn't work for you and you feel like you spent too much, maybe you should have purchased less. There is no need to go on an internet message board and complain about it. YOU may have wasted some money, get over it.

Thanks for negative reveiw "the face". I think I will head over to nutraplanet now and go purchase some to try it. You can bet though if it doesn't work for me I'm not gonna be on here complaining about it telling everyone its garbage because it didn't work for me.

•S: (n) opinion, sentiment, persuasion, view, thought (a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty) "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"

Sam I Am

Sam I Am

Thanks for negative reveiw "the face". I think I will head over to nutraplanet now and go purchase some to try it. You can bet though if it doesn't work for me I'm not gonna be on here complaining about it telling everyone its garbage because it didn't work for me.
Why is it that he cannot voice his opinion without you being a sarcastic little twit?


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I welcome his opinion on the DAA but I don't need some diatribe on how all the supplement companies and members of this forum conspire to rip us all off.

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